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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Jilian followed suit of the other. Putting his things away before he turned to head out of the room. His arms above his head and he moved to Caden's room. He rested in the doorway and watched the male across from him, blinking a few times with interest as he did so. "Should we wander the beach?" He asked, just trying to shake off the emotions from the household they just came from.
The beach sounded nice. Caden smiled at the other man and nodded while putting the last of his clothes away and slipping his suitcase under the bed. It was warm and lovely out, with the cool breeze coming in off of the ocean. It was no wonder that Rune and Calder had purchased the island as a relaxation escape. Heading out to the shore line, Caden breathed in the fresh sea air, letting it soak into himself deeply. "So wanna tell me what happened?"
Jilian followed to the beach, his hands linked behind him while he strolled through the beach. A simple, light in fabric, long sleeved shirt on his form and simple pants on his hips while he made his way forward. He turned to look at him when he heard his question, sighing softly. "It is what always happens. I had been dating him for two weeks. We were getting along well, I thought. He wanted to get intimate, I did not, and when I told him to stop being so angry at me, he got angrier and it just .. downspirals from there."
Walking on, Caden nodded a bit. He understood and had been there in the past few years as well. It was an amazingly difficult situation to be in and no matter how many times you were in the situation, it always hurt just as much as the last time. The blond didn't know what to say, really. No matter what he said it wasn't going to change what had happened to Jilian, or what people in general were like. They were both destined to be hurt in the same way many more times in the future.

"It could have been worse?" he offered. "He could have thrown a hissy fit six months into it..." He offered a little smile.
Jilian nodded and let out a soft little sigh. "Yes." He agreed, turning to look at Caden and he remained silent for a moment before his eyes fluttered closed after a little moment more. He was trying to think a little bit and he then turned to look at the man next to him once more. "I will be all right. I have gone my whole life with only family to love, and I do not see why it should change any time soon. It is not like I am like my Mother who ... constantly needs sex." he sighed heavily and rubbed at the back of his neck a little bit. "It is strange to have my mother want me to have sex."
He laughed, agreeing. "It's the family," the blond assured. "Rune is the same way so long as his children do not get pregnant out of wedlock. Then he changes his mind." Caden continued strolling, dragging the sand with his feet as he did. "I'd say give him too many details, but I don't think there's such a thing with Tomias." He laughed a bit more and then fell quiet, thoughts swirling through his head so fast he wasn't really sure what he was thinking about.
Jilian shrugged his shoulders a bit. "I have no details to share." He admitted, not really feeling a need to hide anything from Caden. It was only fair, right? He could feel what the other was feeling, so he should be able to tell him what he was thinking and feeling, right? "I have never had sex. It just ... will not feel right with someone whom I know does not love me. Others are easily lied to. 'I love you, baby.' I have heard that and they sound sincere ... but it is only their hormones speaking."
"Details are easily faked," he reminded. "Though... I suppose since your mother can read minds it might prove difficult, huh?" He shrugged a little bit and kept quiet for a while, unsure of what else to say. They walked for a while longer, until the sun was beginning to lower in the sky. "We have to head back soon. I haven't eaten in a few days..."
Jilian nodded and sighed softly. "Yes. I ... don't really wish to make a fool of myself." He closed his eyes for a moment and then turned to look at Caden. He really was dealing well with the hurt he was going through because of Raphael. It was sad, but at least he did not seem too spiteful. He was glad for that. Walking a little while more, he just got lost in his own thoughts until Caden spoke. "Oh.' He commented, turning to him and nodding. "Of course."
Looking up to gauge whether it would be quicker to turn around or to just keep walking, Caden shaded his eyes from the sun and calculated a little. Really, they were already more than halfway around the island. They might as well keep walking. He did just that, chatting about nothing in particular with Jilian as they walked. As they drew closer to the house, Caden's fangs began to show themselves, his hunger starting to take over. The blond's pace quickened a little without his realizing it, and the conversation ceased as there was only one thing that he was concentrating on at the moment.

It was easy to not eat when he'd first been turned: He never had to think about it before and was able to ignore the pull. Now? It was near impossible.
Jilian watched the other, feeling his nerves and he took in a deep breath to relax himself and think more rationally. "Caden. You can leave to go eat. I am sure you are much faster than I am.' He said softly, not really wanting the other to be in the turmoil he was right now. His arms loosely folded over his torso, chocolate pools staying with the vampire, wanting to be sure that he would be all right. He did not want him to be suffering because of his slowness. He could walk faster, but really, would it be even close to Caden's fast pace?
Looking up, he'd almost forgotten that Jilian was even there. The blond leaned over and pecked a kiss to the man's cheek and took off towards the house, running full speed. If he didn't, the blond was afraid of what he would do now that he realized that he wasn't alone. He didn't want to scare Jilian...

