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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Don't let your mother hear you talking like that. Or Remus and Romulus. Or your Aunt Relic." While yes, in the beginning, Calder had been a little...put off about Rune's and Relic's relationship, but now...well now it was completely normal in the world of his huge, confusing and jumbled family. Somewhere along the way, your siblings became a very viable choice in who you would sleep with.

"And why are you here talking to us?" he asked, still bustling around yet paying attention to Lucius. "Shouldn't you be talking to Severus? And if you want to adopt children, don't you think cooking will be a handy skill to have?" So the last bit was teasing. But the first questions were valid.
He arched a currently-purple brow in question at his Father's words. "No. It means that any child we adopt will be excited to visit its grandparents." He stated, narrowing his eyes at the man before he shrugged. "Because I just ... needed parental consolation. I mean. It's been fourteen some odd years... I think we'd make decent parents." He said simply and shrugged a bit, swaying his hips from side to side while he tried to think about it. "I'll ask Severus when I get back home... but I'm still just ... want my Papa's input."
Calder put a lid on the pot he'd been stirring and then turned to his son with a little sigh. "I don't see any problems, Lucius. Look at Remus and Romulus...And Pierce...And Gideon." The blond shook his head at the odd relationship the four had. "They're twins, just like you and Severus, and they're perfectly happy together, with their own children to boot. If you're wanting to be a father, and you're thinking of adoption, then there's no reason that you shouldn't be able to. And also think about the fact that no adoption agency will have to know that the two of you are siblings. You look nothing alike-when you're not trying to freak people out with your powers-and with the same last name, anyone will assume you're married."

He reached out and hugged his son.
Lucius curled into his father's embrace, smiling warmly as he did so. "See? This is why I came to my Daddy." He statedw ith a little sigh. Hugging his father for a few more moments, he hopped away with a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks!" he said cheerfully, turning and scurrying out with a little kiss to his mama's cheek on the way.

He easily made his way through the streets and toward his and Sev's house. He searched for a few moments before finding the man. He got a running start and tackled the man to the ground with a squeal "SEEEVYY!" He chimed happily and gripped his love with a giggle.
Shaking his head, Calder followed the currently purple haired man into the living room and collapsed into his husband with a happy little sigh. "You've ruined dessert," he teased softly with a little smile. The blond linked their hands together, happy. "What do you think of going back to Avalon for a little bit?" he asked, looking up. "Just for maybe a month...or six..."

With a loud 'oomph!', Severus landed on the floor on his back, looking up at his brother. "Sooner or later, you're going to tackle me and I'm going to smack my head into a table and bleed to death," he warned, though with no real malice in his voice. Severus' hands came up to rest on the other man's hips, content to lie with him sitting on him.
Rune looked down at his love, staring at him for a few moments before he shook his head. "No. Last time we went there, I got pregnant with evil incarnate." He mumbled before leaning down to kiss his lips and nodded to his words. "Yes. That would be nice." He admitted and then pressed a kiss to his cheek and then nuzzled into him absently.

Lucius arched a brow, staring down at his brother for a few moments. "No. Mama's genetics will take over well before you bleed to death." he stated, leaning down to kiss his lips softly. He then pulled back and bounced on his hips for a little bit more until he pulled back with a smile on his lips. "Let's adopt! A baby. child. Little miniature human being. that will grow into a bigger one with our help."
He smiled a bit and relaxed a little more. "We can always reverse the magic or whatever that made it possible for you to get pregnant in the first place..." They were going to do that years ago and, for whatever reason, never had. "Or we can use whatever the twins used on Pierce." Honestly, Calder just wasn't ready for more children yet.

"What?" Severus wasn't sure he'd heard Lucius right...until the man kept babbling. The brunette reached up and put a hand over his twin's mouth to shut him up. "We're...we're not...I mean..." Kids? Lucius wanted kids? They hadn't even talked about kids before.
Rune thought for a moment before looking down at him with a bit of thinking. He nodded after a moment and then pressed a kiss to the other's neck softly. "Yes. If we ever want more, they can come from you.' He stated, smiling and kissing him a little bit more. "We'll reverse it then run away to Avalon... and get some missiles to be sure no kids come bother us." he mumbled and shrugged. "Or at least on Avalon, we're farther away and will know more if they come."

