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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Moving over to the closet, Jupiter wrapped his arms around Sebastian's shoulders from behind. "Please don't leave mad at me." He knew that his lover would be returning, and had a pretty good idea of why he was going to Italy, but that didn't mean that he was very happy about it at the moment. He didn't want Sebastian leaving while they were fighting. "I love you so much, Sebastian. I hate that I upset you so much."
Sebastian arched a brow at the other's words. "What are you talking about? We're going to Italy. That way, if this is more than one, I can easily dispose of you and it'll look like a mob hit.' he stated, face completely and utterly serious. He pushed past him, taking a few shirts along the way - may as well stay a while and tell his parents while they were there - and he moved to the bed. Tossing the bag onto the mattress, he began to put both their clothes into the case.
Moving back to the bed with Sebastian, Jupiter took the bags and clothes and set them aside. "Please stop. I know you're mad at me but I can't do anything about it! I can't turn the clock back five or ten years so I can propose to you then. I can't turn it back three months so that you don't get pregnant... What do you want me to do, Sebastian?"
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Right now, the issue is not you needing the right moment to propose. Hell, it's not even that I'm pregnant. Right now, the issue is that I want to know if it's more than one. I'm just pissed, all right? I didn't want to be a mother. I never have. You'll be a good father, I know you will ... but what kind of kid is going to like me? Yet alone love me." he shook his head a little bit and then turned back to folding the clothing and putting it into the suitcase. "I don't want to be a parent. I don't want to fuck up. I just ... don't have that warmness." he whispered the last bit and then continued with the clothes."
Jupiter stopped, not realizing that Sebastian felt that way. He'd taken such great care over the years to not read his lover's mind; to not invade his privacy that he hadn't even caught onto any worries or doubts when they had talked about children in the past. Reaching out, the brunette took his love's hand and pulled him off the bed, arms wrapping around him tightly. "You're going to be a wonderful parent," he promised. "We're both going to make mistakes, but our child is going to love you." Dipping his head down, Jupiter kissed the other man's cheek softly. "And I do need the right moment-because proposing to you isn't just for you. I want it to be special, and nice, and romantic even if you are a cynic."
Sebastian remained silent, burying his face into the other's chest and that was when the tears came. Not that he sobbed or anything. He was just crying. Even more so when his head was pulled back to kiss his cheek. "Stupid jerk! Romance is overrated ..." he mumbled, shoving at his love's chest, but he wound up burying his face into him anyway. his arms wrapped around his form and he let out a few soft sobs. "I hate that you make me love you even more... stupid doctor."
Jupiter hugged his lover tightly, pressing kisses into his hair. "I like romance," he stated simply with a little shrug. "We're going to be okay, Sebastian." He held his love until well after the tears had dried. "I will ask you," he assured. "And I promise that it will be before we are parents." Leaning down, he kissed Sebastian, hugging him tightly. "Besides, your mother will need the challenge of wedding outfits to distract him from baby clothes."
Sebastian grumbled a few more times. "We're still not getting married until I can make it legal here. And especially not until I'm not fat anymore." He mumbled and then pushed away from the man. He was about to just go off and continue packing, but he wound up taking a hold of Jupiter once more. He hugged him and sighed heavily. "We're going to see Sergei tomorrow ... and he'll tell us that it's only one baby... and then we'll tell mom and dad."
Kissing his lover again, Jupiter nodded with the plans. He moved to help Sebastian pack, plans trying to form in his head for the perfect proposal. The doctor slipped the ring box into his pocket for the time being, hoping that perhaps while in Italy something would pop up that would make the time perfect. When their bags were packed and set by the door, Jupiter took his love's hand to head back to the kitchen. "Would you like dessert?" he asked.
Sebastian sighed softly, turning to look at the other and he nodded to his words. "Yes. I want chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream with gummy bears and olives." He stated, face dead serious and his stomach even growled in approval. Mm. It did sound lovely. he moved past his lover and to the refrigerator, opening up the freezer and beaming at the ice cream inside. he tossed that onto the counter and then began the search through the cupboards to see if they had gummy bears. He knew they had olives, he just needed the gummy bears now.
... Olives? Jupiter's own stomach gave quite a roll with the thought, but the god held his tongue. He followed his lover to the kitchen and even helped in the search for the gummy bears, but found none. "Why don't you put the ice cream back in the freezer and we'll run out to get you gummy bears," he offered. "And maybe another jar of olives too since you seem to have taken a liking to them."
Sebastian thought for a moment before he shook his head. "How about we get Italian gummy bears?" he asked, arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared up at the man in front of him. "I want to at least be in Italy ... Please?" he asked, green eyes staying with the man. Yes, he would have stayed here longer, but there were no gummy bears, so what was the point? Now he was impatient.
Nodding, Jupiter kissed Sebastian's forehead. "Let Peony know, hmm? I'll go get our bags." There was no use arguing with Sebastian, ever. Now that he was pregnant, Jupiter had a feeling that there would be even less of a use in arguing with his lover. Especially when the hormones began to kick in.