In the kitchen, the blond cursed. The fridge was out, which meant that Tanner's blood was no longer any good having sat, essentially, at room temperature for hours. He groaned and banged his head against the freezer door.
Jilian closed his eyes for the kiss, sighing softly as he watched the other rush off to go and tend to his needs. The brunette came to the house a few minutes after the other and he instantly stopped. Oh. This was not a good feeling. He rubbed his hand at the pit of his stomach, not liking the many, many emotions that he was feeling right now. "Caden..." he began softly, looking up and around, just trying to find where the other was. He did not want to have him go run off and try and find some wild boar to eat or something.
Looking up, Caden groaned. He knew that he was transferring all of his feelings of hunger and frustration and disappointment to Jilian even without trying. And the fact that they were so strong and prominent... Well he felt bad. "Sorry," he muttered with a little groan. He pushed himself back to stand straight and moved for his room for his phone. "The fridge is out. I have to go back to Italy to see Tanner. I'll be back in a few days..." If he could control himself and not devour the pilot...
Jilian arched a brow. "And kill your pilot? Then sink to the ocean?" He questioned, not really reading the other's mind, but more so thinking on it. "Caden. It will be all right if you use my blood." He offered, remaining in the living room where he was. Chocolate pools staying with the other and he continued to watch him, being sure he was going to be all right. "You can call Tanner after, or go back to Italy, but if you try to now, you will only get hungrier and hungrier and not be able to control yourself at all."

He paused for a few moments before adding: "And I am positive that you may use my blood."
He was hesitant. Feeding from someone was intimate, and both he and Jilian had issues with intimacy. He didn't want to push his boundaries. But the brunette was right. The flight to Italy was long, and he wasn't going to be able to make it without eating. Caden was completely torn. He whimpered, after a few minutes, and gave in with a little nod. He had no choice, really. "Thank you."
Jilian nodded to the other's words. "Want me to sit on the kitchen table?" he asked, obviously kidding, and he even managed a warm smile given to the other. He walked over to him and took his hand, leading him to the couch. He sat down, legs crossed beneath his form and he closed his eyes as he remained perfectly still. "Stop being hesitant.' he warned, the feeling never very good when being the victim of this sort of thing.
The quip made Caden crack a smile and even chuckle a little. It was what he needed to relax just a little bit as he followed Jilian out into the living room and sat next to him on the sofa. He couldn't help his hesitation, though. He didn't want to hurt the man and yet it was inevitable. He wanted to give the brunette ample time to change his mind. After a few minutes, though, it was obvious that he wasn't. Caden leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the area that, seconds later, he sank his teeth into.
Jilian had remained still as a statue, unmoving until the other realized: He was not backing out. He was far too stubborn sometimes. He remained silent while he felt the other move. Literally. He could feel just how he was going to go about this all, and when the pain struck, he had been prepared. It was not really the best feeling in the world. At least ... initially. The more the other drank, the more he felt his emotions, and the more he started to blush just faintly. Oh. This was ... interesting.
The emotions were always the same...mostly. A sense of calm; serene. And when it wasn't Tanner, usually very sexual. This was one of those times. The blond groaned softly as he drank, hand coming to rest at Jilian's hip as he pressed closer to the brunette. He drank for a few more minutes before pulling away. He wasn't 'full' by any means, but he also wasn't sure if Jilian could reproduce his blood like Tanner or Relic could. "Thank you," he whispered again, not moving away from the man much.
Jilian by this point was feeling far too many emotions he had never truly experienced before. The combination of the other biting him, feeling his pulse and his abilities.. It all intensified the sensations he felt. He could barely keep his heart from racing. No. He could not. That was out of control. His adrenaline was coursing through his veins and his whole being just on edge. Tingling everywhere and he had not wanted it to stop. He did not want the other to stop the connection.

His now-amber eyes fluttered open to stare at the other. His gaze traveling over his form before his hand lifted to take a hold of the man's neck. He pulled him forward and instantly embraced his lips with the other's. They both may not want to be intimate, or to start a new relationship by any means, but right now, that was not what was going through Jilian's mind. What was? The fact that his body was on complete and utter needles and he wanted to have that feeling back.
Caden was quite taken aback by the kiss. He fell into it, breathing in deeply while pulling Jilian to him tightly. The blond kissed the other man deeply for a few minutes before pulling away, completely breathless. "No, Jill..." His voice wasn't nearly as strong as he'd hoped it would be. "I don't want to hurt you."
Jilian pulled away as well, taking in a deep and shuddering breath. His hand lifted to rest over his tingling lips and he nodded a little to the man's words. He was right. He really was. This was not what should happen. They were just friends. Friends who were there for each o ther. Shared their pains. It ... This was not right. Yet, why was he not moving away? He stared at the vampire for a while, heart racing and he tried to get the motivation to move away, but it was not working.

"Your feelings say differently." He whispered softly, a faint pink tinted his cheeks as his amber eyes followed the contours of the other's face and he began to lean forward once more. Until he forced himself to stop. His hands gently pressed upon the other's chest and pushed him away a little more. 'No. It ... would not be right. You are correct. It ... I am hurting. You are hurting. I enjoy our friendship too much to risk it. I got carried away. Now ... Excuse me.' He whispered, pushing his form up from the bed to go and make his way to the bathroom.
"My emotions run high when I eat," he explained. The blond nodded though to the other words, though. He fully agreed with Jilian that their friendship was too special to him to risk it. Besides, Jilian was right: They were both hurting from break ups. It would be stupid to rush into anything with anyone, especially a friend. He moved away when he was pushed and collapsed into the sofa after the brunette left the room, breathing still heavy. It took him several long minutes to calm down.
The bathroom. Did nothing for him. Jilian could still feel the other's emotions and he just needed to go farther. his solution? The ocean. He left the house, leaving a little note on his door for the man to read - just in case - and then headed into the cool waters. He sighed heavily, falling back into the salty waves and just letting them take over for a while. He needed this. Already he was feeling better. He just needed to be able to clear his head. His feelings - their feelings - it was just the intimacy of the moment. That was all.
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