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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Isiah nodded. it was true Uncle Mias did not like him as it was, why add to the anger his uncle felt toward his lover? Really, that would be a very bad thing. Besides, he was all too happy to just kiss the man as passionately as they were currently doing. He enjoyed his lover far too much. He kissed him, gently nipping at his bottom lip and just playing with his flesh in general. His hands slid over his hips, happily gliding up and along his chest with a happy little purr. Mm. He adored this man.
Sinking further into the mattress, Rylee continued to kiss his lover, hands sliding up the back of his shirt. He loved the feel of Isiah's bare flesh. They continued for a few more moments before Rylee pulled away and hopped out of bed rather suddenly. "So where are we going?" he asked, smiling. Having sex in bed hadn't been an option.
Isiah pouted when the man was no longer in his embrace. He grumbled a little bit, resting his head on the pillow and taking in a deep breath to relax his rising hormones just a bit. He then slid out of the bed, tossing a pillow at his lover before he made his way to where he was. He lent up to press a kiss to his lips and then walked past him to make his way to the door. "Let's play it by ear." He said, smiling a little bit more and he bounced his way toward the door, planning to find somewhere and something to do when they walked.
Shrugging, Rylee followed Isiah out the door, wrapping his arm around his lover's shoulders and tugging him into his side tightly. They chatted as they walked, the redhead letting the other male lead the way through the hallways. He really didn't know what Isiah wanted to do and he didn't have any ideas to suggest, either. Though sex on top of Tomias' desk was sounding better and better...
Isiah rested his head against the redhead's shoulder, keeping his eyes in front of him while he thought for a little bit. His head tilted back, looking up at the man with interest. "Want to go to my house?" He offered, trying to find something that they could do. Besides, he had not seen Kaito in a little while. Not long, long, but still enough to make him miss the little kitty-eared boy. He soon stopped and turned to look at the man, thinking of something that may appeal to him. "Or we could go have sex on Uncle Mias' desk. Or in his office. Oooh! Let's play teacher and student!" He suggested, ignoring the fact that there technically was nothing to 'play' in that scenario, but that was well beside the point.
Thoughts of going to Isiah's house, while nice, weren't over exciting. When his love simply read his mind, however... Rylee grinned, reaching down and lifting Isiah up with a strong grip around the waist and kissing him deeply. "I knew there was a reason I loved you." Smirking, the redhead kissed his lover again while turning around and moving towards Tomias' office.
"Not just for my body?" he asked, nuzzling into the man's shoulder with a little yawn. He may be sleepy, but that did not mean he did not enjoy having sex, nor would sleep instead of doing so. He kissed along the other's neck, seeing the halls pass by and coming closer to the man's office that they spoke of. It really would be fun. They already started going at it quite nicely in his uncle's bed, so why not his office? Hell, they could even sleep there to prove just what they did -- or would that be overkill?
Opening the door with a free hand, Rylee deposited Isiah onto the desk as he kicked the door closed, smirking. "Well. For that, too." As if to prove his point, Rylee's hands moved up Isiah's shirt, pulling it up and over his head to expose the creamy flesh beneath it. Lips attached to the side of his love's neck while hands explored over his back and chest, teasing a bit at his nipples.
He smiled lightly with his words, keeping his eyes to the lovely man on top of him and grinning even more. He gasped very faintly when the other began to kiss and caress his flesh, head tilting back to allow for more access as he let out a delectable purr to the actions. Mm. He really did love his boyfriend so much. His hands slid up along Rylee's arms, teasing his crimson locks before he began to pulled up the shirt of the man. He wanted to see his love shirtless too. He really, really did.
Rylee wanted to spend hours with Isiah, but knew their time was limited. Who knew when Tomias would show up? The redhead was quick to strip them both and then slide into his lover, holding the teen close to him as he moved within him, kissing his neck and lips and shoulders-whatever his own mouth could reach. It didn't take long for them to reach their peaks, Rylee nearly collapsing onto of his love afterwards, only catching himself on the desk with a few centimeters to spare.
Isiah really adored this man, he loved him so much. He was great for him, and not to mention a great lover. Few in his past could compare to the way he felt when with this man. When he was with him, the feel of him inside, and oh so many other things that just made the teen so very happy to be near him. He took in a few panting breaths, his arms tightly wrapped around the redhead's neck as he gave a little excess moan into his ear.

"Rylee ... I need to tell you something" he began, after a few moments of catching his breath. He nuzzled the man a little pathetically, blushing faintly as he looked up at the man, that groggy look still present. "I used to be bad ... very, very bad ... I cannot count the number of partners I have had in the past. I was never faithful to any of them. I tried, but I always wound up cheating and--" The boy was cut off by the door opening and a very-pissed Tomias soon there.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He yelled, glaring at the redhead and his nephew ... ON TOP OF HIS DESK! "OUT! Out you damn dogs! Out before I rip your testicles off!" He gathered up their clothes, shoving them at Rylee and then beginning to lead him away, not caring about anything other than getting him out of his office. "Just for that! You're not getting paid for TWO weeks! TWO! It will go to cleaning my damn office. OUT!" He kicked the other in the rear, shoving him out of the room.

