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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"James..." Trevor began, his eyes to the other and he thought for a bit more. The boy was obviously thinking about a normal high school with kids that would probably make fun of him or be cruel in general. Trevor was just so accustomed to Prometheus being the school they went to, that he did not even think about that. "Would you be willing to come with me to Prometheus one day? If you do attend school, it would be the one you would go to. I promise you that it is better than any normal high school. It's meant for people like us ... So, would you go for a day? I would be with you the whole time, and Kyros too if you want."
"But...but there are lots of people there," he whispered, keeping his eyes to his plate for the moment. He was scared that they would make him go to school anyway, despite what they had said. The kitten looked up to the brunette, eyes a bit wide showing his fear. "It's not people being mean to me. It's that there are people in general."

Bohdi stepped in and nodded. "It's okay, James. What we're saying is that maybe Nikkos can make it so that you can stay in one room with one teacher and only five or ten other people, instead of going from class to class like the majority of students."
Trevor turned to Bohdi, giving him a look of 'thank you'. That had been what he meant. He did not mean to make it seem like he would go through the halls with the hundreds of students there. He took in a deep breath and then turned to look at him again, nodding. "Yes. Something like that could be good for you." He admitted and gave a little nod to the boy.
Jupiter returned back to the room after seeing Tomias and crawled back into bed with Sebastian, nuzzling into the teen's chest a little bit. "Take me on a date," he demanded with a smile. "I take you out all the time. I want to be pampered tonight." He moved so that his chin was now resting on Sebastian's chest and he could look up at his soul mate with pleading eyes.
Sebastian groaned when he felt the man come back into the bedroom. He closed his eyes, listening to his words and he arched a green brow. "Take you out?" He questioned, looking down at the man and seeing the look he was given. He sighed heavily. "Fine. You're paying." He stated, sticking his tongue out at him and he sunk into the mattress a little bit more. A soft little yawn passed his lips and he groaned a little. "How's uncle Mias?"
"But that defeats the purpose of you taking me out!" he exclaimed, pouting greatly. He sighed and flopped onto his back with the next question. Why did they have to bring Sebastian's family into the bedroom? But he understood that he was concerned. "He's okay. Upset that there's four but he'll get over it."
"Serves him right." He mumbled absently before turning to nuzzle into his neck with a little yawn. "When do you want to leave?" He asked, nipping along his neck and collar, just amusing himself right now. He kissed him a few more times and then nuzzled at the nape of his neck again, just trying to keep himself entertained. He did not want to leave yet, but if he wanted to, he would. THen again, it was his fault he was so tired.
He yawned too, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's waist and kissing him softly. "Later," he replied with a shrug. If they didn't make it out until tomorrow morning then so be it. He was tired, too, but in a good way. "Maybe I'll get up and shower in a little while." And maybe he wouldn't. It didn't matter really.

It was several hours before Jupiter dragged himself from bed to shower and get ready to go out, nudging Sebastian along the whole time.
Sebastian groaned when he was dragged from the comfort of his bed. Damn god. Thought he could do ANYTHING he wanted. He pinched him a few times to get him away before he wound up in the shower, clothed, and just standing there, trying to wake up. It did not work the best, but at least he was getting there. He pulled off the drenched clothes, tossing them aside to scrub up a bit. Once he was cleaned off, he hopped on out, kissing the man as he left.

It did not take long for the teen to have on his pants and long-sleeved shirt, waiting for the brunette to be ready.
Jupiter retaliated with a smack to his rear end, sticking his tongue out at Sebastian before moving to find something to wear. His wardrobe there was limited as most of his belongings were at home, but he finally found something acceptable for a nice restaurant and pulled the outfit on, ready to go only a few minutes after Sebastian had been. "So where are we going?" he asked, fully expecting Sebastian to choose their activities for the night.
He groaned. Of course he would not let him just go to where they wanted. He turned to look at him, sticking his tongue out. "Fine." He mumbled, taking his hand and leading his way out of hte house and to the man's car. Snatching the keys, he got into the driver's seat. He waited until the other was buckled before driving off down the road.

