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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He smiled and returned to work, letting his husband invite the necessary people to dinner.

Alexander and Adamair, as expected, spent every last minute that they could in his bedroom. Only when Tanner came pounding on the door did they tear themselves away from each other and get dressed. Alex pulled Addy to him one last time before they headed out the door, kissing him soundly. "We'll sit down in the next month or so...set a date?" he asked while nuzzling his lover's jaw a bit.
Adamair grinned and nodded. Pressing a kiss to the other's lips, he pulled back with another little smile. "Okay. That sounds lovely. We can do it later on this week." He whispered, kissing his lips and then stretching his arms above his head. Lacing his fingers with the other, he began to lead him outside, only to be bombarded by a squealing blond who looked quite a bit like his father, only girly.


"Cathyyyy" He responded, hoisting the other up and onto his hip. He kissed her cheek and then continued through the house toward the dining room.
Smiling, Alex followed the two down to the living room, greeting his aunt and uncle as well as his parents and siblings, who all looked a little oddly at him. "You'll learn to love me," he promised them with a wink before hustling to help set the table. Everyone made small talk while the finishing touches were put on dinner, and then they sat down to eat. Alexander took a seat next to Adamair, of course, with his parents at either end of the table, and aunt and uncle across from them. His own siblings, as well as Adamair's, sat down along the sides of the table depending on their ability to feed themselves.

Alex dug in, having greatly missed real food. "Mmm..." It was all that he said for a while.
Adamair sat down gladly beside his fiance, kissing his cheek and then turning his attention to the food in front of him. It was not long until there was a brown haired boy crawling under the table and climbing up and onto the blond's lap, emerald eyes sparkling. "Jack-Jack ..." He sighed s oftly nad hoisted him onto his lap a bit more. "All right. I'll feed you." He stated, hugging the other tightly. He had actually gotten quite close to the boys while Alex was off at school. He would get bored or lonely and come over and play with them, or escape the twins at his house.
His brothers were cute. Alexander loved them...when they were comfortable enough to relax around him. Whenever food was involved, the boys seemed to love everyone! That was evident when Jack nearly climbed into Adamair's lap. "Don't you have a father to feed you?" he teased the boy. The toddler stuck his tongue out at his older brother. He shook his head and reached over to ruffle his hair.

"So why the huge family dinner?" he asked. Not that he was complaining, but he'd been expecting just his own family for his first night back.
Adamair wrapped an arm around the boy's form, hugging him and pressing a soft kiss to his temple before feeding him some of the pasta on his plate. He then lifted his eyes to his own parents, truly wondering just what they were all doing here anyway.

Relic exchanged a few glanced with the others before he turned his attention to the two across from him, smiling softly. "We ... The four of us ... Have a gift for you. A combination of graduation gift, congratulations on your engagement, and a smidge of a wedding gift, when you two get there."
A gift? Alex looked at his parents and his aunt and uncle, an eyebrow raised to all of them. "A gift?" He looked to his lover now, wondering if Adamair knew anything about it. It was apparent that he didn't and so the man's attention was returned to the older four.

Smiling, Nikkos passed a very small box over to them. It was white with a little silver bow on the top. It wasn't wrapped at all. Taking the box, Alex set it between himself and his lover and pulled the lid off of the box. When he saw the two keys inside, he lifted is gaze once more, eyebrows raised high in question.
Adamair looked into the box as well and he slowly turned his attention to his beaming parents. "Um ... what?"

Relic grinned. "We bought you a house! Both of you one. It's a cute little cottagey kind of thing and it is sooo adorable! So ... Yes. We can take a cruise to it after dinner if you would like!"
House? Alex's jaw dropped and he looked between his lover and their parents. A house. Their parents bought them a house because he graduated school?? And as part of their wedding present? It was beyond him. While he always knew that their families were very well off (who else did they know owned a private jet, a mansion in Italy, a penthouse suite in the States, an island, and no less than four vintage and new sports cars??) but he and Adamair weren't particularly spoiled in their childhoods. They had nice things, and each had a car, and neither wanted for anything, but there were no grand thousand dollar shopping sprees every weekend, or whatever else you saw the celebrities doing on the news.

"Seriously?" He was clearly still in shock and looking to Adamair for confirmation and how he should feel in the situation.
Adamair was in utter shock. Much like his fiance beside him. Their parents ... bought them a house. A full on house. A place to live. To stay together with each other. To ... not live with them!? He was just staring at his parents, trying to decipher this whole thing in his mind, but slowly turned to look at Alexander beside him. "Eh?" he questioned softly, staring at him before turning back to the others. "Really? You bought ... us a house?!"

