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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jillian moved to the chair, gladly sitting down with the food in his hands. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested the tea on one table and the sandwich on his lap. "Jilian." He stated, looking over at him and shrugging. "You can call me Jill." He stated, not really minding the name. It was always nice when with Jack. Jack and Jill ... and one would think Jack would be Jill, but that only made it more fun. "I was born before Jack, after Demetri.' he clarified and shrugged his shoulders a bit.
Nodding, Caden cemented that information into his mind for future reference. "How are your brothers?" he asked, digging around his slightly break-up-foggy mind for a conversation topic. "They moved to Australia, didn't they?" Well two of them had...Caden just couldn't remember which two, exactly, had moved. He was pretty sure Jack had, though.
Jilian nodded to his words. "Yea. Jackie and Dario went to Australia. They are both doing well. From what I've heard." he added the last bit, just not sure on Dario, more about his littler brother. He really was very close with Jack, more so than Demetri. Yet, Jack and Dario were always closer than he was with the other. He pushed the thoughts aside and then lifted his eyes to look over at the male, tilting his head to the side with interest.

"Something is wrong." He said simply, chocolate pools keeping to the man's eyes. "You're hurting.' He stated, pointblank, and defintiely no way to deny his words.
"An empath. Just my luck." The words were said with a soft little smile, and no malice behind them. In fact, he was a bit bemused. The blond shrugged, not one to really deny his feelings anyway, if asked about them. "A breakup is all. Nothing I haven't gone through before." Caden's smile brightened a little, to convince the male across from him that he really was okay, if not a bit sad. "What are you up to these days?" he asked. Caden found it easier to deflect the conversation before it became down right depressing.
Jillian lifted his shoulders into a nonchalant shrug at the other's statement. He was, but that did not mean much. He sipped his tea softly while he watched the other avoid his own feelings. He closed his eyes and sipped some more of the tea. "If it makes you feel any better, you do not love him in the same way you once had." He stated, eyes lifting to look at him, the hues briefly flickering a caramel, versus his normal chocolate-hue. "I have been helping Mother and Father out in Prometheus. I am teaching one of the classes."
Caden shrugged. In reality, he wasn't really sure that he had loved Eamon at all. He'd not been in love, anyway. And perhaps it was that reason that they were now not seeing each other, but still decent friends. Shaking his head, the blond smiled at the other man. "Oh? That's nice. Which class?" He was interested, truly. Jill seemed nice and it would be nice to have a platonic friend who he could chat with and not worry about the complications of a relationship.
Jillian nodded. "it is nice." He commented, sipping some more of his tea while he listened to the other. He set back a little more in the chair and said a simple, "Sexual Education" in response to the question posed. He draped his right leg over his left, not really thinking how strange it was for him to be teaching that. At his parents' school. He was pretty good at it too. The kids never giggled or anything and well, that was always better than having a class of giggling fools. Then again, he was a tad scary when he wanted to be. That and no one wanted the empath to pick them out of the class and say 'look who's horny'.
That...was not what he had been expecting to hear. The answer rendered Caden speechless for a few seconds to let it sink in. Somehow, he picked up on the last bit of Jill's thoughts. "That's one hell of a class to be an empath in." He smiled and sipped his coffee, pulling his legs up under him. "I'm sure your Uncle Rune especially finds the humor in that, no?"
Jillian blinked a few times and gave a nod to his words. "I have Uncle Rune come in and talk some times. It ... tends to scare them when they realize he had three kids all at once. I would as Mother to, but he is busy more than Uncle Rune." He stated and then shrugged, sipping his tea a little more and then looked over at him. "He does find the humor though, yes. He tries to make a contest with me to see who can find the ... how does he put it? 'horny bastard' in the group?"
That sounded like Rune. Caden shook his head a bit at the information and let it go. There would be no changing Rune, even if it was in the best interest of the children. "Perhaps you can invite Pierce?" he offered with a little shrug. "You can scare the children out of sex by parading around someone who carried and birthed eight babies at once." Besides that, Pierce would bring the twins and Relic would love to have his children back into his house, even if only for a week. "Or perhaps Gabriel-he wasn't aware that he was able to get pregnant and yet...did."
Jillian blinked his long lashes a few times. Pierce? Oh. That would be a very, very good example. He tapped his fingers upon the tea he held, thinking to himself and basically already beginning to plan everything out in his head about what he would do. Yes. He really liked that idea. "Yes. I think I shall. Pierce would be a very good example. Even if they are not the ones ... Then the fright of suddenly being the parent of eight. Yes. That will work." He nodded and then turned to the other. "Thank you.' he said simply, keeping his eyes to the male with interest to his features.

