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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He sighed a bit and nodded, falling back into the pillows a bit. Kat was exhausted and wanted to sleep, yet had three beauties resting on his chest and couldn't get up. "Can we bring the bassinettes in here?" he asked, giving his lover puppy eyes. "Just for tonight?" The blond yawned a bit, showing just how tired he was.
He looked down at the other, smiling warmly as he did so. "Of course. Here. You rest." he stated, kissing the other once more before giving the two in the room quite the look of: Take the babies and help me. He then went off to the rooms where the bassinets were, resting each child into their own before he rolled them - carefully - down the hall and into their bedroom. Lucky for them, the room was large enough to hold all six bassinets there. He figured they should keep the babies close by anyway.
Smiling, he lifted Dakota and Julianne into Jupiter's arms as he came in with two of the bassinets. He lifted Celeste to Lestat, too, and finally settled back into the bed with a soft sigh. He was exhausted and needed to sleep if he was going to have the energy to bond with the babies. The blond held his hand out for Lestat to join him on the bed, needing to cuddle up to him for a bit. "How's it feel, Dad?" he asked, smiling a little.
Lestat chuckled softly and slid into bed with him happily. "Unreal." He whispered before burying his face into the crook of his lover's neck, glad to just fall asleep with the other. Very happy to do so.

Fourteen years later, and Apollo was already grown into quite the stunning young, seventeen-year-old man. Then again, his brothers were getting along very nicely as well. He was not as his father expected. He was not as hyper as he was. He was much more calm. Liked his tea. Loved his tea, actually, and just had his moments of complete and utter insanity. There were just times where something went off in him, and he turned into a different man.

Making his way down the road, he headed through town until he landed at his Uncle Batty and Jupiter's house. Knocking on the door, he waited for his uncle to answer the door, perking up when he did. "Is Peony home? I want to play."
The past fourteen years had been good to Peony. Being evil incarnate had its perks, as did having the talents of both of your parents. The brunette liked being evil, and mostly he liked the attention it got him. Dressed in his usual black leather pants, and Asian inspired, body hugging embroidered top, compliments of his Aunt, of course, the brunette (who was donning his natural hair color today) entered the kitchen. His eyes lit up with Apollo's request. "Play?" Play for Peony meant pain and torture, which brought unbridled joy to the teen.
Apollo lifted his gaze to the male that spoke to him. ah. He had not meant for the other to hear him say 'play'. He knew his cousin well enough by now to know that he meant getting someone tortured and in pain. Normally, he would not mind helping him out. He had found that he liked a bit of pain, but he did not want to do that today. He shook his head a little bit. "Not that right now. Today, we're playing with my brothers. We're going to the orphanage to help out and then go get dinner. Okay?"
The brunette scowled at the prospect of what his night was going to be like, but it didn't seem that he had too much of a choice. Heavy footed, Peony stalked out of the house, taking a hold of his cousin's wrist and dragging him along at a quick pace. He truly disliked children. They angered him, and then his parents-especially his father-got angry at him for lashing out at them. The teen grumbled with the idea and continued on their way, entering the orphanage."What are we doing with the brats?" he asked, not caring that there were already several children around him.
Apollo followed beside the other without much of a care. He knew he was not happy with everything, but he also knew he should not be as miserable as he had been. He led the way through the orphanage, scooping up one of the little girls who recognized him and instantly attached herself to his limbs. "You have to help Aldith." He informed him, shrugging a bit. 'I don't know what happened. Dad said that something happened and he needed help. So, go to the art room. There should not be any children there."
Art? That didn't sound promising. But Apollo promised no children and that allowed Peony to breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God," he muttered. Leaning down, the brunette gave his cousin's neck a sharp nip and then swept off towards the room where he was apparently expected. He didn't bother knocking, and instead entered the room with his usual confidence. "Aldith? I'm Peony." He said nothing more and stood to observe, gauging what he would be helping with.
Aldith had gotten along well with all the many children in the orphanage. Thing being, sometimes, they just got out of hand. One moment, they were happily painting, the next, he was suddenly bombarded by paint and a tub of paint wound up dumped on top of his head and he just did not even know what to do, until Pierce came in and rescued him -- cancelling the classes for the day. Hearing the man, the older male's golden eyes fluttered over to the teen in the doorway. The normally white-haired [ currently mostly purple with many splatters of other colors ] man was on his knees, scrubbing the paint on the floor when he looked. "Peony? oh! You are the twins' cousin. If you could clean up the tables, I will keep to the floor."
An eyebrow raised at the man's appearance and the teen huffed. "I think not." Moving across the room in four strides, the brunette easily took Aldith by the arm and lifted him. "Clean yourself up first. You're dragging paint behind you on the surfaces you've just cleaned." He pointed to the rainbow smears on the otherwise clean tile. Not expecting an argument, and not being one to have anyone else disobey him to begin with, the brunette took the cleaning supplies from the blond's hands and moved to begin cleaning the nearest surface.
Aldith blinked a few times. Change? he wanted him to change? Wh-- "Oh. Thank you." He said simply, pushing his form up and then made his way over to one of the cabinets. He, luckily, had spare clothes there. Some times, he did wind up sleeping over without meaning to, so he would need clothes in the mornings. Pulling off his shirt, soon followed by his pants, the naked male began to clean off his hair with his dirtied clothes, figuring if it stopped dripping, then he would get to showering when he got home again.

