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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic leaned forward and scooped up the little girl - who already was starting to look like her uncle and mother. He rested her on his knee, letting her play with the tie around his neck. He smiled happily before turning to Calder with a smirk pulling along his lips and he chuckled softly. "Well ... I'm sure we can steal a room of the penthouse for ourselves for the night. I don't really want to get interrupted, you know."
"Awww but that could add to the fun!" He laughed and nodded, turning his attention back to his son. "Do you want to go down the slide?" he asked, knowing that the little boy couldn't answer him. He took the quizzical look from Neville as a yes. Standing, Calder moved over to the slide. He sat the little boy on it about half way up and held him as he slid down. "Weeee!" The little boy giggled insanely, which made Calder laugh and repeat the performance.
Relic stood up with the little girl, laughing lightly as he followed the other one. "True ... but you know Rune would want to join in if we do it in the open." Pouting at the thought, he moved to the slide with the other. Holding Bella on his hip, he watched as the girl followed her brother sliding down. He looked over at the girl and kissed her cheek and then turned back to the other two.
He laughed and put his lips to the man's ear so that the press wouldn't hear his next words. "But Rune's willing to bottom now..." Calder giggled a little, knowing that the husky whisper and hot breath on Relic's ear and neck were just as much of a tease as the words would be. He nipped Relic's ear lobe before pulling away to help the babies slide down the slide a few more times. "What about the teeter-totter?" he suggested.
Relic giggled lightly, a faint pink pulling along his cheeks as he heard the other'swords. A little purr of his own passing as he turned to look at the male, grinning a bit more. "Maybe so ... but I don't want to share." he stated, scooping up the little girl, tossing her into the air a few times before he followed to the teeter-totter with the girl's father. He bounced a little bit with his movements, sitting onto the seat and resting the little thing in front of him, being sure to have a good grip on her.
Sitting in the same way as Relic, Calder pushed up off of the ground, sending Relic and Bellatrix to the ground. Well, perhaps it was best that the male was not wearing a skirt today. Otherwise the photographer's would have some lovely panties shots that belong behind Relic's closed doors rather than splashed across the pages of some tabloid.

They continued to play, Calder laughing at his children's confused expressions of moving up in the air and then back down again.
Relic giggled lightly, kissing the girl's cheek a little, just enjoying himself. It was not much longer until the girl was placed into the stroller, falling asleep instantly. He smiled at the girl before his head shook with a soft laugh. Straightening up, and once Calder was ready, he took a hold of the other's arm, resting his head against his shoulder with a content sigh. "See? Told you the park was a good idea." He stated, nuzzling into the man while they made their way back to the hotel.
Neville too was set in the stroller and, like his sister, passed out. He wrapped an arm around Relic's waist and began to walk with him, humming his response. "How about a bite to eat before heading back?" he asked, looking down at the kids. "They're not waking up any time soon and I'm sick of room service. And I suppose that if I'm taking you back to my hotel room I should treat you to a proper date..."
Relic smirked as he listened to the other's words. His nose trailed along the side of his neck with a content purr passing his lips once more. "mm. I'm glad you realize I'm not that easy.' he purred out, hand sliding down the man's side and sliding into his back pocket to gladly squeeze the lovely flesh there. "There was a cute little cafe on the way here, how about that? We can even eat outside."
"You are," he countered with a little laugh. "I just don't think it's proper to sink my teeth into your neck in public." Calder kissed Relic's cheek and nodded to the suggestion of the cafe. "Sounds good." The photographers were still following them and still snapping pictures. It would be fun to project the image of a happy couple having a romantic lunch with each other, with a couple of kids that no one could prove whose they were. He was looking forward to seeing the headlines.
Relic pouted a little bit and looked at the man. He leaned over and did actually sink his teeth into the side of his neck wit ha soft little growl. "You're one to talk, mon amour." he purred with another nip to hte flesh. He then straightened up when they were in front of the cafe. Sliding his hand to Calder's, he led the way inside and looked around a little. "Do you want to go sit, and I'll order for us?"
They were in Switzerland next, and then Denmark and Sweden. Calder was exhausted, as were the kids, but he couldn't say that he wasn't having fun, too. And Rune and Relic seemed to be having fun. Then again, when did Relic not have fun? They were in the bus again, though, and Calder had his head in his husband's lap. "Where now?"

"Aisa," Tanner answered, the tour schedule in his hands. Calder groaned and buried his face in Rune's thighs.