Tomias chuckled softly and nodded. "Yep! We don't spoil you nearly enough. Well, we do, but you need a place to live. Theboys will soon, probably, want their own rooms. Rune is staying here to be sure his child isn't evil incarnate. Relic? Do you really want to be around when those two hit puberty? And with Relic as their mom? Really?" He shook his head and clapped his hands together. "It seemed the thing to do."
Alexander shuddered at the thought. No. No they did not want to be around when the youngest of their growing families hit puberty. Standing, the man moved around the table and kissed all four men's cheeks in thanks. He told his parents that he loved them, and threatened Tomias that if he changed his room around he was going to throw a hissy fit like he'd never seen. Nikkos grinned at the threat and patted his husband's knee as he went to gather dessert from the kitchen.

"So when's the big day?"
Adamair quickly went around the room, kissing his uncles' cheeks and then giving both his parents big hugs. He nuzzled into them and shrugged his shoulders a little. "Just don't ruin my clothes, and you can do whatever you want with my room. Well, if I keep anything here." He grinned and kissed them again before scooping up one of his little sisters, resting Katelyn on his hip and looking to his uncle.

"WE do not have one yet. We're going to sit down and think of one. Oooor!~ We can just go right now and have a shotgun wedding! Ooh. That would be so much more fun and far less hassle!"
Shotgun wedding? It took a minute for it to click for Alex. Oh. Elope. He thought about it for a minute, looking to his parents and uncle and aunt, trying to read their expressions. It was tempting, really. While he wanted a big ceremony, eloping was easier. And he wanted desperately to be able to call Adamair his husband. Alexander was torn and he looked to his fiance for what to gauge whether or not he was serious.
Adamair ... was already off thinking about ... EVERYthing. "Yes! We can go get married now. Officially be husband and wife ... Our parents can be there. Pretty much the whole house... So then it's not just a secluded little thing. but then! We can have the reception later. That's where all the fun is anyway. Just have the reception with everyone we want to invite and that way, they don't have to suffer through a long ass ceremony. Rommy and Remmy and their whole family could come up, and again, not have to suffer. I think we have too many kids in the family to force them to sit through that boring bull. Though, I do have a gorgeous dress... ooh. I could just put that on now!"

Turning to Alexander, he stared at him, finally realizing: it took two to think it was a good idea. "What do you say? Ignore the parents. No one cares about their opinions. "
Offended, Tanner threw a dinner roll at the back of his son's head. "Hey! Who do you think is paying for this wedding!" Alex looked over and smiled softly.

"Then you'll be all for us eloping," he offered, standing up and pulling Adamair to him, nuzzling his neck a little. "Because then there's less to pay for." He grinned at his uncle and nodded at his fiance. "Lets do it... Tomorrow. We'll stay here tonight so our first night in our house we can be newlyweds."

Nikkos wasn't sure whether he should be excited for his son, or disappointed for the lack of ceremony.
Adamair caught the roll, handing it to the blond on his hip and then gladly curling into his fiance's embrace. He smiled lightly and nodded, kissing his neck a few times before he turned to look at his mother, who also, seemed a little bit bummed. "It will still be nice. You and Dad, and the girls, can come. Be our witnesses or whatever. And it will ... be great. I have waited two years to have him back completely, and I'm not letting him stay merely my fiance for longer. I do not wish to be like uncle Jade who waited ... decades or whatever to get married. Yes yes. uncle rune threatened, but still! It will still be beautiful. We'll have the reception in a month or two, when the weather is the most beautiful, and it will be in the courtyard ... It will be worth it!"

Relic stared at his son for a while and sighed heavily. "You're right." he whispered, looking over at him a bit more and pouting. He was losing both his babies!! He shook his head a bit and then stood up to walk to the two, kissing their cheeks. "It's what makes you happy .. but if you give Sebastian any ideas, I will personally hurt the both of you." He then giggled, taking Katelyn from her brother and kissing the sleepy girl's head. "Tomorrow it is then."
"No need to give Sebastian ideas," Alex shrugged, digging into the blueberry pie his father had set out for everyone. Tanner just stared at him and "prodded" him with a kick to the shin when there was no other information forthcoming. "What? I saw them in Australia on my way home... I wanted to see the twins and their bundles." Neither knew? Well at least Tanner didn't. Well he'd really shoved his foot in his mouth this time, hadn't he? "It's not a big deal... A promise ring."

