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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Jack and Jill?" he caught on with a light little laugh. The man's parents must have a nice sense of humor...though considering the pregnant man he'd met to night, maybe not... "You're closest to Dario, then?" It was an observation more than a question, really, but it still drew out conversation which was what he was craving from the other man at this point. "Where are your parents and other siblings?"
Jack laughed lightly as well, nodding to his words. "Yes. My parents find it funny." he stated, shaking his head a little bit and then lifted his eyes to the other once more. he nodded again, a warm smile pulling to his lips. "Yes. Dario has always been there to defend me and stick up for me. my other brothers love me, of course, but they normally just had their own things going on. Even though Dario had his ... moments of pure-selfishness, he did make sure I knew to evacuate the house." he shrugged a little bit and then perked up with the question. "Italy and Ella is in Greece. My two brothers live with Mom and Dad still and Alex, our eldest brother, lives in his own house that my parents bought him." He informed him with a simple smile to his lips. "They'll probably come visit."
He nodded and they chatted for a long time more. Really, Troian was having a wonderful time listening to Jack speak about himself and his family. It allowed the brunette to learn more about the beauty. "How often do you get to see Dario?" he asked, truly curious. Peony didn't seem like the type of man to allow visitors on a whim, especially for any of his staff. It must have been a special occasion, seeing as Peony himself had been out of town the other day.
Jack lifted his shoulders into a simple little shrug at the thought. "Um ... This is the first time I have gotten to see him in the three months he had been there." He stated simply, giving him a warm little smile, though his eyes were a little sad at the thought. He shook his head to try and get the thoughts away, looking in front of him over at the scenery. He really did feel horrible about the whole thing. He did not really like that he could not visit his brother when he wanted to, but Dario has seemed to grow which was a good thing.
He'd thought as much. Troian nodded softly and thought for a moment before speaking his next words. "Then you shall just have to accompany me to Peony's home next week," he stated with a little nod. It was an invitation despite the tone he'd used, and while the brunette would be highly disappointed if Jack turned him down, he would not force the other man to do something that he was not comfortable or did not want to do.
Jack turned to the other, his eyes a little wider than normal. "Really?" he questioned, his whole being just lit up right away and his eyes sparkled with the thoughts rushing through his mind. "Oooh, Thank you, Troian!" he took in a deep breath to calm himself and just giggled as he sunk into the seat once more. "Thank you. I really do miss my brother." he admitted with a little giggle.
Settling into the villa he'd rented for the week was quite easy, really. Peony had the staff, who he'd requested to stay on, put their bags in the master suite and gave them the schedule of meals he wanted to keep. They were instructed to show Aldith where he could set up his art supplies, as well. "What do you think, pet?" he asked as they strolled through the house, taking in their surroundings. "There's much for you to draw here."
Aldith's golden eyes traveled along everything around him. Taking in the beauty of it all and definitely enjoying it so very much. He was just in a bit of shock. Everything was so gorgeous. He did not know where to begin! Turning to the man beside him, he smiled lightly and gave him a simple bow of his head. "Everything if beautiful, Master. Thank you. It is so very beautiful."
"Come," he encouraged, guiding his pet towards the rear of the villa and the gardens there. As they walked, Peony set the boundaries, but left all of the grounds open to Aldith for his enjoyment, and his art. It was getting close to dinner, though, and the brunette began to steer them back towards the house once again. "We will get up early tomorrow," he instructed softly. "We'll have a nice breakfast on the terrace and then perhaps indulge in a little wine tasting in the afternoon."
Aldith was completely and fully enjoying himself. This whole place was so very magnificent and he could not get over it. Even the next day, everything was fresh and new and he wanted to do so much. The day itself went by great. The wine tasting was lovely. The dinner his master took him to was delicious. Dessert made his mouth water even when he just looked at it. Then, when they got back to the villa, he was allowed to paint. That just made him so happy. He took up everything he needed and then made his way into the courtyard of the villa. There was where he lost himself. He lost track of time and just painted away, capturing the night life of the grounds and the bugs and other animals that scattered across were put into the painting.
Peony, too, was greatly enjoying himself. He found that he loved Aldith's company more and more with each activity they shared together. The brunette also loved his pet's enthusiasm for all that they did and tried. It was refreshing to see someone take to the roll of a pet so openly and easily.

The brunette sat with a book while Aldith went to paint, Peony not at all worried about what the blond may or may not get into. But when it neared midnight and the blond was still not back, he grew restless. He wanted to go to bed, and would not be able to do so until his pet was safely beside him. Peony set his book on the bedside table and made his way out to the gardens to find Aldith. When he did, he moved up behind his pet and gave a sharp-but-not-too-sharp swat to his behind. "It's nearly midnight, pet."
Aldith jumped with the sudden swat to his rear. his eyes went wide as he turned to see Peony there. "Oh no! I am sorry, Master!"he said, quickly picking up his art supplies and gathering them up to go and rinse them before he would shower. He knew how much Peony wanted him to be clean, and needed him to be clean, and since there was a little bit of paint in his hair, he definitely needed to get that out. He had all his dirtied supplies in his hands and turned to look at the man. "Master, is it all right if I wash my brushes then go shower?"
He had to smile at the reaction, and as he watched his pet try his hardest to clean up as quickly as he could. Peony was drawn into his own thoughts, only to be drawn out with the question of whether or not Aldith could wash his supplies and then shower. It took the brunette a minute to gather his thoughts together, and he then took the supplies from his pet's hands. "Go and shower, pet. I will care for your supplies tonight." That said, he turned and went into the house to wash the dirty brushes and palettes, not wanting to ruin anything of Aldith's.
"Thank you, Master." He said softly, bowing once more before he turned to make his way to the shower. He made sure to get every bit of paint out of his hair and off his skin, not wanting to be unacceptable in his appearances to his Master. He took a good twenty-five minutes before he stepped out of the bathroom, a simple towel around his waist. His nightie was in his and his master's bedroom. He forgot to grab it before going into the shower. He just wanted to get cleaned up before his master thought he was taking too long.

