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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sighing when his brother was near, Severus sank back into Lucius. He was grateful that his brothers cared so deeply for him, and vice versa. "This sucks." It wasn't necessary to say-Lucius knew that better than anyone-but he felt like he needed to say something.
"It does." He whispered softly, tilting his eyes up to look at the man. He leaned up to press a kiss to the man's cheek before he settled back against his back. He kept his arms tightly around his form, nuzzling into his neck and his eyes slipped closed once more. "Women are overrated anyway." He teased, looking up at him and smiling a little bit more. He was really only teasing him. He loved their sister, but he never really was sure about women. Not really attracted to them. He was like his Mama in that way.
Looking up at his brother, the brunette kissed his brother's lips softly. "I give up on them." At least for now. He needed loyalty and there were only two people in the whole world who were eternally loyal to him. Draco was taken, but he loved Lucius just as much. "I'm sorry about Draco," he muttered softly. His arms wrapped around Lucius' waist so that they could hold each other.
Lucius groaned, burying his face into his brother's form with the mention of Draco. "Me too." he whispered, gripping the other a little bit more. He chewed into his bottom lip, nuzzling him just a little bit more to try and calm himself down at the moment. His head tilted back, looking up at him with a pathetic little look to his eyes. "I have to get over this, I know, but it still just ... hurts." He let out a short little laugh, burying his face into his brother once more. "Why is it that we're so broken?"
"I don't know." Really, he didn't understand why everyone else seemed to have found happiness. Severus kissed his brother's head and hugged him more tightly. "Maybe because we were horrible people in previous lives." He sighed and settled into the bed completely with his brother, sad and exhausted.
He nodded a little bit. "Maybe it's Mama's fault. he's such a horrible person, that his kids are suffering." he mumbled, scooting closer to his brother and he sighed heavily. Hugging his brother a bit more, he kissed his chest before his head tilted back to look up at him, smiling lightly. "Want me to turn into any hotties for you?" He teased, grinning as he looked up at his brother, just trying to get a little smile from him.
Severus did smile but he shook his head. There was no one else he wanted to be with more than his brother, and he said so. "Besides. I have a thing for sexy blonds." Smiling a little more, he kissed Lucius' temple and settled back down. Already he was beginning to feel better, though he felt just a little guilty about it. But he couldn't help the effect that his brothers had on him, could he?
He grinned and leaned up to press a kiss to his brother's lips softly. "mm. good. I have quite the thing for dark haired men." He laughed lightly and nuzzled into him a little bit more. HIs arms wrapped a little tighter around his form and he pouted just a bit more. "Stupid people. aren't we good enough? Hot enough? Nice enough? I think we're pretty awesome."
Smiling at the answer, Severus nuzzled into Lucius' neck, nipping at the flesh a little. "I love you, Lucius." He really had no answer as to why they'd been left by the people they loved, but Severus tried not to think about it. They loved each other, too, and they had each other to lean on and take comfort in. That was something very important. "Lets go out," he suggested, needing to get out.
Go out? Oh, that did sound nice. He smiled and gave a little nod. Sliding off the bed, he took a hold of the other's hands, tugging him out of the bed. "Yes! Let's go ... chow down somewhere. Sushi, ice cream, human hearts. . . Something that I can pig out on."
Shaking his head at his brother, Severus stood up and brushed himself off. "Sushi," he agreed. "Maybe ice cream after if not a movie and some popcorn. No human hearts. That's just disgusting." Smiling, the male stepped forward and kissed Lucius softly. He was grateful that his brother had dropped everything simply to come comfort him. Taking the blond's hand, Severus lead him out of the house and towards the center of town where everything was located.
He smiled and nodded. "Sushi works." He agreed, kissing the other's lips before they moved out of the room and soon after out of the house. His head rested against his brother's shoulder and he smiled a little bit more. His arm slid around the ravenette's hips, holding onto him, not wanting to let go at all. He kissed the side of his neck, enjoying that they truly looked similar. Like the triplets the three of them were. Sure, they were slightly different than Severus, but for the most part, one could tell they were brothers. he loved the looks of utter disturbance. It was just so very amusing for him. He loved his brothers so much.
Severus, as usual, paid no attention to anyone around them. Why would he? So what if they had the same face with different hair and eyes? That didn't bother them so why should it bother anyone else? He rested his head against Lucius' as they walked, his hand in the blond's back pocket. So what if he was giving the delicious ass a little squeeze here and there? They entered the restaurant and sat down, Severus sliding in next to Lucius.