It took a few minutes, but the two arrived at a cute little cafe. He stepped out of the car, stretching his arms above his head and groaning a little more. Without really waiting for him, he began to walk toward the door, too stubborn to be nice to him.
He pouted with the harsh treatment. Jupiter followed the teen slowly, pouting and dragging his heels the entire way into the cafe. He didn't understand, really. Sure, they hadn't planned on going out but what was the big deal? They were spending time together, right? The god huffed a little bit with the thoughts.
Sebastian sat down, finally beginning to wake up as he looked at the man in front of him. He leaned over the table, pressing a kiss to his lips and then setting back against the booth. "You tire me out" he admitted, yawning once more. He stretched his arms above his head and then set them back to the table to flip through the menu.
"Doesn't mean you have to be mean to me," he pouted, though Jupiter returned the kiss happily. "At least I don't deny you." He stuck his tongue out at the male and then looked at his own menu to choose what he wanted to eat. He chose chocolate chip pancakes with sausage and toast and eggs, feeling hungry from being so worn out. "I have a thirty-six hour shift coming up," he warned. Neither liked when he had to work those shifts, but it was necessary as a doctor.
Sebastian bit his lip, hard, when he heard his words. He remained still for quite a while, just starin at the man and trying to hold back his dislike for this right now. He was not happy at all. He wanted to just chain him up and keep him with him and not have him work. He knew he had to. He was a good doctor, but the did not make him happy. Mae him miserable HE grumbled, mumbling out his order and then staring down at the table in front of him. "Stupid shit. You don't deserve my kindness."
Jupiter sighed. "Don't say that," he countered softly, hurt by the words. "It's not like I want to work long shifts like that, or that I volunteer to." They both knew that the god would rather spend his time with Sebastian than at the hospital, which was why words like the ones that had just been spoken stung. And at least Jupiter had thought to give Sebastian some warning. It was usual for him to forget to do so and get himself in trouble with his love.
Sebastian sighed heavily. "I know." He mumbled, leaning up and over to press a kiss to his lips again. He knew that there was nothing either could do,but at least he did tell him he was leaving, instead of worrying the poor teen until he had gray hair. Really, the man was going to send him to the looney bin. He lent over to him again, kissing him softly. "I love you" he whispered, reassuring his soul mate.
Jupiter was glad to hear those words and returned Sebastian's kisses happily. They chatted while waiting for their orders, the god reaching across the table every now and then to stroke the other male's hand, enjoying himself as they began to relax into their date. "So tell me the truth. Are you looking forward to cousins? Well. More of them."
Sebastian thought for a moment on the question, shrugging his shoulders a moment later. "I already have enough for an army, why not more?" He asked simply, looking over at him and shrugging again. honestly, he did not care. His lips parted to say something, but his eyes soon caught something. He froze before gasping. "Danny" barely passed his lips before he was leaping out of the booth, and scrambling out of the cafe. He went rushing down the sidewalk, almost tripping over his feet as he did so "DANNY!" He yelled, seeing the back of the man's head and rushing faster after him. "Danny?!" He called, soon skidding to a stop when the man he had been chasing was suddenly lost in the crowd. "DANNY!"
Jupiter was confused, and curious, and concerned. Danny was dead...he thought that Sebastian had worked through that? The god motioned to the waitress that he'd thrown money down on the table before rushing out after his soul mate. "Sebastian!" Well wasn't that the scene: Sebastian calling after some stranger, and Jupiter calling after Sebastian. But he ignored the odd looks and rushed up to his love, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Sebastian! What's wrong?"
"I SAW HIM!" He yelled, turning to stare up at Jupiter. "I DID!" He protested, brushing past him and quickly looking through th crowds. "I saw him!" He yelled again, just trying to find where that man had gone. He looked from one store to another, searching through the many people and trying desperately to find the man. He KNEW he saw him. HE did. He was not losing it! If he was, it would have been months a-- okay. it WAS... but not like this. He would have seen him months ago, not now. Not now that he had someone. And it was NOT his guilt! That was just bull. He knew he saw him. He did!
He looked down at Sebastian, taking his face into his hands. "Honey. Listen to me. Danny died, Sebastian. Months ago." He kissed the man's forehead softly, wanting nothing more to calm him down so that he could talk some sense into him. Jupiter didn't doubt that his soulmate had seen a man who looked like Danny, but it was impossible for him to have seen Danny. "Come sit down with me, Sebastian. Calm down a little bit."
Sebastian shook his head, looking from one street to the other, chewing into his bottom lip nervously. No no no . He had to find him. What if it WAS Danny!? Maybe he was reincarnated or brought back for some reason. He turned to look at the man his eyes close to tears and so very hurt. "I saw him!" He stated, voice cracking just slightly and he took in a deep breath. He had seen him. Where was he?! Where did he go?
He shushed the teen softly, kissing his cheek and wrapping an arm around his shoulder, pulling Sebastian into his side and hugged him. "You saw someone who looked like him, sweetheart," he assured. Jupiter wanted the teen to know that he didn't think he was lying, simply that he hadn't seen who he thought he saw. "Sebastian...take a deep breath for me and get yourself under control. You look like you're about to have a panic attack." He was worried about his love.
Sebastian took in a deep breath, doing it purely for the man in front of him. Though, it did help to calm him a little bit more. He took in a few more and shook his head just a bit. "It ... It's not fair!" He protested, his hands coming up to hide his face before he fell to the ground, burying his face into his lap while he began to cry into his hands and thighs. "WHY would the cosmos do this to me?! I was getting over him! I ... " He stopped and just curled up more into his form, rocking back and forth while he began to cry.
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