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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The two did not take long before they were at the abandoned building they were meeting the kidnapper in. They moved through the halls, looking over the door numbers and soon enough, they were there. Akito and Trevor both were too impatient to knock and so they just opened the door. They moved into the room, Akito's ear twitching just slightly and he straightened his back and turned to the wall that held James behind it. He heard the whimpering, and his heart broke and his anger flared. He narrowed his eyes, stepping forward and seeing some ... man. He had NO idea who the hell he was!

The man smirked and looked over the two that were there. "Perfect" he purred out, stepping into the light and grinning even more when Trevor paled instantly. "Akito ... You can take him back. He's of no use anymore." He stated, looking over the gorgeous brunette and grinning all the more. "Oh, Trevor ... You've gotten positively beautiful." he purred once more, his fingers trailing along his face before sliding to the back of his head. He took a strong hold of his hair, yanking him toward his form. "I knew you'd come. I just knew it"

Trevor was ... comatose. Not out of consciousness, but he definitely was shocked into doing nothing. He ... he could not believe this. This ... This man found him. He found him after ... so many years! How was that possible?! WHY did he find him?

Akito quickly rushed into the other room "James!" he whispered, rushing to the boy and pulling off the blindfold and looking him over. "Are you okay?"
James heard the door open, and then movement and that scared him. It scared him to not know who was in there and if they would hurt him, or help him. But then he heard Akito's name and his heart jumped out of his chest. And Trevor was there!? That meant that they really did care about him after all!

The kitten sighed in relief and wrapped his arms around Akito's neck when his hands were free, burying his face into the man's neck as he nodded that yes, he was alright. But something in the air wasn't right. He tugged Akito back out into the room and didn't like what he was seeing. Growling, James hissed and lunged at the man who was holding Trevor, sinking his shark little teeth into the man's arm.
Akito was so relieved. James was okay. Phew. His eyes closed and he turned to walk into the other room as well. He stared at the sudden action and he stepped forward. What was ... going on? Trevor looked so pale. So pale. He quickly shook his head, hearing the man yelp and try and shove James off his arm. Quickly, he rushed to Trevor's side, reaching forward to try and help him up, but the man instantly veered away from his hand.

Trevor stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of him, backing out of the room slowly before he turned and just ran. He could not be there any longer. He needed to go home. Yes, home was safe. Home was good. Akito and James were okay. Akito definitely could hold his own. The brunette ran to their home, rushing inside and he barely got to the stairs before he collapsed. He was shaking and shivering and he was even paler than he had been even at the house.

Akito quickly retrieved James from the man's arm. Scooping him up, holding him against his chest, and quickly, he made his way out of the room with a swift kick to the man's gut, just to be sure he would not follow.
Hearing the door slam and a thud, Bohdi rushed through the house to find the source. He found his husband collapsed on the stairs and immediately thought the worst. The blond rushed forward and knelt beside Trevor, reaching forward to brush the hair out of the man's face. "Honey what happened?" he asked softly, his hand moving down to rub at the man's back and shoulders, wanting nothing more than to soothe the man.

Not really aware of what was happening until Akito was tugging him out of the room, James didn't release his bite easily and tore a bit of flesh off of the man's arm as he was pulled. The kitten cuddled close to the other man as they walked home, afraid that if he didn't someone else might try to hurt him, too.
Trevor went wide-eyed once more with the attempt of the man to touch him. He instantly pulled away, staring at his husband and just ... staring at him. He remained silent, actually pushing his form up a step or two to help avoid contact with the other man. Without a word, he fumbled his way up the stairs and into the bathroom. He locked the door behind him and moved to the shower. Clothes and all, the water hottest it would go, and there he stood. He could not get the feel of the man out of his mind. The look of him. The smell of him. The fear he felt. He just had to get it away somehow, and the steaming water was not helping him.