Once his hair was wiped free of the paint - though still stained - he pulled on his pants over his bare lower half and then reached in to get his shirt so that he could begin cleaning up the floor once more.
Stopping his actions, the brunette stared at the now naked man. He really was quite lovely, and by the look of the scars he seemed to be just his...type. He smirked and watched the man, leaning against the wall where he'd already cleaned the paint. Peony wasn't shy about watching, nor did he try to hide what he was doing. The man's eyes raked over the other's body, enjoying the show that he was inadvertently being given.

Only when Aldith was dressed did he speak again. "I meant to go find a rest room and wash the paint off of yourself."
"hm?" The white-haired male questioned, lifting his eyes over to the other in the room. He stared at him before looking down at his form. "Oh. No. This is easier. I will just shower when I get home. Thank you, though." Yep. He was utterly oblivious about any show he may or may not have given. He was far too used to being naked in front of others to think that it was out of the ordinary to be bare in front of him. He moved over to the cleaning supplies, picking up what he had been using before and then returned to the floor to get back to scrubbing.
Shaking his head, Peony moved over to the other man and gently (for him) took the cleaning products and put them on the table. "Go clean yourself up. The paint will matte in your hair." The brunette reached up and stroked his fingers through the ends a bit. It really was lovely hair.
Aldith blinked a few times when the supplies were once more taken from him. "But the paint will dry." he stated, looking up at the other before he nodded. "Okay." he said softly, standing up from the ground to go shower like the other told him to. Well, clean up he said, but lucky for him, there were showers in the building that he could use. As well as shampoo and soap. He did not really want his hair to get ruined, but he did not want his room to be either. The Reeds were so nice to give him the whole room and it was beautiful, so he did not want to have it ruined by paint!
He shook his head. "No," he commented. "I told my uncles that I would help clean up and I will. But you will go clean yourself up." Nodding that his "advice" was taken, Peony returned to cleaning up the messy room, cursing children the entire way through. He was not a very happy camper at the moment, and almost wished that he had allowed Aldith to help him to clean. But then the thought of such lovely hair being ruined made the scrubbing that he had to do much more worth it.

The room was cleaned completely even before Aldith returned, and Peony slid himself onto one of the tables, sitting and waiting for the man to return, one knew draped rather gracefully over the other.
After a half hour of pure scrubbing, the man was finally completely clean. His hair took a good four washes to get the paint out, his body took twice, and then it was drying off. brushing his hair. Putting the clothes back on, and finally, he made his way back to his room. he stopped when he walked inside, seeing that the whole place was spotless. He cleaned it all? Turning back to the man, he bowed instantly to him. "Thank you, Peony. You really are far too kind." At least, in his eyes he was. He was concerned about his well-being and his hair, and instead of just lazily cleaning like he could have, he fully cleaned his room. It looked beautiful once more, and he was so very grateful.
Peony snorted with the comment of being kind, and slid off of the table. "I think that you perhaps owe me," he nodded, voice silky as the brunette moved over to the other man and slid his arm around his waist with an air of confidence that bordered on cockiness. "Dinner, I think." Nodding, the teen lead the other man from the room without giving him an option. "Do you enjoy seafood?"
Aldith straightened when he felt the arm around his waist. He turned to look up at the taller male. Remaining silent for a moment, he was soon walking out with the man, not even realizing that he was walking until he was already outside of his room. "I do." he said simply, still not sure how he was suddenly going out to get seafood with this teen. He stared up at him, still completely lost, but also very grateful. So, yes, he was not going to tell him he could not or would not go. The other cleaned his room! The whole thing, including the trail of rainbow he had smeared around. At minimum, he owed him dinner.
"Very good." Peony lead Aldith to his favorite seafood restaurant, and even held his chair out for the man. While he was a dominant person, to Peony that meant that he was to act chivalrously. He enjoyed causing pain, yes, but only when his partners were consenting...or when his victims deserved it. Aldith was neither...yet. The brunette asked for the other's favorite dishes, and when the waitress came to take their order, the teen ordered for the both of them, being sure that Aldith's dinner was one of his favorites, and also a bottle of wine.
Aldith sat down onto the chair held out for him. He straightened up a little bit, looking over at the waiter and remaining silent while the other ordered for him. He did not mind that at all. He slowly turned to look at the brunette once more, tilting his head to the side in interest. "Are you old enough to have wine?" he asked, truly just curious about the other. He was Apollo and the other two's age, right? A few months older, but still seventeen -- right?
"She thinks I am and that's all that matters," he answered quietly with a little smirk. "So tell me of your history." It was not a question, though not really a command, either. Smiling at the woman who brought the wine, Peony poured two glasses and sipped his, waiting for Aldith to begin speaking.
Aldith stared at him for a moment before nodding a little absently. Well, that worked he supposed. He was not one to judge. It was wine, after all. That was not very harmful, at least he believed. "I do not remember my early years.' He admitted and then lifted his shoulders into a nonchalantly and brief shrug of his shoulders. "What I do remember is from the point that Master had me. It was not a very good time with him, but he treated me ... how did Sebastian put it. Oh. No. he said I was treated like a dog.' he sighed softly and then lifted his eyes once more to the other. "It does not matter." he said simply.
He'd had a previous Master? Oh well that would be very benef-- The brunette's thoughts stopped with the next words and he stared a little. "Does not matter?" Peony repeated, a bit in disbelief. "Of course it matters. A Master's job is not to treat badly. It is to care for his pets, to see that their every need is well satisfied. It is in a Master's best interest to do such things." If a pet was happy, then he or she would be more willing to follow commands. The brunette sipped his wine, unsure of the reaction he would receive.
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