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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Class was boring with the knowledge that Adamair was waiting for him. Alexander had always told himself that Addy wasn't a distraction for him, and he wasn't! When he wasn't in Japan. When he was... Well the purple haired teen just wanted to be close to his lover. He sighed happily when the bell rang, though he dipped his head when the professor gave him a rather sharp look, obviously telling him that he had been aware of Alex not paying attention.

The "apology" was over the minute he was out the door, though, and on the hunt for his love.
Adamair stood up from the bench he found, happily making his way to the classroom he left his love in. He really wanted to just go and have some nice fun with the man. It would be so great to be able to do that. He really lost track of the time, so who knew what he had next. Well, Alex would, but that was beside the point.

Before Adamair could get to his love, some random brown-haired boy strode on up, wrapped an arm around his waist, and was soon babbling nonsense about how gorgeous he was and ... whatever else. The blond was not pleased. He glared at the male beside him, middle and thumb fingers taking a hold of the other's wrist and dropped it from his waist. He narrowed his eyes at the creepy guy. "I'm taken. Happily taken. Fuck off before I break you into two pieces."
Moving through the courtyard in search for his love, Alex saw one of his classmates move in on his lover. The teen growled deeply, about to move in and break him when Addy stepped away from him. The look of utter confusion on the school slut's face was priceless and he broke out into laughter over it. The confusion deepened when Alex took Adamair and kissed him deeply, arms tight around his lover's waist.

"Is there a problem?" he asked the other boy, smiling while nuzzling along his lover's neck.
Adamair happily kissed the man back, eyes closing as he melted into the embrace of their lips. He then wrapped his arm around the purple-haired man's waist. He kissed his neck softly and then turned to look at the man who was hitting on him. He smirked and nuzzled back into his lover, hugging him happily to his form.

"Whatever" the man mumbled before turning to walk away.
Smiling with his victory, Alex spent a few more minutes nuzzling his lover's neck before stepping away just enough to begin to walk with him back towards the school. "I see you're already making friends," he teased with a little laugh. "Most of the boys here are very...forward." Alex had gotten used to being hit on at first, and then his classmates had gotten word that he was a lost cause. "Ready for lunch?" he asked. "I have a three hour break."
Adamair nodded and turned to look at his love once more. He smiled and kissed his lips softly and turned his attention to what was in front of them, following happily. "How about we get a quick lunch then ... Go to your dorm?" He turned to him once more, grinning before he leaned over to nip at his ear. "We can even keep my new outfit on." He offered with a little grin to his lips, kissing his neck softly. "Easier access..."
Shrugging, Alex bumped his hip into Addy's. "Easier access?" he asked, feigning confusion. "You never wear turtlenecks anyway..." Leaning over, the teen's fangs showed and scraped over his lover's neck softly. Alexander knew what his lover was after, but teasing him was too much fun. "Besides, I can wait until after classes to 'really' eat."
Adamair groaned lightly, biting the other's neck lightly in annoyance. "Fine. I wasn't speaking about that anyway." he stated, knowing that he knew exactly what he had been doing. He kissed his lips softly and then nuzzled into his neck a little bit more. "Food." He whispered, nipping the side of his neck. He really really wanted to eat before he would make his love take him back to his dorm.
The rest of the day was much of the same. Lunch, then classes. His classes where the professors wouldn't allow his lover to sit in went painfully slow. Really, he hated being away from Addy! When the last bell rang, Alex hurried out to find Adamair, stopping in his room first to drop off his books.
Adamair had actually made use of his classes away from Alexander. He put his bags in his lover's room and made sure he did not mess up anything of that sort. He was far too happy to run and pounce on his love's back, kissing along his neck and holding him happily to his form. "Missed you." he whispered, hugging him even more. Now they could spend the rest of the night together and he would be so very happy to just sit and talk and catch up. He wanted to chit chat with him about everything that has happened. About Eamon getting a new boyfriend and Caden feeling better -- Anything that came to his mind, he was going to inform his lover about. He figured knowing a bit about the life in Italy would make him feel better.

It did not take them long to catch up, eat, and then soon back into his dorm. Of course, that was when the major fun began. Ravaging, biting, drinking, sooo many other things, and after quite a while, Adamair happily collapsed beside his love. Panting gently and his pale for leaned over to press a kiss to his lover's shoulder. He stared up at him for a little while and gave a small "Oh!" as he thought of something. Reaching into the jacket that was beside the bed, on the floor, he rummaged for a little bit. Lying on his stomach, he took out a small little black velvet box, turning back to the other. Pushing open the top, he revealed the beautiful diamond ring inside. "I also came to propose."
He fully enjoyed his night with Adamair. The teen needed to drink desperately, and he enjoyed the talking and the eating real food, too. Alexander had missed his lover incredibly. He told Adamair about the last three weeks at school, and about the flirty boys who easily backed off when they realized that they weren't going to get anywhere. They laughed, which turned into really hot, sweaty sex.

