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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

She whimpered, unable to look at her mother at all. "I... It was a party, Mama! I was upset about Dawn and had a little too much to drink and..." She crossed her arms on the table and put her head down on them, crying now.

Calder was torn. He wanted to comfort his daughter, but felt that she had gotten herself into this mess and she deserved the shame and upset that she felt because of it. At the same time, it wasn't good for the baby. Those words felt foreign, simply because they were talking about Ella.
Rune took in a few deep breaths, calming himself down a little more and letting out a little growl. He walked over to the crying girl and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He pulled her into his form and hugged her against his chest. "Don't cry. It's not like I'm going to disown you." he mumbled and let out a groan. His head flopped against hers and he hugged her a little more. "Don't stress. It's bad for your baby." Waiting a few moments, he soon pulled back with a brow lifted in question. "And what does Dawn think about this? have you told her? Have you broken up?"
"But you're disappointed in me," she whispered, leaning into her mother's side and hanging on around his waist. "And that's just as bad." The brunette didn't want to talk of Dawn. How could she? Had she told the other woman? No. But Dawn had to have known-everyone who had eyes knew. And that meant that Ella had no idea where she and Dawn stood as far as their relationship went. Ella just shrugged in response to all three of her mother's questions and continued to hold onto him, like she did when she was a little girl and upset.
Rune groaned. Damn. He truly was conflicted at the moment. He wanted his little baby to be back to the days when boys were icky. Sure, that was only a few months ago, it seems, but that was beside the point. He grumbled a few times and flopped his head on top of the girl's, sighing heavily as he did so. "Little bit. Well, no. I'm not ... disappointed. I'm shocked and upset." he wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulders, turning to look at his husband, begging for support of some sort from him as well. Something to make this situation better.
"See!" she argued. "You're upset with me!" She sobbed into her mother's chest, just upset about everything now. Dawn was going to really and truly leave her when they finally talked, and her parents were upset with her, and she was pregnant and didn't know who was the baby's father. What more could go wrong?

Calder moved across the table and guided Ella up out of her chair and, for now, away from Rune. He was planning to put her to bed for the time being-there was nothing else that any of them could do right then because they were all too upset. "Get some sleep, honey," he offered softly, leading her to her room. "We'll talk later when everything's sunk in." Ella nodded and climbed into bed, crying herself to sleep while her parents retreated to their own bedroom. "Should we warn Tomias and Nikkos?"
Rune stopped for a moment, thinking for a little and he then shrugged a bit. "Nope." he said simply, turning to look down at his love with a heavy sigh. "Too late." he murmured, flopping his forehead against the other's head. "Dawn's there already." he grumbled a little bit, hugging the man to his chest with a heavy sigh. "I don't like this."
Calder sighed a little and cuddled into his husband a bit more. What a mess this was. How did they find themselves in these situations? It was like drama came and hunted them out or something. The blond leaned up and kissed Rune softly before settling back into his side again. "What are we going to do?"
"Send her to Peony?" He offered before sighing heavily and flopping his head on top of the blond's, grumbling just a little bit more. "Love her no matter what. Be there for her. Wait until we can get a paternity test, then find the man and kick the piss out of him." Oh yea. That last bit was definitely something on the man's to-do list.
"Aldith would pout," Calder teased right back, kissing his love's chest a little. He thought about what his husband said and shrugged. "Just kick the piss out of him?" he asked, lifting his head to look at Rune quizzically. "You're losing your touch-usually you'd describe the gory details of his murder." Calder leaned up and kissed the tip of the man's nose.
Rune smirked and shook his head. "I don't want to give my husband nightmares." he whispered, pressing a kiss to his lips before he straightened once more, tapping a forefinger against his bottom lip for a moment and then turned down to look at the other once more. "how about the three of us take a trip, hm? We can go bother Jupiter to check her out. Stupid God should be used for something, right?" Yes. Sebastian may not be HIS child, but he definitely felt the same emotions his twin held for the man. While, yes, they were now a little better since the two married, he still loved to torture that man.
A trip? That sounded nice, really. And perhaps it would help Ella to relax a little bit, and become more comfortable with the idea that her parents knew that she was pregnant and they weren't going to disown her over it. Calder nodded in agreement with Rune, though he wasn't sure if Rune's want to go see Jupiter was to bug him, or because he fully trusted the man with their daughter and their future grandchild. It didn't matter either way, really. Jupiter had delivered several babies within their extended family and all were alive and well, and so Calder trusted the doctor with their lives.
Rune kissed the other's temple and then began to make his way toward the bed. He flopped backward, pulling his love onto his form and he turned over to nuzzled into his side with an annoyed grumble passing his lips. "it's still not cool.' he murmured absently, nuzzling the man just a little bit more. Yea. He was not really happy at the moment. He wanted to be perfectly all right with this whole situation, but he just could not be. He loved Ella, no matter what he did, it was just not what he wanted for his baby girl.
Sebastian smile. He adored his husband so much. The man was off to go yell at Apollo. Still, that boy was not doing what he should for the child. He was finally taking the vitamins, but even that was not as he should be. Honestly, it was truly horrible. Even more so to listen to Jupiter's yelling over the phone at the redhead. It was interesting, but he just knew how much it was annoying his husband. The boy should be taking better care about his baby and whatnot, but he was not. It could be worse, he supposed. At least he was not smoking or drinking, but not taking it easy as directed.