Lucius looked down at the other, letting his hand stay on his lips while he let him get his shock out. He shrugged a bit, lifting up to take his hand down from his lips. "Well ... I love you and I want a baby ... but not from me. And I doubt you'd want to pop out a kid. And there are so many kids that need to be adopted and ... I don't know. I just think having a baby will be great for us. So ... We can talk about it first. Obviously. Do you not want kids?"
He nodded and then moved to check on dinner. "Or we can threaten them all with great bodily harm. I know how much you love that." Calder smiled over his shoulder and then set to getting dinner on the table for them both. "What do you think?" he asked a few moments later. "About Lucius and Severus, I mean."

Did he want kids? No...not really. But Lucius did and it wasn't fair to deny his love flat out, either. "No... I... Thought that was one of the best parts about being gay." The brunette shrugged and slipped out from under his brother to stand (and pace). This was almost too much to take in, really. "It's a lot, Lucius," he continued after a full minute.
Rune grinned to his love. "You know me so well." He stated, smiling just a little bit more while his eyes kept to the man in front of him. He thought for a moment on the question and shrugged his shoulders. "I think they both want different things." He stated, shrugging once more. "Not that Luci ever really had an interest in kids ... Something must have just struck him, I'm sure."

Lucius blinked a few times. No? He sat on the ground, truly looking like a kicked little puppy right now. He had thought that Severus would have wanted a baby. He was the one who had an interest in a female! He stared up at him for a while before he pushed aside his hurt feelings. He stood up and shook his head a little bit. Walking over to his brother, he pressed a kiss to his cheek and then wrapped his arms aroudn the raven-haired male, smiling lightly while his hair slowly faded to a lilac. "It's fine, Sev. I get it. You don't want kids. We don't need to have any. I'm happy just being with you. So ... Don't worry so much, okay? I just ..." he shook his head and kissed the man once more. "It's nothing. Let's go out for dinner, hm?" Yep. Change of topic. Change of scenery. He just did not want to dwell on it.
"We'll think about it," he offered, wrapping his arms tightly around Lucius' shoulders. "I just...can't process something like that and change my mind right away, you know?" He kissed the top of his love's head and hugged him tighter. "You just what?" he asked, pulling away long enough to look down at the other male. Severus was curious to know all of Lucius' thoughts on the subject. Maybe it would help him decide.
Lucius took a hold of the front of his shirt, gripping it absently and toying with the fabric absently while he tried to think. "I just ... saw this couple with this cute little baby the other day ... and I could see us with a little baby of our own. Shopping for him. Dressing him up for halloween. Threatening any possible mate they could ever think of having. . . Making sure the baby emphasizes 'ma' in Grandma..." He shook his head a bit and lifted his eyes to his brother with a weak smile to his lips. "It ... was just a thought, I suppose."
"But that's not all that being parents is about, Lucius." Yeah. There would be many good times. But look at the trouble their parents had with Peony. Or with them, for that matter. "It's scary to think that we could be responsible for another life... I can barely comprehend being responsible for my own!" With a little sigh, he dropped the subject for the time being with a little kiss to his lover's lips. "We'll think about it," he repeated softly.
Lucius nodded a little bit to the other's words. He knew that there was more to being a parent than just walking around town and that sort of thing, but he could not help but to feel that they would be good parents. He was sure they would be all right raising a child. Teaching them right from wrong. Making sure they had manners. Nonetheless, he pressed a soft kiss to the other's lips and then pulled back a moment later to just look up at him. He leaned up and kissed him again and shook his head a second later. "Let's ... go out to dinner. We'll put it on the backburner and just let it sizzle. Kay?" He took his hand, lacing their fingers together as he began to drag him toward the door.
Nodding, Severus followed his brother out the door. His thoughts were still swirling around as they walked towards a little cafe for dinner. He didn't really know what to think, and half wished that they could rent a child or something just as silly. A trial run, really, was what he was looking for. What if they adopted a child and found that neither enjoyed being a parent? Or, worse, were no good at it? Adopting a child wasn't just changing their own lives, but changing the life of that child and Severus wasn't sure that he was ready for such a responsibility...
