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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Smiling, Calder reached forward and took the paper, holding it in between himself and Rune so that they could both skim over it together. It looked rather impressive, really. He looked to Rune, asking silently if he wanted to call the numbers offered. Personally, he wasn't willing to hire the kid (kid?) without talking to everyone on his resume-these were his babies they were talking about!-but he didn't care who talked to them.
Rune looked over the names before he looked at his husband with a heavy sigh. "Too tired to call." Turning to the male across from him, he leaned closer to where the male was. his arms crossed over his lower torso and his eyes stayed firmly with the other's features. "Have you ever had any conflicts with the families you've worked for?"

"Yes. They were small. I just did not agree on how one family treated their children, but we came to an agreement."

He nodded a little and then straightened up a little bit more. "Have you ever hit a child?"

"No. Never."

"Ever wanted to?"


Rune nodded, being able to agree with that. "Do you have any problems with us?"

The man stopped, his eyes staying with the others and his eyes closed instantly and he crossed his arms tightly over his lower torso. "I do not agree with your lifestyle, but I ... wish to help out for the sake of your children more than my dislike."

"Homophobe?" He asked, seeing the man think before he shrugged. "Okay. uncomfortable around queers. Yet you're willing to be surrounded by them for sake of our children?"


"hired in my book."
He was tired, too, and sat back as his husband questioned the male in front of them. It made him a bit uncomfortable that he was homophobic. Calder didn't want his children's heads filled with conflicting views, and he most certainly didn't want his children's head being filled with close minded bull shit. He said so, rather bluntly. "They're not yet old enough to talk, but if I ever find out that you've been spewing hate in front of them you'll think my husband was a cuddle puppy."
Hamlet looked over at the blond and he shook his head at his words. "I would never do that to your children. To anyone's child. Especially at this age. I am here to be sure they get the attention they require. That is all. My ... issues are my own."

Rune stared at him for a moment more and then nodded at his words. "All right. And just know that I will kill you if you do anything to my children. Our kids. whatever."
"I'll do worse."

But Calder dropped it at that and stood up, offering his hand to the male. "You'll let us know of anything you or the children need. I'm sure that the label went over salary? Our suites have a room just for Neville and Bellatrix. We'll call ahead to our next stop and request a queen sized bed in the same room for you, along with dressers, a television and the like. Is there anything else you require?" he asked, listing things in his head that he would have to request before getting to their next tour stop.
Hamlet stood up and took the blond's hand, shaking it simply and he shook his head at the other's words. "I only need a twin-sized bed. I bring along my music, and no, I won't play them anything that will harm them. I like the play classical music. It helps to soothe them as well as stimulate. Though, if you have a problem with that, let me know. As for getting something... No. I don't really needed anything else. I'm self-sufficient." He informed him with a little shrug of his shoulders .
Calder was already on the phone. "Then we'll split the differen-- Yes. Right-Heavenly Deamons tour. Rune and Relic. Yes. In the nursery room, right. A full sized bed, and a full dresser with a television and refrigerator. Right. Thank you." The phone was closed and put back on the table. "Lets introduce you to the children." He moved through the suite, simply expecting their new nanny to follow. The blond lifted Neville up and then Bellatrix, both wide awake and beginning to grab for the new man, wanting to 'explore' him.
Hamlet's features relaxed instantly when he saw the children. His arms wrapped around the infants, letting their fingers and hands pull at anything they wanted to, just wanting the two to get used to him. He looked down at the little bit who currently had quite the strong hold on his bottom lip. He 'ate' his little fingers a bit before his head was pulled toward Bellatrix as she yanked on his hair, laughing a little bit. Turning to look at the 'innocent' girl, he shook his head a little bit at her before pressing his forehead lightly against hers. "Not very nice, yougn lady." he whispered.
Calder watched while moving to his husband's side and wrapping his arm around Rune's waist. Hamlet was very good with the children, but then anyone could be for five minutes. They would have to keep a close eye on the male for the next few weeks just to be sure. "Oh, what's your...talent? Power?" He was curious as they weren't very sure what the children's were, either.
Hamlet groaned as his cheek was pulled in the direction of Neville. He turned to look at the two and pulled the boy's hand out of his mouth. "Telepathy. Comes in real handy with children." he kept his eyes to the blond's face, not being able to look at anything else right now. He tried to get over his issues, but he just could not. At least they seemed all right with his phobia.
He nodded. There were times that he wished that he had Nikkos' powers. Especially with the triplets. And it looked like these two would be going down that same road. But at least he and Rune would have an extra set of hands when it started! "For tonight we'll have a cot brought up for you, and we leave at eight tomorrow morning." If he could convince Rune to wake up on time, that was. "My brothers-in-law are in the rooms across the living room. Relic will try to sew you skirts and the like, though I'll try to catch him beforehand."
Hamlet nodded a bit, bouncing the two for a moment before he pried their hands and fingers from his face. "All right." He stated, not too sure about the skirt thing, but he just nodded at that bit. "The agency should have my bags shipped to the next hotel we will be staying in. They were a little overconfident in me." He admitted and gave a simple little nod before he looked down at the two, setting them into their bassinets with a soft little sigh. "Very cute children, by the way."
"The label seems to be over confident in everyone they speak to," Calder snorted. He thanked Hamlet for the compliment and then left the room, excusing himself, to get dressed. Tired though he was, they were now in Germany and he'd never been here. With or without Rune, Calder was determined to do some sightseeing. "You're welcome to come along!" he called back. "The children are going to come with me either way. They need fresh air." The poor things had been cooped up in a bus or hotel or stadium for the past month. It couldn't be healthy.
Relic ran and practically tackled Calder with a squeal. "LET ME COME!" He chimed, bouncing a few times as he looked down at the blond, seeing his brother just growl and disappear into the room. "Grumpy pants can sleep." he stated, looking down at the other and smiling a little more. besides, I'm teh one who knows German." he informed the other, leaping off his form and taking a hold of his hands. He helped pull him to his feet and kissed his cheek softly before bouncing a little bit more.
"Like I would say no?" he laughed. "We can have some fun with the press. You still owe me a spot in your bed." The blond kissed Relic's lips softly and then turned to go into his room to dress. "Twenty minutes!" he called before closing the door and moving to the dresser. The blond dressed quickly and then moved to get the twins ready, not sure if Hamlet would be joining them or not. Tanner was still in bed and hadn't moved from the room since they all had crashed in late the night before (or had it been early that morning?).
Relic nodded with a little giggle. He was always ready to go. It was one of the perks of being himself. He bounced on the balls of his feet for a little bit before skipping into the room where the kids were. He took out the stroller for the twins, setting them each into their proper seat, buckling them in - not allowing the protesting hamlet to do so - and he wiggled his rump a little bit more. He straightened as the little lovelies were giggling at their uncle. "SO cute!" he giggled and then turned to Hamlet before looking around the wall. "Oi! blondie. Is the hot nanny coming with?"
He laughed and moved into the room. "If he wants. But he's got issues. So play nice, Relic." Smiling, he leaned forward and nipped at his brother-in-law's neck. He then moved and got the diaper bags ready and a couple of blankets, just in case it was chilly. "Oh. Introductions. Hamlet, this is Relic-Rune's brother quite obviously. He promises not to sew skirts or dresses for you. Relic this is Hamlet, our new nanny." He turned to Hamlet. "You coming?"
Relic arched a brow. He looked over at the male behind him and stared at him for a while. "homophobe?" he let his eyes travel along his form and pouted a little bit more. "Aww. but it would SO be worth dragging you into our torture of the press. 'who's the new nanny?' 'who's he with' 'why's their hands down his pants?'" he chuckled and bounced a little bit more before purring at the nip to his flesh.