So, kissing his love good - bye, the green-haired man made his way in the opposite direction. Errands. He had to do quite a few things in town. He did have a lovely smile pulling his lips up. he was very happy right now. His son was happy. his husband was going to be happy. And oooh. Their baby-making activities always had the other happy. he wound up even going out and buying some outfits to play with his husband. Nothing too weird, but a few nice lace things. A nurse outfit he thought would definitely make the Doctor just stop in his tracks, if not lose his mind.

What he did not expect was when he cut through the ally to head home faster. Before he could even process anything, he was bombarded by a good three men. One threw his bags aside, another took a hold of his arms and the other ... It was not pleasant. Sebastian tried to scream, he truly had, but what they chose to cork his mouth with was not pleasant at all. At least, not unless it was his husband, and oh, these men were not. And Sebastian could do nothing other than cry and pray that it would be over soon.

While not soon enough, (and the sight of what the ... scumbags were doing to his nephew sent him to an even fiercer rage), Rune had heard his nephew's pleas. He had just gotten off the plane, and bolted off to find those ... THINGS doing ... THAT to HIS nephew. The rage that flowed within him could be SEEN even without Sergei's aura abilities. The ravenette was quick to rip every single one away from his nephew and disappeared out of sight to do the worst of the worst to the others. Oh, there would be no chance they would harm another. Ever. Even if somehow they survived, considering their anatomical bits were torn bit by bit from their bodies and shoved into their mouths to keep their screams at bay. There definitely was not chance. Even more as they were hung by their wrists from the side of the building.

Quickly rushing back to Sebastian, he pulled the trembling boy into his arms and tried to calm him a bit. His head rested on top of his and he kissed the top of his head a few more times. "you're all right. you're all right." he slowly began to rock them back and forth, feeling the male just completely and utterly turning to a mess. He could already feel the blood caused from too much stretching of the boy's body, feeling it absorb into his pants where the boy sat on his lap. It broke him apart, and truly made the man realize he let those men off easily.

Taking off his jacket, Rune wrapped it tightly around the boy. He gathered up the bags strewn about - knowing eventually, the kid would want them - and then off it was. He hurried his way back to the his nephew's home. Flying in through the bedroom window. There was no need to risk his son seeing him in this state. None at all. He looked around, pacing back and forth to try and find where that useless husband of his nephew's went. Where was he?!
Jupiter headed off to try to not kill Apollo. The boy was, finally, taking his vitamins... When he remembered. But he hadn't been to see him in two months, had not had his first ultrasound nor had he had any of the tests done that Jupiter usually would do on any pregnant male. While male pregnancies seemed to run rampant in any bloodline traced back to Rune and Relic, they were usually quite rare and very risky. The god wanted to be sure that the baby was okay, but he couldn't do that if the mother didn't give two shits about being pregnant!

He spent the majority of the day lecturing the redhead, with no real progress. Jupiter had been yessed to death, even after Apollo was smacked a few times. Jupiter, in the end, had Apollo's stuff packed and the male by the ear. He had decided that the redhead would be moving in with his family so that he could keep a closer eye on him. Jupiter lead his nephew into the home and pointed him towards a spare bedroom, handing him his bag. "Dinner is at six." The god gave a glare at the male before moving through the house to find his husband.

Rune heard the other and he took in a deep breath. FINALLY! he poked his head out of the room, seeing Apollo disappear into the spare room and he quickly took a hold of Jupiter's shirt, yanking him forward and shoving him toward the bed that he had settled his broken little nephew into. "Fix him! It ... Just ... Fix him!" Honestly, Rune seemed so very close to tears at this point. His nephew was so horribly broken and it just broke his heart. He did not want to give him a shower just in case it would harm him more than help. He did not know what to do!