"When home?"
Rune shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at the man. "Few months. We're halfway done." He shrugged and then bucked into the blond. "You know that's a dangerous place to be, don't you?"
Grinning, Calder turned his head and mouthed at his husband's crotch, nibbling at the slight bulge there while letting the heat and warmth of his breath soak through the denim of his pants for a few moments before turning his head back to face the other two on the other side of the bus. "Only dangerous depending on who you ask."
Rune groaned, enjoying the motions far too much. until they stopped. He glared at the back of his husband's head and he growled a little bit. "Like hell you're leaving it like that." He hissed as he instantly had the other pinned to the couch he was sitting on. He forced Calder's hands beside his head, straddling his hips and grinding into him instantly while he kissed him.
Giggling when he was flipped over, it turned into a deep groan with the grinding and kiss. Calder pressed his own hips up to meet Rune's while he gave the rest of himself over to his husband to take control and do as he pleased. "But... Mm.. But you're really hot with a hard on," he whimpered softly before his lips moved to Rune's neck and jaw. "And you can use it to torture Hamlet..."
"Hamlet's not what I want to use it on." he mumbled, pressing deeper into the man beneath him. Rune really was not in a teasing mood. He was getting cranky with this tour. IT would have been better two years ago, when their kids were grown up, and he could fully enjoy it, but right now, it was annoying. While he enjoyed being on stage, being home with his husband and kids would be far better.

Relic sighed heavily. Standing from the seat, he took Tanner's hand to lead him to the back of the bus. No need to watch live-porn. If he wanted to, he was positive he could , but he did not want to deal with that right now.
Groaning a bit again, Calder kissed Rune deeply and hooked one leg around his husband's hips. "Then wait," he muttered softly with a little nip to the man's bottom lip. "And we'll have more room in the hotel for you to take out your frustrations." It had been a while since they had had a really good romp that included Rune's frustrations being taken out on him.

Tanner followed, kissing along Relic's neck as they walked. "You okay, love?"
Relic shrugged his shoulders a little absently, hand resting on his stomach as he did so. He turned and buried his face into the other man's neck, trying to stop the uneasiness in his stomach. "Mm... Just a little... car sick is all." He smiled weakly, wrapping his arms around the other's form and hugging him tighter.

Rune shook his head. "Not unless we'll be there in five minutes."
He hugged his husband to him, wrapping his arms around the man's hips. "Don't get sick-you have a show tonight." The blond pulled back to look at Relic and smiled at him, tugging him to sit on one of the benches. "Besides, I have a surprise for you after the show." Well. He didn't yet. But he would the second he could convince Connor to sew the outfit for him...

"Ten," he answered with a sharp nip. "But you can make it and we'll have more fun if you do." Calder reached down and squeezed his husband's rear end and then slid out from under him though their lips were still connected.
Relic smiled lightly, looking up at him with a grin. "Surprise? Yay." He giggled and kissed him gently, nuzzling into his neck with a purr. "I'm looking forward to it." he murmrued lightly as he kissed along his neck and then sunk against his form with a sigh.

Rune groaned, his head falling to th cushions once his husband left completely. He curled into a ball, cursing and swearing under his breath as he did so. He was not a very happy man right now. Not at all.
"Good." Tanner cuddled with his lover for the rest of the bus ride, and on the way up to the suite with Connor right on their heels. The blond quickly pulled the boy aside and enlisted his help, making him swear to not even speak to Relic until tomorrow. Tanner knew that if he did, the brunette would just spill his secret.

Calder dragged Rune into one of the bedrooms and kicked the door shut, trusting that Hamlet got the kids off of the bus and into the hotel. The blond easily stripped his husband's shirt off and leaned forward to nip at his chest. "Gonna use me, or what?" he muttered, kissing his lover's lips deeply.

It was much too short of a time between them settling in and the show. Calder went with the twins while Tanner, oddly, stayed behind with Hamlet, Connor and the babies. The blond shrugged at his friend and left.

Tanner, for his part, got the outfit from Connor and gave Hamlet a couple hundred dollars, and a single hotel room for the night. "Take it and use it or else you might open your mouth and Calder will kill you this time." Only after they left did Tanner sneak onto the bus and raid whatever toys Rune had brought. Smiling with his choices, the blond hurried upstairs to get ready, sitting on the bed with one leg draped over the other, leaning back on his hands, while waiting for his husband to get back.
Relic giggled happily as he danced out of the elevator, his whole being oozing with his utter glee about being out on stage. Well. He always felt good when he was on stage, so it was nice to be back. he giggled a little more while he bounced to his bedroom, with a sing-song" Tannerrr" passing his lips as he did so.

Skipping into the room, he stopped instantly. Eyes wide, jaw dropped, and just frozen as he took in the sight of his husband. His lips moved a little bit, trying to form some sort of words, but nothing came. Nothing at all. Only movement the male had was beneath his skirt and that was just inevitable with how his husband was. "T-tanner?" He squeaked out, finally, able to at least do something.
Grinning, the blond stood up and approached his husband slowly, not really giving anything away...yet. When he was standing behind his lover, Tanner's hands rested on Relic's hips while his lips brushed over the man's ear. "I think that you misspoke?" he questioned, brain switching into the game automatically. He reached down, under Relic's skirt, and gave his rear end a sharp smack.
Watching the man come to him, his heart instantly pounded in his chest as he could not take his eyes off of him. Oh how lovely that outfit was on the man. He could not help the utter lure that he had with his husband in leather. The image was gorgeous and he wanted it burned into his mind forever. He gasped at the smack, groaning a little bit more as he sunk against the other's chest. "I did?" he whispered out, biting his bottom lip as his knees got weak. "You're not my husband, then?"
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