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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"never." he whispered, leaning down to kiss his cheek, smiling lightly. "If I live to that point, i'll be very happy if all limbs are intact.' he kissed him again before scooping him up and hugging him to his form, smiling even more. "See? I can still carry you. Not fat at all." Kissing the other, he moved to the dresser. Setting him on top of it, he leaned down and began to rummage through the drawers to find a pair of pants and tossed them up at the other. He then took out his own attire, straightening and looking at the lovely blond. "You already have that motherly glow. It's lovely to see." he leaned forward, pecking a kiss to his lips, and then setting back to begin putting on his clothes.
He wasn't sure how he'd found such a sweet man in a body like that, but Katsurou most certainly wasn't going to complain. He nuzzled at Lestat's cheek a little and then slid off of the dresser to pull the pants on. They were a little long, but not by much. If he wore work boots instead of sneakers they wouldn't be long at all. And they fit perfectly around his middle. Sighing in relief to that, the blond dressed without further incident.

Kat was nervous during their trip to his parent's house and he gripped the brunette's hand tightly as they walked.
Lestat smiled over at the blond, looking him over and he smiled a little bit more. "Everything will be fine." he reassured, kissing him again and then sliding an arm around his hips to pull him closer to his form. He kissed his cheek and then continued forward to the other's parents' house. Holding open the door, he waited for the blond to go in first, giving him another weak little smile to his lips. "Mommys first.' he whispered, not really wanting to be too loud about the comment. no need to spoil the surprise, right?
Stepping inside, Kat shushed Lestat quickly. Who knew where his grandmother was lurking?? "Mom? Dads?" He didn't bother with Gideon. While he didn't hate or even dislike the man, his parents latest relationship addition hadn't earned his trust and respect quite yet. His brothers just rolled their eyes at him, and Kat just shrugged them off.

Remus was the first to greet them both, kissing their cheeks and whispering to his son that he was, indeed, glowing. "Grandmum and dad aren't hear yet. Would you like some tea?"
Speaking of Gideon, the man was currently chasing down a little red-haired toddler who was holding his father's notebook in his hand. "OLLO! You come back here with that!" he called, still running after him. Damn little bunny boy! He could run far too fast for his own good.

Coming around the corner, Romulus scooped up his son, sighing heavily. "Apollo. Don't be mean to Daddy." he stated, taking the notebook and holding it out to the redhead who looked so very thankful.

Apollo pouted before seeing Kat, beaming instantly "KIT!" He chimed, wriggling out of his mother's arms to go and collide into his brother's legs, nuzzling him happily. "Kit!" He giggled again, refusing to let go of the leg he had quite the death grip on.

Lestat arched a brow, looking at the boy then to Kat. "You have a fanclub." He teased before turning to Remus and nodding. "Yes. Tea sounds lovely, thank you.' he gently led Kat into the house a bit more so that he could get out of the doorway.
He laughed, bending down and scooping up the little monster, blowing raspberries on his belly while the boy giggled wildly. "And it consists of a whole three members!" he commented a bit sarcastically. Shaking his head, the other two ran out, hearing his brother's calls for Katsurou, and held on to his legs as well, one on each. The blond shook his head a bit and shuffled towards the kitchen, moving his brothers with him.
"bigger than mine." he stated, grinning as he followed the others into the kitchen for some tea.

It was not long before Relic was happily bounding his way into the kitchen as well, gladly taking up his grandchildren into his arms. He twirled around with them, replacing them onto their brother's lap and then kissing the blond's cheek. "Kat! You look cute today." he stated, giggling and pressing anotehr kiss to his cheek before he went off to go sit and wait for food to be served.
Kat blushed with his grandmother's words and greeted his grandfather, glad that neither noticed that anything was off. Everyone sat down after Sebastian and Jupiter and his own siblings arrived, the young ones being placed in a large playpen to keep themselves occupied. Dinner was served with everyone enjoying themselves, chit chatting away.

