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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Hearing the words, Lestat was ... Shocked! HE got hired?! Not ... Kat? That did not sound right. Oh, not at all. He parted his lips, about to speak up, but Romulus started to speak before.

"And..." Romulus began, looking over at his son and smiling warmly. "You will be hired as his supervisor. You will be the one in charge of everything." He stated, smiling softly, just hoping that would make his son feel better.

Kat's head flew up, eyes wide and in disbelief. But his other father's nodding at him confirmed it, and all he could do was mimic Lestat's words. "What?"

Remus giggled. "Look. Lestat has the experience in finance, sure. But you, Kat, have been around non-profit organizations your entire life. You know where to go to keep the money flowing in, you've learned fund raising and you have the contacts. Your uncles hand trained you, though they didn't realize it at the time." The blond squeaked and hurried around the desk to hug and kiss and thank his parents.
The moment did not last long between the four before the door burst open and in-rushed Relic squealing and pouncing the four. Hugging everyone and bouncing a little bit more. 'MY BABIES!" he squealed, taking Remus' hands and swaying them from side to side. "Let's do lunch! I'm sure you can take a break for an hour... or two. Make Gideon useful." He giggled again, bouncing on the balls of his feet and just positively beaming as he looked down at his twins. He had missed his boys so very much... and Sebastian too, but he kicked him... out.

Lestat stared at Relic, arching his brow and he sighed heavily. Shaking his head a little bit, he sunk into the chair, arms crossed over his lower torso as he stared at the back of his head. How could he still be irked when Relic just brought in so much bubbly air?

Setting back from his children, the man squeaked once more. "AND! I demand to see my new grandbabies!" He stated, turning to Kat and gasping. Leaping at the other, his arms wrapped around the blond and giggled happily. "Congrats!" He kissed his cheek and hugged his grandson to his form. "come on! Let's take him out for a celebratory dinner! Lunch. . . FOOD!"
Smiling, Kat hugged his grandmother tightly. "Thank you, Grandmum." He smiled and hugged his parents once more and then left them to greet each other properly. He turned to Lestat, gauging whether he should be sympathetic or smug. He decided for a bit of smugness first and bounced into the other man's lap. He sat sideways and wrapped his arms around the man's neck, grinning from ear to ear. "So! When are you taking your new boss out for a celebratory-slash-Sucks For You drink?!" he asked.
Lestat sighed, shaking his head at Relic before his attention was soon to the blond in his lap. He arched a brow, looking him over a bit before letting his eyes turn back up to his. "When my boss turns the drinking age." He commented, staring at the other and just sighing heavily. Really. Why was he being bossed around by some kid half his age?

Relic perked up when he heard the other's voice. Straightening from hugging the life out of Romulus, he spotted Lestat and squealed. "LESTAT!" He chimed, jumping over the table and taking a hold of the other's hands, swinging them from side to side absently, ignoring his grandson on his lap. Hey. Whatever made Kat happy, he was happy. "You're the one my little Kitty is in charge of? Oh! I love it!" he chuckled and kissed Kat's cheek before hopping away once more. "You ... Yea no. I don't want you at our lunch. you can get Kat drunk later and take advantage of him." He stated, taking his grandson's hand and beginning to tug him absently. "Lunch?"
"Aww come on, Grandmum," he pouted just slightly, standing to hug Relic once more. "The poor thing should come celebrate with us. He got the job he was after, after all!" Okay, so it was a bit below the belt. That didn't matter too much at the moment. Perhaps he could rile the man up enough to be thrown against a bathroom wall... The blond's eyes glazed over for just a minute while he allowed himself a bit of a day dream before snapping himself back to reality and working his grandmother over. Katsurou batted his eyelashes. "Please? I'll let you make me a skirt for my first day of work..."
Relic pouted, looking at the blond and he instantly perked up at the mention of a skirt. He was going to wear a skirt for him?! He grinned instantly and nodded. "Sold!" He turned to Lestat who still seemed to be fuming in the chair. "Oi! Get your lazy ass up. We're going to lunch." He stated, sticking his tongue out at the other and then he pecked a kiss to Kat's cheek before taking the twins and demanding that they go retrieve their littler ones.

