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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Almost ready?" he asked. It was Thursday afternoon and he wanted to get out of there early to make the most of their three day weekend on Avalon. Nikkos had packed for them both, like he always did when they went away anywhere, and the bags were in his car to go to the airport directly from Prometheus.
"For what?" he asked, looking at the papers for a few more minutes before he lifted his head and turned to look at the man behind him. His emerald eyes truly showed his obviousness for what the man was talking about. He could prod his mind, but he never did that unless he had to. And that was only life or death situation.
He... He was joking, right? But when Tomias turned around it was clear to Nikkos that his husband had no idea that they were going away, let alone why they were going away. The brunette pulled back, very obviously hurt and disappointed and even angry. And it took a lot for Nikkos to become angry at his husband. He took a moment to compose himself a little bit and then shook his head, giving a very soft 'nothing' before leaving the office.
Tomias blinked a few times, watching the expression of the man and he perked up. "What?" He stood up from his chair and then followed after the other man. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing's the matter," he answered in the same tone as before. Nikkos kept walking, not stopping or looking back. "I need to speak with Calder. I'll meet you at home." Really, he did not want to be around Tomias at the moment for fear of smacking him. Or saying something incredibly nasty that he really didn't mean in the first place. The brunette needed time to cool down. A lot of time.
Tomias went wide-eyed and then jogged to go in front of him. "Nikkos!" he said, holding his shoulders gently and looking down at the shorter man. "Tell me! We're married ... we're supposed to talk. Otherwise, things will just be wretched." He stated, head tilting to the side in question as he looked over the man. "So, spill."
Sighing, Nikkos stopped and barely listened to his husband's words. He was too upset to talk, let alone think rationally. He simply rolled his eyes and pushed past Tomias. "Go look at your calendar," he called behind him, making his way towards Calder's class room still.
"Eh?" he questioned, turning to look at the man as he left. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he kept his eyes to the back of his love's head. What was he talking about? Calendar? Their anniversary wasn't until January, right? He went wide-eyed, gasping as his hands clasped to his mouth. SHIT! That ... wasn't their anniversary. Oooh no no no! That was horrible! He had his hand rest over his face while he thought silently. "SHIT!"
It was many hours before Nikkos showed up at home. He'd spoken to Calder for a little while and then drove around for a few hours more, trying very hard to not be mad at Tomias anymore. It didn't really work out very well. He was still angry, though no longer seething, when he walked through the door of their home and made his way directly to the bathroom to shower.
Tomias did not let his husband get too far before he pounced him. He tackled him to the ground and pinned his wrists above his head and one hand over his mouth to stop him from yelling at him. 'i'm sorry!" He yelled, looking down at him with a pathetic look to his eyes. "I forgot our anniversary. I don't know what made that happen, but I just did. I dunno ... I'm old! What do you expect?" he whimpered, sitting on his hips and slowly releasing his mouth and wrists, looking down at the man. "I'm sorry!"
Nikkos struggled a bit until Tomias spoke. The apology made him a little less angry...but only a little bit. Even his 'old' comment didn't crack a smile like it usually would. When the other man sat up, he wiggled his way away and stood up, not wanting to be touched at the moment. "I accept your apology but I'm still mad and hurt so I'm going to go and shower." He gave a sad little sigh and then moved into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. Nikkos still needed a little time.
Tomias blinked a few times and whimpered softly. "okay..." he mumbled, pouting as he stared at the bathroom door. He really had no idea what to do. He loved his husband so much, but was too scared to do anything. HE would definitely have to make up for this somehow. For now, he remained against the wall, waiting for the man to exit so that he could pounce him again.
Nikkos took a long shower, letting the hot water wash away the muscle tension from the day. His mind relaxed a little bit, too, but not as much as he'd wanted it to. No matter what he tried to tell himself, he couldn't help but be mad at Tomias. The headmaster tried to tell himself that after this, it was unlikely that Tomias would forget their anniversary and that it was good to get it over with early-they had a lot more anniversaries to look forward to. But he wanted to know how the man could forget even one. The brunette also tried to tell himself that it was an honest mistake and that his husband really did mean his apology. But that only served to make him a bit bitter that Tomias would have to mean an apology.

With a sigh, he came out of the bathroom and moved to their bedroom to get dressed.
Tomias perked up when he heard the water turn off. He quickly made his way to their bedroom, spotting his love and he smiled all the more. He slowly made his way over to the man and gently pressed a kiss to his cheek. "We can still go to Avalon...' He murmured, sitting on the bed and he kept his eyes up to the brunette, truly upset with himself. "Please? Don't be mad at me...."
