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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Looking up, Jupiter eyed Apollo and then gave him a sharp smack to the back of his head. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He added another smack for good measure and then stepped away. "Be here tomorrow at nine in the morning. If you're not, I'll tell your grandmother." Shaking his head, Jupiter moved back to Sebastian and kissed him softly. "Or I'll tell Rune." Whichever twin he saw first, really.

An elephant? A wide grin spread across Oberon's lips and he looked down at the brunette. "Really?!" he squealed, obviously very pleased. He moved forward and quickly pecked a kiss to the male's lips and bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly. "Oh I love it already!"
Apollo yelped and his hand came to rest at the back of his head. He rubbed at the flesh absently, a pout to his lips, and even worse: a look of utter cluelessness. He grumbled a bit and nodded. "Yes, Uncle Jupiter." he murmured and then turned to make his way to get more food.

Cassius nodded, though stopped when their lips connected. His hand came up to rest his fingertips upon his lips, staying where he was as a faint blush tinted to his cheeks. He loved it already. WAit until he saw just how huge the stuffed animal truly was. "I'm glad." he smiled, really happy that his friend was happy.
Realizing what he'd just done, Oberon blushed, too. He wanted to lean in and kiss Cassius again, but there were too many people around. Taking the brunette's hand, he lead the smaller male away from the people, stopping to pick up the present that had Cassius' name on it as they went. They didn't go far-just to the front yard-but it was quite a bit more quiet there. Oberon sat on the front steps of their home and patted the ground next to him for his friend to join him while he tore into the wrapping paper.
Cassius perked up as he was taken away. He followed the other to the front yard, and happily sat beside him. His lavender eyes sparkled as he waited for the male to open up his gift. He just knew he would love it. And that was what made him so very excited about the whole thing. He watched as the giant elephant was revealed and one could easily see how fuzzy and soft the stuffed toy was. "Happy Birthday, Oberon." He said, leaning over to press a light kiss to his cheek.
The elephant delighted Oberon. He tossed the paper away without a second thought and hugged the plush toy tightly to his chest for a second. He turned to Cassius and smiled brightly. "Thank you, Cassius." He kept his voice soft, even though there was no one around to hear them. The redhead leaned forward, testing the waters so to speak, and let his intention to kiss the other male. He hoped that Cassius wouldn't pull away.
Cassius smiled, so very happy that the other loved the elephant. He had searched for just the perfect elephant for him. There were many, but this one was THE one for him. He looked up at him and smiled a little bit more. He saw him coming closer and he blushed. Horribly blushed, but that did not stop him from leaning forward to close the space and delicately press his lips to the birthday boy's.
Thrilled with the reaction, Oberon smiled as their lips met. The redhead set the elephant in between them and reached up to hold Cassius' head with both hands softly. His lips brushed over the other male's at first, and then pressed a little more firmly. Cassius tasted sweet with a little heat from the wings still lingering. The kiss lasted only a few moments before Oberon pulled away with tinged cheeks.

"Can I have you for my birthday, too?" he asked. Oberon didn't mean sex, he was asking Cass to be his.
Cassius enjoyed the kiss. Quite a bit. He had thought of his friend as something more than just merely friends, but had not thought it would go anywhere, so he did not think to ask or try, just stuck to friends. He smiled and then pulled back from the kiss when the other did. He blushed and gave a simple little nod to his words. "Anything for you, Oberon." He whispered softly, lifting his eyes to the male and he blushed just a little bit more and gave him a simple little nod. "Yes. Happily yours."
Oberon couldn't help the little smile that came across his lips with the answer. He leaned forward once again and kissed the brunette once again. He wrapped his arms around the male and hugged him, unbelievably happy at the moment. "Thank you for the elephant," he murmured softly, still smiling. With one last kiss, he stood and held a hand out to help Cassius up. The redhead wrapped his arm around the small male's waist and picked up the elephant in his other hand before (slowly) heading back towards the party.
Cassius smiled. He loved to see Oberon happy. The man truly was right now. He looked so lovely. He always looked nice, but today, seeing him at his birthday, and so very happy about his answer, well it was just great. He looked up at him and pulled his form up and stood beside him happily. He kissed his cheek and nodded. "You're welcome." he whispered and then began to walk with him at the same pace. "Now you have an elephant on your birthday." H estated, smiling even more.
"It's the best birthday present that I've ever gotten." Oberon really meant it, too. Especially when they ran into (literally, as the redhead wasn't paying attention to where he was walking) his father. Jupiter studied the boys and then gasped and squealed, reaching out to tug his husband over to them.

