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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias turned to glare at the god that entered his kitchen. He growled in uter annoyance, not liking the man in front of him at all. He grumbled, just staring at him. He knew he did it on purpose. He really did do it on purpose. That jerk was getting pleasure from him making him wait. He was getting far too much pleasure out of making him wait.

"Yea yea. Hurry up!" He protested, just wanting to know what his problem was. He lifted a hand, resting it over his lips and taking in another deep breath to try and keep his lunch down.
Jupiter smiled and moved back over to Tomias, carefully poking and prodding at his belly, giving soft nods and 'hmm's to himself. "Ooh. Yes." He nodded and then went to write a couple of prescription slips out for the man, handing them to him. "One is for the nausea. The other is for extra vitamins. A mommy of four needs a little extra of everything." He reached over and patted Tomias' belly before beginning to pack up his bag.

Stopping mid sandwich making, Nikkos stared at the doctor. "Four?"
Tomias was not happy right now. His arms crossed over his upper torso - on top of the bump - and he kept his eyes to the doctor while he prodded him a little and then took out his litle prescription pad. He took the two and looked them over, stopping mid word. He stared at the ppers before his eyes lifted to look at the man. "What?" He hissed out, stepping toward the man. "You're joking. I can't ... NO. four is just ... No..."
Looking over at the couple, he smiled. "Four. One more than three, not quite five, half of eight. Four." Nodding, the god continued to pack up, taking his time, and then lifting the bag so that he could return to Sebastian. "See, Mias! I didn't jinx you! You're not having three like your brother!" Jupiter's voice was much too cheerful. He took great pleasure in his friend's frustrations with him.
He growled at the man in fron of him, really just wanting to bite hi head off. His hands balled into fists at his side, emerald eyes still glaring horribly at the man. "You ... If I hated you more, I'd kill you." He stated before throwing the nearest thing - happening to be a plate - at the man's head. "Out of my house you pedophile!" Yes, everything was fair game when it came to his annoyance. The fact he was with a fifteen year old boy and he was many centuries old was being thrown in his face. As well as a plate.

Turning, he moved to the nearest chair, falling into the seat with a groan. "This is YOUR fault!" He protested, lifting his gaze to glare at his husband. "YOU got me pregnant.'
Laughing, Jupiter ducked the plate and then left the house, humming a happy little tune.

Nikkos looked at Tomias, shocked. "Hey. I didn't make it so you could get pregnant! And if you hadn't forgotten our anniversary I wouldn't have topped in the first place." The brunette stuck his tongue out at his husband and then made him a cup of mint tea to help his stomach a little bit.
"Ugh" he groaned, his head falling back onto his arms and he whimpered a little pathetically. He was not happy right now. He was not happy at all. He did not even know why he could get pregnant. It definitely had to be something his mother did. HIs father was human. Well, maybe it was his fault? He did not know. Yes, he did not need anyone to blame, but he had not idea why he was in this situation in the first place. "Why four?"
Shaking his head, Nikkos sat down next to his husband and handed him the mug of tea. "Because I love you four times as much as I did when we met?" he asked, teasing a bit. He smiled and kissed Tomias' cheek. "It'll be fine," he assured. "You have the prescription to help with feeling sick'll give you an excuse to lie in bed and have me wait on you?"
"You bet your ass it does." He stated, narrowing his eyes at the man and he then straightened up just a bit. He stared at the mug for a while before he pulled it closer to his form. His eyesslipped closed and he took in the scent, sighing softly as he did so. "I know we'll love them. and this will be worth it ... but they're ruining my body." He whimpered once more and let his eyes slip closed and rest his head back against his arms.
He leaned forward and kissed Tomias softly, nuzzling his cheek a little bit. "You're gorgeous," he promised with another little peck. "No matter how huge your belly is." Smiling, Nikkos got up and went to start dinner, being sure it was nothing too heavy, and that it wouldn't upset Tomias' stomach.

Bohdi slept, but not well. He was worried about Trevor. Up early and unable to sleep, the blond went down to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Bacon and eggs and toast were all put on a plate which was put on a tray with a fork and knife, napkin, salt and pepper, and a glass of orange juice. He carried it upstairs, tapping very lightly on his husband's door. "Trevor?"
Tomias sighed heavily. HIs eyes closed once more and he nuzzled his arms just a little bit more. "I want chicken ceasar salad." He mumbled absently, emerald eyes lifting to look over at the man, quite the pathetic look to his features as he did so.

Trevor had not slept. He wound up curled up into quite the tight ball in the sheets, and when that did not work, he took all the blankets and curled up into a ball in the corner. He kept his knees firmly to his chest and he stared down at the ground, not really being able to sleep, but he dozed here and there. When the door was knocked, he lifted his eyes and said a simple "Yes?"
Shaking his head, Nikkos started on the salad that his husband requested. It was easy enough, and that was one of the only reasons that he took the request in the first place. Had it been something super complicated, then Tomias would have gotten whatever he felt like cooking, really.

