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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Calder nodded, pressing a kiss to Rune's cheek. "And bed. I'm exhausted...more than I should be, anyway." He groaned and collapsed into one of the seats, automatically reclining it to sleep for the journey home. He slept, though fitfully, until they touched down and he groaned when the car jumped to a start. Couldn't they have just landed in the front yard instead? The minute they got through the door, Calder dropped their bags and made a beeline for the bedroom, collapsing into the bed.
Rune sighed softly. He pulled the bags up into his arms and made his way through the house behind his husband. Dropping the bags in the corner, he crawled into bed with him with a little yawn. "We'll sleep ... Then go see our grandchild. I'm sure he'll love you." He yawned out and yanked the sheets up and over their forms, nuzzling into the other with a yawn. Sleep sounded SO nice right now.
Calder heard nothing. He'd passed out the minute he hit the mattress. The blond slept...and slept for a full day. He was just so tired that he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed. But after realizing how long he'd slept, Calder forced himself up out of bed. He'd just gotten over being sick and he wasn't going to be sick again! The blond shuffled downstairs and got himself a glass of water, sipping on it. The thought of food made his stomach roll uncomfortably.
Rune slowly made his way into the kitchen behind his love. He wrapped his arms around him with a soft little sigh. "We'll walk to the boys' house. The fresh air should do us some good." he stated, kissing his cheek and hugging the man a little bit more. He kissed his lips before resting his chin on top of his shoulder. "Kay?"
"Does 'walk' mean you'll carry me?" he asked, only half serious. The blond nodded. Rune was right, of course. "I need to shower first...well, take a bath. I don't think I could stand for a shower yet." He gave a soft 'ugh' and then made the long trip upstairs to the bathroom and began to run himself a bath. He didn't want their grandson's first memory of him to be that he stank!
After both showered, Rune gladly made his way out of the house with his love. If they were still tired on the way back, he would just get a cab to bring them back. He kissed the man once more before lacing their fingers and continuing through the town with a little sigh. "The boy is adorable. You'll definitely love him." He said, smiling a little more while he kissed his husband a few more times.
Calder leaned into Rune's side as they walked. He had to admit that he felt a little better now that he was clean and out in the fresh air. He hoped that the walk would make him feel better still so that he could greet his new grandson properly. He wanted to hold him and play with him, not just wave with a green tinted face!
Making his way to their sons' house, he knocked and then took a step back. He heard a little bit of whispered words before the adorable blond haired, crimson-eyed, boy came to the door. An adorable pink skirt and white long sleeved shirt on his form. He blushed faintly as he looked up at the two. "Hi. Um ... Welcome. yes?" He asked, turning to the side and looking at the blond that was there, seeing him nod and he perked up to turn and look at the two. "Welcome."

Rune smiled warmly. "Nice job, Blaise." he said softly before seeing Lucius.

The pink-haired male grinned as he took a hold of his son's shoulders and took a step back with him to look at his parents. "Come in, Mama and Papa." He stated and then kissed the top of Blaise's head. "You already met your grandma ... The blond is your grandpa."
The little boy was adorable. Calder smiled at him when he opened the door, watching his reaction closely. "Hello Blaise," he greeted as they entered the house. The blond kissed his son's cheek and hugged Severus, who had walked into the fray of the greetings just then. "Your uncle will fall in love," he laughed a little before coming down to the little boy's height. "Your skirt is very pretty. Did you pick it out?"
Blaise watched the other, his fingers curling around the pants that his Father wore, not really comfortable with lots of people yet. He still had a slight paranoia that he was going to be taken away from his parents. "Yes. We went shopping and they let me pick out what I want." he stated, smiling warmly as he turned to look at his grandparents, smiling warmly. "Mommy let me pick out what I want." He stated with a happy nod.

Rune smiled and wrapped an arm around Severus' shoulders, patting his shoulder gently. "And don't think I haven't seen my credit card bill." He stated and then kissed the other's cheek before he turned to look down at the boy and smiled a few more. "I don't mind. For him? It's fine."
Calder laughed. That bill had shocked the hell out of him when they'd gotten it until they really looked at it and realized who had made the purchases and why. He nodded to the little boy and patted his shoulder. "Well your mommy and daddy did a good job of helping you pick out pretty clothes." Severus beamed and then flushed at his mother's comment on the bill.

"You just...left. We would have asked for permission if you hadn't." Shaking his head a little, the brunette reached forward and closed the door. "Lets have brunch." With the mention of food, Calder turned a little green and had to hold onto Rune to stand up.

"I think I'll stick with tea..."
Rune rolled his eyes. "NOT my fault." he growled out before he wrapped an arm around Calder, kissing his temple before he moved with his children to the kitchen. He sat down, pulling his husband to sit on the chair beside him. He sighed heavily, eyes closing as he did so.

