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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune nodded. "Yea sure. Have at it." he said simply and then looked down at the blond next to him. "It will reassure you how fantastic I am." he purred, kissing his love before he straightened up and shrugged a bit. "Maybe I'll play with Tanner...' he said simply and shrugged a little bit more at the thought.
"I'm fully aware of how fantastic you are," he assured with a little kiss to his husband's lips. He didn't respond to Rune's comment of playing with Tanner. Even if he did have a problem with it, it would be really hypocritical of him to tell Rune that he wasn't okay with it. "At least I don't have to warn you about not getting him pregnant," Calder teased with a little laugh. He turned to Relic. "What do you say, sweetheart. We can take it a little further to really fuck with the press tonight?"
Rune nodded before he froze and right eye twitched a bit. Turning to Tanner, he narrowed his eyes. "WE'RE NOT HAVING SEX! With my fucking luck, you'll get me pregnant... ad then I'll have to kill you." He stated, growling at that and not very happy with that thought right now.

Relic gasped and let out a little squeal. "YES!" He chimed, leaping over and colliding with Calder, gigglign as he nuzzled into the blond happily. "It'll be fuuuun!"
Tanner just laughed. "It's like you two have never heard of condoms." He shook his head at the twins and watched his husband with his best friend. Relic was really, really cute and he was a bit jealous that Calder could give him something that he couldn't. But...well there was nothing that he could do about it, really. The blond reached over and tugged his lover back over.

"I think that you two should save a little for the press then," the blond teased, kissing him.
He wrinkled his nose. "I don't use condoms. Never have. It was a perk of being gay." He stated with a few little curses and then flopped to the side to rest against Calder, once he was free again. His arms slid aroudn the other's torso and he pulled him closer with a little pout. "Mine." He reminded, staring at the male in the suit and wrinkling his nose.

