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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian perked up. Pink?! he was having a girl! He looked down at his belly, lifting his head just in time to have his lips connected with his husband's. He stared at the man for a while before he sighed softly, shaking his head just a little bit. "She's going to be beyond spoiled, isn't she?" he sighed and flopped his head against his husband, turning to Sergei and smiling just a little bit more. "Thank you, so much. How are you and Gabriel doing? Are you going to have any more children?" He asked, figuring he should actually talk to their guest, not just use him.
"Yes. Yes she is." The brunette kissed the top of his husband's head and held him close while the chatted with Sergei for a little bit.

"Children?" Sergei shrugged a bit. They hadn't really talked about it and Sergei was happy to just let nature take its course with their family. So long as his husband was, of course. If Gabriel wanted to plan another child, or more children, then Sergei would be okay with that, too. "I don't know. Maybe."
Phoenix was ever so excited. He finally found where that damned god was hiding. It took a while, but hey! he found him. And why? Booty call. Why else? The man wanted some action, and he demanded it from his ex lover. They were together for years so, why couldn't he spare a little time for his Asian werewolf ex? Oh, it would be so much fun!

Smirking happily, he strolled up to the door, knocking on it and waiting for that lovely man to answer.

Sebastian was happy. Sergei left a good two weeks ago and his morning sickness was easing. all was definitely getting better! Until he answered the door. He arched a brow. "May I help you?" He asked, one hand resting upon the lovely bump of a stomach he had.

Phoenix arched a brow, taking a step back to look at the house number before shrugging and turning to look at the other again. "Looking for Jupiter. He here?"
Jupiter was happy. His husband was happy, though still worried about their child's paternity, and no longer puking three times per day. And Apollo had finally returned home with his daughter, whom he'd been taking care of all by himself since her birth. Jupiter hardly had to smack him!

The brunette was bustling around his office with paperwork and other work when he heard that voice. Shit. He considered going to see his ex and explain things to his husband, but in the last minute he took the coward's way out and sat at his desk, straining his ears to listen.
Phoenix perked up, sniffing a few times and smirking. "Never mind." He purred out, taking a step back and turning on his heel. He sniffed for a little bit more before leaping up and attaching himself to the window of the man's office. He pried the window open and slid his lean form inside. He plopped himself onto his desk, right leg draping over his left and a smirk pulling those lovely lips of his even higher. "Hello, gorgeous. Hiding from me, are we?"

Jupiter groaned and slid away from the desk as quickly as he could manage and headed for the door to yell for his husband before Sebastian flipped out. "Sebastian! Asshole is up here." He growled, leaving the door open and turning towards the werewolf. "What do you want? How did you find me? Why are you here? How much is it going to take to get you to go away?" He as annoyed.
Phoenix arched a brow. Awe. That was not the reaction he wanted! The brunette kept on the desk, his foot swinging absently into the air. "Sex. Internet. Again, sex. Annnd... Oh yes, sex." He rolled his eyes and looked back over at the god. Hadn't they done this before? Yes. Many times. Thing being, last time the other was a bit more willing and not crying for some crab or whatever the hell it was.

Sebastian growled as he was forced to hike the way up the stairs, rubbing his belly as he made his way to the office. "Jupiter. Your HUNDREDS of years old. You can't take care of him?" he cursed a few times and then flicked his husband in the forehead before turning to look at the man on the desk, narrowing his eyes. "Bugger off. He's MY husband. I'm carrying HIS child. Shoo!"

The werewolf stared at him before he snorted. "Then why don't you smell like him?" He retorted, green eyes staying to the other with quite an dull look to his features.
"Because he's another person, dumb ass." Jupiter turned to his husband and kissed his cheek. "I can. I didn't want you to get upset." He reached out and put his hand on the male's stomach and rubbed a little. "This is Phoenix. He's a horny werewolf who has yet to learn how to use his own hand, let alone his own brain. He'll be leaving now." The brunette turned and smiled snootily at his ex and waved his hand towards the door.
Sebastian listened to his love and sighed softly. He rubbed his temples a bit and grumbled a little more. "Can't date normal people." He murmured and then nuzzled into his husband just a bit more, hands still on his belly.

