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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

A few shouts could be heard followed by an annoyed "SHUT IT!" before Rune entered the kitchen, a redhead's neck in his hands as he did so. He shoved Raphael into the counter before looking up at Caden. "There. beat him. Ask him why. I don't care. Just ... For fuck's sake: Feel better! I'm tired of whining and bitching and... ugh." he slammed Raphael's head into the counter, getting quite the yell from him. "That's what you get for being an asshole!" he yelled before charging out of the room.

Raphael held onto his nose, pretty sure it would start to bleed soon. Slowly, his eyes moved to the blond, chewing his bottom lip as he did so. "H... hey..."
He looked up with the shouts, and his heart twisted and shattered when Raphael appeared in the kitchen with Rune. Caden felt some justice when the redhead was smacked into the counter, but it didn't help to mend his heart any. "Thank you," he whispered as Rune left and then stared at the red head. The blond couldn't figure out just what to say or how to react. He was hurt and angry and tired and confused all jumbled into one.

The "hey" sealed it though. "Hey? HEY! That's all you have to fucking say to me is "hey" like you just went on a god damned day trip!"
Raphael cringed at the man's words and he grumbled a little bit more. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he looked over at the other . Damnit! "Well ... yes. Pretty much. Listen. I'm sorry I left in a scummy way ... but I just ... I had to get out. It's nothing to do with you... I just ... ugh. I don't ... I don't want to be in a relationship!"
"Then why couldn't you TELL ME!" he yelled, standing now and inching closer and closer to Raphael. "YOU were the one who pushed it! YOU were the one who got so fucking jealous that you nearly killed me and then turned me! YOU had no trouble tell me me that you did want it so why not BE A FUCKING MAN and tell me you don't?!" Caden's chest was heaving. He was angry and very near seeing red.
"BECAUSE I WAS SCARED!" He yelled, his hands balling into fists at his sides as he stared at the livid man. "I knew... I KNEW all of that. All of ... us ... was because of me. I turned you. I told you we would be together forever. I ... I didn't want to be wrong. I didn't want to disappoint you. I just wanted you to hate me for the rest of our lives and have you move on to some better guy who WILL treat you the way you deserve. I'm sorry! I am, honestly, sorry. I deserve all your hatred and anger and anything else you have toward me. I'm a horrible person and a worse boyfriend and I'm SORRY."

What sort of fucked up, ass backwards was that?! Before Caden could think, his fist was flying forward and connecting with Raphael's jaw. He couldn't deny the release that came with the punch. "Just leave. You don't want to be with me, you obviously don't give two shits at what you've done to me, so just go."
Raphael gasped, his hand connecting with his swelling cheek and he nodded a little bit. "A.. Alright." he whispered, turning and just leaving. What could he do? nothing, really. He was pissed, and deserved the anger. He left the whole house, just ... going somewhere. Probably back to Greece. He would pack up all of their stuff, since he was sure that Caden did not want to go back there. Before he left the room, he said a simple, "I'll send your stuff here. And you can have profits from the house. I'll put it up and just ... stay out of your life." He then completely left.

"Thank GOD" Eamon sighed heavily, making his way into the kitchen, just glad that their fight was over. He wanted food! but the bastards were just taking up the space. He moved to the refrigerator, placing a can of soda on the counter for himself then rummaging through everything to try and find what he wanted to eat.
Caden collapsed onto the floor after Raphael left. He was simply unable to hold himself up any longer, and really he had no desire to. He felt crushed, and so being crumbled on the floor in pieces seemed rather fitting. The blond put his back against the counter and pulled his knees to his chest so that he could bury his face in them. The tears flowed while sobs wracked his body, Caden unable to stop them.
Eamon looked over at the blond on the ground, staring at him for a while. with a sigh, the boy took out a piece of cheesecake, putting a fork onto it and then walking over to him. Kneeling in front of the blond, he rested the plate atop his knees and took a forkful to hold it up to the blond to take. "Eat it. Chocolate makes you feel better." He offered, keeping his eyes to the male, just wanting to get him to stop sobbing.
He pushed the fork away with a shake of his head. He didn't want to eat, let alone eat chocolate. It just wasn't how he grieved nor how he made himself feel better. "I'm going to bed," Caden announced softly as he pushed himself up off of the floor and headed for his room. He just wanted to be alone, really. He felt relieved that he'd gotten to speak his mind to Raphael, but he needed a bit more time to begin healing.
Eamon blinked a few times, keeping his eyes to the blond as he took the bite of cake he tried to offer. He watched him silently before perking up a little more. "Caden..." he began, hopping off the ground and walking backward side-by-side of the other. "Tomorrow, I'm taking you out. You can mope tonight, but by midday tomorrow, be ready to go somewhere. It will do you good. I swear."
He waved him off. If he was feeling up to it the next day, then sure. Caden would go out with Eamon. If he wasn't? Then the other man could go fuck himself and God help him if he decided to try and pull him out of the house.

