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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

A week or so had passed, and Peony was settling into his new, large villa home. He was happy and looking forward to bringing his new pet to live here. Glancing at the clock, the brunette made his way to the orphanage, and then into the classroom at precisely two fifty. He stood at the back of the room, leaning against the wall as far away from the brats as it was possible.
Aldith finished up his lesson and helped the kids clean up before they were rushing out of the room to go to their own rooms to relax. His golden eyes moved over to Peony and he gave a simple little bow. "Hello, Master." He said simply, picking up some of the paints and everything else to go and put them away. he really had been happy recently, and he truly was not used to it. It took a lot of getting used to to have a man concerned about his well-being. He liked it whenever Peony was there. And, luckily, there had not been any paint fights today, so there was only a little bit on his clothes, but nothing anywhere else.
Nodding his greeting, Peony watched Aldith clean up his room, offering the man his arm when he was ready to leave. "You will contact your landlord and let him know that you will be leaving your apartment," he instructed, voice soft yet strong as usual. "I will pay whatever is left on the lease, as well as a company to pack and move your personal effects. You will bring to my home whatever you will need for the next week." The brunette guided his pet towards the apartment to do just that, not wanting to waste any time.
Aldith listened to the other and got just a little bit more interest to his features. he was moving? Already? He nodded a few times to show he understood, not really expecting it, though, he should have. the man said that he was going to move in with him. he made his way up the stairs to his apartment, heading into his bedroom to go get enough outfits for the week - as instructed - and then put everything into a suitcase. He got a sketchpad and his best box of supplies and added those to the case as well.

Zipping up the bag, he took it and then began to walk to where Peony was. "I am ready."
"Very good." He once again, as had become usual for me, bent and brushed his lips over Aldith's cheek. Giving the apartment a once over, the brunette nodded in approval and lead the man out of the apartment and down the stairs. "And where is it that your landlord resides?" he asked, planning on going to speak with him right then, and cut a check to be sure there were no complications.
Aldith followed beside him and then led the way to where the landlord resided. He stood there, looking over at Peony, waiting for him to knock. He was the one that had to talk to the other about. His hands twisted absently along the top of his luggage. He was nervous. he had not been living with anyone since he was with Jupiter, and that was as friends. Living with another Master was going to be ... different. he would get used to it though.
Peony knocked firmly and waited. "Relax," he ordered, a bit more harshly than any other time he'd spoken to the lovely man other than the first night that he'd dropped him off at home. "I will explain everything when we get home." The door opened and a large, burly man with a belly that protruded six inches from the rest of his body stood there.


The brunette rolled his eyes at the man but began to speak. "Good afternoon. I am here to inform you that we will no longer need the use of your apartment numbered three C, and to inquire as to the amount left on the lease, starting from the first of next month." The man stared at him, as if he hadn't understood a word he said before stepping back into Well it was a disgusting hovel no matter what it was labeled as, and returned with a file folder.

"Four thousand two hundred." Nodding, Peony easily wrote out a check and laid it on top of the paperwork in the folder.

"Good day." With that, he turned to leave, guiding Aldith along with him.
Aldith straightened once more and took in a deep breath to calm himself as well. his eyes slipped closed and he relaxed just a bit more before lifting his eyes to look up at the man in front of them. He turned to look at Peony, listening to him and he really did get butterflies when the other stood up for him. He had missed being taken care of. He so liked that Peony did that for him now. he liked being able to know that the man was there to tell him what to do - within reason - and give him a home now. Just ... all sorts of things he had missed about his old master were now better with Peony.

"Thank you." he said softly, giving the man a little bow of his head while walking forward and following after the other.
It didn't take them long at all to return to his home. Peony called for one of the five staff members he'd hired (nooo, he wasn't spoiled!) to take Aldith's bags to the north end of the house. "The north end is yours," he started while walking through the home to give Aldith a tour. "You have a large suite, with a bathroom, and a spare room for your artistic needs. They are yours to do with what you wish, only let me know what you require." They turned right, towards the south. "The kitchen and dining area are through here, as are the back gardens and pool. Meals are at seven, twelve, and seven. You will give me a list of all of your favorites, as well as sweets and desserts and treats. You're not to be in the kitchens...ever."

