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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Collapsing back into the bed, Tanner pulled a breathless and sweaty Relic with him. He hugged the man to his chest and kissed his neck then his lips before relaxing and falling to Relic's side. The blond wrapped himself around his husband and kissed his shoulder softly. Tanner easily fell asleep, waking only when he heard the phone ringing a mere few hours later to deliver their ordered wake up call. The blonds felt it was better for it to come to his and Relic's room to avoid having to pay for the phone that Rune would have thrown through the wall if it woke him up.

Grumbling, Tanner shook Relic awake and then shuffled, sans clothes, across the living room to wake Calder.
Relic groaned. He did not want to wake up. He only managed to get, what? Three hours of sleep? he whimpered softly and cuddled closer to his love. A few little grumbles could be heard before he relaxed and let his eyes flutter to watch his love walk off to wake the other two. He smiled warmly and slid out of the bed, groaning as he stretched and groggily headed toward the shower.

Rune grumbled and cursed a few times. A single eye opened to see the man there, closing almost instantly. "Calder there's a naked man in the room." He mumbled and he growled a little while pulling his husband closer.
Opening his eyes, Calder chuckled sleepily. "You never complained about that before." He waved Tanner off, who shuffled back to his and Relic's side of the suite. He was so tempted to crawl back into bed, but knew that if they wanted to make it to the next stop of the tour with time to spare, they all had to get ready and on the road. He stopped in the bedroom and easily lifted his lover up, carrying him to take a shower with him.

Calder shifted and slid out of bed, taking the covers from the bed. "Wakey wakey cutie..." So he was known to have death wishes in the mornings while still groggy. Rune had yet to aim whatever was in arm's reach correctly.
Rune growled and shook his head at his words. "Fuck off." he growled, taking the pillow and covering his ears with them. He then turned onto his other side and curled up into hte sheets wit ha little grumble and quite the many curses under his breath. He was NOT going to wake up. Fuck Spain.

Relic giggled happily, hugging his husband with a few kisses to the man's lips and then settled against his shoulder with a heavy sigh, nuzzling him a bit more. "I think you should get pregnant." he stated, looking up at him with a pathetic little look. "Obviously you won't let me be on top ... But you'd be so cute pregnant!"
Grinning, Calder slid back into bed and maneuvered his husband's pants off of his hips. "Fuck you? Okay!" The blond kissed over Rune's neck and shoulders while pressing his hips forward into his husband's rear end with a little growl. His hands slid around front to fondle Rune. Calder knew he was taking a risk but who could turn down morning sex?

An eyebrow raised. Pregnant? The blond was curious as to how that would work. "You'd have to top for me to be pregnant, Relic," he reminded with a kiss to the top of his nose. "And like you just said: It's not going to happen."
Rune arched a brow when there was suddenly nothing on his lower half. He looked down and stared at the male that was currently straddling his form. Staring at him for a while, he remained silent before groaning. Tackling the other to the ground, he pinned his hands to the floor with a growl passing his lips. "It was fuck off.' he stated, leaning down to sink his teeth into the side of the man's neck, easily breaking the flesh before he pulled back, about to make it better when he heard the crying of the babies. "Fuck. Why did oyu send Draco home again!?" He growled out, standing up and going to where the children were.

Relic pouted and wrinkled his nose at the other's words. He knew that. He just was not very happy with it. "You know ... I do like to be on top sometimes." he stated with a pathetic look to his features. "I know you don't like it ... but ..." he sighed heavily, sinking against his chest and pouting a little bit more.
Whimpering, Calder too cursed when the babies cried. He was enjoying Rune's always. He rose and moved into the room to lift Neville out of the crib and bounce him while preparing to change and feed him. "Because he had work this morning." Or he assumed so, anyway. It didn't matter. "Maybe we can look into hiring a permanent nanny for the tour or something." A nanny wouldn't be needed too frequently. During performances and the morning after...