Akito held onto James firmly, resting one hand at the back of his head and the other rubbed along his back. He kept his cheek against his, moving into the house and looking around. "Where ... is Trevor?"
Shocked that Trevor would pull away from him like that, Bohdi followed after him. Something bad must have happened, and he needed to find out what so that he could help his husband deal with whatever it was that he was feeling. The click of the lock, followed by steam coming out from under the bathroom door scared him, and he quickly set about picking the lock. Once he had, Bohdi opened the door a crack. "Trevor, I'm coming in." Scared that his lover would harm himself, he reached into the shower and turned the water off and then held a towel out for him as he tugged the curtain back a bit. "Please? Dry off. Talk to me."
Trevor jumped when he heard the door unlock. He just could not shake this feeling. It was not going away. When the hand suddenly was in the shower, he stepped away and against the wall. His eyes stared at the man and he kept his form pressed against the tile. He stared at the man, shakily taking the towel and holding it against his form. He did not want to be near anyone right now. He took in a deep breath and took a few more steps away from the man. He buried his face into the towel, gripping it tightly and he just tried to get a hold of himself. It was not working at all.
He saw the fear, and it was very slow, but things began to click. "It was him?" Bohdi remembered Trevor telling him about his scars when they were still only friends, back at Atlantis. It scared him to know that the man knew where they were. The blond let out a long, slow breath and thought for a minute. "Come on," he offered, taking a step back. "Get changed-I can stay in the hall if you want-and then we can go to your parents' house. They'll know what to do." More than anything, Bohdi wanted to hold his husband; to reassure him that he was safe. But he didn't want to scare him anymore than he already was.
Trevor could only nod to his words, all of it. He waited until he was out of the room before even stepping out of the shower. He took off his drenched clothes, letting then lay over the edge of the tub. He then wiped his form off and then took a fresh towel to wrap around his hips, another around his torso . He quickly moved through the halls to their bedroom once more. changing into jeans and a zipper-up hoodie, he slowly made his way out of the room. He tugged the warm garment closer, not even able to look at Bohdi yet. He just continued down the stairs to begin walking toward his parents' house.
Bohdi felt horrible. All he could do was wait for his husband, and even then his heart broke at the sight. The blond followed him and then caught up to him, but was sure to keep a safe distance between them. When they were only a few blocks away, he stopped. "Can we stop for a second?" he asked, hand reaching out to take his lover's hand, but stopping before he did any damage. "I...I just want to tell you that I love you, and that I'll do anything I can to make you feel more comfortable...safer."
Trevor really had not wanted to stop, but he saw that Bohdi had stopped. He turned to look at him when he spoke, nodding softly. He gave a gentle, "I know" to hopefully reassure him. He did not want him to think he did not love him. He still did. Thing being, he just could not shake this feeling. He just did not know what to do to get over this huge fear that was surging through him. So, he turned and continued to walk. He took in a deep breath of air, continuing forward once more, needing to keep walking.
It was all Bohdi could do to keep the tears that were threatening to come out, in. He wanted to cry because his husband was in pain and that he could do nothing to help him. He was glad when they finally got to his inlaws' house, the blond reaching over to open the door for Trevor and then following in at a safe distance. "Rune! Calder!"

Calder came rushing when he heard Bohdi's voice. It was rare that any of their children showed up unannounced. "Bohdi? What's wrong?" Looking over, he saw his son and recognized it all over again. He cursed under his breath and called for his husband again.
Trevor stood to the far side, his arms crossed tightly over his lower torso and he hugged his form tightly. He rested against the wall, and he remained quiet for the moment. He took in a few deep breaths, feeling a little better with his parents near him. They helped him through this quite a bit many years ago. He knew they could help. They had to.

Rune slowly came into the room, chomping on a candy bar and he stared at Trevor. Staring at the pale and shivering boy, he could easily sense what went wrong, even before prodding his mind. Making his way toward the man, he stood a foot, bit more, away from him and stood there for a second. "Want to cook? Want Jade?"

At the mention of Jade, the man seemed to perk up just a bit. Oh how he missed his brother so much. He ... really wanted him. He needed that comfort. With a little nod, he said a gentle "both" before making quite the large detour around the man to scurry to the kitchen.
Calder went into the kitchen with his son, glad that the room was quite large. He sat on the counter and placed whatever Trevor might need well away from him so that he would be comfortable moving around. "So what about this restaurant?" he asked, wondering if talking about normal things would help him to calm down just a little bit. "Any idea of what sort of food you want to cook for it?"

Bohdi turned and quickly made his way to the phone to call Jade. He told Murasaki to hurry over and then turned to tell Rune all that he knew, hoping that maybe the man might have a fire lit under his ass to go kill the bastard that did this to his love.
Trevor continued to move about the kitchen, making the thing that came to mind. He took the few things near his Papa and continued to try and concentrate to feel better. "No .... I do not know yet." He said softly, after quite the long pause.

Rune waited to hear that Jade was coming before he already was moving forward. He patted the top of Bohdi's head and then made his way through the streets to easily find that wretched man. He had figured he would have died out or been murdered in the years that passed. The fact that he was still alive pissed him off beyond all reason. Even more now that he dared to try and harm his family.

Jade quickly rushed through the streets, his little bundle of joy attached to his chest in a sling. He ignored the words of his husband, just needing to get to his brother. He quickly moved through the doors, taking Mosi and placing him in his husband's arms before the sling was tossed at him as well. He skidded into the kitchen, seeing his brother and he smiled lightly Walking up beside him, he gently wrapped his fingers around the corner of his hoodie, holding the fabric softly while he looked over what he was making. "Smells good, Trevvy"
Irrationally, Bohdi was jealous that Jade could get so close to Trevor. He wanted to be the one that could make him feel better. The blond took a moment to pout before turning to help Murasaki take the sling and put it over the back of the sofa and then taking his nephew so that the wizard could get his own jacket off and get a little more comfortable. He had a feeling that they would be here for the night.

