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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I stitched you fine if you weren't kicking down open doors." Jupiter glared at the man while Relic worked on healing him. "I'm not an idiot, Sebastian. Forgetful, sure, but everything that I suggest or say is because I think that it will please you." Sighing, he picked up the papers on his desk and began to file them once more, leaving Sebastian to attend to their son and whispering a 'thank you' to Relic. He was still in a snit.
After getting the little boy to calm down, he turned on his heel and made his way back to where the doctor was. He looked up at his lover, tugging on his sleeve before he motioned for him to take the baby. "Come now. You haven't held him much." he whispered, keeping his eyes to him and he smiled lightly. "I love you, Jupiter. I ... hate your forgetfulness and yes, it gets me bitter, but I just ... I'm sorry." he whispered and then pressed a kiss to his lips, making sure he had their son before letting go of the child.

his arms wrapped around the brunette's waist and he buried his face into his side with a few little nuzzles. "I don't want you to think I think you're an idiot. I call you one when you're forgetful, or when I'm mad, but I don't think you're stupid." He tilted his head back and looked up at him, mossy green eyes staying with his form while he waited to hopefully get him to smile. "Tomorrow night, how about we just go for a walk? Get ice cream. Small little steps, please."
He was nearly fourteen! Oberon skipped through the house to find his father to start planning his birthday. His father was far more fun than his mother, and he would get a better party out of Jupiter! One more week! Oberon was super excited. "DADDDYYY!"

The last fourteen years had flown. Somehow, he and Sebastian had managed to raise a lovely son, who was more like him than his mother. That last fact pleased Jupiter to no end. He had someone to plot with and play with, who wasn't always so serious! Perking up with his son's call out to him, the brunette stuck his head out of his office, smiling.

They plotted for the better part of the afternoon, and still were when they were called to dinner. "An elephant? I don't think there's enough room in the back yard to hold an elephant and all the guests for your birthday party," he mentioned as they entered the kitchen.
Sebastian went wide-eyed as he turned to the two that were coming into the kitchen. "You are NOT getting an elephant for your birthday!" He stated, narrowing his eyes at his husband before turning to their red-haired son. "You're only fourteen." He added, though, it was not like he would allow it for a sweet sixteen either. He was already positive his father was planning to get him a car. If not Jupiter, then the boy's grandparents definitely would. Sigh. Spoiled little child he was. What was worse? NEITHER one remembered that his birthday was LAST week. NO ONE. They did not even mention it. No birthday gift. No cake. Not even a simple 'happy birthday' and yes, he was pissed about it. Hence why he was even crankier than normal. He cursed a few times before turning to the food in front of him. Again. Forgot AGAIN.
"But MOOOOMMMM!" Oberon whined pitifully and pouted, trying to win his mother over. But the mood that Sebastian was in let Oberon know that it was simply a losing battle. The redhead whimpered to his father who patted his shoulder and lead him to sit down in his seat at the table. Once he had, Jupiter moved over to his husband and wrapped his arms around the man's waist from behind.

"You only turn fourteen once..." he tried, pressing a little kiss to the man's neck.
Sebastian bit his lip and growled a little at the man behind him. "Yes. And I only turn forty-two once." He growled out before shoving his husband off of his shoulders. He then moved over to the chair and sat down. He plopped some of the food onto his plate and began to chow down, annoyance clear to his features. Yes. by the time his son's birthday came around, he would be a little calmer. Just for him. He would still be very hurt, but he would not spoil his child's birthday because BOTH of them were ... brainless.
Forty two? Jupiter stood and did math (using his fingers, of course) and creased his brow. That wasn't right. "Forty two? Your birthday isn't until..." The brunette's eyes went wide and he rushed to the calendar that they had hung on the fridge. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck! With a little whimper, the doctor reached over and pulled his husband up from his chair and out of the room, patting Oberon's head as they went. "Be back. Love you. Be good. No elephants." The redhead was about to argue but his parents were gone before he could. What the hell?