And then...silence. Alex stared at his lover with wide eyes, and then the ring, and then Addy again. "W-what?" He missed something. He felt like he'd missed something.
What what? Adamair blinked a few times, turning the ring to him, seeing that it was still in there and he then turned to look back at the man. He nodded to him. "You heard me." He stated, leaning over to kiss his lips before he settled back onto the other side of the bed. "Will you marry me, Alexander Arcule? Be mine forever and ever. Yadda yadda yadda?"
Marry him? They were so young! But engagement didn't mean getting married right away... There were loads of questions that were rushing through his head all at once and Alex couldn't choose one to focus on. His mind was racing for several minutes before he could take a hold of his thoughts and get them all under control. When he did, the teen leaned forward and kissed his lover deeply, pulling him into his body tightly.
Adamair gladly kissed the other, moving closer to him and quite content to kiss him. And he did. For a little while. AT least until he established it was not enough to make him happy. He pulled back and looked up at him with interest. "Yes, No, not now? Though, I don't want to go get hitched tomorrow. Few years. Once we're closer to not being in school and leaving our home and living together." He stated, leaning down to rest his chin upon the other's bare chest. His feet lifted in teh air, swinging out of sync and just keeping himself amused while he waited.
It soothed Alexander to know that Addy didn't want to run out tomorrow to get married. The purple haired male smiled and kissed his lover once again. "Yes." It was an easy answer, probably the easiest answer he'd ever had to give to anyone, really. Smiling, he kissed Adamair once more before settling into the bed and offering his left hand to the other male with a little smirk to his lips. "Can I have my ring?" he teased.
"No. It's just for looking at in the box." He teased right back, taking the ring out of the little box, tossing that aside, and then he slid the object onto his love's hand. No. His fiancée's. He then kissed the digits before setting his hand onto his bare stomach. He nuzzled into his chest a little bit, sighing heavily. "I love you, Alex." He whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips once more. He then flopped onto the side of him, arms sliding around his hips and he chuckled a little more. "Now no one can claim you're not in a relationship." he stated, tilting his eyes up to his and he nipped at his side a little bit. "Though, that was not my motivation. Realize that. I love you more than anything else, and so I want to spend our lives together. Not so that I can be a selfish brat and claim you as mine. I do that anyway, ring or not."
"I could have bought my own diamond ring to deter my classmates..." He wouldn't do such a thing but many people could think that he had. Alex settled down with his lover and hugged him close, kissing his forehead. "Love you... As if there was any doubt." He smiled a little and closed his eyes. His emotions were running high and really, Alexander just wanted to sleep to help himself regain control of them. Plus, he loved sleeping next to Adamair. "Maybe I can slip away with you this weekend so we can tell our parents..."
Adamair nodded to the other's words. That would be nice. He would love that far too much, but then again, he would not want to send him back to Japan if he came back with him. He knew he needed to come back since his, their, parents would be pissed if they were not told right away, but he still did not want to give him back. He would force himself to not get cranky or clingy or just steal him. He kissed his lips and nodded a little bit. "Mm. Yes. Sleep now, though." he whispered, kissing him again and sinking into his side.
The week went by quickly. Alex was on cloud 9, really; happy and unable to stop looking at or playing with the ring that was now comfortably situated on his left ring finger. But as Friday drew to a close, he began to get anxious. His father would know before he even spoke... What if they didn't approve? Or got angry with them? With the thoughts, the teen nuzzled into his lover's neck with a very soft whimper.
Adamair pressed a light kiss to his love's temple, smiling softly. "Everything will be fine, Alex." He whispered, kissing him once more before he shrugged and continued forward, toward the house. "If not, so what?"
"I know." Really, he knew that so long as their plan was to wait their parents would be okay. But still, he was nervous. Alex leaned up and kissed Adamair softly as they walked into his own house. "Dad? Papa?"

Nikkos had been working on a few things in his office when their son's voice rang out. He was confused and worried. "Alexander?" The brunette moved through the house and into the entrance hall. The headmaster was, of course, happy to see him and he hugged the teen tightly in greeting. "Are you alright? Why are you home?"

"I'm okay, Dad. Just for the weekend... Where's Papa?"
Adamair walked into the house as well, his right hand happily holding onto the other's left, helping to hide the lovely ring he bought for the man. He watched his uncle come and greet Alex, smiling warmly to him and he gave him a simple little bow of his head in greeting.

Tomias slowly poked his head out of the kitchen, spotting Alex and he beamed "MY SON!" He chimed, hopping up and rushing over to him with a little squeal. He hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek a few times before he hopped back with a clap of his hands." Why are you here? Did you miss us that much? oooh. I bet you did... Or did Adamair kidnap you?"
He was grateful for Adamair's hand. It made him feel more secure, even though the ring wasn't all that well hidden. Alex greeted both of his parents happily, holding onto Nikkos for a moment longer that was probably necessary. "Hmm? No... Well Yes. I did miss you, but that's not why I came home this weekend..." Alexander stumbled a little bit then, and he was grateful that Nikkos noticed it and ushered them into the kitchen for some tea.

"Then why did you come home?" he asked, smiling at his son. Not that Alex ever needed a reason to come home, but he usually had one.

"Um... Because." He paused for a second and took in a deep breath. "Because Addy came to see me at school...and...and he proposed to me..."
Tomias happily moved into the kitchen with him, sitting down and looking over at the two across from them. He smiled lightly, eyes traveling along the two before he stopped, mid-sip of his tea as he did so. He stared at them, a brow arched in question as he did so. He remained silent for a while, just staring at the two. After a few moments of silence, he grinned. "Congratulations, you two. You hurt my baby boy and I'll kill you, but congrats nonetheless! Let me see if he cheaped out or not." He said, motioning his fingers to look at the ring.
Tomias' hesitation scared the crap out of Alexander. He bit his lower lip and chewed on it while his father contemplated his reaction. The teen breathed out a sigh of relief when they were offered congratulations. Alexander held out his hand to is Papa while looking towards his Dad for his reaction.

Nikkos raised an eyebrow at the announcement and played it over in his head. They were engaged? But they were so young! Still... His son looked happy and wasn't that all that mattered anyway? Smiling, Nikkos moved over to them and kissed them both. "Congratulations."
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