Sebastian was sitting curled up on the bed, a pillow held tightly between his arms as his face buried into the cushion, face tear-stained as he listened and heard Apollo stomping around. He slowly turned to look at Jupiter, brows furrowing slightly. "Why is Ollo here?" he mumbled, trying to get the energy to yell at the man, but it just did not work. All he did, once Jupiter was close, was fall into his arms with many, many sobs and clung to him like no tomorrow.
Surprised, Jupiter yelped when he was grabbed and dragged into his bedroom. "What do you mean fi--" Looking over, the god gasped and rushed to his husband. He dropped to his knees at the side of their bed and very gently began to examine him. The brunette didn't bother with DNA samples-a quick scan of Rune's mind told him that they weren't necessary. Instead, the god very gingerly lifted his love into his arms and carried him into the bathroom. A luke warm bath was started and he stripped both of them and settled into the tub with Sebastian cradled close to his chest.

Jupiter pressed kisses to Sebastian's head as he very carefully began to wash the man, beckoning Rune over to help him heal his husband. "Because," he finally answered very softly. "He can't take care of his responsibilities and so I need to keep a closer eye on him."
Sebastian let out a soft little whimper, hating how he felt right now. This was why he loved his husband. One of the many reasons. When he needed, his love was there. Knew just what to do. That was what mattered. He hugged him tightly while they moved through and to the bathroom. Gladly, he cuddled up with Jupiter and gripped him even tighter. "Stupid bunny." He whispered and wound up holding tighter to Jupiter, his nails sinking into his flesh to be sure the other was there and not leaving.

Rune knelt beside the tub and he went about helping Jupiter heal up the wounds on his nephew, his ice blue eyes staying to the wounds and being sure that everyhting was going to be all right. He hated this so much.
"I agree."

Between both he and Rune, Sebastian was healed and washed free of all blood and other traces of what had happened. Jupiter thanked Rune, offering for him to stay for dinner or to yell at Apollo. After the man left the bedroom-whether to his own home, or to some other part of their own he wasn't sure-Jupiter spent a few more moments with his husband in the tub, trying to comfort him as best he could. "Are you in pain, Sebastian?" While the wounds had been healed, the pain would surely be lingering.
Sebastian waited for his uncle to leave before he turned into the other's arms and he buried his face into the crook of his neck, whimpering a few times as he did so. His arms wrapped around him and he held onto him with quite the strong grip and he bit into his bottom lip. "It doesn't matter." He whispered and then leaned up to press a soft kiss to his love's lips. "Jupiter ... Make the feeling go away." He hugged him tighter, eyes truly seeming to be close to tears as he looked up at the other, just needing his own bit of comfort right now. "Just ... Just take me, please. Please make the feel of them ... go away."
He was about to argue, but then heard his lover's plea. Jupiter shushed his husband and kissed him, nuzzling along Sebastian's cheek and neck for a moment. Jupiter then unstopped the tub and lifted his love from the water, carrying him to their bed. The other man was laid out, still soaking wet, on the bed for only a second before the god's body covered his from chest to knees. Jupiter kissed the man again, hesitating to enter him for fear of hurting him. He said so, kissing down Sebastian's neck and chest as he did.
Sebastian looked up at his love. His arms wrapped around his shoulders and he pulled the god tighter to his form and chewed his bottom lip a little more. He stared up at him for a while before whispering a soft "I love you, so much." and then connected their lips even more. He pressed his hips up and against the other's, not even caring if it would hurt. He did not. He could not care. He just needed to have his love. He did not want to feel those ... men ... on him any longer.
Looking up, Jupiter smiled softly at his husband. He shamelessly scanned Sebastian's thoughts, looking for any hint of hesitation or worry before kissing him again softly. "Love you too, honey." With another kiss, Jupiter very carefully began to press into his husband's body, being as careful as he could. He paused when fully sheathed, waiting for his love to relax a bit before moving with the same careful and deliberate movements.
Sebastian was so very happy for his love. By the time they were finished, the mossy-haired male turned onto his side and buried his face into the chest of his husband. Arms wrapped around his form and he hugged him tightly to his chest, nuzzling him a little bit more. "Thank you..." he whispered, knowing he had been a little wary over doing it, but he just needed it. Needed to be sure that he could still gladly be with his husband. That he could enjoy himself still with the man, and he had. And it helped to take away his paranoid feel of this wretched men.
Jupiter held his husband close, rubbing soft circles over his back and pressing kisses into his hair. "Now will you tell me if you're in any pain?" he asked, relentless. The brunette didn't want his lover to be in any pain, especially when he was capable of taking care of it. "And if you're hungry? Or if you want to yell at your nephew." He smiled a little at the last suggestion, and hoped that Sebastian would, too.
Sebastian smiled happily at the other and leaned up to kiss his lips once more. "It's not bad. Nothing that won't go away." He whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips a few more times before he fell back onto the bed. "I'm a little hungry." He thought a little more about the thought of yelling at Apollo and shook his head. "No. I don't want to yell at a brick wall." Yea. He knew that his nephew truly had not been listening to what Jupiter was saying.
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