Blaise quickly hurried after his Mother, moving over to him and tugging at his shirt. He waited for the other to lean down and whispered a soft "Grandma and Grandpa ... Their bellies are glowing." he stated, long lashes batting against his pale cheeks as he fussed with the fabric of his mother's shirt.
Severus was concerned about his father's apparent green tint, but he seemed okay enough to walk and his mother wasn't too worried. He figured that he'd just eaten something bad. He set to making a light breakfast of toast and eggs, and tea for his Papa when he felt the tug of the hem of his shirt. Leaning down, Severus listened to Blaise. He couldn't help laughing at the news, biting his bottom lip to try and hide it. "Oh? What color?"
Blaise glanced over at the two men and then returned back to the male beside him. "Um ... White." he stated, toying with the front of his Mother's shirt a little bit more. "The glows are bright but um ... not the same glow as Grandma and Grandpa."
He snorted again and kissed the boy's cheek. "Why don't we tell Grandma and Grandpa?" he suggested. Severus stood up and then lifted the little boy onto his hip, not sure how his parents (specifically Rune) would take the news of glowing bellies. Severus, for one, was quite amused! "Mama. Papa. I think Blaise has something he'd like to tell you." The brunette turned to his son and gave his cheek a little kiss. "Go on, sweetheart."
Blaise wrapped his arms around the man's neck as he was brought to the kitchen with him. He looked over at his grandparents before blushing and turning to look back at Severus. He fussed a little bit with his shirt before he spoke. "Um ... Your bellies are glowing... White. They're different than your other glow..." He stated, looking at his Mother for confirmation that what he did was good.
Severus nodded and kissed his son again, watching for reactions out of the corner of his eye.

Glowing? Glows? Calder paled just a little bit. "Whose belly is glowing, sweetheart?" he asked, gripping Rune's hand tighter. He was hoping it was Rune. It was easier to take care of his husband rather than be pregnant himself. At least he assumed so anyway.
Blaise looked at his Grandfather, blinking a few times as he did so. "Both of you." He stated, long lashes fluttering against his cheeks with a bit of a lost look to his features. He had thought he told him it was both. Maybe he was wrong.

Rune stared at the boy for a moment before he turned to look at his husband. A smirk pulling to his lips as he suddenly let out quite the loud bark of a laugh. "HAH! You're pregnant!" He let out another little laugh before his head fell forward and onto the table with a whimper. "And shut up. I know I am too."
Groaning, Calder's head fell forward onto Rune's shoulder. Of course the boy hadn't misspoken. Of course they were both pregnant. At the same time. He looked up and glared at Severus who was laughing. "Be quiet. Or I'll perform the spell on you!" That shut his son up quite quickly, and Calder went back to whimpering against his husband. "Pregnant?"
Rune straightened and cupped his love's chin, leaning toward him. "Sweetie. I had three. You can deal with having one." He stated, patting the other's cheek and then kissed his lips before he turned to look at Severus, arching a brow as he did so. "and you. Stop getting so much pleasure out of this." he stated, glancing over at Lucius who was giggling in his own right. "You too. Or else we will be staying with you two for the next nine months."
Setting Blaise down, Severus smartly kept his mouth shut and went back to tend to breakfast, adding some lean ham into the frying pan. His parents would be needing protein. He set the plates onto the table soon after and served his parents without any questions. "You need to eat. No arguments."
Rune lifted his head to look at the food, sighing heavily. "Little brat." He murmured before he pulled the plate closer. He poked at the food before taking a bite of the food.

Blaise made his way over to his Father, crawling onto his lap and he rested against him, nuzzling into his neck a little bit before he sighed softly. He relaxed against him and then smiled at the food placed in front of him. "Thank you, Mommy." he said softly and he began to dig into the food.
Apollo turned on his heel and headed over to where the two were. he smiled warmly and took up the ggirl once mkore. He held her against his chest and turned to look at the nanny once more. "Let's head to lunch." He stated and then began to make his way out of the courtroom, bouncing his baby girl a few times, hearing her laugh and just be utterly giddy about being with her daddy. He really was a happy thing right now. He never got the chance to have his daughter with him at work. Then again, he never really had been to work before Loki came along.
They were pregnant. Six months, to be exact. And Jupiter had been so kind as to tell his husband that he was on bedrest until delivery. Calder groaned as he shuffled upstairs with that day's mail and lunch for them both. Maybe they should hire a maid for the next three months. At this point, he wouldn't mind bedrest, either! Settling on the bed with the tray, the blond sifted through the mail, handing over Rune's credit card bill to him without a second thought.
Rune took up the mail, grumbling a little bit. he hated being on bedrest. It was positively evil. He needed to be up and about and DO things. He grumbled a little more before he opened up the bill. Looking over everything until a loud "WHAT THE FUCK" came out of his mouth. Looking at the extended notes on the items that were bought, his anger only grew. "Why the FUCK is there over HALF a million goddamned dollars charged to MY card for ... ONE fucking thing!?" He looked over everything a bit more before holding it to his husband "DO YOU SEE THIS?!"
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