Sighing, Tanner set Relic down on his feet and wrapped his arms around the man's waist. "I know." What else could he say? He did know but he couldn't help his husband with it. "Talk to Rune or something. Calder. Calder likes to bottom." Somehow, the suggestion felt completely natural coming out of his mouth.
Rune grumbled a little bit as he scooped up his daughter, looking down at the adorable little thing as she just stared up at him, shaking his head a bit. "We should steal Apollo's nanny." He stated simply, bouncing the baby in his arms before going about getting her changed and figuring Calder would get her bottle started.

Relic pouted before he tilted his head to the side for a little bit. Staring at him for a few moments before he straightened up a bit. "RUNE!" He yelled, turning on his heel and rushing across the suite to skid into their bedroom. "Can I have sex with your husband?"
"Athena might not survive if we did," Calder countered while getting bottles ready and changing Neville at the same time. The little boy giggled and kicked happily in his clean diaper, giggling and grabbing up for his Papa's nose. The blond was glad that he hadn't lifted the boy when Relic skidded in. He whipped around, eyes a bit wide. He wasn't opposed to sex with Relic but...well it was a rather random request was all. "You have your own husband?" he offered, unsure of what was going on.
Relic pouted, cheeks puffing out as he looked over at the blond. "Yes. But he won't let me be on top!" He stated, arms crossing over his bare torso as he looked over at his brother.

Rune stared, Bellatrix clinging to him while he just stared at his brother with a bit of shock to his features. He remained silent for a while before saying a flat-out "No" and going back to getting her bottle. Lifting that up and then moving toward the bed to sit so he could feed her. "That ass is mine. You can go fuck something else. Not my fault you chose a man that won't bend over for you."
Calder really didn't know what to say and so he simply lifted Neville to begin to feed him. He wasn't opposed, of course, but he wasn't going to argue with Rune, either. Relic could do that. The blond left the room to let them hash it out, kissing Rune's lips and Relic's cheek as he did. "Try with some clothes on?" he offered, though he wasn't sure why. Rune was still naked, too.
Rune arched a brow at his love, watching him walk off and grumbling a bit. "I know your thoughts, you know." He stated as the other walked off. he sighed heavily and then looked at the little girl gladly drinking the milk happily, her little feet kicking and going wild. He smiled lightly, happy with the girl so much right now. He was very, very happy with his family.

Relic looked down at his naked form then over to Calder. "But ... I'm sexy." he stated and then strolled up to where his brother was. He leaned over and kissed his cheek softly with a little pout. "And Tanner suggested Calder ... And I miss being on top. I haven't been in that control since ... since... Since we had the penthouse! And our ... oooh that was a good time." he purred at the thought before shaking his head. He leaned over and kissed the other's lips gently.
"I know." The comment was to both twins before he closed the door and sat on the sofa to feed their son. Tanner joined him, sitting next to them and tickling Neville's feet. "Have sex with Calder, huh?" Tanner laughed.

"I didn't think he'd rush off and ask Rune for permission...or take me seriously." He shrugged. "We've swapped before. I can't give him what he wants, even though I wish I could." The other blond nodded, understanding completely.
Rune pouted as he looked down at his daughter, thinking for a little bit. "But I don't get anything in return..." he stated, trailing his fingers over the already-sleepy little girl. Defintiely her mama's child. She curled up and passed out a moment later in teh man's arms and Rune turned to look at his brother. "Your husband probably wouldn't want to fuck me anyhow ... and I don't want to be bottom. So what do I get?"

"A happy twin and lover?" he asked before shrugging a little bit. He leaned over to rest his chin onto the other's shoulder, sighing softly as he looked down at his niece. "Don't need to decide right now ... Though Tanner is a lovely top, you know." he purred, nipping his brother's ear with a playful growl. He kissed him a few more times before gasping and perking up even more with a smirk. "Ooooh! We should switch clothes! You KNOW it would mess up the stupid press even mooooore."