When the table was cleared and they sat with their tea to make room for dessert, Kat growled deeply when Jupiter called across the table to him. "Are those morning sickness pills working for you, Kat?"
Lestat blinked a few times, slowly turning to look at Jupiter and his eyes a little wider than normal. Did he just -- he did! He stared at him, still amazed about just how retarded that man can be.

Relic perked up. "Morning sickness?" he repeated before utterly beaming. "BABIES!" He chimed, literally leaping across the table to fall into Kat's lap. His arms wrapped around his shoulders and he hugged him to his chest with another little squeal. "GREAT grandbabies!" He squeaked out, hugging Kat a bit more before he giggled. Hopping off his chair, he walked over to Jupiter and full-on hauled his fist into the other's face. "YOU RUINED MY SURPRISE!" He stated, glaring at him before swiveling on his heel to turn to Kat "YAY! babies! So! What kind of clothes do you want? Lestat's are nice, but mine are better. Besides, his fashion sense is questionable.'
His emotions were all over the place. On the one hand, Kat was glad that everyone knew and that they all seemed happy (Relic most especially). His brothers hugged and congratulated him, as did his grandfather who also gave a peck to Lestat's cheek. On the other, he was angry at Jupiter and he felt sorry for the man, too. And then he was confused as to what to tell Relic about clothes. "Jeans," he answered, sniffling a little bit at the inability to wear his favorites. "And work clothes. No skirts...please Grandmum?" Perhaps when he was bigger he'd resort to dresses to keep himself comfortable but for the moment, jeans and pants were just fine.
Relic perked up before he pouted. No skirts? He crossed his arms over his lower torso, staring at his grandson and sighing heavily. "Fine. No skirts." he agreed, rolling his eyes in annoyance before smiling even more. "It'll be so much fun! I get to play dress-up with you." he giggled again, hopping over to him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll make you a few outfits for tomorrow so you don't have to wear his." He hugged Kat before turning his eyes to Lestat, smiling a little more. "Congratulations, too. I'll kill you if you hurt my grandbaby, but you know that." he giggled again ebfore turning and quickly bustling off to go on some crazy spree.
The rest of the night went well. Everyone seemed to accept Lestat as more than just someone who worked at the orphanage and that made Kat immensely happy. Everyone else had left, and Kat was standing in the kitchen with Remus washing dishes while his father dried them and put them away. "It's going to be okay, right?" he asked, suddenly worried. "At work I mean?" If it wasn't, then Kat could just transfer to another department, or stick to only fund raising rather than accounting too.

His father reached out and patted Katsurou on the arm. "It will be fine. We trust you-both of you-to be professional at work."
By the time the Marquis household got the phone call, Gabriel had already known that Kat was pregnant and expected the phone call sooner or later. The bunnies were amazing. Always having multiples and he figured Kat would want to know how many he would be carrying. It would be great to have them come over to Italy instead of them going there. The twins would want to go, and then they would have to pack all their things up since they packed like they were moving, and that would just be so much work just for a day or two. With Kat agreeing to come to them, it really was the better option.
Going to Italy for a couple of days would be nice. At least Relic could then measure him properly in his own sewing room so that he could get to work on whatever wardrobe he was going to be offered. It also meant a little time to himself to clear his head a little bit. Kissing Lestat, the blond got on the plane with his grandparents and landed in Italy in no time.

He left his grandparents to bring his one bag to the house and headed directly for Sergei's and Gabriel's home, greeting them both warmly and thanking them. Sergei wasted no time. "There are five," he answered, watching his guests stomach closely. "One? Hmm... Yes. Yes one boy... I think." With so many, they were on top of each other. "Six maybe?" After changing positions and a little prodding, the Russian declared that five was correct, with four of them being girls.
Gabriel smiled warmly, glad that his husband, for once it seemed, was not frustrated about the person not knowing. Kat knew, and he was sure that made everything better. He kissed his love's temple before bringing out the tea and he gladly set that in front of the two and sat down beside his husband. "How are you feeling?" He asked simply, eyes to the other with interest.