Hamlet stared at the two before shaking his head. "Er ... No. Um... No."
Calder laughed. "Suit yourself. He wouldn't really put his hands down your pants, you know. Might fantasize about it, but wouldn't actually do it..." Shrugging, they gathered the children after putting sunscreen on them and headed out. It was nice out: sunny and warm. Calder was reveling in the fresh air, too. "So where are we going?" he asked, looking around. There was no press in site, yet, but it was inevitable. Sooner or later, someone would tip them off and they'd e swarmed.
Relic thought for a moment while he linked his arm aroudn the blond's elbow, humming to himself as his mind went through all the places that they could go. "Well. Just walking for a bit works. It's sooo nice to stretch my legs!" He chimed, hopping a few times before he looked down at his sneakers -taken from his brother - and then once more to the male next to him. "There may be a park near by. We can go on teh swings! And bring the babies onto the slides. Well. Not them alone, obviously, but er ... you know what I mean."
"Too bad you're not in a have such lovely legs..." Calder enjoyed flirting with Relic, simply because he was so receptive and blushed a lovely shade of rose. Smiling over at him, he nodded and continued to walk along slowly. It didn't take long for a photographer to show up. He started snapping pictures while asking questions. "Why are you with Relic? Relic where's your signature skirt? Whose children are they? Aren't you married to Rune?" Calder just shrugged, smiling at the man. Oh this was too much fun.
Relic giggled lightly, trailing his nose along the side of the other's neck with a little purr to his lips as he did so. "Mm. Thought maybe you'd like me more in a suit.' he purred, hand trailing down the back of the other's spine, slipping into his back pocket with a firm grip of the other's rear wit ha chuckle. He gladly ignored the photographer, not wanting to talk with him right now. Meh. Whatever. He turned to the blond, kissing his cheek softly before nuzzling him a little more.
He laughed. "I like that you're different from Rune as much as that you're similar." He leaned into Relic's side and rested his head on his shoulder, happy for the moment. More photographers showed up and it made it harder for them to walk. Growling, Calder pointed to a park across the street. "Lets go over there?" Looking back, he noticed one of the men were too close to the kids for comfort. "Hey! Back off the kids!"
Relic smiled warmly and then perked up as he did so. He looked over at the photographer, glaring as he did so. "Get! No hurting my babies!" he yelled, not happy with them getting too close to them. "Shoo!" He added, actually pushing a few of the photographers away from teh front of the stroller so that the four of them could move to the park that Calder had pointed out. he grumbled a few times before he turned to look at Calder and smiled lightly. "Come on."
Sighing they went over to the park, ignoring the photographers a bit more now. They didn't earn any piece of information from either of them and they should be lucky that Rune hadn't seen them so close to the children. Calder lead them to a bench and sat down, reaching out to lift Neville out of the stroller and bouncing him on his knee while the little boy looked around quite curiously. "So how about that date tonight, sexy?" he suggested, trying hard not to laugh. He was seriously propositioning Relic for sex later that night, but it was funny because he wouldn't usually be so open if the press weren't there to play for.
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