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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Watching his love walk off, he arched a brow before groaning. Hoisting his brother off, he plopped him on Tanner's lap then turned to make his way to the back of the bus. Sliding behind his love, arms wrapped around the other's hips and he pulled him against his form. "When I did not care about our relationship, Calder. When I just wanted to get laid and have pleasure and fun." He stated, hugging him a little more and pressed a few kisses to the side of his neck, resting his chin onto the other's shoulder now. "I would not exchange you for the ..." He thought for a moment and his brows furrowed slightly. "I can't even think of anything I would give you up for. Ever. Stupid man." he sighed, sinking against him a little more.
His eyes closed and Calder leaned back into his husband. "I know," he whispered. He did know. It was just that his imagination got away from him sometimes with some of the things that his husband said. "I do know," he repeated, leaning his head back to nuzzle at his lover's cheek a bit. He knew what Rune had been like before meeting him, and even while they were first sleeping together, but Calder liked to just pretend that none of that really happened, honestly. He kissed the man's cheek and then pulled away to finish dressing their daughter.
"Good." He stated, seeing Bellatrix wiggling still and he sighed heavily. Stepping beside him, he took a hold of the girl's torso and gently bumped his husband to the side. "Let Mama dress you." He said simply, watching the girl stare at him before giggling and sitting still to let the clothes be put onto her form. He kissed her head when she was all set, scooping her up and holding her against his chest simply.
Calder stuck his tongue out at both of them. "Fine. Be that way. See who's my favorite!" He was teasing, of course, but the little girl wouldn't know the difference anyway. Turning, he lifted Neville out of his bassinet and held him to his chest, where he sighed and settled happily. Calder stuck his tongue out at Rune and Bella once more before turning and heading for the front of the bus.
Rune arched a brow, looking down at the girl on his chest, smiling a little bit more as he did so. "It's only because seh came out of my body.' He stated, moving to sit next to his brother with a kiss to his cheek. "Are you excited?" He asked, his annoyance clear to his features as he did so.

Relic giggled softly and nodded. "It'll be fun." He stated, holding his hand out for the girl and pulling her into his arms with a little sigh, hugging her to his form.
Calder turned and blew a raspberry at his husband and then continued to the front, sitting next to Tanner with Neville in his lap. "Rune's excited," the blond countered. "He's just afraid to admit it." No one got to say much more as they pulled to a stop. Calder looked out the window, excited to be able to have some fresh air without the roar of traffic outside the window. He stood and made to leave the bus, wanting some sunshine, too.
Rune pouted, shaking his head as he stood up from the couch and followed after his husband. "Why would I be excited about being cooped up in a bus ... Without orgies?!" He grumbled as he followed the other out side, sighing. Ooh. Fresh air! He took in a deep breath, looking down at his daughter and smiling softly. "Yes. Fresh air. You'll learn to love it the more you're tortured on that bus." He stated, kissing her temple before moving next to Calder, waiting for the other two before going to the hotel.
"Because if you're a good boy I might let you have fun with Relic." Leaning up he pecked his husband's lips and then moved towards the hotel entrance without saying anything else. They checked in and were shown to their suite where Calder settled the children down so that he and Rune could get settled before feeding and changing them.
"The naughty fun?" he asked, not helping but to automatically go that route. Yes, he loved his husband to quite the extent, but Relic almost always was the priority in his mind. Not that he loved one more than the other, it was just truly a different love. A warped love versus a more normal love. Don't ask him which it was, because one would not get the answer they wanted.

Soon, the night of the first show came to be, and their babies were set up with a babysitter - AKA: a very annoyed Draco - and the twins were off and onto the stage. Dressed in quite the revealing attires and looking as sexy as ever. Singing, fondling, getting close as possible... Little kisses. Hell, they never full-on made out in every show, but it really made everything all the more interesting when they did. Besides, it was the first one, they could not give it ALL away. That and they doubted their husbands would completely approve of it.

Stepping off the stage, Relic was wrapped aroud his brother with a cheerful little giggle, hugging him tightly. "Oooh! that was so great!"
Calder kissed his son's head to try and placate him. "You're in Spain?" he offered. Draco scowled and pointed out that he was stuck in a hotel babysitting. The blond shrugged and patted Draco's head before heading off to the arena where Rune and Relic would be performing. He and Tanner watched, amazed that both were holding back from doing more than what they had. Though Calder read the thoughts of Rune and shook his head.

They met the two after they came off stage and wrapped their arms around their respective husband's, kissing them. Looking at Tanner, the blonds nodded and both told the other two that they were free to have fun (yes, Calder clarified to Rune, the dirty kind) with each other on stage. Just no outright sex.
"Yay!" Both chimed, kissing their loves happily before switching. Relic moved in front of Calder, arms wrapping around the blond's hip, pulling him into him with a playful little grind into his hips before giggling and beginning to lead the way out so that they could catch the limo to their hotel.

Rune gladly wrapped his arm around the other blond's shoulders, pulling him close with a soft kiss to his lips. He pulled back, sliding his hand down to rest at his lower back, following his brother out and just far too happy with this plan.
Giggling, Calder leaned into Relic, kissing him softly as they left the arena. The press waiting for them was overwhelming, and Calder couldn't help but smile at the yelled questions about the partner swap that the photographers had, quite obviously, noticed. The blonds both shrugged and kissed the man who was next to them for a little show and then got into the limo, leaving the press hanging. "You know they'll be following us around the entire time now, right?"
Rune smirked as he kissed back Tanner, enjoying this all too much. Yep. He was having fun. He liked the confused - and annoyed - looks of the press. He slid into the limo with the others and shrugged. "Yea. But they would anyhow." he stated, right leg draping over his left while he sunk into the cushions with a heavy little sigh.

