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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

His head shot up. Half million dollars? Well that wasn't him! The blond took the bill and looked it over, confused as to what had happened. "I...don't know..." He wrinkled his nose a little when he couldn't gain any clues through the bill itself. "We'll call them after we eat lunch though." Leaning over, the blond kissed his husband's cheek and set the bill to the side. Rune was more irritable than usual since he had no outlet for his energy...or rage. And Calder didn't want to anger him further. "Come on. Lets eat first."
Rune tapped his fingers impatiently and quite angrily against his legs and he took in a deep breath to tr and relax a little bit more. He looked at the man in front of him and pulled him closer to his form. "I am fucking bored. I NEED to do something." He growled out, gripping the other's shirt a little tighter to yank him closer with another growl. Yep. he was not happy right now.
"You can knit a blanket for the babies?" he suggested sweetly. Calder smiled and kissed his husband for a second, nuzzling his cheek afterward. "We'll talk to Jupiter when he comes tomorrow, too." Maybe Rune could get out for a little walk each day or something. "Eat first. Then we'll go downstairs. Blaise can come over and entertain you with his cuteness." There was nothing else the blond could think of for the moment.
Rune stared at him for a while before sighing heavily. "Fine." He mumbled, pulling his food closer to begin munching on some of the things on his dish. At least his love's food was still delicious as ever. Still could not eat chocolate like he wanted, but at least it did not make him vomit. He pulled the other to his form and kissed his lips once more. "Blaise will ... be nice. Relic dropped off a new dress for him anyway." He smiled and kissed the other's lips softly before sighing heavily.
Calder settled in for the ride for a while, listening for the babies while resting a bit. As they drew closer to their destination the blond looked up to his husband. "Can I have fun with the press?" he asked, giving large eyes that would easily give away that he wasn't asking to fuck with them in just any normal way. He wasn't sure what had prompted the idea, but so long as Relic and Tanner and Rune were okay with could be rather fun...
Rune looked down at his husband, arching a brow in question as he stared at him. "Have I ever denied you sadistic pleasure outside of our bed?" He asked, smiling as he leaned down and kissed the other's lips softly before he pulled back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and he pulled him closer to his form. "What did you have in mind?"
Leaning up, he kissed his husband once more. "Partner swapping?" He looked over, and watched Tanner squirm, unsure of how to feel about that. So the blond elaborated. "Innocent... Making out... PDA... Just Tanner and I switching between you and Relic so the press doesn't know which way is up."

Tanner relaxed a bit with that, not minding it as much as he had with the thought of sex with Rune, or Calder having sex with Relic.
Rune turned to look at Tanner, smirking. "You couldn't handle my sex, darling." He stated with a little chuckle. He then turned to look at his husband and grinned happily. "I like it! Relic?" He asked, looking over at the skirt-wearing male.

"Hm?" He asked, looking over at the two. "What? Chance to make out with Calder? hell yea."
Calder laughed at Tanner's bright blush and kissed his husband again, with a bit more passion this time. He had a project for the trip, other than his new babies and that made him particularly happy. Settling back in, the blond closed his eyes as they drove along. "Where are we going, anyway?" he asked getting up to feed a fussy Bellatrix, and change Neville. Walking on a moving bus was odd, and he hoped he'd get used to it soon.
Rune turned to watch his love leave, taking his brother and pulling him closer to cuddle into him. "First stop is Spain." he smiled and nuzzled relic a little more. "can i make out with Relic too?" He smirked and looked back at his lover, really ... partially... kidding.
Looking back, Calder only shook his head at Rune. He returned to the front of the bus with Bellatrix and her bottle, setting both in his husband's arms. "After you feed our daughter." He stuck his tongue out at Rune and then moved to kiss Relic, teasing his lover a bit before returning to the nursery to change Neville's diaper. It didn't take him long to return and sit next to Tanner, resting his head on his best friend's shoulder.
Rune pouted a little bit. He took his daughter gladly, seeing Relic just looking far too excited about the baby in his arms. "So that's a yes?" He asked, grumbling when his husband kissed his brother. Damn tease. He wrinkled his nose in annoyance then turned to his giggling twin.