Watching his brother slowly downspiral with his thoughts, he sighed softly. Leaning forward, he smiled lightly. "We can babysit. When Batty has his ... child ... We can see if he'll let us babysit, I'm sure he will. Just ... I know. I know. I get that we may not be ready or whatever else, but I just want to give it a shot. So, we can watch Batty's baby for a while. Maybe have him and Jupiter go out for a night on the town. See if it's even something we're interested in. Kay?"
The thought had merit, and Severus nodded in agreement to it. He had to give this a fair chance, or else Lucius would come to hate him for it. Once they babysat, then perhaps they could talk about being foster parents. It wasn't the one night here and there that had Severus worried, it was in the long term. If they were foster parents, they could terminate their status with whichever agency they registered with if they ever felt like this wasn't for them. "Yes...that sounds okay." The brunette gave a little smile and kissed his love's cheek softly.
Lucius looked at the other and smiled just a little bit more. "Or Fostering. We can look at an orphanage up here ... Or we could even go look at Rom and Rem's. I'm sure they would love it. but then.. That would involve moving, huh?" he shook his head a little bit and straightened just a little more, picking at the sandwich in front of him. "Looking here seems to be the smartest idea, huh?" He giggled lightly and popped a piece of the sandwich into his mouth.
Thinking about it, Severus nodded. Yes, staying here was really their only option. Well, his only option. He wasn't willing to leave their parents or Draco or the rest of their family. "But maybe the twins will know of some contacts for a few months." They ate in silence for a bit, Severus still thinking about everything. "What if we're bad parents?" he asked. It was the heaviest worry on his mind.
Lucius looked over at his brother and he sighed softly. "Then we become good parents. Look at our parents. The stories Papa has told about Mama? And we love Mama, most of the time. At least we're warmer than he is." He stated, leaning over to press a kiss to his lips. "I think we'll be fine." he whispered and then stood up. He placed the money onto the table and then took a hold of his hand, tugging him lightly. "We can discuss it some more. Don't need to think about it right now. It's an idea. We have a long time ... so we'll be patient."
He nodded and allowed himself to be lead out of the house. Severus was glad for Lucius' patience, because he wasn't sure he'd be able to make a decision right here and now even if it was demanded of him. "If we wind up with a kid like Peony, all bets are off." Severus was only half kidding.
Sebastian was wandering around the kitchen. He was so huge by now, and he still had a good month left. So not cool. He sighed heavily before walking over to the counter to continue putting together his sandwich. Before he could even put the topper bread on ... Something suddenly felt like it was sliding down his legs. He stopped, frozen as he looked down at the puddle beneath him. And then the pain hit. Oh. That was not pleasant. "JUPITER!" He yelled, grumbling as he stormed off. "GIVE ME DRUGS!"
Drugs? With his name yelled, Jupiter meandered into the kitchen. "You know drugs aren't good for the ba-- Oh." Shaking his head, Jupiter moved to his lover and wrapped his arm around Sebastian's waist to lead him to the bedroom. His medical supplies were handy, the brunette having set them out months ago in perparation for this moment. The only item that was in the bag that was a bit out of place was Sebastian's engagement ring.

The doctor prepared the pain killers and moved to sit on the bed with his lover, offering him the ring. "Marry me?" He smiled, thinking it'd be cute to have their wedding anniversary on the date that their son or daughter was born! The drugs were still not administered.
Sebastian cursed a few times as he was dragged through the house and up to the bedroom. Sitting down, he scooted himself up to just relax. What did not help, was his lover. He stared at the ring in front of him for a while before he growled out. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" He yelled, hand snapping forward to take a hold of his shirt and yank him so that he was merely an inch from his face. "THIS was your fucking brilliant moment?!" He took the box from the other's hand, closed it just so that he could smash the thing against his temple.

"YES! Now give me painkillers before I rip your throat out!"
The violence and anger didn't phase Jupiter one bit. He simply smiled brilliantly and administered the pain medications before opening the box once more and slipping the ring onto his love's finger. With a little kiss, the brunette jumped off of the bed and began to get himself prepared to deliver their baby. "Right then! Drugs should kick in in a few minutes. Let me know when everything below your chest starts to tingle."

Once he was given the word, the brunette easily delivered the baby. He was in awe, really, as he'd never delivered his own child before, and was hard pressed to give him up. The doctor swaddled the tiny newborn and moved to sit on the bed with Sebastian, smiling like a loon.
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