Lestat growled, glaring at the blond before he rolled his eyes at Relic. That man was nuts. Pushing his form up, his arms crossing over his lower torso, he began to make his way out of the office, following behind the rest of everyone Relic was dragging along.
Giggling, Remus moved to gather Adonis and Apollo out of their bassinets, waiting for one of his lovers to gather Aries and the baby bags before following his mother out of the office. They gave Stephanie, their front desk receptionist, a little wave as they moved outside.

Kat fell behind and linked his arm through Lestat's. He was nearly skipping, pulling the male along with him. "Come onnn! It's a celebration for you too, you know!"
Turning to Katsuro, Lestat rolled his eyes at the other's words. "Despite the fact Relic didn't care whether or not I was there?" he shook his head a little and sighed. "Whatever." He turned to the boy a moment later, arching a brow at him. "You realize, I can call you on sexual harassment now, right, boss?" oh yea. Definite bonus to torture him with.
"Yeah. Because my mother and fathers and whatsitsface will so believe that one!" He rolled his eyes at the other man and tugged him further along. "Besides, Grandmum wants to see his family-he's not here for very long. He would have had lunch with you tomorrow or something." He knew that Relic wouldn't snub someone he knew intentionally.

It was a short walk to the restaurant, and Kat snagged a chair between Relic and Lestat, perfectly comfortable. He leaned over to his grandmother. "You're not going to make the skirt pink, are you?" he asked, eyes pleading just a little bit. It was enough that he was going to wear a skirt and he could only hope that he'd have a little say in the color of it. "Any color but pink?"
Lestat shook his head a little bit, following after the other into the restaurant. Of course. Now he would be subjected to harassment from the kid. Though, that really was not all that much of a bad thing. Not too bad at least. He was looking forward to the job. He honestly was. It would be a good opportunity, and despite the fact he has to deal with the kid as his superior, he was still happy to be hired.

Relic turned to his grandson, grinning as he looked him over and pouted "but pink looks so lovely on you.' he purred out, leaning toward him and he sighed heavily. "Fine. Anything but pink." He agreed, resting his head onto his head before he looked past him to Lestat, grinning. "Can I make you a dress?"

"Hell. No." He said, not even looking up from the menu to answer. "I don't have the legs nor shape for it." he stated, lifting his eyes from the menu and looking over at the pouting Relic. "No."
"Oooh!" Kat looked to his parents. "Could we have theme days?" he asked, smiling none too innocently at them. "It'd be fun for the kids! Pajama day, wacky skirt day, colourful wig day..." The ideas were coming to him rather easily and it was a bit scary. "Grandmum and Addy can make some wicked clothes for the kids to participate with, and staff too!" He turned to Relic. "Right? It'd be fun!"
Relic perked up, looking to the blond beside him and he smiled all the more. "Oooh. It would be!" He agreed, turning to the twins across from him and bunny, being so very happy about it all. "Wouldn't it?"

Romulus turned to his lovers, looking them over a bit before once more to the other two. "It does sound very nice ... and I'm sure the kids would love to see the staff dressing up..."

Lestat glared at Kat, easily getting that the kid was a little brat trying to torture him and drive him insane. Well, guess what? It was going to work. If he had to wear a skirt ... No one was going to be happy. Ugh. Why did he see these days and costumes not ending nicely for him?
Remus agreed with his twin, nodding a bit while bouncing a fussy Adonis on his knee. "I think the kids would get a kick out of it... Something to look forward to..." While he knew the true reason behind his son's suggestion, that didn't automatically make it a bad one.

Smiling, Katsurou leaned over and pressed his lips to Lestat's ear. "I think you have nice legs," Kat purred softly. He winked at the man, giving his thigh a bit of a squeeze and ordered his lunch when the waiter came over, passing the menu over to him afterward.
Romulus nodded, smiling warmly as he did so. "Yes. As long as Mom and Adamair do not mind making the outfits." he smiled gently at his mother and then took up the sleeping Aries and set him into the stroller they brought with them. Hey, the kids were getting heavy! He then hoisted Apollo onto his shoulder to get him to sleep as well, or stop fussing like his brother next to them.