Peony lead the man through the gardens and pool, telling Aldith that he was able to use them freely. "The east are my private offices. They are off limits at all costs." He gave the blond a stern look of warning. "And the west are my private rooms. You are not to enter them unless under instructions from myself. I have no doubts that my staff will respect you, and within reason retrieve for you anything that you wish. You're not to abuse that, and you're to tell me if they are in anyway rude to you. Questions?"
Aldith listened to the man's words and he was just lost within the fact he had his own wing. His own place to do his art. His whole being just lit up at that prospect. He heard the rules. He put them to memory. Basically he was to stay in his own wind and suite and he could use the pool and gardens as he pleased. Already, this was so much better than anything he had ever had before. He lifted his eyes to the man and he was just bubbling inside and he did not even know how to show him. He nodded a little. "May I hug you, Master? It is just that ... this is ... it is so much. I am so very happy."
Pleased that his pet was pleased, Peony pulled Aldith into a comforting hug, lips once more brushing over the man's cheek. After a few moments, the brunette began to lead the blond back towards his own rooms. "I think that I would like to bathe you," he announced, hands playing through Aldith's lovely hair from scalp to ends. "Nothing sexual, mind you." He gave a warning look to his pet who seemed to overreact when anything even remotely sexual began to come up. "Come. The paint will ruin your hair."
Aldith relaxed in the other's arms, hugging him back and just feeling so much better right now. He pulled back when the other did and then began to walk with him to the other's rooms. He had been a little worried about the bath, but he really was getting better with the fear of sexual things with his Master. He gave a simple nod before he perked up. "Paint?" he questioned, pulling some of the white locks over his shoulder to examine them. "oh." he had not realized there was some paint on his hair. oops.
"Oh indeed." Entering the large bath, Peony moved to the tub and turned on the taps. "Undress," he instructed, moving to the cabinets beneath the counter tops to their right and pulling out a large and fluffy towel for Aldith to use afterward. "And into the tub," was the next instruction after the man had finished the first.
Aldith nodded and he pulled off his clothes. Neatly folding them, even though they were going into the hamper, but he still had to make them neat. He looked over at the bath and then walked over to it when the other instructed him to do so. He stepped into the water and slowly sat himself down with a soft little sigh. Oh... It definitely felt nice after work.
Peony moved to bathe his pet, sitting on the edge of the tub to do so. The brunette took great care when he moved to wash Aldith's hair, scrubbing with just enough pressure to massage the scalp and dislodge any paint, though not nearly enough to hurt. As he was rinsing the shampoo out, he spoke again. "Tell me of your scars. They're very intricate."
Aldith lifted his eyes to the other with the question, soon closing them because of the water, though. "They are from my old master." He stated simply, his hands resting in his lap and his back straight while the other rinsed his hair. it really felt nice to have someone tend to him so gently. "The ones on my back are from when I would try to draw or paint or anything like that. He would get mad and tell me that if I wanted to see something so beautiful then it would be in my blood ... and so he would make the designs with a blade." he stated, his eyes opening and filling with quite the bit of sadness. "The one on my ankle is from the cuff he held me there with. If I tried to escape, or if he got too annoyed with me, he would set it off and it would dig into my skin and send shock waves through my body."
Nodding with the information, Peony felt disgusted. Sure, there were people who deserved such torture, and if given consent he would so enjoy delivering the pain from wounds such as his pet had been inflicted with. But as punishment, it was cruel. "And what of your pain threshold, pet?" he asked, washing away the last of the suds and then trailing a finger over the designs of scars that were on the man's back. "Do you enjoy pain when it is not given in anger?"
Closing his eyes to the man's touch, he relaxed a little bit more into the other's movements. He thought for a moment before he actually spoke. "I am not sure, Master." he admitted to the other, his thumb trailing along the back of his hand as he thought even more. "I only remember pain out of anger. He only did things out of anger. Even when he had sex with me, it was out of anger." His golden eyes lifted to the other. "My pain threshold is high, though. It is bad sometimes since I do not realize a cut is as bad as it felt, but it will be good for you, yes?"
Peony growled. "It is not all about me, pet." His tone was warning once again. "Do not misunderstand. You will bend to my wishes and I will punish you if you do not. Perhaps by taking you over my knee..." The man paused with that picture filtering into his mind and purring at the image. Oh, that was lovely indeed! It took him a moment to shake himself out of his thoughts. "But your pleasure while in bed with me will be looked after and cared about. And oh, I will torture you...until you are a shaking and puddled mass of pleasure for me to mold." More images flooded to him.
Aldith blinked a few times when he was suddenly scolded. He gave a simple little nod. "Yes, Master." He said softly and followed up with a light, "Apologies" before he went back to looking at his hands in the water. his slender fingers lifted to begin trailing along the water's surface, waiting to be told if he could leave or not. Peony seemed to be distracted in his own little world, so he would not disturb him. He would just entertain himself with the water he was sitting in, which was now hued a bit of purple from the paint in his hair.
Once more shaking himself back to reality, Peony stood. "You're free to do as you wish until dinner," he announced, pecking a kiss to the top of Aldith's head. "I have work to attend to and I will see you over our meal." Nodding, the brunette left and entered into his offices, shutting himself in and getting to work.
Not long after, there was a knock on the door and quite the pissy Sebastian stood outside of it. In his right hand was a suitcase, in his left ... the neck of Dario. Correction: Neck of a half naked Dario. The man honestly did not take anything from anyone. And since the little brat was not listening to him, oh, he was going to make him scared shitless. Perks of having an evil incarnate just down the road. Well, down a few roads, but still. He knocked once more, just a little impatient.
A servant answered the door, bowing lightly. "Master is not to be disturbed until dinner." There was nothing to be done-he sure as hell wasn't going to be punished for something stupid! "Dinner is at seven if you would like to wai-"

"That won't be necessary, Angelo." Peony swept into the room, intrigued as to who would be at his door unannounced. "Sebastian." He bowed his head slightly. "What can I do for you?" He ushered the man inside and eyeing the half naked boy in his hands.
Sebastian stared at the servant, fully planning on just barging in and disturbing Peony. he was seventeen ... what could the kid be doing? he shook his head of the thoughts when the kid came into view. Moving into the room, he dragged Dario with him and then turned to look at Peony. "You take him." He stated, putting the teen's bag in front of him. "Beat him. Whip him. I don't care what you do. You can lose your temper all you want on him. I'm sure you have some weird toy too make him keep it in his pants. use it. He won't listen to me, and I tried to drown him. So, you do it. Use him as a servant." He shoved the teen toward Peony, arms crossing over his torso and he grumbled a bit. "he's bad for my baby. Makes my blood pressure sky rocket."
His eyes grew wide with delight. He was being given permission to dole out pain?! A sly smirk came across the man's lips. "Oh I think I have just thing thing, yes..." He looked Dario up and down, nodding his approval. "Yes... I could use a nice House Boy." Peony's eyes danced with the ideas that came to him, all too happy. He turned to his cousin. "You may take his things. He won't be needing them." He smiled his wicked smile, pleased with this turn of events.
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