With all the commotion, James had gotten a little scared. He hoped that Trevor was okay, but he couldn't help but feel glad that the house was quiet again. Sure that there was no one about, he poked his head out of his room and went in search of Akito to thank him.
Trevor turned to look at his brother, resting his head against his for a moment before he lifted the spoon from its sauce to offer to the boy who gladly took a bite of it. "Chocolate sauce." He told him after a moment, returning to what he had been doing before. Sure, it would soon end up being a cheesecake, but that was coming later.

Jade nodded a little, giggling with the taste of the food. "Yummy!" He said and giggled once more. He rested his head against his shoulder, looking at the pans and smiling again. "I can't wait until Mosi is old enough to eat your food." He giggled once more, holding his shirt a little bit more.

Akito slowly exited his bedroom, seeing James and he walked over to him. "Are you okay? Truly okay ...?"
Glad that Jade was able to calm Trevor, Calder jumped off of the counter. He was very deliberate in his actions to lean forward and press a very light kiss to his son's cheek. "Open up to Bohdi, sweetheart," he whispered before moving out of the kitchen to let him work his magic with the stove and oven.

He nodded and moved to hug Akito. "Thank you for coming to save me."
Trevor flinched just a bit when the man kissed his cheek. He stared at the man before turning back to the stove. HE set the chocolate aside and soon went about doing the rest of the preparations. He remained silent. He knew he had to open up to Bohdi. He was his husband, it was something they should do frequently. Right now? He just could not bear to leave his brother's side. Not yet. He just needed a little bit more.

Akito relaxed, wrapping his arms around the kitten and sighing softly. "Good." he whispered and closed his eyes. "I could not leave you ... ever." He did not know why. It, honestly, confused him. He did not get why the very thought of James being away from him broke him down in so many strange ways, but that was what it was
Calder patted Bohdi's shoulder, trying to reassure him. "Just a little time," he promised before moving to take Mosi into his arms. It was weird to think that, at thirty four years old, he was a grandfather. But he supposed that it wasn't all that strange considering the other events in his life. He played with the pink haired boy, trying to get him to laugh or smile, though he was still a little too young to do either yet.

Very softly, James began to purr a little with the warmth of the hug from Akito. It felt nice; right. He nuzzled into the man's chest a bit and re-tightened his arms around the other's waist. "Will Trevor be alright?"
Akito looked down at the kitten and he shrugged. "I do not know. I hope he will. I do not know him well enough, but he seems very strong." He stated, nodding a little and keeping his arms around the other's shoulders. He did not want to let go of him. He really did not know why, but he just could not. Not yet anyway. Especially not with his purring.
Slowly, Bohdi made his way towards the kitchen, though he kept a safe distance. "Can I help?" he asked. He wanted to be close to his husband, but not make him uncomfortable. He hoped that his offer would be accepted. "I promise to not get too close." It broke his heart to say such a thing, but if it meant that his love would be more comfortable, then he'd say anything and mean it.

Nodding, James agreed with Akito. Trevor did seem strong. They stayed like that for a while before he pulled back. "I need to go take a shower," he offered softly. "And then...maybe we can have dinner?" He was starving!
Jade glanced over to Bodhi when he came into the kitchen. He smiled warmly and took a step away from his brother, his arms crossing over his lower torso and he remained silent, wishing for Trevor to feel better.

The brunette looked behind him at his husband, smiling lightly. "Um ... Get the chocolate cookies from the cupboard? The wafer ones." He said, turning his attention back to his cream cheese and ricotta mixture, adding in some sugar and then whisking it all up with some egg. Once the chocolate was cooled, he poured three-fourths into the cheese and stirred that.

Kissing his brother's cheek, he turned and left with a brief hug to him, then one to Bohdi. "He'll be okay soon." He whispered, kissing his cheek again, he then turned and made his way out of the kitchen.

Akito nodded. "okay. we will go out. I really cannot cook ..."
Breathing a sigh of relief at being allowed to help, Bohdi nodded and moved to get what he was asked. "Are you crushing them for the crust?" he asked, taking some out of the packaged and setting them onto the counter. Maybe having a conversation about normal things would help Trevor.

Nodding, James went and showered, glad to get the dirty feeling of the man off of him. He also brushed his teeth, hating the lingering taste. It didn't take him long to show up in the living room dressed and ready to go. "Ready!" he announced, smiling a little. He wished that he could explain the butterflies in his stomach...
Trevor nodded. "Yes." He admitted, walking over to where the wafers were placed, forcing himself to go closer to Bohdi. Honestly, he wanted to go back to his side of the kitchen, but he did not as well. He did not like to see his love so badly wounded because of him. He took in a deep breath when he stood there, smiling softly. He began to crush up the cookies for a while. Taking in another breath, he turned and pressed a very light, very quick, kiss to his husband's lips before he pulled back to continue the cheesecake. "I ... I will be okay, Bohdi I ... um ... I just can't ... right ... now."

Akito gave a low bow to the boy before he stood up and walked to the door, opening it up for the boy. "Where do you wish to go?"
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