Lestat shivered faintly with the other's lips beside his ear. Turning to look at him, his eyes traveled along his form and he grumbled a few times. Ordering his food, he handed the menu up to the waiter as well, sighing heavily. This was going to be an ... interesting job, wasn't it?
Lunch was fairly uneventful after that. Kat got a few more ribs in to Lestat, but mainly he was a good boy and played nice. Until dessert. The blond slipped the waiter a twenty dollar bill to sing Happy Birthday to Lestat, just wanting to see the man blush a little bit. It would be cute! Katsurou had to bite at his fist to keep from bursting out laughing when the waiter and six of his co-workers came over to the table with a cupcake and one lit candle, clapping their hands and singing.
Lestat went wide-eyed when the group of waiters came ... singing ... to him. He sunk low into his chair, a pink faintly tinting his cheeks as his hand moved to cover his eyes and he just sunk all the lower into the chair. He shot Kat a glare, just far too annoyed at the other right now. Of course this was his doing. His birthday was not even today, but well, it was better than it actually being his birthday. God, he just wanted to melt into the woodwork right now. Just run away.

Looking at the cupcake in front of him and being told to make a wish by the annoying waiters, he rolled his eyes. Quickly puffing out the candle, he stared at the smoke before looking over at Kat. "Nope. Didn't work."
Figuring it was high time to embarrass someone else other than Lestat, Kat smiled. "Well I can't very well get down on my knees right in the middle of the restaurant, sweetheart." He batted his eyes at the man, having a bit too much fun with him. He only knew that because someone-and he suspected Remus-kicked him hard in the shin under the table. He just gave his parents an innocent look. "Well I can't!"
Lestat stared at the other with a brow lifting in question. "Really? Not what you said last night." he retorted, arms crossing over his lower torso as he continued to just glare at the other. He sighed heavily, turning to look at the cake and he poked it with a fork for a moment. He then stopped and took up the cake. Trailing his forefinger along the frosting, he pulled the digit into his lips. Oh. Good frosting. Turning to Kat, he said a simple "Hey, Look" and once the other turned, right in the face the cupcake was smooshed. "Muuuuch better."
He stopped dead when the cake was smooshed into his face. But, really, his mood was too good to do anything other than laugh. Still laughing, barely able to breath, the blond slid forward and wrapped both of his arms around Lestat's neck. He drew him in with a strong tug and kissed him hard, rubbing the cake and icing over his cheek while sharing the taste of what was on his own lips. He wasn't about to be outdone.
Staring at the other, he arched a brow. God da-- Eyes widening, he definitely did not expect to be bombarded by the other's lips as he was. Especially in front of his parents. Their new bosses. Oh, that was lovely. Though... honestly, it was, hence why the vampire did not mind [nor think] about kissing him back passionately. His hand slid up and along the other's thigh, resting on the side of his leg while his other hand took a hold of the blond's hip, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss once more.
They went a few minutes longer, Kat scooting forward in his chair a bit more, until someone took hold of the back of his neck and yanked him up for air. He looked up at his father and smiled a bit. "But he's hot!" Remus growled a bit, though it wasn't threatening at all, and shoved them both by their collars towards the bathroom.

"Clean up. And I want you back out here in two minutes!" Damn. He whimpered a little as he was pressed rather uncomfortably against the front of his pants, and headed for the bathroom to wash his face.
Lestat pulled back with a deep gasp of air. His eyes went a little wider when he saw the source of why their kiss was stopped -- Remus. He stared up at the other, a deep blush to his cheeks as he did so. He remained where he was for a moment before nodding a little shakily to the demand to go clean up, yelping when he was forced toward the bathroom. He took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he made his way to the bathroom. His own problem formed in his pants, and he really did not like that feeling at all.

He moved into the bathroom, leaning over the sink and beginning to wash off the cake that was plastered on his face now, sighing heavily. He just did not know what to do right now. He would just keep washing his face and hope that calmed him down enough to face the others once more.
Katsurou washed the cake and icing from his face and then continued to splash himself with cold water. He needed to cool down a little bit before returning to the table. When he felt a bit more composed, he stood and dried his face off, glad to see that his lips were no longer swollen or red. "Sorry," he muttered softly to the man standing next to him. He wasn't sorry that he'd kissed him, but rather that he'd embarrassed him so terribly today.
Lestat straightened, taking some paper towels to wipe off his face as well. He looked at the man beside him and sighed heavily. Taking a hold of his chin, he pulled him forward and pressed a delicate, soft - and made sure it was short - kiss. "You'll just have to make up for it later." He whispered, releasing him and then heading to the door. No need to make anyone concerned that other things were going on in the bathroom other than washing up
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