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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

After his emotions were under control, Caden went in search for Jilian. He found the note after searching through the entire rest of the house and decided to leave one of his own rather than go in search of the male. He penned that he had headed back to Italy to see Tanner and he would be back in a little bit. With a change of clothes, the blond left the island for Italy. It was best this way-that way they wouldn't have to worry about ruining their friendship over his..."condition".
It was a little while later that Jilian returned to the cabin, seeing the note and sighing softly. At least now he could get his emotions straight. Sighing once more, he made his way into his bedroom. Drying off and just crawling his naked form into bed. He needed to sleep for a while. A long while. Maybe until he was sure that this would all be sorted out.
Caden took the night and spent it with his brother. He knew instinctively that Jilian needed time to get his own head on straight. The emotions that ran between them had been strong, and there was no way anyone could forget about them in just an afternoon. He didn't want anything to be awkward between them when he returned.

After saying goodbye to Tanner and Relic, the blond returned to Avalon, much more calm. He put the blood packs in the fridge after being sure it was cold, and then called out for his friend. "Jilian?"
Jilian was very relieved for the day to himself. It got him to be so much more content. He perked up when he heard his name. Poking his head around the corner of the French doors. He was out on the front porch ... and colored in many, many different colors of paints. 'Over here, Caden.' he said simply to hte other before turning to go back to the painting of the ocean in front of him he was working on. A little more abstract than real, but it was still very lovely.
Raising an eyebrow to the paint that was splattered over the man, Caden followed him outside. It made sense when he saw the painting, and the blond stood behind Jilian to observe a bit. "I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye," he offered after a few minutes. "I thought it was best to let you get your emotions straight without me around..."
Jilian nodded. "I understand.' He stated, adding a few more details before he turned to the other, flicking some paint at his cheek. "I did not mind. Honest. I understand why you did it. We both cleared our heads, correct?"
"Yes," he answered, reaching forward and smearing more paint over the brunette's cheek playfully. "How about some dinner?" he suggested, changing the subject quickly to a safer one. "With real food," he elaborated, laughing a little. "You can get cleaned up and I'll cook something?" He'd suggest going out but...well that was one of the downfalls of staying on a deserted island. "I think I brought the stuff to make pizzas?"
Jilian blinked a few times when his cheek was smeared once more. Well, worse. He thought about the idea of dinner and nodded. "Pizza sound delicious." He stated and then stood up from the chair. He took his brush, plopping it onto the other's nose before he gave him a smile and then rushed off to go clean his supplies and then take a shower to get truly cleaned up.
He thought for a moment before he nodded to the other's words. He looked up at him, thinking about it for a moment and then nodded to his words. "Yes. That soudns very nice." He stated, smiling a little more while he held onto him with a soft sigh. He linked their fingers together while he let the other lead the way to his apartment. He had yet to go to his apartment and he was very interested to see what it would look like.
Rune had had far too much enjoyment ravaging his lover on every surface he could manage to reach on the whole of Avalon. He really could not think of somewhere that he did not at least pin the blond to. Yea. This trip was definitely needed for them both. Calder for being completely deprived for almost three months and himself for being under that pesky potion and oh. He hated the fact that he cheated on his husband, spell or not. It drove him crazy -- which only motivated him ever more to ravage the gorgeous blond he married.

Collapsing beside him on the bed, the ravenette turned and buried his face into his husband's side with a little whimper. "I don't want to go back." He stated, arms wrapping around his form and he pulled his love close to his form.