Nikkos sighed and leaned against the dresser. "I don't want to be mad at you, Tomias. I'm more hurt than angry." The brunette turned to his husband, pulling on a pair of jeans as he did so. "I just need a few days to get over being hurt." He kissed the top of his husband's head, put a shirt on and left the room once more, heading for the kitchen this time.
Tomias blinked a few times, following after the other and his eyes kept to the man's head. "Few days?" He repeated and stayed behind him all the while. "Then don't be mad! Or hurt." He added and scurried toward him, taking a hold of his hand and he laced their fingers together, kissing his cheek softly. "It's our anniversary! Out of ... how many years? I forgot one!" He whimpered lightly and then wrapped his arms around his arms, pulling him against his form and kissing his cheek.
"I can't help that I'm hurt," he whispered, shaking his head and leaning into the other man for a moment. "I know that you didn't forget on purpose, but it still hurt so just...give me a little space, okay?" Nikkos pecked a soft kiss to Tomias' lips and then pulled away to get something to eat. He would get over it-really, he would. And then they could go to Avalon and celebrate their anniversary a week late. For the time being, though, he needed time to lick his wounds a bit.
Tomias stared at the man while he left, biting into his bottom lip for a moment before he made his way out of the room. He moved through the halls, soon finding himself at Relic and Tanner's side. It did not take long before the whimpering man collapsed onto his brother's lap, not caring who else was there. He nuzzled his thighs and wrapped his arms around his form with another pathetic little whimper. "Nikkos is mad at meee" He said with another little whimper.

Relic blinked a few times, staring down at his brother and he rolled his eyes a bit. "Then don't forget your anniversary."
He rolled his eyes at Tanner who had come over to check on him, and to let him know where Tomias was. It was nice, though, to chat with the blond and it was very easy for Nikkos to forget that he'd once been the blond's administrator as opposed to colleague. Tanner helped him to feel better about the situation and while Nikkos was still a little hurt, it wasn't nearly as bad as before. Still, he was going to let Tomias sweat it out; it was a guarantee for Nikkos that his husband would never again forget their anniversary.
Tomias only managed a few days before he could not stand it anymore. He pounced. Literally. He tackled his love to the ground of their home and pinned his hands to his sides with a little grind to his form. "I can't stand it!" he stated, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips and then to the side of his neck. "I don't like you still being hurt. I can't stand not cuddling up with you as much as we used to ... and I'm going to stab Alexander." He nodded and then stood up, scooping the man up and onto his shoulder. "The plane's ready. Let's go." He stated, not taking anything for an answer while he began to make his way out of the house and toward the Mustang he got so long ago. Like hell he was going to take much longer than this. He wanted to goooo. He wanted to have their little vacation, and now, they were staying a week! Of course his love did not know that - yet - but it would eventually be told. Once the plane left.
Nikkos gave a small 'oomph' when he was tackled. He was amused greatly by his husband but didn't let it show. Instead, he allowed himself to be manipulated with minimal fuss and driven to the airport. He got onto the plane on his own and sat away from Tomias, knowing that it would just poke at the man's ego that last little bit. Nikkos had plans once they got to Avalon and he needed his husband to be putty in his hands, even if it was out of guilt.
Tomias pouted horribly when his husband did not sit next to him on the plane. he whimpered like the hurt little puppy he was for a while, soon just flopping against the seat. His eyes stayed to the man, remaining quiet - aside from the whimper here and there - and just waiting for him to maybe give in. Of course, that did not work. The plane landed, and Tomias was as pathetic as ever. He slumped his shoulders a little bit, scooping up his bags and then scuffing off the plane, hoping that the beautiful sunny air would do well for them.
Waiting until they were inside the house and their bags set to the side, Nikkos smirked then and very easily tackled his husband to the sofa. The man's lips collided with Tomias' while hands held the other's over his head to give him free access to his body. Nikkos bit and nipped, licked and sucked over his lover's neck and lips and chest, marking him quite easily. "If you think this week was painful," he warned while looking up, "try forgetting another."
Tomias squeaked when he was tackled to the bed, staring up at his love with his eyes sparkling just a bit. He pouted a little and nodded. "Never again." He whispered, leaning up to try and connect their lips, nipping his bottom just slightly. "Does this mean you want to try being on top?" he teased, grinning all the more. Hey, he felt bad for what he had done, but that did not mean he would not tease his husband about his sexual position.
"I don't think I'd pass up on an offer to punish you a little bit more..." Smirking, Nikkos bent his head to connect his lips to Tomias' neck. The brunette sucked there for a moment, marking the flesh beneath him before moving on and down his husband's chest. He continued those actions for quite some time before discarding both of their clothes to the ground.
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