The blond spent the night moping in his room, and most of the morning. By ten, he was feeling grimy and opted for a shower.
The next afternoon, the little winged boy was wandering around to try and find where that little blond went. He was not one-hundred percent sure on just where he would drag him off to, but he would see just how the other was. There were quite a few options he could do, and depending on the blond's mood and weather would depend on what he should do. He just did not want that guy moping around. It was bad for the heart and soul... and body. He would become fat. No one wants a fatty.
Caden entered his room and carelessly dropped the towel from his hips. There was no one wandering around looking for him and he needed to feel free. The blond moved around the room naked, looking for something to slip into for another day around the house-he had no intentions of going anywhere today. He just wasn't ready.
Tired of waiting, the boy made his way up to the guest room that WAS his, and just did not care enough to knock. Not like he'd get caught banging someone. Of course... Walking into a very-naked blond was an unexpected, yet welcome, sight. "Huh ... And he left you?" he asked, well, murmured really. His head cocked to the side, carelessly having his eyes wander the form of the man. Very nice.
Gasping, Caden leapt back and quickly pulled on the first pair of pants that his hands landed on. "What the hell, you pervert!" He needed his own place. But he didn't have the cash, or income, to purchase, rent, or maintain one. The blond groaned before turning back to find a shirt to put on. He wasn't all that comfortable with strange eyes on him. "You can leave. I'm not leaving the house today." There was no arguing or negotiating. It was his choice, not Eamon's.
Eamon arched a brow, sighing softly as he did so. "Yea. I'm a pervert." He agreed and shrugged a bit more. His eyes then moved back to the man's eyes, remaining silent for a moment. "Fine. Whatever." He rolled his crimson hues, the door pulling closed behind him and he made his way out of the room. "Just fucking whatever." He grumbled and hopped down the flight of stairs to the bottom.. His arms wrapped around his head, chewing his bottom lip. He would just go somewhere on his own. It did not matter. He just could not be in this house anymore. With that man moping, Adamair all over that purple-haired freak, and just ... he could not do it.
Caden wasn't quite moping today. He was feeling better, but not quite enough to face the world full of happy, sickening couples. And so he spent his afternoon in the living room, lounging. The blond read part of a book, he watched a movie and was just closing his eyes for a nap. He was sure that he would feel better tomorrow, but for now he just wanted that extra day to drown himself in his own self pities.
The middle of the night came, and thunder roared, and lightning crashed, and in the middle, the sound of the back door could be heard slamming. Panting and scurrying followed the slam, a beaten, ripped, torn, bloody and pretty-close-to-dying Eamon made his way into the house. Gasping for air and rushing forward, he barely got to the stairs before he collapsed, a lovely trail of crimson following his path. He knew he should not have gone out alone, but he had to. He just had to. Now? He was going to die. In his crush's house. And ... that was the end of it.
Caden was woken up by the door. A bit groggy, the blond looked around the dark house and noticed a lump at the base of the stairs that shouldn't have been there. "Who's there!" he whispered, standing and moving towards the light. It didn't take him long to flip it on, and the blond gasped when he saw who it was and the condition he was in. "Fuck."

Very carefully, he leaned down and lifted Eamon up into his arms and carried him upstairs to his bed, lying him down softly before rushing off for Relic.
Eamon lay limp on the bed, his chest barely rising and falling with his breaths.

Relic was blissfully unaware of his surroundings. He was just so happy to cuddle up with his lover. Kissing him every so often and he really was sleeping peacefully.
He rushed in, not bothering to knock, and ran to shake Relic awake. "Relic! You need to help Eamon... Now!" The blond tugged his brother in law out of the bed, sure that if he didn't, the man that was bleeding out in his bed would die. Caden didn't know why he was so concerned, and he didn't even realize that he was at that moment, either. He just needed Relic to help Eamon!
"Eh?" he murmured, squeaking as he was tugged out of the bed. He scurried a little bit and then looked up at the man with interest. "Huh? Eamon?" He blinked a few times before the word 'help' finally sunk in. He gasped, taking his silk robe and wrapping it around his form. "Where is he?" He asked, following the man out of the room and into his own. He made his way over to the bed, looking him over and gasping. Oh... this poor boy! Kneeling beside the bed, he looked him over, pulling off his shredded clothes and just threw them to the side. They were hiding wounds!

Looking him over, he bit into his thumb, feeling the liquid pool to the surface. Finding one of the deeper wounds, he let the droplet fall onto the skin, waiting for it to take affect. When it didn't ... He freaked out "WHAT?!" He thought for a while, his mind racing to try and find and think about what to do. TOMIAS! GUEST ROOM! My house... NOW! Oh yes. That was SCREAMED inside that man's head.

so much so that within two minutes, the man came rushing into the room "WH-- ooh. shit." He moved to the bed, looking at the boy and he shook his head. "Both of us should be able to do it. Just, relax Relic. Relax." He whispered, taking his brother's hands to hover them over the major wound. His mimicking and he let the warm light of both their hands flood onto the wound. That combined with the blood seemed to do the trick. From that point, they did the major ones, letting the scratches stay since, by the time the last was finished, both men were exhausted.

"Th..> thank you Mias.." Relic whispered, staggering a little and he held onto the man. Turning to Caden, he smiled softly. "He should be okay. Let him sleep." He took his brother, leading him out of the room with a litlte kiss to the blond's cheek before doing so.
Caden paced while Relic, and then Relic and Tomias, worked. He was relieved when Relic told him that the male would be okay. Letting him sleep, though, wasn't going to be okay in the blood soaked bed. Ew. The blond lifted the other male and set him into the chair after rubbing off the blood. Blankets and pillows were given and then Caden worked towards cleaning up the bed and surrounding area.
Eamon curled up in the chair, groaning a little bit. He buried his face into the back of it before freezing. He gasped, eyes shooting open and he quickly turned around in the chair, his heart racing rapidly as he did so. Slowly, he relaxed when he saw Caden. Though, the blood concerned him "i... Is that ... mine?" He squeaked, hand lifting to rest at his neck. Oh. That was .. a lot of blood. A ... LOT of blood. "W-wait! If ... If that is... Why aren't I dead?! I ... I should be dead. It ..." He trailed off, his crimson eyes looking all sort of frightful as he did so.
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