Relic on the other hand giggled and curled up on Calder's lap. Arms around his shoulders and legs crossed as he cuddled into his brother's husband, amusing himself far too much.
Reaching forward, Tanner tugged Relic into his own lap and kissed his husband a bit roughly and with a little growl. He liked playing with Rune and Calder, but he still wanted to be with his husband more than the other two. Calder, after pouting a little, curled into Rune's lap with a little grind of his hips and a nip to his neck.
Relic squeaked lightly and pouted a bit as he looked up at his husband with a pathetic gaze. "But ... he's comfy." He said wit ha little whine, nuzzling into his husband's neck with a whimper. "You too but ... different comfy."
"Uh huh." Tanner bit into Relic's lip. He didn't draw blood but he nearly did, and he sucked on the offended flesh a bit. "But I'm the father of your children," he pointed out softly, sticking his tongue out at Relic.

They entered the hotel room and Tanner quickly swept his husband into their room, continuing to use his teeth on Relic's flesh to draw reactions out of him.

Calder, too, pulled Rune into their room. "You liked being up there." It was a comment, not a question.
Relic stayed in his love's arms, arms wrapped around his shoulders and he leaned up to press a few kisses to his lips with little growls at the bites. "Mm... but I want more children." he purred out, truly feeling that way. He loved his babies, but ... they were growing up and leaving him. For husbands. And children and ... He really wanted more babies.

Rune shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Yea. It ... was nice." he admitted, making his way to where their children - all three - were. He poked Draco's cheek and then scooped up little Neville into his arms, sighing softly. "Did you spit up on Draco like I told you to?"
"Well you're not going to get more babies by making out with your brother," Tanner pointed out before tossing Relic onto the bed and then following after him, kissing along his neck and chest, nipping here and there.

Calder shook his head. "You like the attention." Another comment as he moved to lift Bellatrix and examine to make sure she was all in one piece. He watched Draco wake up slowly.

"No, thank goodness." He looked up and stuck his tongue out at his parents. "It's Severus' or Lucius' turn next time."
Relic giggled lightly, looking up at his love with his affection and adoration for the man clear within his eyes as he stared up at him. "Mm. in a way.. it does... since you're so very baby-making-mood right now." he purred out, leaning to the side to snatch the other's lips with his own. He pulled him closer to his form, groaning as his hips ground into his with a little growl.

Rune pouted as he looked down at his son. "You were supposed to do Mama proud." he stated, sighing heavily before turning to look at his son that was slowly waking up. "No. Blaise is in school and they need to concentrate on that. I'll torture them when we're back there, but you're my bitch. Because of what your brothers did, there was no way I could have not accepted this ... tour." He then turned to his husband before he could say anything. "And YES I enjoyed it, but I'd like it ... in at least five years."
Laughing, Tanner kissed his lover passionately and pressed back into Relic's hips with a little groan of his own. He wanted to clarify that it was Relic that made him in such a horny mood and not necessarily Relic making out with Rune, but he didn't want to pull away from his husband's lips long enough to form the words.

Smiling at his 'victory', Calder reached over and took Neville so that he could put them both to bed and send Draco home. He was tired, and he was sure that Rune was, too. All he wanted to do was curl up with his husband and sleep. Well. Maybe do a little more than sleep...
Relic smirked, linking his leg around the other man's and easily flipping their forms so that he was on top of his love. His lips trailed from their passionate embrace to move down and along the man's neck. Pulling away the shirt he wore while his fingers moved down his form. Ripping the material easily. He did not make the shirt: What did he care?

Rune moved over to the bed, curling up with a soft little grumble and cocooning himself with his blankets and began to relax so that he could sleep. He wanted sleep ... badly.
Tanner fought to keep himself calm. He trusted Relic to not do more than literally be on top of him. The blond's fingertips dug into his husband's hips, pressing his own up. He gripped at the waistband of the panties and pulled them down a bit, though not enough to expose his lover...teasing a bit.

Looking over at the cocoon of blankets, Calder only laughed and climbed in after Rune. He cuddled up to him, using his chest as a pillow with his arm wrapped around his waist. "Love you."
Relic grinned at the man's teasing, pressing into him a little bit more with a little growl. Mm. He definitely was ready for a round or ... four. His lips moved down the front of his exposed chest, groaning lightly with his utter love of his husband. He whimpered softly while bucking into the other's hips a little more. Tugging away his husband's pants without bothering for the button and zipper. It was too much effort to do that.

Rune looked over at the man now cuddling up to him. "uh-huh." he said simply, shrugging as he pulled the blankets closer aroudn his form.
He lifted his hips to allow Relic to remove (with a fair bit of force) his clothes and did the same to his husband. The blond admired the other man's body with both his eyes and his hands, running them over Relic's chest and stomach and legs.

With a soft little kiss to Rune's lips, Calder settled down to sleep, turning on his side so that his back was to his husband. He wasn't mad or upset, just more comfortable on his right side than on his left. "Where tomorrow?" he asked with a little yawn.
Relic let out a very soft little moan at the man. Leaning down, he kissed his lips passionately as he did so, groaning a bit more. "I love you." he said softly between heated breaths. He kissed him passionately, pressing his hips into him with a few little grinds.

Rune slid his arms around his hips, pulling him closer to his chest and resting his chin onto the other's shoulder. "Few hours away. Still in Spain."
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