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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

As Rune's due date drew nearer, Calder became more nervous. What if Sergei was right? Would they be able to handle an evil child? Would they be able to give him or her to Andrea to raise? The blond curled into his pregnant lover, breathing in his scent deeply. It was still too early to wake up-the sun was just cresting over the horizon-but Calder was unable to sleep. After a few minutes, the blond climbed out of bed and moved through the house, letting his thoughts run away with him.
After quite a few minutes after the other left, Rune groaned and slowly slid out of the bed. Walking through the house, he soon spotted his lover. Taking a hold of his hand, he pulled him back with an annoyed and pathetic look to his features. "Call the doctor." He mumbled, head falling onto the other's shoulder. "And get new sheets." He soon rested a hand upon his stomach, rubbing the flesh absently and he turned onto his heel to slowly make his way to one of the extra rooms. His bed was currently wet, so he was going to steal one of the boys' beds, and just not tell them about it.
Looking up, Calder barely heard the words at first. He kissed Rune's forehead after a full second and nodded, going to get the phone and something to clean their bed up with. The blond worked as he talked, stripping the sheets and then padding the mattress with towels for the time being. He then went to check in on his husband, helping him to get comfortable in the bed. "You could have just laid down on the other side," he teased with a little smile. Calder sat down next to Rune and kissed him softly. "Love you."
Rune arched a brow, turning to look at the man and sighing softly. "Mm. but it could have oozed over to my side, and I won't have that." He stated, pressing a kiss to the other's lips. He then sunk against his side, resting his head against the other's shoulder and he looked down at his belly. "Do you think it'll be born with horns and a tail? And breathing fire and hissing in different languages that have been dead for thousands of yearS?"
With the new thoughts, Calder whimpered and nuzzled into his husband's hair. "If it has horns and a tail, we'll try to raise it ourselves. If it comes out breathing fire and speaking languages, we're sending it to your mother. If it comes out with all four, we're sending it to Tomias." He nodded with the words, only half joking. Calder took a moment to regain some composure over his thoughts. "The doctor will be here soon. Do you want anything?" he asked, trying to keep Rune as comfortable as he could until it was time to deliver.
Rune thought for a moment before he shook his head a little bit at the other's words. "Meh. Too tired to think of an obnoxious reply, so no." he mumbled, kissing along the other's neck a few times.

It did not take much longer for the doctor to arrive and easily got to work. He gave Rune his pain pills to help him through the whole pains and everything else. He took only an hour before there was a screaming child getting washed off a little ways from the bed Rune was still in. Short, spiky, brown locks were sticking up and behind his closed eyelids were scarlet red eyes. Turning to the two, he set the child onto Rune's chest and smiled lightly. "Healthy baby boy." He stated, taking a step away from the three.

Rune looked down at the child, staring at it for a bit and just thinking a little more. The little boy calmed down when his mama's arms were around him, easing Rune's thoughts at that. He kissed the top of the child's head and then relaxed against the pillows. Turning to Calder, he sighed softly. "He's cute. I don't think we can send him away."
Calder stepped out of the doctor's way as best he could while still being near his husband. He sat next to Rune as the baby was placed on his chest and looked down at it. No horns or tail or fire...those were good signs. The fact that he settled down the minute he was in Rune's arms was a very good sign. The blond knew that his husband was right, too. He nodded and leaned down to press a kiss to both their new son and his lover. "I suppose I should start packing," he muttered softly. While they wouldn't go back to Italy for another couple of weeks or so, they could no longer stay on Avalon the way they intended. Their son needed to be socialized, and if their friend was right, both he and Rune would need help to handle him.
Rune pouted at the other, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his brows. "Must we?" He mumbled and then looked down at the little baby once more. "I've become accustomed to just having you." He stated, hugging the little boy a bit more and his eyes tilted up to the other man. "Can't we stay here until he's a year? Half a year? until he starts setting things on fire...?"
He looked at his lover, debating. "It makes me...nervous," he confessed softly. Calder carded his fingers through Rune's hair. "It makes me nervous that if he's not around other people from the start, that whatever evil is in there will just...multiply." And the blond thought that having children in and of itself was scary! "If he gets used to our family, then maybe we'll have a few extra sets of hands and eyes to keep hold of him as he grows up."
Sighing heavily, he nodded a bit to his words. "You're right." He whispered, leaning over to kiss his lips softly. He then set back against the pillows again and turned to him once more. "Maybe ... We should move back into the house with Relic and Trevor ... Just so that he's even more around people that way. Maybe even ... Mias would let us move in with him. He has the four boys ... so that's even more people for them to be around. Yea?"
Calder nodded softly, glad that he didn't have to argue his point with his husband. "Either with Mias or Relic, I think... Trevor and Bohdi have James. He's skittish around new people... Who knows how he'd react to new, evil people." The blond kissed his husband's temple, nuzzling into Rune's hair for a few minutes. "Well I think we need to name him. And 'Lucifer' and 'Hades' and 'Satan' are not options."
He sighed heavily and nodded. "Relic would be nice, but Mias has more room for now." he mumbled, thinking more about that than the people. He looked down at the boy and thought for a little while more. "How about ... Peony? Name him after a flower and maybe he'll end up nice?" He offered, turning to look at the other with interest, just throwing a name out there.
"And if he doesn't, then he can just be a walking contradiction!" the blond quipped, smiling softly. He leaned his head on Rune's for a few minutes before pressing a kiss to his lips and standing up. "How about lunch?" he asked. "I'm sure you're both starving. Or do you want to shower first?" he asked, not sure which his husband would prefer.
"So ... Peony?" He asked, just wanting to be sure if their child had a first name or not. He hugged the boy a bit more to his chest and shook his head. "Food then a bath." He stated, looking up at his husband with a soft little sigh. "We'll get Peony a bottle and multi-task. Make me something that I only need one hand for, please." He just wanted to be able to tend to his child as well as eat, and since he was hyped up on drugs, his manners actually worked.
Well, at least he could blame the name on Rune if their son grew up and hated it. One handed? Calder thought as he leaned down and lifted Peony into his own arms so that Rune could get out of the bed easily. The blond headed for the kitchen, pressing little kisses to their son's cheek, bonding with him before he turned into an arsonist, or a murderer. "How about grilled cheese?" he asked Rune, reaching into the cabinet to pull out a frying pan.
Rune pouted when the baby was taken from him, sighing softly and he then continued toward the kitchen and nodded a bit. "Yes. Or tuna melt." He stated, taking his little baby boy back and holding him against his chest. sitting down at the table, he hugged him to his form and kissed his cheek lightly. "I do like him so far. Or maybe i'm spoiled by one child this time."
"You're going to have to let me bond with him at some point," he laughed softly. Calder easily whipped up a tuna melt and potato chips for himself and his husband, and a bottle for their son. "And if he doesn't act evil towards you but does towards me, you're not getting sex until you teach him to not be evil towards his father." Calder wasn't kidding, either. He set the plates and bottle on the table and sat down next to Rune to eat.
Rune pouted at the other, his brows furrowing and his lips pursed together. "eh? But ... What if that's what keeps him sane?" He asked, taking the plate before he could take it away. "And ... And! I carried his heavy ass, so ... I don't think I should be disbanded from sex. I'll just chain you down and take it." He stated, kissing the little boy's forehead. He swiveled him to rest in the crook of his elbow. He took the bottle and placed it into the other's mouth, getting a content little coo from the boy.
Jupiter returned home with Sebastian a few months after the triplets were born. He gave his notice, though hesitated to open his own practice for the time being. He didn't want to build a client base here and then abandon them if Sebastian really did want to move to Australia in the next two or three years.