Tanner growled. Let him go, his husband said. They have a right... We did it. He growled again.
Adamair slowly moved around Alex, heading to the table and sitting down without a word. He knew already. Of course he did. The kid had the ring for a while, just too scared to wear it around their parents. Surprisingly, the brothers did actually talk to each other when they were in the same room. Though, for that? Sebastian was giddy to tell him and had actually found his elder brother to tell him.

The blond sighed heavily, shaking his head a bit before turning to his father. "They're not getting married. Soon. Nor engaged. Sebastian refuses to do anything like that until he graduates from Law school. He said something about fighting for their right to marry. I tuned out and just started to plot his wedding dress." He shrugged, tossing a blueberry at his father. "Chill."
One more growl before Tanner excused himself from the table. He hadn't been okay with the relationship or the sex, but there was no stopping his son and Jupiter seemed to help him through his loss. That didn't mean he was okay with a promise ring! An engagement! Marriage!! The blond needed air and, perhaps after showing the boys their new home, a nice, long run to release the pent up energy before he decided to hop on a plane and kill his son's lover.

Alexander blushed softly. "I'm really sorry... I thought he'd have told you..."
Relic looked over at Alexander, smiling warmly and shaking his head a bit. "It's not your fault. I am sure he would be worse had he found out, in however long, that they're engaged. So, now, at least, he has time to get over it." He rolled his eyes lightly, standing and walking over to the purple-haired boy to kiss his cheek. With that, he turned on his heel and headed over his husband. His arms slid around his hips, pulling the gorgeous blond into his form with a soft kiss to the side of his neck.

"Sweetie, you know this was inevitable. Jupiter has said it from the start: They're soul-mates. Meant to be together. I know, I know. He's old. Batty is our baby. Thousands of years between them and whatever else ... but, you saw how happy our baby is with him. Yes, he gets cranky when that man forgets the important things, and even after changing practices, he still does ... luckily less frequently, but still. You cannot deny that they're meant to be. Can you?"
"Not the point," he growled at the question of whether or not the two were meant to be together. Tanner bent his head and bit into his husband's neck. He didn't break the skin, but the blond certainly left a red mark. He was upset that his son hadn't told them, yet had apparently told everyone else. He felt that the promise ring was just a way to skirt around an actual engagement, no matter what the two said and therefore Tanner felt betrayed by the whole thing.

"Why can't they just be content to date for a couple hundred years?" he whined, knowing that was unreasonable.
Relic pouted at the bite, narrowing his eyes at his husband and he turned around the other to wrap his arms around his shoulders. He held onto him, keeping his eyes up at the man and he shook his head a little bit more. "Stop being a hypocrite, babe." He whispered, kissing the other's lips and then pulled back again. "Do you see why Sebastian did not tell us? See how you're acting right now? He's probably scared that you would lock him away somewhere and refuse to ever let him out." he kissed him once again and then pulled back to look up, into his eyes. "How about we take a weekend, after the ... eloping ... and go visit them? We could bring Alex and Addy so that they can tell them they got married ... and then just pop in and stay for a week. Besides, we'll be close to our grandbabies if we do."
Tanner whined. "Why do you always have to be right?" He pulled his husband close and kissed him, burying his face into his neck and kissing over the offending marks that he'd made moments earlier. With a sigh, the blond kissed the other man once more, his grip tightening a great deal. "I know... I know what we did. But it was different! I didn't know when we got engaged that there was the option of me living forever... Sebastian has known his life span since he was three. And he's our son. Our youngest." He sighed once more and hugged Relic. "I'll be okay."
Relic sighed and shook his head a bit. Kissing the man a few more times, he pulled back and slid his hands down and along the other's hips. He pulled him closer, grinding into his form a bit playfully, and hoping to get him happier, or a little more relaxed. "He's our youngest boy. We still have the girls ... Hopefully they'll come out all right. We can be even more protective of them, and blame Sebastian." he smiled, kissing his love again and chuckling softly.

Sliding his arms back up and around his love's neck, hugging him gladly as he kissed his lips. "We'll go pay them a surprise visit. You can bitch him out for not telling us about the promise ring. It'll be a good time." He leaned in, nuzzling into his love's neck and just hugging him a bit more. "Our babies are growing up, Tanner ... It's just what happens. Sadly."
He nodded, biting his lover's neck one last time before sighing and stepping away to return to dinner. It was Adamair's and Alex's night, after all, and he wasn't going to ruin it for either of them. The blond only stuck his head in the door. "Come on! Tomias said first out gets to drive his car!" Grinning, Tanner stood back. Either the boys would rush out for the chance or his brother in law would beat them out and attempt to murder him.
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