"Have you made any acquaintances in Italy?"
Acquaintances? He shrugged. "A few, I suppose. None that I would call to spend a day out, though." He couldn't explain why he felt this way about the few friends that he had, but Caden just never thought to call them to go out and vice versa. They never called him, either. "It's also a little difficult to explain to some why I have to see my brother a couple times a week..." If the person was not 'gifted', then explaining that you're a vampire because your exboyfriend flew into a jealous rage one night and turned you was a bit...awkward.
Jillian listened to the other and nodded a bit, truly understanding the other. "I can see the hassle. It is difficult to have friends when you can tell what they are feeling. It is worse to try and have a boyfriend." he sighed softly, his eyes briefly getting quite the hurt look within them while they fluttered to the cup within his hands. His thumb trailed over the cup and he tried to be sure he was not too distracted with his thoughts before he looked back up at the man across from him.

"There are many who think having powers or being different would be the best thing ... But they do not understand. It is nice sometimes, but it is not nice when one is ostracized or judged because of it. I believe that is why most 'different' people choose another 'different' person. My parents are very happy with each other, though I am sure Mother would love to stab my father.' He sighed softly at the thought, sinking into the chair a little bit more. Yes. He really had the worst of luck with relationships. It never really worked out. Any time he had tried to.
He'd not really thought of the difficulties an empath might face in a relationship. But he supposed that being the object of someone's anger, while being able to literally feel that anger would be tiring and hurtful. He nodded in agreement. "It's nice to not have to hide who you are for fear of losing the one you've come to love," Caden agreed, setting the empty coffee mug on the table between them. You never knew how anyone who wasn't from a gifted family might react. "It's hard, for vampires I mean...once your significant other finds out why you're seeing your brother so often, they flip out with the thought that they're 'next'."
Jillian nodded, his eyes lifting to the other and he sighed softly. "It is. Fear is a very strong emotion. Too many feel it with just the slightest thing they do not understand. Even if you were to explain to the significant other you go to your brother so that you do not turn on them, their fear takes over and does not let their mind think logically." He slowly sipped the rest of his tea, placing it beside the other's cup and he then draped his arms over his lower torso, sinking into the chair a little more.

"Anger is worse. There are so many degrees of it, and so many directions that it flows. When uncle Rune is upset, I cannot be near him. His emotions are terribly strong. Not just his anger, but his love as well. It ... is very vibrant when he is with Uncle Calder." he sighed softly, eyes closing for a few more moments before they lifted to flutter up to Caden. "Apologies. I was getting into my head again."
He nodded. "Rune is a very passionate person, no matter how he denies it." Anyone who wasn't legally blind could see that man's love for his husband and his children. They sat in silence for a few moments. Caden wasn't sure what to say, really. He understood how difficult it was to be around two people who were so in love when you yourself couldn't find someone to feel that way about. It happened to him just after Raphael left, and it still happened occasionally when he was near Tanner and Relic. But even so, there were no words that would make that feeling go away.

"Are you looking for a relationship?" he asked. It wasn't an offer, but simply part of the conversation.
Jillian lifted his eyes to the other, having been lost in his own thoughts for a while. He remained silent before he sighed. "That is ... difficult to answer.' he commented, tapping his fingers against his toned torso as he tried to formulate his response. "I am looking for relationships, yes. Romantic or friendly, really. I would love to find someone who could actually love me in return, but it ... is hard to find one who does when you know how they feel. When you know when they lie to you. When they truly do not love you. When they hate you. When ... they cannot stand the mere sight of you."