Phoenix rolled his eyes. "Why use my hand when I can use someone else's?" He stated and then hopped off the desk and stretched his arm above his head with a groan. "And I know he's a different person, but unless he's demonic ... and only demonic in the belly area, he may have some 'splainin' to do." He stuck his tongue out at the other, heading toward the door, only to have the husband's hand shoot out to grab his shirt.

"Demon?" he squeaked out looking up at the other and he whimpered a bit more. His head fell into his husband's chest and he then gripped Jupiter's hand tighter. "Jupiter ... Tell me he's just being an asshole."
Looking up, Jupiter lifted a paperweight from his desk and laughed heartily when it connected with the back of Phoenix's head. That felt better. With his frustration vented for the moment, the god turned to comfort his husband, shushing him softly while kissing his cheek and head and lips. "He's always being an asshole, honey. Whether or not he's lying... Well. Phoenix doesn't lie unless it gains him sex." He added the last bit very softly, not wanting to admit it, either.
"AND IM NOT GETTING LAID EITHER!" Phoenix yelled while he made his way down the stairs. Like hell he was leaving. he would just munch on their food until their little moment was over.

Sebastian gripped the doctor's shirt, his eyes turning ever so pathetic as he stared up at the man in front of him. He bit his bottom lip before taking in a deep breath. "Sergei said she was bright. Bright pink. Not dark." He reassured, despite his eyes looking just a little sorrowful afterward. "Though ... that means she's not your offspring." he buried his face into the other's chest, whimpering a little bit. "I'll... I'll still love her. I will but ... Why does she .. have to be one of ... theirs?" he whispered and hugged his love tighter to his form.
Hugging Sebastian to his form, the brunette didn't know what to say. He simply held his husband and let him get out all his worries and thoughts while getting his own thoughts in order. Jupiter was notorious for speaking without thinking and he knew that this situation wasn't the best one to do such a thing in.

He lead his lover to the sofa and sat down with him, tugging Sebastian into his side. "There's always adoption if you don't feel that you can handle the reminder, Sebastian." He would be disappointed if his husband chose adoption, but Jupiter certainly would understand.
Sebastian shook his head. "I could never do that." he whispered, curling up into the man's side and nuzzled him a bit more. "It's not her fault." He added and then looked up at hi, long lashes batting against his cheek as he did so. "we'll just ... have to have another one." he laughed lightly, sinking against the other's form and nuzzling into his chest slightly. "In two years or so. Maybe having them closer in age will be a good thing. For them, not me. Our little boy is a little spoiled." he mumbled, looking up at the man and knowing that most of the spoiling was done by him. Or his mother. Sigh. "Yes. We will have another one once she is older."
"It's not her fault," he agreed softly. "But that was my point: If you were going to have a hard time, then maybe we should think about giving her a life where she wouldn't be looked at as a bad reminder." He leaned forward and kissed his love softly. "But another child sounds lovely, too." Really, it was whatever Sebastian wanted. Jupiter just wanted his husband happy. After another few minutes, Jupiter stood up and helped the other man up, too. "Come on. We have a pesky werewolf to kick out."
Sebastian looked up at the other man and he straightened a little bit more. "We'll wait to see when she comes here." he agreed upon, leaning up to kiss his lips before settling back onto his feet. He groaned and flopped his head against his shoulder with a few more grumbles. "Really? You had to date a werewolf? An annoying one to boot?"

Phoenix had taken to moving about the first floor, seeing everything before spotting a pictures. He yanked it off the refrigerator, seeing a GORGEOUS redhead and his eyes went wide. Rushing to the stairs, he skidded to a stop and stared up at the other. "YOU HAVE A SON?!" He practically yelled at the god, obviously shocked. "AND he's fucking HOT! Damn. I got the wrong generation!" He looked over the picture a little bit more, biting his bottom lip with a little growl. "Mm... When's he getting here?"
Looking up, Jupiter's anger grew quickly. He snatched Oberon's picture out of the man's hand and growled. "Never. And if you even think of touching him you will lose your most prized bits." The god stepped in front of Sebastian and the unborn child, chest puffed out to make it clear that he wasn't screwing around. "You need to leave us alone. I'm married-happily. I'm a father and you're not a part of either of those things. I don't want you to be. Go flounce off and fuck someone who I'm not related to, by marriage or otherwise."
Phoenix thought for a moment before tapping his forefinger against his chin a bit. "What about that Mias fellow... He was a hottie." he smirked, definitely planning to do that.