"Our baby boy has his first boyfriend!!" Oberon blushed, and groaned, with his father's announcement.
Cassius smiled, a very faint pink tinting to his cheeks as he did so. He looked up at the birthday boy beside him and he just smiled a little bit more. He was very happy to hear that. He really wanted Oberon to be happy. He truly did. When they were suddenly bombarded, he had not expected that. Not at all. He blushed a little bit more and buried his face into the redhead's shoulder. Oh. He did not really think that it would be that obvious.

Sebastian blinked a few times when he was pulled away. He was about to protest and probably whack his husband, but then he heard his words. Oberon had a boyfriend? Ten minutes ago he didn't! He stopped and looked at the blushing brunette beside his son, smiling more to the two. "Congratulations, Oberon." He said, pinching his husband's side. "Don't embarrass our boy on his birthday. Do it tomorrow." he grinned up at his husband, knowing that he could not stop himself from embarrassing him, but at least wait until he was not spoiling his birthday party.
Having inherited his father's "gift", Oberon pressed a kiss to the top of Cassius's head. "Dad can read minds, Cass...and he doesn't know when to keep that to himself!" Poking his tongue out at his father, Oberon lead Cassius away with a little peck to his mother's cheek just to rub a little salt in the wound. It wasn't often that Oberon favored his mother, simply because he and his father were so very much alike.

Jupiter pouted as the two boys walked away, and whimpered a little at his husband. "I was only happy for him!" he complained.
Cassius blushed a little more at that knowledge of Jupiter reading minds. That made him just a little unsure of what to do, or rather, anything he would do with Oberon. He gladly walked away with the other and laced his fingers just a bit more with the redhead. He glanced behind them before turning back to the redhead with curiosity to his features. "Does he always read minds?" he asked, just really wanting to know if the man would know their every move.

Sebastian smiled when his son kissed his cheek and walked off. He turned to Jupiter and poked his stomach a little bit. "I know. And you can embarrass him tomorrow. Today is just his birthday, so now ruining his special day for your happiness." He leaned up and kissed his husband's lips before setting back onto his feet.
"Not usually..." Oberon thought about it a little as they walked back towards the food and drinks. "I think Mom has him pretty well trained." Nodding, the redhead poured two drinks for them and handed one to Cassius before walking off (tugging Cassius along) to mingle with other guests.

Jupiter pouted again, but accepted Sebastian's kiss happily. He just wanted to celebrate! With a soft little huff the brunette went to make himself a plate of food.
Cassius relaxed with a soft little sigh. "Phew." He whispered and then looked up at him with interest. "So ... Tomorrow, do you want to go out to dinner?" He asked, smiling lightly. He was more than happy to suggest going out on a date with him. He was already his, so why wouldn't he want to?

Sebastian looked up at the male beside him and he smiled just a little bit more. "How about we do cake?" he offered, looking up at him with a simple smile to his lips as he did so. "You can go do the announcement." She offered, smiling just a little bit more. He pressed another kiss to his lips and then shrugged as he set back onto his feet." And after the party ... We can try for another baby again." He added with a wink before he released him to go talk to his mother.
Cake? Jupiter perked up, and then again with the mention of sex. Sex and sugar-what man could ask for more? Reaching over, he gave Sebastian's rear end a little pinch before rushing off to set up the cake and candles and other things they would need to serve (and eat) cake.