Moving into the bedroom, he looked around the room, trying to see where Peony would be, or if he was even done washing the art supplies yet.
Peony had finished with the supplies and ordered one of the staff members to put them away where they belonged before returning to their bedroom. When Aldith poked his head out into the room, the brunette once more put his book down and he beckoned his pet over to him. "Well?" he asked softly. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Peony wasn't angry, but Aldith also knew the rules, and "bedtime" was at eleven...not quarter til twelve.
Aldith blushed horribly while he slowly began to make his way into the room. "I do not have anything, Master. I got wrapped up in my art. I am sorry. I believe that is why I was never able to paint before. I will understand if you do the same." he said softly, walking over to where the man was in the bed. His head hung low and his golden eyes staring at the bed. He did not wish for his art to be taken away again, but he knew the rules. He knew that he went against his master, even if not meaning to.
Sitting now so that his legs were over the side of the bed, the brunette reached out for his pet. Peony removed the towel from around Aldith's waist and placed it on the bed, giving his rear end two more swats, though neither were hard enough to truly hurt the man. The blond was then gathered into Peony's arms and held while he brushed soft strands of hair out of Aldith's eyes. "We'll consider tonight your warning, pet," he decided. "And from now on, you will bring an egg timer with you to remind you of the time."
Aldith's breath caught in his throat with the towel removed. He really had expected to be beaten. What he wound up getting was definitely not what he expected. His eyes lifted to the other, easily moving into his lap and he looked up at the man with his golden eyes. Staring at the man for a while, he nodded gently to his words. "Yes, Master." he whispered, blushing lightly as he stared at his lap, just embarrassed that he had been so foolish as to not do something as simple as remember the time.
Looking down at his pet, Peony couldn't help the little growl. Aldith was a beautiful man while clothed. While naked, he was stunning. The brunette's lips brushed over the man's neck, and then his jaw softly, unable to help himself. His hand rested at Aldith's hip while the other carded through the man's hair, soothing away any of the stress that he felt from breaking a rule.
Aldith took in a deep breath, his eyes fluttering closed. The feel of his lips against his neck, and the little affections. They truly were foreign to the man, but what was worse, was that it was starting to rile feelings that he had not had in so long. Centuries. He could not remember the last time he actually wanted someone to touch him like this. The last time his body had reacted solely on its own, and with such simple touches. He could not remember. Did not even know if it had ever happened before. What he knew was that he definitely liked the feeling.
Very tentitively, Peony's lips pressed properly to his pet's neck. He repeated the actions slowly until his lips had come to press to Aldith's Adam's apple. The brunette licked over the bump and then continued on his way, around to the other side of the man's neck. He stopped after a few moments, lips once more very light, brushing over Aldith's own. "I am not a gentle lover, pet. Your beauty tempts me to hurt you; to mark you, and then to bring you such pleasures that you forget you've been hurt."
Aldith took in a sharp and shuddering breath with the stronger contact of the other's lips to his form. Oh how lovely that felt. how lovely the other one was to him. He remained silent in the other's lap, though there were quite a few soft moans of pleasure with his master's attention to him. His eyes lifted to look up at the man, listening to the other's words. He gave a simple and short little nod to his words. "Yes.' he whispered softly, keeping his eyes to the man for a moment more. "I know. Whatever Master wishes, I know will be the best." he lifted his golden eyes to his once more, keeping to himself while he waited to see what his Master would do next.
Peony grinned. Oh, he'd chosen the perfect pet! "You will tell me, with a word of your choosing, when you've reached your pain threshold," he instructed with another brush of their lips. "You will not be punished for stopping my hurting you. You will not disappoint me, nor will you anger me. You are to use your word whenever you feel it's too much for you. Do you understand me?" The brunette's hands now started to roam over his pet's body, palms grazing over Aldith's chest and stomach and sides.
Aldith took in a deep breath at the feel of the other's hands roaming his body. Oh, that definitely felt very nice. He looked up at his master, lips delicately pressing against his when they brushed lips. He really liked that feeling. He understood. He really did get what he had to do. He was relieved just knowing that. Knowing that his master wanted to be sure that he was not uncomfortable. To be sure that he could handle everything. He really loved his master. He was so good to him. So great. "Yes, Master." he whispered softly and could already feel his whole body tingling at the anticipation.
"Very good," he purred.

The night was spent romping around the bedroom. Pain was freely given, and Peony relished the cries and whimpers that his whips and paddles and other various toys and devices drew from his pet. They were both a bloody mess by the time that the brunette collapsed next to his pet, thoroughly exhausted and sated. He took a few deep gulps of air, letting himself recover for a few minutes before turning to Aldith and very carefully healing the worst of the wounds that he'd inflicted. He left most, though, knowing he would enjoy revisiting the marks they'd made later on.
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