Sebastian peaked over his husband's side and looked over at him. "My Uncle." He grinned, just loving that the other seemed to drop at the knowledge. "Go to Germany. I don't think I have relatives there." He chuckled and then leaned up to kiss his husband's cheek. "Let's call Oberon and Cassius for dinner." He said, leading the other off to the kitchen to go and get the phone.

He sighed softly and was about to leave before he turned to his ex, giving him a little smile. "I do want to catch up. Wanted sex, but I cannot ruin a marriage. You two look too happy." he smiled before chuckling and turning on his heel to head on out of the house to go and find his way elsewhere.
"I do," Jupiter offered with a little shrug. "Might try Antarctica." The brunette followed his husband out of the kitchen, only turning back when Phoenix spoke again. "Maybe." He couldn't commit. Phoenix was never predictable and that was what Jupiter needed at the moment. He and his family were in a high stakes situation that he wouldn't add more stress to, no matter who was asking.
Sebastian turned to his husband, smiling a little more. He took a hold of his hands, pulling him closer to his form as he leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. "You can have dinner with him, if you want to." He whispered and held his hands a bit more. "not right now, but next week or something if you would like" He shrugged his shoulders at the thought and then slid his arms around the other's waist, smiling a little bit more. "If not to just brag about your family." he chuckled, very amused right now. He wanted his husband happy, and if meeting up with his old lover was that, he trusted him enough, and was happy. "We should think of names for our baby."
James started to venture out more shortly after Akito had started to spend more and more time at the restaurant. The kitten understood why his friend was spending more and more time away from him, but that didn't make it any easier. He had become rather used to the man being near him and the only way to have that now was to be at the restaurant with Akito.

He had found a little out of the way corner to occupy himself in, and to keep himself away from as many people as possible as he was still easily spooked, and colored, or read. But he wanted something to eat now-he'd been sitting at his table for a little over four hours. The kitten wandered into the kitchen, trying very hard to keep out of everyone's way and stay unnoticed while attempting to pilfer a half gallon of ice cream and a cup of milk.
Rune happily made his way through the kitchen, wandering around for a bit before he perked up. Where was that damn choc-- AH! He smirked and soon went through the cupboards and pulled out some candy bars and then looked at the refrigerator. He walked on over and took out some ice cream and took that under one arm before he grinned. Yep. He was happy!
James looked up when the refrigerator door slammed behind him and gave a loud squeak of surprise. The man was huge! The kitten swiftly dropped his goodies and high tailed it out of the kitchen, scurrying through the restaurant to find Akito. When he did, the kitten latched on with both arms locked around the man's waist and his head buried into his chest with his eyes closed tight. He had processed, much too late, that there were customers speaking with Akito, and James was very sorry for interrupting, but he had been scared and his nature told him to seek out Akito.
Akito suddenly jolted a bit and he looked down at James. Staring at him for a moment more, he slowly turned to the customers. One hand rested on top of the kitten's - yes, he still referred to him as that - head. A small smile pulled to his lips and have gave a little bow in apology. He finished up the conversation before he turned his attention to the boy. Sighing softly, he turned and led him toward the corner of the bar where there really was not anyone there. He patted the top of his head and pulled back. "James, what's wrong?"
He was grateful, really, that Akito continued his conversation with his customers. He was so worked up that he wouldn't really have been able to talk right then anyway. James walked with Akito where he was lead and sat down, holding onto the bar for a little bit of support. "Someone scared me. I... I was in the kitchen for a snack and I turned around and he was just...there! And I'm sorry! He made me drop the milk and the ice cream because I was so scared and I didn't mean to leave the mess but...but..." He stopped and mumbled another apology, pulling his tail around him tightly.
Akito shook his head a little bit. His hands rested upon the other's shoulders and he turned him to look at him. "James. You're all right. It's fine." He whispered and then took a hold of his hand to tug him off the chair. "Come on. Let's clean it up." he murmured, beginning to lead the way back toward the kitchen.

when they arrived, Rune was there, scooping up the chocolate ice cream with the candy bar and he could only stop and stare. He sighed and turned to James. "James ... Rune scares everyone." he commented, pushing his fingers through the kitten's hair before he saaw there was no mess, smiling lightly to Rune before he looked back at the boy. "Want to get out of here? I am done for the day" and if not, he would just ask Trevor if it was all right. "we can head home."
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