"MAMA!" Came Lucius' voice from the beach and seconds later, he was bursting in through the door and huffing as he did so. "SevvyandIare tryingtoadoptthisadorableboyandthestupidagencyisgivingusahardtime! MAKE THEM STOP!" He yelled, finally taking a breath as he came to a stop by the two on the bed. His hands balled into fists at his sides as he continued to stare down at the two -- not even caring they were naked. Nothing new.
Calder couldn't remember when sex had made him feel this. It was a mixture of contentment and excitement and lust and love. He curled into Rune's side and sighed happily, holding onto him around his waist like if he let go, Rune would get up and leave. That was ridiculous of course, but the grip that he had on his husband gave Calder a little extra feeling of security. "Then call your brother and tell him that we're not." Really, he didn't care at the moment. The blond would have stayed on their island forever... If their son hadn't shown up. The blond groaned and listened to Lucius while burying his face into Rune's neck.
Rune groaned as well, listening to Lucius babble incoherently. He buried his face into the top of his love's blond locks, hearing him and he grumbled a little more. Damn. "There goes that plan.' He mumbled before he rolled onto his back, pulling Calder with him to be sure that he was not leaving his side. At all. Staring up at their son, he rolled his eyes at the patheticness the blond was giving them. "FINE" He cursed a few times and kissed Calder's head, hugging him tighter to his form. "Just ... go downstairs. I'll ... go back with you." he grumbled and burrowed into his love with a growl. "Stupid brats. How dare they use my love to help them." He mumbled into his husband's flesh and nuzzling him a little bit more.
Calder whined a little when Rune agreed to go. It wasn't that he didn't want to help their sons. He just didn't want to help them right now. Couldn't they wait a week or four?? The blond leaned up and kissed Rune, drawing it out into a passionate embrace, trying to keep his husband in the bed for as long as he possibly could manage. Lucius would wait for them...or he'd walk in on them and get an eyefull that no child needs or wants.
Rune leaned into the other's kiss, pressing closer to the male and gladly letting his hand travel over his husband's hip. Pulling him closer with a firm grip on his rear and pressing their bodies together. He kissed him for a while before pulling back with even still more kisses. "Twenty." kiss "four" kiss "Hours" he stated before pulling away with a deep breath and looking down at him, the utter love he had for him easily shown within his features as he stared at the man. "I'll go fix the stupid issue. Then we will be here for the next three months. Just you and me. No need to worry about stupid shit and other people. Kay?"
"more than you know." he growled, raking his teeth down and along his neck, easily drawing the blood as he scraped along his flesh. "We have a new grandchild." he stated with another little growl, far too annoyed to say more than that.
"Oh?" Calder leaned into the pain, whimpering gleefully from what his husband was inflicting upon him. "You didn't like my pictures?" He hadn't said anything about them, and so Calder simply had to assume that they weren't appreciated...right? The blond raked his fingers up the man's back, pulling their bodies closer together while his hips pressed up into his lover's. They could talk about their grandchild later.
Rune arched a brow as he stared down at the other. "You mean the source of my hard-on while in a little kid's store? Mm. Yea. Did not like them... At the time." he growled out before forcefully bucking into the other and easily going about ravaging his love. All his frustrations that were pent up from the flight here and ugh. Everything else just came out on the other.
Calder pouted mid-moan. "I liked them..."

They went like that for several more hours, until both were completely exhausted physically. Calder couldn't even think about moving. Even breathing was a chore at the moment. He laid with his head on Rune's chest and an arm slung around his waist. "So. New grandchild?" He wasn't sure the words fully formed...that would mean moving his mouth and tongue. But hopefully his husband would get the drift.
Rune nodded with a little groan. He leaned forward and nuzzled into the other's neck with a little purr. "Mm." he murmured softly, arms wrapping around the other's hips and he pulled him closer to his form. "Luci and Sev got a little baby. Well. okay. he's five." he mumbled and bit the side of his love. "He's adorable. He's a hermaphrodite." he added in a little mumble and nuzzled into the man's form a bit more. "Little blond thing. He likes women's clothes but being called boy. I like him."
Calder nodded, groaning as he did. Oh, that was a mistake. "Relic'll love him more," the blond challenged softly with a little chuckle. Oh, his brother-in-law would have a field day making clothes for the little boy, especially if he enjoyed playing a model for his uncle. "Name?" he asked, pressing a little kiss to Rune's chest. "What had Lucius all upset?" He'd gotten the jist of it but, really, Calder had been more focused on keeping Rune in bed at that moment than listening to their son.
"Blaise." He said softly, kissing along his chest a few more times and finally settling against him with a soft little sigh. "The adoption agency was trying to tell them to not adopt him since he was 'different' and blah blah blah." he rolled his eyes before holding his love a little closer. He relaxed against the male, fingers trailing up and along the other's side with a little growl. "You'll have to meet him soon."
"At the end of the month," Calder muttered softly. He was looking forward to spending the month on the island with his husband without interruptions. At least they'd better not have any interruptions. He wasn't really looking forward to killing anyone, but he would if they decided to invade their space on the island during that time. The blond yawned and stretched out his limbs with a groan. "Maybe I'll have to text you like that more often..."
Rune arched a brow and let out a little chuckle. "You really shouldn't." he stated simply and nipped at the other's neck once more. "Only if I'm not in a children's clothing store." he warned, kissing along his form a little more and nodded. "End of the month." He agreed and nipped his flesh again.
The month passed. By the end of it, Calder was happy once again. And completely limping. Then again, it seemed as if his husband was, too. The blond linked his arm through Rune's as they headed for the plane with their stuff to return to civilization. He wasn't particularly looking forward to the flight-the blond was feeling a little queezy, though he put that off to not having eaten or slept properly in the past month. Besides, he could sleep on the flight using his lover's lap as his pillow, of course.
Rune let out a groan as he moved onto the plane with his husband, He honestly did not feel well either. He did not like that at all. He rested his hand on his stomach and he trailed his fingers through his love's hair. "I think we ate something ... or not enough..." he murmrued, looking down at him and leaning down to kiss the top of his head. "We'll get saltines when we land."
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