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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

James scooted closer to Akito as they entered the kitchen and he saw the scary man still there. The kitten nuzzled his friend's chest and whimpered a little bit more. "Then he should stay at home," he murmured softly, not really meaning it. "Thank you for cleaning up..." James felt a little braver when Akito was near him, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to get away quickly. He nodded that yes, he would like to leave and go home with Akito. Home was safe and being home would allow him to cuddle up with the man rather than sit across a table from him. "Yes, please."
Akito gave a simple little wave to Rune before making his way out of the restaurant. He slid an arm around his shoulders and hugged him to his form. He pressed a light kiss to his head and he began to walk forward and toward the house. He looked down at the kitten and sighed softly. "You can have ice cream when we get back home, all right?" he offered and then hugged him a little more. honestly, one would think that by now, they would be closer than friends, but Akito was always far too frightened to scare him off.
Yum. Ice cream. James nodded rather enthusiastically. He relaxed as they walked, enough so that he was no longer clinging to Akito but walking hand-in-hand with him instead. This was nice. The kitten fully enjoyed his time with Akito, especially the simple time spent like this. Of course, he couldn't be that lucky that a simple walk wouldn't end in disaster. A few of the local boys were walking towards them and began pointing and laughing at him, whispering (as if he couldn't hear them) about what a freak he was and what how nice it was for a man like Akito to take such pity on him. James' ears lowered a little and his tail wrapped around his right leg while he pulled away from Akito just a little more.
Akito heard the boys' words. Of course he did. It did not make him happy at all, either. He did not like that at all. He stopped and turned to stare at the group before turning back to the kitten-eared boy beside him. He remained silent for a moment before pulling him closer. He wrapped one arm around his hips and his other hand cupped the other's chin. Pulling him to his form, he pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He pulled back with a deep breath and smiled just a little bit more. Yea. He wanted to do that far too frequently beforehand. Course he could not do that, but oh how he had to right now. Show those stupid boys the James was his.
James was a bit shocked with the kiss. He stared a bit stupidly at Akito, curious as to what had just happened, and why he'd liked it as much as he had. The boys were in the background now, the kitten not aware of whether or not they had seen the kiss, or even acknowledged it. Really he didn't care either way. "Akito?"
Pulling back, he looked down at him with interest. A warm smile pulling to his lips before he leaned forward and rested his forehead against his own. Arms wrapped around his shoulders and he pulled him closer with a soft little sigh. He hugged him while chewing his lip slightly. "I'm ... not sorry. I just could not help it. I have wanted to do that for ... a long while." he whispered, pulling back to look down at him with interest to his features. he slid his hands to the other's and laced their fingers.
It took James a few minutes to process everything. But being so close to Akito felt very nice, and it was a bit distracting, too. "I... Why?" He couldn't fathom anyone wanting to do anything like that with him. He was just there to pleasure whoever had paid to have him. Looking up, the kitten studied Akito carefully, trying to figure it all out.
Akito pulled back a little bit to look down at the other, being sure he had heard him question it, and that he was not just hearing things. Why? "Why not?" he murmured back, but then just wound up pulling him closer into his chest, sighing heavily. "Because I have fallen for you, James." he said, resting his cheek on top of his head and his eyes fluttered closed as he did so. "I don't want anyone else to have you. I want to be yours. And you to be mine" obviously. "And I ... just adore everything about you. Your timid nature. The way you get so worked up when there are too many people around you. How you eat your ice cream. Everything." he pulled back and looked down at the kitten once more. "I have wanted you for ... many, many years now, but have waited because I did not want to risk giving you any more trauma or you not being ready but ... I think I have waited long enough."

With a deep breath, he took a small step back, his hands sliding to take a hold of his. "James, will you go out with me? On dates. Like boyfriends." Just to clarify. They already went out plenty of times, he just needed to be sure the kitten knew that he wanted it in a romantic way.
Boyfriend? James knew that other people-normal people-had boyfriends and girlfriends. But he was not normal. He was someone's whore. Well, that was still how he felt thought not because of how he was treated by Bohdi or Akito or Trevor or anyone else. It was just programmed into him from...well from his first memory and onward until he was left on Trevor's and Bohdi's doorstep. And while he was thinking about it, James wasn't sure if he liked boys or girls in that way. He liked Akito a lot and he felt very safe with him-being near the man made his stomach erupt into little butterflies. But he thought girls were rather pretty, too.