Lucius smile when his rump was squeezed by his brother. He laughed a little bit more, shaking his head and pressing a kiss to the top of his head before he continued through the town until they reached the restaurant. He smiled softly and slid into the booth, glad that his brother followed. He nuzzled into his shoulder in return, his arms wrapping around his hips and he held onto him with a warm little smile. He kissed his lips softly. "I love you, Severus." He whispered and nipped at his ear softly.
The words melted his bad mood easily. He smiled and leaned into his brother a little bit more as he opened a menu between them. He certainly didn't want to pull away so why should he have to just to decide what he wanted to eat? "Do you love me enough to pay for dinner?" he teased softly, laughing.
He laughed softly, looking down at the menu and nodding. "Of course... but why use my money when I have Mama's card?" He asked, nipping at the other's ear gently and teasingly. He grinned and then turned to look down at the menu in front of him. "How about some California rolls and Tuna? Ooo and dumplings! Well, whatever they're called here." He murmured the latter, not too sure how to say it, so 'dumplings' worked.
Laughing, Severus agreed with Lucius on his dinner choices. He didn't care very much what they ate, really, so long as he was allowed to spend time with his brother to heal. They ordered, Severus glad that the waiter didn't seem to notice how much alike they looked, and went back to cuddling while waiting for their food to arrive. "Do you like Brian?" he asked, scooting closer to Lucius. "I mean, would you if he wasn't dating Draco?"
Lucius froze for a moment when he heard the question. He let out a heavy sigh, his leg lifted to drape over the man's own, tucking his foot beneath his leg and he nuzzled him a little bit more. "Yes." He admitted wit ha groan. "He is a nice guy. He treats Draco very well. He is cute, too, I suppose." He smiled and kissed the side of his brother's neck. He hugged him to his form a little bit more, groaning gently. "I think it annoys me the most because they are a lovely couple. He ... Brian ... I can see that he loves Draco. And it annoys me more.' he laughed softly, sinking against the side of him and suddenly losing the bit of energy he had.
Nodding, Severus completely understood. It would be easier if the other person was an asshole, because then you'd have justification to beat the hell out of them. If they're just have to deal with the fact that you're not number one in the life of the person you love anymore. The last part always hurt worse. "But Draco will still love you the way that we all love each other," he offered. Severus really couldn't say the same about Lily...
Lucius nodded and tilted his head up to look at the ravenette, a small smile to his lips. "Lily too. Not the way you used to, but she still loves you as her older brother." He stated, smiling gently and he hugged him a little bit more. "We can always just torture Sirius and his little kitten." He teased, chuckling a little bit more. He then straightened and grinned, though he did not move too far from the man beside him. "And, on the bright side, now you can fulfill the big brother role and scare the piss out of that ... Noah guy." He grinned, kissing his lips softly and sinking against his side once more. "Right?"
He shrugged. So what? And what if he walked in on them? Severus shuttered with the thought, sharing it with his brother. No. No he couldn't handle that. "You be the big brother. I'll just... Cheer you on from the sidelines." He nodded with that assessment and then sat up when their food was brought to them. "Yum!"
Lucius looked over at his brother, smiling warmly. He loved him so much. He was just so cute. He kissed his cheek before taking up the chopsticks to take up a roll and gently dip it into the soy sauce. He popped it into his mouth, nodding a little bit more. "Oh, don't you worry. I'll take my frustrations out on this ... Noah guy. How dare he blindside my Severus.' he leaned over to kiss his lips once more, setting his head against his shoulder to continue eating away at his food.
He felt better with Lucius being so protective over him. While Severus liked to be protective over Lily, he had to admit that it felt good to be on the other end, too. "I think we should go to a movie instead of get ice cream," he suggested in between bites. "We can drown our frustrations and each other." He got a wicked grin on his lips while his hand reached around to grope at his brother's crotch to tease a little.
Lucius looked up at the other, grinning happily as he nodded. "I love that idea." He whispered, gasping softly when he felt the other's grope. "Mmm... Stop that." he moaned out, burying his face into the crook of his neck with another little groan. "I haven't had sex ... in so long Sev ..." he added, nipping at his neck as a little bit of punishment to the man.
Severus grinned a bit more. "I know." The fact was, he had and that gave him the advantage to drive his brother crazy. His fingers traced patterns over Lucius' thigh, being careful to not touch anywhere else. Oh, this would be a great, fun distraction for his broken heart!
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