Isiah slid off the desk on his own time, pulling on his boxers and soon bouncing past his uncle to go leave .
He grinned with the moans and groans, not even paying attention to what the teen was saying. And then the door slammed open and Tomias burst in and Rylee was highly amused. "Why yes. Yes it was a lovely fuck, thank you for--oof!" He was kicked in the rear end at that point and his clothes tossed at him. "THANKS FOR CARING!" he called back in, sticking his tongue out at the administrator with a little chuckle while pulling on his jeans.
Isiah walked after his love, pulling his pants onto his legs and then his shirt on. He groaned and stretched his arms above his head, yawning softly. He glanced behind him, seeing Tomias cursing and already beginning to scrub down his deak. He was pretty sure the top of his head was sizzling with his anger. He shok his head and turned to look back at the man beside him. His fingers laced with the other's and he remained silent while walking next to the redhead.
Once dressed, Rylee shrugged, laughing at Tomias scrubbing away at the desk. He knew that unless the man bought a new desk, he would always 'see' what happened there. That made the redhead incredibly giddy, despite all logic. He took Isiah's hand and began to lead him back through the halls again, having no real goal in mind. Perhaps the kitchen for dinner?
Isiah smiled and rested his head against his arm. He continued forward, just quite happy at the moment. He remaned silent while he did so, soon tilting his head back to look up at him again. He stared for a while before giggling gently and nuzzling him a little bit more. "Rylee ..." He began, looking up at him again with interest. "Have you thought about marriage?" He questioned, just trying to see where they stood.
Marriage? The question caught him off guard and the redhead had to take a moment to recompose himself. He looked down at Isiah and kissed the top of his head, his arm wrapping around the teen's shoulders and squeezing him a bit. "I have," he answered honestly. He was curious as to where this would be going and decided to let his lover lead the conversation rather than sticking his foot in his mouth.
Isiah stared up at the man not liking his answer right now. He adored him, but he was going to bite hi if he did not answer him properly. "And?" He questioned, stopping his movement to just look up at him, arms crossed over his chest with a little yawn to his lips. He shook his head of the sleepy and looked up at him again. "Do you want to be tied down to one person or free?"
Yep. The dreaded question. Rylee sighed and stopped when Isiah did, looking over him a bit. "I'm...not the marrying kind, Isiah. Would I have a long term relationship with one person? Yes. I would. But I'm not looking to get married anytime soon... If ever." There was no point in not telling th entire truth to his lover. Isiah would find out what he meant sooner or later and if it was later, then he knew that his silver-haired beauty would be terribly hurt and angry.
"Good." He said, turning and beginning to walk forward once more. "I do not wish to get married" He stated with a little nod. He was relieved, but then, why was there a bit of a twist in his stomach when he repeated it to himself that they would not get married? He shook his head, pushing hte thoughts aside while he continud toward the kitchens to go eat.
Rylee was relieved to hear that answer. He thought that his own would have made Isiah angry and hurt, and while the redhead didn't want that at all, he wouldn't lie to his love, either. The redhead took a hold of the silver haired teen's hand and moved onto the kitchen, too. He wasn't in much of a mood to cook, but took out some bread and eggs, cinnamon and vanilla to make some French toast for the two of them.
Isiah sat down at the table, pulling his right knee to his chest and keeping his eyes to the redhead. Hm. Why was he nor more relieved? He had never wanted t o get married before -- ever! Yet, thinking about not marrying him, it hurt. It hurt a little bit and he just wanted an answer for his confusion. His eyes closed and he rested his chin on top of his knee, yawning softly as he did so. "I'm ready for bed now." He murmured, nuzzling his leg and just all around drowsy now.
As Rylee moved around the kitchen, thoughts that the question had brought up kept popping into his head. He was surprised, really, that Isiah felt the same way. Didn't most young people want to get married and have children? But then the comment about bed was made and he smiled. "You're always ready for bed," Rylee reminded him gently as he put down a plate of French toast. "Eat first, hmm? And then we can go back to my room to sleep for a bit." The redhead sat down and began to eat as well, taking his time while thinking a bit more.
Isiah sighed softly. "True." He said softly, his arms crossing over before he took the plate with a simple, "Thanks" and then began to eat at the food contently. He closed his eyes for a moment, yawning and he shook his head a little to keep himself more away. He did want to sleep with the man, and not just in his normal sexual manner either! Though, that was where his problems were coming in, wasn't it? He wanted more than just sex, and they had it, but did he want a lot more than just being with him? He supposed he was too young to think about that for a long time, but that did not mean he did not like to think they could potentially get married.
Alexander was so happy. Hyperion wanted him to study with them! It was a dream come true! It was the most prestigious school for people with his powers and it was a real compliment that they contacted him without him having to apply! He ran downstairs to tell his parents, waving the letter around wildly. Nikkos had to take hold of his wrist to hold it steady so that he could read it. Congratulations went all around, Alex beaming.

It took several hours for the news to sink in...and the fact that the school was in Japan. That meant... A little sick to his stomach, the teen rushed next door and into the house without knocking looking for Adamair.
Adamair yawned while walking out of the sewing room, his arms stretched above his head with another little groan to his lips. He looked at his love rushing forward, staring at him and he quickly caught hold of him, pulling the purple-haired man against his form and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "Hello, my love." He said softly in a little whisper, kissing the side of his neck with a purr.
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