Rune stared at his twin, arching a brow before setting back a little bit. "True..."
It took the four (six?) of them close to two hours to get ready. And Calder nearly choked with the news that his husband had agreed to wear a skirt. "Yum..." he commented, licking his lips with a little grow and nipping Rune's bottom lip. They settled the twins in their bassinets and then moved back to the front of the bus, the blonds cuddling with their respective husbands happily.
Rune sat down, the lovely tight skirt hugging his hips looking great on his hips. His right leg lifted and draped over his left, arms crossing over his lower torso as he looked to the blond next to him with a brow lifted in question. "Mm. you bet your ass>" he stated, leaning over and kissing him softly. "Revel in it now." he stated, pinching the other's left lower cheek and then looking over at his brother who was giggling in the suit he was wearing. They both looked great. It was just so very interesting to see the switch.
"I'll be sure to take pictures," he noted with another little growl. The blond settled in, fingers tracing little patterns over Rune's exposed legs. "And show them to the kids." Calder nodded with that thought and then laughed a bit, knowing that he wouldn't torture his husband like that...for now. Of course the fact that the press would be taking pictures was a consolation.
The man turned to look at his husband, arching a brow in question and he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "And here I was actually thinking of allowing you to have fun with Relic..." he trailed off, leaning over to nip along the side of his neck, up to his ears with a soft little growl. "if you were willing, of course." He added, not really wanting to make it sound like he was that controlling over his love's body. He was not like that, and he was just making sure the other knew he meant he would do it only if he wanted.
Looking up, Calder's eyes were wide. He kissed Rune hard, fingers tangling into his hair at the base of his neck while pressing the length of his entire body against his husband's. He would properly thank his lover later, and likely by leaving the two alone for their own bit of fun, but it was difficult to do so for the time being. Calder pulled away after a few moments, not wanting the press to get pictures of Rune in a skirt with a hard on.
Rune gladly kissed his love back, leaning into him and trailing his hands down and along the other's form. Gripping his rear tightly and pulling him even closer to his body. He groaned when he pulled back, taking in a deep breath and relaxing a little more against his side wit ha groan. "Mm. I'm not sure if I should be offended that you seem a little ... too happy ... or just gladly accept it."He stated and kissed him a few more times before relaxing against his side with a little grumble.
"Accept it," he whispered with a grin. "Because you act the same way when I agree to let you two have your fun." He stuck his tongue out at Rune but settled down with his head in his husband's lap. "Besides. It's a kid in a candy store on this many hot men..." He whimpered a little playfully, looking up at Rune with innocent eyes. "And you can't deny that."
Rune looked down at the male next to him, arching a brow in question as he stared down at the man that was there. He remained silent for a moment before he nodded. "True." He stated, looking over at the two across from him before he rested his hand on his husband's shoulder, absently trailing his fingers along his shoulder. "but you!" He pointed at his brother who finally stopped cuddling up to his lover and spazing over the suit he was in to look at him. "You get him pregnant and I'm tearing your heart out."

Relic blinked a few times, lashes batting against his cheek and he pouted. "Will I be chained to a rock?"

He arched a brow and rolled his eyes a bit. "Just... shush."
Calder had to laugh, both at the threat and Relic's response. Both were so classic to the man who said them. He reached up and laced his fingers with Rune's. "Don't worry, Rune. How long have I been bottoming for you and just now got pregnant?" Really, he didn't even think that pregnancy was a possibility. "Besides. It'll be genetically identical as if you'd been the one to get me pregnant." Tanner snorted at the answer but seemed to agree.
Rune pouted a bit at the other's words. "So, what, Neville isn't my child?" he asked, looking pissed before he smiled and kissed the other man's lips to show him he did not mean it at all. He looked over at his brother who was clearly plotting. "NO! no. No no. No. You cannot get Calder pregnant. He just popped out a baby AND! Yes. Our children are fucked. Technically, you could be the triplets' father, but well... they popped out of me, so it's not true. "
Laughing, Calder only shook his head. "Don't worry." He wasn't worried and so Rune shouldn't be either. He sat up and rested his head on Rune's shoulder now as they chatted about other things for the time being. They were nearly to the next hotel before Calder brought it up again. "You're sure you're okay with it?" he asked softly, nuzzling along his husband's jaw a bit. He wanted to be sure before jumping on the chance, though he knew with some certainty that Rune wouldn't have said 'yes' if he wasn't.
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