Looking down, Oberon nodded. "Yes. Dinner sounds lovely." The redhead pinned a mental note to his brain to remember and continued his conversation with his friends, including Cassius as much as he could. The redhead smiled, though, when his father came up behind them and mentioned cake. Oberon bounced on the balls of his feet a little with excitement. "Come on!" He pulled the brunette with him and to the front of the 'crowd' that was gathering around the table where the cake was set up, waiting for Happy Birthday to be sung so that he could dig into the chocolaty goodness before his Uncle Rune did.
Cassius squeaked when he was pulled off toward the cake. He giggled happily as he sat beside him, gladly singing 'happy birthday' to the man. He definitely was going to have the utmost of fun with him right now. He wanted his new boyfriend to be happy. He honestly did. How could he not want him to be happy? he just adored the male so much. Once he blew out the candles, Cassius pressed a soft kiss to the male's cheek.

Sebastian took a large piece of cake, plopping a heft scoop of chocolate ice cream onto the dish and then held it out to his son before repeating the same thing with Cassius. He knew how much that kid could eat, so he knew he would eat a lot.
Oberon basked in the attention. He smiled as his cheek was kissed and leaned in for a soft little peck to Cassius' mouth before accepting the cake from his mother happily. Yum...chocolate! Taking their cake, the redhead lead Cassius to an open seat at a table and sat down to dig in, groaning loudly with his first bite. He definitely took after his Uncle Rune in his love for chocolate. "I wish you didn't have to go home tonight," he mentioned in between bites. Oberon just liked spending time with his new boyfriend to not be sad that the party would soon come to a close and they would have to part ways for the night.
Cassius sat down across from him happily. He sat down and began to chow down on the cake and ice cream. Oh, it truly was delicious. He smiled even more as he did so. Eating the food happily, he looked up at him with the comment about not going home. He did not really want to do that either. He loved talking to Oberon. How could he not? He was a very good friend. No. He was his best friend. Why would he not want to spend more time with him? "Me too." He admitted, smiling a little before continuing to eat.
Oberon returned the smile as they continued to eat their chocolate, the redhead thinking and plotting ways to get Cassius to stay longer. His parents knew that they were dating so he doubted a sleep over would be allowed, even if it was much too soon for anything remotely sexual to happen between him and Cassius. And he wasn't even sure if the brunette would be open to such an idea.

"What are your powers?" he asked, merely trying to distract himself from thoughts of Cassius leaving.
Cassius was beyond happy right now. How could he not be? He was with his new boyfriend. Said male just loved the gift that he got him, which makes him so, so very happy as well. He was very happy with everything. He looked up at him with interest, tilting his head to the side with the question. His powers? "I can fly." He grinned and giggled a moment later with a shake of his head. "I have power over water. And wind sometimes.." He nodded a bit, smiling once more as he looked at the redhead.
"Ooooh! Can you make the water from the pool next door dump on my father??" Oberon's eyes shined with mirth at the idea of a typhoon coming out of nowhere and dumping on Jupiter's head. The image even made him giggle a little bit...until his father's hand connected with the back of his head. The redhead yelped, and his hand came up to rub at his head while he glared at his father. "What! Cassius wouldn't do it!" Well, he wasn't really too sure how far his influence with the cute little brunette went. It'd be fun to find out though...

That thought earned him another smack. "Ow!"
Cassius looked up at Jupiter as he whacked Oberon a few times, smiling lightly. "I would not dump water on you, Jupiter." He stated, smiling a little more then looked over at Oberon. "I could, but I will not. I wish for your family to like me." He admitted, a blush to his cheeks as he did so. He looked down at the cake he was finishing off and chewed it absently.
Oberon pouted a bit but nodded; he understood. Really, he did. And Jupiter smiled at the boy. "We do like you, Cassius," he assured. "My son does, especially." The brunette reached out and pinched Oberon's increasingly pink cheeks and he patted the smaller male's head before wandering off to find his husband. Maybe he could convince him to get an early start on tonight's festivities...
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