Relic giggled and curled up into his love's lap, arms wrapping around the other's neck, kissing his lips softly and relaxing against his chest. "Mm. But practice makes perfect." he reminded with a little giggle, kissing him once more.
"Of course yours." Calder kissed Rune, pressing their bodies together a bit. "Always yours." He nodded and kissed his husband again. "Maybe if we take the spell off of you..." he suggested, looking up to his love. "It's not like we couldn't still have children...obviously." It was up to Rune, of course, but Calder wouldn't mind either way with whatever his husband decided.
Rune shrugged his shoulders a little bit at the thought of it. "Yea." He said simply, trying to think about that option. It would be easier for all of them to take the spell off. He had what? Five kids by now or something... and Calder did not seem to HATE being pregnant. So why not? "Maybe." He added and then leaned down to kiss the other's lips softly.
Nodding, Calder just settled in for the rest of the ride. Rune would make his decision in his own time. They pulled into the hotel parking lot and Calder looked out the window to see the press already waiting for them. Well. They might as well not kill them by switching partners and Rune showing up in a skirt. Laughing at the thought, the blond went and lifted both children to his chest and then handed Bellatrix to Rune before stepping off of the bus.
Rune gladly took his daughter, seeing the girl just beaming up at him. He kissed her forehead before making his way out of the bus. Ignoring the press surrounding them, his hand slid into the back pocket of Calder's pants, hearing the many, many questions of what was with the skirt. Why was Relic in a suit. Who was with whom? he easily ignored them all and proceeded into the lobby, kissing Calder and then moving to the elevator for them to head into the penthouse. Yep. Didn ot want to deal with them right now.
Calder waved and smiled, teasing the photographers. He wouldn't answer their questions but he acknowledged them which seemed to shout more questions at them. They were lucky that their children didn't seem to mind the noise or attention. Laughing as they entered the penthouse, Calder kissed Rune. "You should wear skirts more have great legs." Winking, he moved into the nursery that they'd had each hotel set up for their children and set Neville down to change and feed him.
Looking down at his legs, he shrugged a little bit at the thought of wearing skirts more often. "Maybe. I do look awesome, but I think the world would collapse in on itself." He admitted and then walked over to the man, kissing his lips and then put Bellatrix down and moved over to Calder. Wrapping his arms aroudn his hips, he pulled him against his form and grinned. "Would you like me more in skirts?"
Looking up, Calder just smiled. "I would like to see you in skirts more often, but I fell in love with you in suits and I get to see you naked anyway." He kissed his love's lips while pressing his hips back into Rune's to tease a little. They got the kids settled and then moved into the living room area. Sitting on the sofa, Calder pulled the other man down next to him and easily curled into his side. "So we have another year of travelling like this?" It had only been three days and Calder was already tired.
Rune moved to crawl in next to his love on the couch. Nuzzling into his side absently and letting his eyes flutter closed as he flopped his head onto his lap after a moment. "Mhm." he said simply, grumbling a little bit more. "It's normally better without infants." Honestly, normally, it was not that bad. Yes, exhausting, but not that bad. But he was constantly worried about the kids. GOD how he hated that stupid record label for making them do this tour. Couldn't even wait a few years. No no. It was the "peak" time before kids lost interest in their music. Like people would lost interest. Hah!
He shrugged and threaded his fingers through Rune's hair as they sat together, his other hand resting on his husband's hip with a light touch. "That's why I think we should hire a nanny to be at our beck and call," he commented softly, looking down at the other man. "We would know that they would be cared for all the time. And we wouldn't worry that our sons would kill them by neglect."
He thought for a moment and then nodded before looking down at the male next to him. "Yea... But who would we hire? Wasn't part of the fun of having kids to have slaves?" he grumbled and plopped against him a ltitle bit more. He pulled his love closer to his form and kissed along his neck for a while, nuzzling him afterward. "So ... how should we go about getting a nanny?"
Calder had no idea. "Ask the record label?" It was their job to make sure that Relic and Rune had everything they needed and wanted, right? So they should be more than happy to set up interviews for them in between shows. "And besides, it's not fair to uproot Draco's life and not Severus' and Lucius'. You can torture them when we get home." He kissed Rune's cheek.
"Mm." he agreed, nodding a few times to show he actually was paying attention. Moving up from his side of the couch, he slid over his lover's form, straddling his hips and grinding into him a little bit more. Leaning down, he began to trail his lips along his husband's neck once more, purring softly as he did so. "I'll call them tomorrow on the road." he stated with a happy little growl passing his lips.
Moaning, Calder lifted his chin to offer his husband more access to his sensitive neck. "Okay." Really, he'd have said okay to anything Rune suggested right then so long as his lips (and teeth) kept contact with his skin. Calder's hands rested on his lover's hips, pulling their bodies flush while flexing his own hips up in a slow rhythm. They slid down and gripped Rune's bare thighs and then his rear end, the blond groaning. "Yep. Definitely hot in a skirt."
Rune smirked and sunk his teeth into theo ther's flesh with a delicate purr passing into the other's flesh. He pressed firmly into the other's form and pulled away a moment later, until he was pulled right back into the man's hips. He grinned and leaned down to trail his tongue over his neck with a little growl to his lips. "Maybe I'll wear them more ... for you." He whispered, nipping his neck harshly and grinding into him a little more.
"You will," he assured a bit breathlessly. "Because I can refuse sex if you don't." Looking up he smiled at his husband, both knowing that neither would survive longer than the other without sex. Pulling Rune closer, the blond kissed his husband with a lot of passion behind it, moaning softly as he did so.
A few days passed. Concert after concert and it was on the ONLY down day they had in the past two weeks that Calder and Rune were sitting in the living room of the penthouse waiting for the knock on the door for their new nanny to arrive. The company apparently found one for them, and just wanted their approval.

It was not too long before there was a knock on the door and Rune turned to his lover with a pout. "You get it?"
Had he known that touring would be like this, he'd have killed the president of Rune's record label when the papers for the tour showed up on their doorstep. With the babies restless because they didn't have a stable home, and the constant moving, and nightly shows... Calder was ready to tell the label to go fuck themselves because they were going home. He rolled his eyes at Rune's pout, and just got up to get the door. They were both extremely tired. Answering the door, Calder greeted the man on the other side.
Perking up at the male that answered the door. Hamlet stared at the male there and gave a simple little bow of his head. "Hello. I'm Hamlet, your nanny. Or potential nanny as the company tells me." He stated simplistically and then followed the other into the room to go meet the other half.

Rune looked up at the man, arching a more in question and he shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "Welcome..." he said simply, staring at him with a little bit of interest. huh...
Entering the living room with the male, Calder sat next to his husband on the sofa, though with a bit of space between them to be polite. "I'm Calder, and this is my husband Rune. Can you tell us some of your qualifications? Past families you've worked for? Do you have a resume?" He knew that he was talking quickly and asking one question after another but really, he was desperate to find someone quickly before they moved onto the next city.
Hamlet sat down across from the two, his right leg lifting to drape over his left as his arms crossed over his lower torso. He watched the other for a little while before he straightened up his form a bit more. "I've worked for one family before now for ten years. I was with them since their eldest was five, youngest was two. I have had a few 'sitting' jobs in the mean time. Any of the families I've worked for are willing to get called and questioned by you. And, here is my resume, with their numbers and how long I worked for the families." he stated, holding out the paper for the blond to take.
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