Jupiter tugged Sebastian into his office and closed the door. "Would you believe that I didn't forget and am just planning a surprise party for you?" he tried, obviously feeling horrible for once again forgetting an important day.
Sebastian bit his bottom lip when the man suddenly dragged him off and out of the kitchen. He turned to look at their son, giving him a little smile before he followed to the other's office. Staring up at his husband, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he glared up at the man after his words. He let out a little growl and pushed the other away at arm's length. "Uh-huh. Just like when you forgot my fortieth?" He questioned and then glared up at him a bit more. Honestly, it was just to hide his utter hurt he felt.
"I know..." Jupiter moved forward and rested his hands on Sebastian's hips, leaning down to press a little kiss to his forehead. "I'm really, really sorry Sebastian..." What else could he say? He didn't forget his husband's birthday on purpose. He was just a forgetful person! The brunette looked down at the man and pouted a little, begging for forgiveness. "I'll make it up to you?"
Sebastian rolled his eyes at the other's words. He pushed him away once more before moving off of the door as well. "Of course you will." he murmured and then opened the door to make his way out, not caring enough to still by there and deal with him. He made his way back to the kitchen. He smiled at their son, pressing a kiss to the top of his head before straightening up once more with a small smile to his lips. "No elephants, sweetie. We can get you a big cake. You can have all your friends that you want. Extravagant but not ... insane, sweetie." He kissed his head once more and then sat down in his chair once more to just go back to food.
Sighing, Jupiter waited for a minute and then followed his husband into the kitchen. For the moment, nothing more was said about Sebastian's birthday. He and Oberon would plan something super amazing to make up for their idiot moment after dinner. What that super amazing thing would be, he didn't know. But they would figure it out together.

Oberon nodded, but stood when his mother sat down and wrapped his arms around the man's neck to give him a tight hug. "I'm sorry I forgot, mommy..." The redhead only used the term 'mommy' when he was a toddler, and when he was trying to get back on his mother's good side.
Sebastian looked up at the boy now hugging him. He smiled lightly and wrapped his arms around the boy, hugging him lightly and he shook his head a little bit more. "It's fine, sweetie." He whispered and kissed his cheek wit ha little shake of his head. He patted the other's back lightly and then kissed his cheek before he took a bite of the food and pushed it into the other's mouth to get him to eat. He then turned to the plate, just not really wanting to think about it.
He gave a little pout but took the bite of food and then slid back to his own seat. Jupiter noticed how hurt Oberon was, though he knew that neither of them had any right to feel hurt. They had hurt Sebastian. Reaching over, the brunette patted their son's leg and dug into the food silently.

After dinner, Jupiter sent Oberon to his room to finish homework while he and Sebastian cleaned up the kitchen. "You know I don't forget on purpose... I'm really sorry, Sebastian. get better presents when I do forget?"
Sebastian picked up the plates from the table and put them into the sink before he turned to look at the male that was there. "I know you don't." He whispered and closed his eyes before he set against the counter. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he looked at the man in front of him with a brow lifted in question. "You and Oberon don't. You both love me and you're both ... yourselves.' he murmured and then closed his eyes a moment later with a heavy sigh. "It's not the gifts. I'm just happy with ... happy birthday."
Moving over to Sebastian, the brunette pulled his husband into a tight hug. "We do love you. More than anything. And we do try to remember." He wasn't sure what else to say. 'Happy birthday' wouldn't really cut it now. But he wasn't sure what to do, either. Perhaps something really quiet and small for just the three of them-what they would have done for his lover if they hadn't forgotten about the day in the first place? His thoughts rolled around in his head as they continued to clean up.
Sebastian shrugged lightly and leaned up to kiss the man. "i'm going to take a bath. You can clean up." he stated, patting his rear playfully before he pulled away. He kissed him once more, wanting the other to get he was not mad. He was not. He was upset. Hurt. Disappointed. Not mad. He was just too used to it. He was sure that their record for remembering was MAYBE three years? No. Two and a half. Half because they started, but then ... forgot.