He puttered around for the next two years, working on call in smaller hospitals here and there to keep himself busy and pay the rent and bills. He was happy with Sebastian, but restless in his work. Lying in bed with him one night, the brunette kissed the top of his lover's head."What about Australia?" he asked absently. "I'm ready to start my practice but...if we're going to move, then it makes more sense to wait."
Sebastian turned onto his torso and he looked up at the other. He stared at him for a moment before leaning over to kiss his shoulder. "I already have an acceptance letter from one of the top Universities in Australia. I just have to tell them if i'm coming or not.' he stated, figuring that would do for his answer. He already had his Associates' Degree [since he made sure he graduated earlier than eighteen] and so he was even one step closer to his law degree.
Smiling, the brunette kissed his love softly. "No, you have to convince your parents to let you go when I'm going, too, and then let them know if you accept or not." He wasn't sure if Tanner and Relic would allow their baby to move so far away with his boyfriend, despite the fact that Sebastian was now nearly eighteen years old. "What about Aldith?" he asked, a completely different thought in his head. The god would feel bad leaving the man that they had saved years ago here by himself.
Sebastian arched a brow as he looked down at his love, a questioning look to his features. "he's coming with us." He stated, brows furrowing a little bit and he shrugged his shoulders. "Not live with us ... but maybe he can live above the garage or something. Keep him outback like a puppy." He pushed his form up and sat his rump onto his heels, looking down at his love and shrugging again. "Or an apartment. I just think, since you're pretty much his only friend, he'd come with us."
"Yes, I didn't want to leave him here by himself..." Jupiter was glad that Sebastian didn't want to leave the man behind, either. "Maybe he can teach art to the children at the orphanage." He would call the twins and set something up with them...after talking to Aldith first, of course. "We'll talk to your parents in the morning then?" he asked, not sure what the outcome of that conversation would be. In a way, it scared Jupiter senseless.
he nodded, yawning a little more. "Mhm. Talk to parents first. Then Aldith... don't want to get his hopes up, only to crush them." With a little groan, he slid his form onto the other's hips. Grinding into him with a purr, he leaned over to nip at his neck. "And when in doubt, we can just run away to Australia, wait the little while out my parents will be pissed, and then wait for them to be happy at our wedding. Or if you ever pop out a kid."
"I don't bottom," he growled, leaning up and biting into Sebastian's neck harshly. The brunette easily flipped the teen over and pinned him to the mattress, continuing to bite along his neck and shoulder and chest, hips grinding into Sebastian's.

It was the wee hours of the morning when they finally collapsed and fell asleep, and midmorning before Jupiter was able to pull himself out of his deep sleep. Rolling over, he threw his arm over Sebastian's waist and nuzzled into his chest with a little groan. Bed was too lovely to get out of this morning!
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