Relic positively grinned as he watched Calder walk off, slowly turning to his brother and smiling a little more ."It'll be like old times! Minus ... sex with loads of people. but still! Heavy make outs with sexy men... How can it go wrong?"
"A woman can think it's sexy and try to rape my husband." The blond pouted at this thought. Stupid girls were going to ruin his fun with his lover. Couldn't they just refuse to sell tickets to women? Though he supposed that would make it worse. Still, it was a nice thought if it would work out the way he wanted it to. And Calder purposefully avoided the question. He wondered how Rune would take his answer. "Where after Spain?"
Rune narrowed his eyes at his lover and grumbled a little bit. "No woman is touching either of us ... Ever." He shuddered and then looked down at the little girl who was just staring up at him before going cross-eyed to stare at the bottle she was holding loosely with her hands. "Spain then ... something." He shrugged a bit, turning to look at him once more. "Just... go by the map. We're going right around Europe. FLy or boat - not sure which - over seas to the states. Ignore psycho-calls from mother we'll wind up getting ... And then boat/fly back to Europe. Do England Ireland. Scotland... Lands with sexy accents. then BAM! back to Italy.'
He nodded, though he wasn't really worried about finding a map to figure out where they'd go. Spain. France. Germany. Switzerland. Norway. Finland. There were many possibilities and he didn't care enough about it at the moment. "Wouldn't it just be easier to invite her to a show? She'll pester us until we introduce her to the kids." He didn't want to think about what the woman had done to Tomias and Nikkos when they hadn't introduced her to their newest addition. "Next thing you know she'll move into the house or something."
Rune cringed at that thought, grumbling a little bit. "FINE. When we play Maine, I'll let her come watch back stage. and YOU can show her the kids and hang out with her while we're on stage." He stated, smiling warmly before turning back to the little girl who was just staring at him. He pulled the bottle out, sitting her up to get a good burp out of her.
"Fine. No making out with Relic." The blond shrugged, thinking that was a perfect compromise. Of course he knew that Rune wouldn't think so, but that wasn't the point. The point was it was his mother and Calder shouldn't be stuck with her. "Besides, if you're playing Maine, I'll probably take the kids to my parent's for the day." It wasn't far from his parent's home and it would be the perfect opportunity to see them for the day. And maybe get some free babysitting services, too.
Rune arched a brow, staring at his husband and grumbling a little bit. "Fine fine! You can probably take Tanner, too." He offered and then looked over at the girl who was trying to get her bottle once more. Placing the nipple in her mouth, he set against the couch once more with a sigh. "we'll go see mom while we're there... I think Maine's the last stop in America anyway." He stated, pouting a little bit more. "Can I make out with Relic now?"
He laughed with Tanner and waved his hand at the man. "Just put Bella back in the nursery first. I'm comfortable." Calder stuck his tongue out at his husband and cuddled into his friend further, smiling at the kisses placed to the top of his head. It was nice to have a relationship like this with his brothers-in-law. He watched Rune move to the back of the bus and then reached over to pull Relic over to where he was sitting with Tanner and kissing him. Oh, it was fun to tease his husband.
Rune cursed a few times under his breath before standing up with Bellatrix and disappearing into the back. He bounced her a few times before setting her into the bassinet to sleep. A soft kiss to her forehead before he made his way to the living area once more. To see his husband and brother happily making out -- the latter giggling like the adorable man he was. "I hate you both." He stated, flopping onto the other couch with a heavy sigh.
Looking up, Calder gave Rune his best innocent look. "We have to practice if we want it too look natural for the press?" He could tell, though, that his husband wasn't impressed with his answer. Sighing, Calder looked up at Relic and pouted. "So pretty though..." He whined, kissed Relic once more and then sent him over to Rune, turning his attention on Tanner then for the time being.
Rune pouted, wrapping his arms around his brother and yanking him to his form and still looking as pathetic as ever. He pressed a soft kiss to his twin's lips before making the other sit on his lap. "You don't need to practice. You're both great kissers. That's all that matters.' He stated and then kissed his brother once more.
"Is not!" he argued. "If we don't look comfortable with kissing each other then no one will buy it." Calder stuck his tongue out at his husband but turned back to kissing his friend's neck and shoulder. It didn't matter, though. Each of them knew that they were all quite comfortable kissing each other...and much more. Calder spent another few minutes on Tanner's neck and lips before relaxing with his head in the other blond's lap.

"We there yet?"
Rune glared at his husband for a while and pouted a little bit more. "We've all fucked at one time or another. The only reason I never went after Tanner was ... I couldn't be top." He stated, sticking his tongue out at his husband before being distracted by Relic. And how? the skirt-clad man tackled him to the ground, straddling him, and instantly pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss, giggling all the while.

At the question, Relic pulled up from making out with his brother and looked over at him. "Soon." He stated, leaning up to look out the window with interest. "Um... Twenty minutes."
Calder pouted. Rune would have gone after Tanner before him? That made him feel like a consolation prize of sorts. The blond gave a little whimper and moved into the back of the bus to check on the babies. He knew he was being silly-Rune loved him. But he couldn't help but be a little stung by the comment. With Rune, it was never what he said but how he'd said it. But he had to get the kids ready, which was good because it gave him something else to focus on. He dressed Neville first, simply because he was less fussy and then focused on Bellatrix who managed to kick him a couple of times.
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