It didn't take long for them to be on a plane, Jupiter calling to borrow Rune's and Calder's plane so as not to worry Relic and Tanner that something might be wrong.
Settling in beside his love, the man let out a heavy little sigh. Nuzzling into the man's side, he grumbled a little bit more. "I feel sick." he murmured, nuzzling into him a little bit more. "Wake me when we get there.' he whispered, sinking into his love a little more and falling asleep with a light yawn.
The flight was uneventful, as was their evening and it was far too early to be up. But Jupiter was anxious to know how many children his lover was carrying, and he wanted to get the hissy fits over with if it was more than one. The brunette laid in bed, stroking his fingers through Sebastian's hair as he slept, the worst case scenarios running through the man's mind.
"You only have to worry if it's four." Sebastian commented, eyes closed still, just enjoying the feel of his love's fingers running through his hair. he knew what the other was thinking. It was morning, they were going to meet Sergei and Gabriel soon to see how many babies he had, praying it as only one. "And if it's three, I just won't talk to you for the rest of the week." he added, slowly opening his eyes to look over at him. "Two I will accept. One I will be very happy with. Though ... I'm sure I'll probably end up learning to be happy with four." he murmreud the last bit and then pecked a kiss to his love's lips before sliding out of bed to go get ready.
He couldn't help but chuckle. "I think twenty years with me has taught you my mind reading abilities," he joked softly, sliding from the bed and following his lover to shower and brush his teeth as well. The brunette was ready in no time, and he sat waiting for his lover until he, too, was ready before they made their way to Sergei's and Gabriel's home.

Jupiter was still nervous, even though Sebastian had told him not to be. Wasn't every soon-to-be parent nervous when they were about to find out the number of children they were going to have? Knocking, they waited on the doorstep, hand in hand, for someone to put him out of his misery.
Isiah came to the door, perking up at the men in front of him before he rose a silver brow in question. The years were definitely kind to Isiah. he looked to be a clone of his Mother. It really was freaky -- especially when Gabriel came to greet them as well.

The silver-haired man smiled, tugging his son inside a little bit more. "Come in. Sergei is just getting some tea ready." he stated, waiting for them to move in before he turned to Isiah and sighed softly. "just because they're not Rylee doesn't mean you don't have to greet them." he whispered, leading the other back into the room a little more.

Sebastian headed inside, already making his way toward the couch. May as well make himself comfortable.
Jupiter followed, greeting Gabriel and Isiah both. The brunette sat next to his lover, reaching up to kiss Sergei's cheek when the redhead entered the room. They made small talk for a few minutes, though the god couldn't help fidgiting the whole time. Once they knew the number, he would be able to relax. Sergei seemed to sense this and only shook his head at the man. "I do not understand. Children are... Em... Oh. Yes. A blessing." He nodded and sipped his tea, glad that finally, finally his extended family had learned that male pregnancy was prominent in their line of genes.

"Children?" he asked, swallowing hard.

"Hem? Oh. No. One." Jupiter breathed a little sigh of relief.
Sebastian's breath choked in his throat, hearing the other's words. Children? Multiple? He really was about to pass out, but practically collapsed from relief when he heard it was only one. he fell to the side, head falling into his love's lap and he groaned a little bit. "Maybe. but it doesn't change that I don't really want to be a parent." He grumbled and then looked over at Sergei. "Thank you." he said absently, hand resting on his belly absently now. Phew. Only one. One was good. One always was good. one may give Jupiter the chance for them to have another one. Maybe. BIIIIG Maybe.
Sighing softly, Jupiter held Sebastian close and thanked Sergei. The redhead nodded. "You would like to know if boy or girl?" he asked, never really losing his Russian accent, or the slight difficulties he had with the English language. It was simply ingrained in him, and the man doubted that he'd ever lose either of those traits no matter how long he lived. He wasn't sure he wanted to.

Looking down at his love, Jupiter questioned him. It was Sebastian's decision and Jupiter would agree to whatever he wanted.
Sebastian shook his head. "No. I'll wait to be surprised." he stated, glancing up at Jupiter and remaining silent for a moment. "Though, I suppose it's pointless since you'll be my doctor, huh?" He really had not thought about the fact that Jupiter would wind up knowing within a few ultrasounds just what was growing within him. He shrugged and sunk against Jupiter's lap a bit more. "No. I'll keep it a surprise. Jupiter can find out soon enough, and just not tell me. . . or something."
He shrugged. "I don't have to be your doctor," he stated softly. "I shouldn't be. A doctor shouldn't tend to his loved ones and all that." Jupiter looked to Sebastian. "I have a few colleagues who I trust. We can set up appointments for you to meet them before we choose?" he offered, kissing Sebastian's temple softly. Being surprised sounded lovely, really.
Sebastian nodded a little bit. Looking up at his love, he smiled warmly and nodded once more. "That works." He said simply and leaned up to kiss his lips. "We both get a surprise." He said simply and then stretched his arms above his head with a little groan. "We should tell Mom..."
Jupiter groaned with the thought. "Can't we put it off?" he asked with a slight whine. "Like. For six months...until we get married so your parents don't kill me? ... Your father in particular." Oh Jupiter wasn't looking forward to this meeting. He knew his love's answer, though, and just nodded, accepting his fate with death.
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