Bohdi poked his head inside of the door. "I made breakfast. Are you hungry?" He slipped into the room and set the tray next to his husband before sitting on the side of the bed so that he was a safe distance away from the other man. "Did you sleep? You look really tired, honey."
Trevor looked up at the man when he came to him. HIs husband was being so good about this. He felt horrible that he really could not do much other than wait for this to feel better. WAit for the security to come back. He looked down at the tray and said a soft "Thank you" before picking up some bacon to munch on. His eyes turned back to the man's and he shook his head a moment later. "No. . . I did not sleep." He said simply, taking another piece of bacon an olding it out for the man to eat. "I ... just could not." He sighed heavily, eyes closing as he did so. "I will be better soon ... I just can't ... shake it."
He nodded and pulled himself fully on the bed, sitting Indian style and leaning forward. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" he asked softly, eyes open with worry and concern and the desire to help him. "I can just sit here and listen if you want?" Not that he knew what there was to say. It was quite clear, really. Trevor no longer felt safe around anyone, and it wasn't his fault. Still, he couldn't help but want to help in some way.
Trevor took in a deep breath, chomping on the bacon a little bit more and he kept his eyes closed and his head shook a little bit more. "All those memories ... they just come flooding back, and all those feelings from the different men. from the different women it ... it ..." He took in a deep breath to try and calm down a little bit more. "I think ... I think part of it is that I ... I do not feel right to be around you anymore. REmembering all I went through, I feel tainted. I ... I am very tainted."
Tainted? He felt tainted? Bohdi wanted to wrap his arms around his husband and kiss him and tell him how wrong he was. But the blond simply stayed where he was, even though it was hard to do so. "Trevor. I know what's in your past, sweetheart. I've always known. And I've always loved you because your past made you who you are. You're my husband. There's nothing from your past that could make me not love you, or make you so tainted that you don't belong next to me; in my arms."
Trevor shook his head and curled up a little bit more. "I ... I know that, in my mind. I ... I ust cannot ... feel that." He looked up at the man once more, chewing his bottom lip a little and then he slowly moved over to his love. He stayed at the bottom of the bed, leaning up to rest his head against his legs, taking in a deep breath and calming himself from the urges to move away once more. "I do love you. Just ... Just remember that."
Looking down, Bohdi smiled softly at his husband, his hand coming up to card through the brunette's hair softly for a minute. "I know you do, sweetheart." They sat like that for a few minutes before Bohdi spoke again. "Just...I'm here, okay? Whatever I can do to help you feel better...tell me." He didn't know what else to say or do, and so the blond shut up and took his lead from Trevor, hoping that his husband would feel like himself sooner rather than later.
Trevor pulled his knees closer to his chest and he nuzzled into the other's leg absently. He remained quiet and thought a little bit more. "We should ask James if he would like us to adopt him." He said, just trying to think of something other than his traumatic experiences. He loved James a lot. He was such a good kid and he wanted him in his life for so many more years.
A little surprised with the topic change, it took Bohdi a second to realize what had been said. He nodded though, agreeing. "I think we need to get him into school first, too." It wasn't good for anyone to not be in school or working for any length of time. "We'll talk to James, then Nikkos, when we get back home." They sat in silence a bit more. "Have you talked to your Papa about you restaurant?" he asked, following Trevor's lead and steering clear of the most obvious topic of conversation.
Trevor nodded. School would be good. School would be very good for the boy. MAybe he and Kaito could go to classes together, or they could just make sure he had small classes. Either or should be good. He nodded at the question again. "Yes. We have been trying to come up with a menu." He sighed gently, shaking his head a bit. "It .. it will be very fun to work with Papa"
"Working will do you good," he commented softly. "Give you something to really focus on; to pour your heart and soul into...besides me, of course." Bohdi winked at his lover and laughed a little bit, leaning back onto his hands which were propped up behind him. "Has the realtor of the building called you back yet?" he asked, keeping on the same, safe topic.
"Yes" he said simply, his fingertips slowly began to trail along the front of him shin, absently contenting himself with the soothing motions. He loved him so very much. Really, really he did. He nuzzled him just a little bit more, chewing his bottom lip a little while he continued to nuzzle his love's knee. "It will be fun, working. I cannot wait."
He nodded with the comment, glad that Trevor was looking forward to it. "Do you want to get showered and dressed?" he asked. "We can go check on James and Akito, see if we need to have adoption papers drawn up." Really, the blond was anxious to get his husband out of the house and into the fresh air. Walking to their house would probably do him some good, too. "I promise to not come into the bathroom with you."
Before Trevor could say anything, Rune ran into the room with quite the devious smirk to his lips. "Tomias is having four. FOUR!" He laughed maniaclly before running back out of the room to go inform the rest of the house of his brother's misery. Oh yes, that was just the icing on the cake of his brother's misery!

Trevor blinked a few times, lifting his eyes to his love and he shook his head a little. "Mama is ... so mean." He whispered, standing up and then brushing off the front of his clothes. "Let's just ... go home. I will shower there. I more so wish to see James."
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