But what did that matter anyway? Akito liked him, and he liked Akito, and James truly believed that never in another million years would he find someone who made him feel as safe as Akito did and who liked him, too. The kitten looked up at the other man and nodded. "Yes."
Akito perked up. He agreed? His eyes sparkled and he instantly pulled the other closer into his chest, burying his face into the crook of his neck and he let out a soft sigh. "Thank you." He whispered, kissing his cheek a little bit more and he then settled the little kitten back onto the ground. his hands delicately cupped his chin and he leaned forward, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "And I do not ever want you to think you are not worthy of being with me. I know you, James ... If anything, you are too good for me."
James didn't really agree with Akito, but he didn't argue. The kitten just blushed profusely and ducked his head into the other man's chest to try and hide his tinged cheeks. They stayed like that for another minute or so and then he pulled back a little. He was still blushing when he leaned up and stole another kiss, which only deepened the shade of red that his cheeks were currently. He was happy, but the kitten side of him had a one track mind. "Can we get ice cream now?"
Akito blinked a few times before he grinned and nodded. "Of course." he stated and then bumped his hip softly against the other's. he chuckled and linked his arm with the kitten's hips and then gladly walked back toward his home. His hand slid down and along his form to link with the hand of the boy, just loving the contact far too much. Yes. It definitely was nice to be with the one he cared after, sought after, for far too long.
Apollo squeaked when the sponges hit him in his forehead. He watched them fall before looking over at the man. He remained silent for a few moments before walking over to where he was. He set Athena into his arms before picking both up and placing him , and his daugher, into the cart. "You can live with me. I have plenty of space." He stated and already began to make his way forward, planning on going home. the staff already knew him and just let him walk out with the things. He's overpaid far too many tiems for them to care about him taking a cartful of things home. That and ... they just did not want to ask.
"Put me down!" Loki wasn't impressed when he was put in the basket and he wasn't sure what he was going to do to the man once they stopped. When they did, he reached up and smacked the back of the man's head. "Don't do that!" Grumbling, he handed the baby over to her mother and headed for his own car. "We will sit down and go over my duties when we reach your home. I have a feeling I will be a nanny for two."
Nanny for two? he looked at the male, his daughter cuddling into him once more. She really was not liking that he continued to give her to different people. He stared at the other, following him to the car. "But ... I only have one child." he stated, lashes batting cluelessly against hist pale cheeks. He stared at him, just not sure about the whole thing right now. "You're Athena's nanny."
Sighing, Loki turned to the man. "But you seem to need taking care of as well," he pointed out. It was clear by this point that beating around the bush wasn't going to get him anywhere with this man. "I will follow you to your house and then we will sit down and discuss what my duties shall be, and Athena's schedule, allergies, favorite foods and toys and the like." Thinking for a moment to see if he'd forgotten anything, the brunette nodded when he decided that he hadn't...until he went to get into his car. " have a car seat for your daughter, don't you?"
Apollo parted his lips, about to say something but he stopped when the other began to state what they would do. He looked at the girl before once more back to the male across from him. "No. We walked." He stated, smiling down at the girl and bouncing her a few times in his arms. He kised the top of her head before looking once more back to the male.
"You...walked." Loki really was confused. "And how were you going to get the cart full of groceries home?" Shaking his head, the brunette popped the trunk and began to load the groceries into it. "Get in. Buckle up tight, too." He sighed a little and shook his head once more, unsure of what he'd just gotten himself into.
Apollo tilted his head to the side. "With the cart." he stated simply and then moved over to the passenger's side. He buckled up and then rested the girl on his lap, a warm smile to his lips before he gasped. "YOUR CARRIER!" he jumped out of the car and scurried into the market in quite the frazzled way. He replaced her into the carrier and then took up the groceries he needed - things that were mostly for the girl. Few things for himself, but not much. He paid quickly and then ran back out to the car, the girl in one hand and bags in the other.
Loki could only shake his head. That poor girl would wind up seriously messed up if left to the devices of her mother. When they returned, he took the carrier from Apollo and strapped it into the back seat securely. He followed the other man's directions to the house and then took the little girl and a few bags of groceries into the house. After everything was put away and Athena was happily playing in her playpen, the brunette sat at the table and beckoned his new "boss" to do the same.
Apollo pouted. Why was he taking his daughter? His brows furrowed and he followed the other into his house, taking the rest of the bags that were left there. He put the things away and happily set the one month old down to play with her toys, smiling lightly as he did so. He then turned to go to where the other was, sitting as instructed and he remained silent while he waited to hear just what the other was going to tell him to do.
Without missing a beat, or beating around the bush, Loki began to outline his requirements for the job. Tuesdays and Wednesdays off, his days would begin when Athena woke in the morning and end when she fell asleep at night. He would get her on a set schedule if she wasn't already, do the food shopping with them so as to insure that the girl did not go missing when Apollo's brain did, be responsible for feeding and bathing and clothing the girl while he was "on duty". He would set up play dates with other children in the area to socialize her and perhaps Apollo with other parents.

"Any questions? Concerns?"
Apollo thought for a moment, his brows furrowing as he did so. "But ... Athena has Uncle Batty's baby to play with. She does not need ... weird babies." He stated, pouting a little bit as he stared at the man before he thought for a moment more. "I do not mind ... but Athena and I like to watch My Fair Weddings on Fridays, so she has to be able to stay up for that." He stated with a nod and then glanced over at the girl happily playing in the pen there. She really was adorable. "OH! And and and and annnnd!" He turned to him, eyes fluttering over to the other's. "Will you be available to watch while I go out?"
"Babies," he informed Apollo, "need more than one baby to play with. She needs to make friends. She will play with other local children." Loki nodded at the decision and thought about what the other man had said. "It depends on what time the program is on. If it is past nine then it's not healthy for her to stay up so late while she's so young. And I think that, perhaps, you should focus on your daughter rather than going out to meet men at this stage in her life." After another minute, the brunette relented. He was, after all, a nanny not an advice giver.

"Yes, I will watch Athena when you go out if I am given twenty-four hours notice before hand that you plan on going out. If you tell me last minute I may not be available."
Apollo tilted his head to the side in question. "Men? I don't want to meet men." He stated, his brows furrowing in confusion as he did so. "Aries and I had plans to go out to dinner tomorrow and I did not want to bother him with Athena. He loves her, but ... how did he put it? OH! She's a cock-block.' He nodded in confirmation of the words then turned to look back at him, beaming a bit more. "AND Danny. Danny needs to come too to get laid." He loved his nephew. He really, really did. He was great to be around and fun and all sorts of entertaining.
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