Sighing heavily, the green-haired male made his way through the house. Heading into the bathroom, he stripped down to nothing and was so very happy once the bubbles were in their lovely claw-foot tub. He slid into the warmth and sunk low, and low ... until he was completely submerged in the water.
Nodding, Jupiter kissed his husband and then finished cleaning up the kitchen. There wasn't much left to do and the doctor quickly went to join Sebastian in the tub. When he walked into their private bath, naked, he stopped when he saw that his lover was completely submerged in the water. He panicked for a second and then rushed over, tugging Sebastian's head above the water by hauling him up from under his arms. "Are you trying to kill yourself, me, or both of us?" he asked, worry clearly reading over his face.
Squeaking, the man flailed slightly while he was yanked out of the water. He gasped and looked up at the man beside him, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Neither! Er ... None. stupid grammar." he rolled his eyes before whacking the other's hands off his form. "By now, I can stay under the water for longer than you think." He stated, whacking him lightly to be sure he was done touching him. He sunk against the tub and sighed softly. Yep. He was far too used to taking baths, sinking under the water, and just ignoring the clueless men he was now living with.
With a relieved sigh, Jupiter sunk down onto the floor, still naked, and rested his head against the side of the tub. He wanted to reach into the water and hold his husband's hand, to be close to him, but Jupiter realized that this was Sebastian's escape. After a little while longer, the brunette did reach in only to squeeze his love's hand and then went back into the bedroom to get dressed, leaving Sebastian to his own thoughts for now.
Sebastian watched the man, tempted to make him stop from leaving, but he did not want to. Not yet anyway. Once the door was closed, he sunk back into the warm water and just let the sadness pass through him. He remained silent for a while, just trying to relax and try and get the sadness to completely go away. Well, no, it would not fully go away. Not yet anyway. He loved his family. Much more than they probably thought he did, but that did not stop the hurt. He was sure the only reason Jupiter remembered their anniversary was because of Oberon.

After a few minutes - well, twenty - the man made his way back into the bedroom. A pair of pajama pants to his hips as he made his way to where his husband was. He slid onto his form, straddling the god's hips and then leaning down to bury his face into his neck with a soft little sigh. "We should have another baby." he mumbled absently. The thinking behind it? If they planned to have one on the other side of the year, away from his birthday, he would be happy. That and he missed when Oberon was younger and actually clung to his mommy. He wanted someone to still think he was the best of the best.
Jupiter had made his way into his office to finish up some work. When Sebastian climbed into his lap, the brunette quickly abandoned whatever was on his desk in lieu of wrapping himself around his husband tightly. Another baby? Softly, Jupiter sifted through his lover's thoughts, not sure that Sebastian would tell him the entire truth if asked. Sighing softly, he lifted the man's head and pressed a kiss to his lips. "You are the center of our universe, Sebastian," he assured softly before nuzzling into his soft, mossy hair. But no matter what his reasonings, Jupiter couldn't deny his husband anything. "You want to adopt, or get pregnant again?" he asked, knowing he'd likely be sorry for asking such a question.
Sebastian ruffled his nose at the man prodding his mind. "Jerk" he whispered softly and closed his eyes a little bit more once again. He sighed softly and pulled back to look down at the man in front of him. He closed his eyes, honestly just feeling a little broken and tired today. "Don't lie to me. I'm not the center. But you do love me." he whispered and pressed a little kiss to his lips and fiddled with the front of the other's shirt absently. "I told you two kids, didn't I? I don't mind getting pregnant ... once more. Last time. Anything else, we can adopt." He stated and kissed him again before letting his head fall back onto his shoulder. "Besides, it gave me a reason to be even crankier."
"I'm not lying," he countered softly, hugging Sebastian tighter. "Neither Oberon or I would be able to survive without you." It was the truth. While yes, they forgot birthdays and appointments and occasionally dates, that didn't mean that Sebastian wasn't their one and only life force. But Jupiter laughed at his lover. "You never need a reason to be cranky," he teased with a little kiss to the man's forehead.
Sebastian kissed the man's neck absently and shrugged his shoulders absently at his words. "True, but it helps." He said softly, kissing his neck once more and he slid his arms around his shoulders. He hugged him and remained silent and where he was, not wanting to move right now. He took in a deep breath and relaxed a little into his embrace. "Besides, you get another baby this way, right?" He nuzzled him a little more, feeling just a little too under the weather right now. He would not fully admit it, but he was looking forward to having another baby. His little Oberon was all grown up, and he would not be able to handle it when the teen goes off to college and leaves them. He did not want to deal with that. That and the fact that it was very nice to have the feeling of a life growing within him. It was comforting. Knowing that there was someone indefinitely who needed him. That little baby that looked up at him with such wonder and adoration. He did not get that anymore with Oberon. Not often, and not the same way. He knew he was loved. he knew that his husband and son both adored him, but it was different. It is different now.
Jupiter hugged his husband close to him and nuzzled the top of his head a bit. It wasn't that he had to think about his answer-whatever Sebastian wanted he would get. But he could read the uncertainty and sadness that his love was feeling and that hurt, too. But he understood. After a few more minutes, the brunette leaned down and kissed Sebastian's lips softly, drawing his face up as he did so. "Can we start trying tonight?" he asked, grinning a little as he kissed the other man again.
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