"But I am not looking. I wish to find someone, but I do not need romance. I would like friendship ... but even that seems to be difficult."
He nodded his understanding, studying Jilian from across the table. "Are your powers like your mother's?" he asked, truly curious. "What I mean is, Tomias can choose to not read someone's thoughts and so I was curious to know if you're able to turn your empathy off when you need to?" He supposed it was a stupid question after he asked it. Surely Jill would have thought of doing something like that when he first realized it would be a problem in his relationships. But the question had been asked and there was no taking it back.
Jillian shook his head. "It is not a stupid question." he clarified, his eyes fluttering to the other's and staying there for right now. "I cannot turn it off and on like my Mother can. I have tried, but it does not work when I need it to." He sighed softly and he closed his eyes at the thought. "I do not know what I would be if I could turn this off. I am so very used to feeling everyone else around me that I can never think about how I would be if I turned it off." He opened his eyes, staring at his hands in his lap while he twiddled his thumbs. "I will admit ... I am worried that the emotions I feel are only that of others. If the love I were to ever have for someone else ... Would it be my feelings or just theirs flooding into me? I know I have my own emotions. The worry is mine. The pain I feel is mine. But the only ones I love are my family ... And love is such a tricky emotion."
That was something else that Caden had never thought about. He nodded as he thought about it. And he had no answer, really. He hadn't ever really known someone who was an empath before. "How do you decipher if the pain and worry is your own?" he asked, curious. "How do you feel when someone is angry at you? Wouldn't it be the same, then, for love?" They were both strong emotions and perhaps Jilian used a technique for one that he hadn't thought about using for the other.
Jillian lifted his eyes to look at the other and he sighed softly. "The emotions stay with me. And constantly come back. I know that come tomorrow, I will still be worried that I will not know. When I feel another's emotions, it feels the same as when I feel my own emotions. Yes, it is different, but with anger and love -- the stronger emotions -- It is more difficult to tell. Worry and pain are weaker than the others. Love is a wonderful thing. When I am with Uncle Rune and Uncle Calder, it feels so good to be with them. I can feel all their emotions bubbling up inside and it feels so ... so very nice. But then ... The more time I spend with the two, the more I start to feel what Uncle Rune does for Uncle Calder. I start to feel like Uncle Calder is my love. It ... is very strange to want my Uncle in that way." He admitted, eyes slipping closed as he did so.

"And when Uncle Rune is angry, it makes me angry as well. I feel the buildup and the need to hurt those that ever dared to hurt one Uncle Rune loves. I want to punch someone, to hurt them, show them just how horrible they are."
"Then perhaps you need to spend time away from your interest," Caden suggested. "If you are so effected by emotions of others, then time away from those who are feeding you the emotions would be a healthy thing-it would allow you to find and feel your own before being influenced by someone else's." It seemed logical, though maybe impractical. Spending a few days away from the person you think you may be interested in dating might send the wrong signal to the other person if they were unaware of Jilian's differences.
Jillian thought for a moment and then gave him a simple little nod. "Yes. That could potentially work.' he stated, lashes batting against his cheeks as he thought for a little while more about it. "Not that it will matter as of right now. I ... have already scared off the one I liked." He admitted and then closed his eyes for another moment. His eyes then lifted to look at the man, staring at him for a bit more before he gave a little bow of his head. "Thank you, Caden. It ... does help." He stated simply and then kept his eyes to him, head tilted to the side with a bit of curiosity to his form.

"Are you sure you do not wish to speak about your pains?"
"Hmm? Oh. They're not much to worry about." Caden smiled at Jilian, though he knew that even if he were lying there would be no point in attempting to conceal how he was feeling. "I'm hurt, but I will survive it. I have survived worse." Another smile before he stood. "Would you like another cup of tea?" He needed something to drink... Perhaps iced coffee this time. "A pastry?'
Jillian looked down at his empty tea cup and then looked over at the male. "No thank you." He said simply, watching him while he turned to leave. He crossed his arms over his lower torso, remaining silent while he watched him. He glanced around, perking up at he saw one of the other patrons standing to begin making his way toward Caden to, well, hit on him. He watched the other, quite intrigued as to how he was going to go about that. honestly, he was tempted to save him, but maybe it was what Caden needed?

The male, who was quite good-looking, made his way over to the blond, a smile pulling charmingly onto his lips. "Hello. I couldn't help but to notice you sitting over there... Talking with your nephew. I was wondering if you would let me buy you a coffee?"
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