It did not take many more minutes before Catarina was making her way into the living room, smiling warmly at her brother/cousin. "Kat!" She giggled lightly, walking over to him to give him a hug. "Congratulations." She said simply, hugging him and then turning to look at her Papa. "How many?" She asked, truly just curious about how many he was going to have.
The afternoon was very pleasant. Kat enjoyed himself fully and even spoke to Gabriel about his own trials with pregnancy. The blond wanted a good overview of what was to come in the next few months. It was nearing dinner time when he excused himself, thanking both men once more for being so kind and then set off back to his grandparents' home.

"Grandmum! Granddad! I'm home!" He called out to everyone, not sure where anyone might be just yet.
"PERFECT timing!" Relic called out, two little girls attached to his legs as he did so. He had tried to get them to sleep, it just was not working right now. He would worry about that later. Moving through the halls, he happily found his grandson and let out a happy giggle. "I have a surprise for you" he chimed happily, smiling a bit more while he waited a moment to let it sink in. "First though -- how many?"
Leaning down, Kat lifted one of the girls from their mother's leg and bounced her on his hip. "A surprise?" he asked, not sure whether he should be excited or scared. His grandmother was known for both sorts of surprises and he didn't have Lestat to lean on for support if it was the kind he should be scared for. "Five," he answered, knowing that he wouldn't get any sort of answer without telling. "Four girls and a boy. What surprise?"
Relic squealed softly. "GIRLS! oooh GOODIE!" He giggled, clapping his hands together before he relaxed to scoop up Katelyn from his leg. Resting her on his hip, he then held out the paperwork and pictures for their villa that he just now purchased. "Your house. Before you protest, think of it as your birthday gift, congrats on your job, yay great grandbabies ... and I demand you wear a dress." he grinned at the last bit, really meaning it, but he honestly would give it to him without anything. He just knew that giving someone a beautiful place like that just because they're your grandson and having his great grandchildren, was not just acceptable to him. So. excuses worked.
Very carefully, the blond let the little girl slide down his side as he gaped at what he'd just been handed. "Grandmum?" he questioned, rifling through the pictures, hands shaking when he saw the villa in his and Lestat's names. Careful to not smack Katelyn, the blond hugged Relic tightly, sobbing into his chest. It didn't occur to him that Tanner had walked into the room, rolling his eyes at his husband.

"You could have told him to sit down first, Relic." Shaking his head, he took his grandson and lead him to the sofa to sit and let everything sink in.
Relic smiled, gladly hugging his grandson back and giggling gently. He pouted when Tanner took him away, staring over at him and he shrugged. "but ... I wanted to tell him." he stated, pouting a little more before following to the couch, Catherine attaching herself to his leg once more. Standing in front of the couch, he smiled a little more at the blond. "It's near your siblings. On a hill somewhere. I drove by it before we left to come back here. I fell in love with it."
He really didn't know what to say to either of them, and Kat was mumbling 'thank you' over and over again. It took him near twenty minutes to calm down, and only with the help of tea. After another hug and thank you, the blond retreated upstairs to shower and get ready for the rest of the evening, wanting to be comfortable in his pajamas as he wasn't going anywhere else.

Spending two days with his grandparents was wonderful, but Katsurou was anxious to get back home. He arrived at their apartment long before Lestat was to arrive home from work and he collapsed into the bed, exhausted, and slept.
when Lestat came home, he spotted the bags and instantly perked up. He was back! Making his way into the bedroom, he smiled even more. He really was too adorable. Making his way over to the male, he slid onto the bed beside him. Pressing a soft kiss to his neck, he nuzzled him a moment later. "Welcome home." He whispered, whether or not the other was awake, it did not matter. He was just happy to have him back.
Kat didn't register the welcome, and slept another hour before he woke up and realized that there was someone beside him. His instincts told him that it was Lestat and the blond curled into the man, humming happily. "Hi." His voice was sleep addled and raspy, but he was smiling and happy to be home. "How was work?"
Smiling at the voice, his arm gladly wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him to his form and he shrugged absently. "Boring without you. I got a lot done, though." He admitted, turning to look down at him and smiling a little more. "So, what did Sergei say?"
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