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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Lucius followed. There was nothing else he could do right now. He did not want to go home, so why not? He moved to sit across from him, arms folded and resting on top of the table. He looked over at the man and groaned a little bit more. He flopped forward, head resting onto his arms and he sighed heavily. "I ... don't get it." He admitted, lifting his head to rest his chin on top of his arms, looking over at the other. "Were we not good enough?"

Bryan looked behind them and sighed softly. "No. It's not. Sean is ... pissed." He admitted, eyes closed as he rested his head against Draco and smiled a little bit more. "It'll be fine." He whispered and kissed his cheek. "Let's just enjoy dinner." He added and then moved to the restaurant, opening the door for his boyfriend.
He shrugged with the question, propping his head up on his hand. Sean really couldn't figure it out, no matter how hard he tried. They were good enough for their twins for their whole lives up until this point. What changed? What changed about Bryan and Draco that didn't about himself and Lucius and therefore caused their brothers to go out looking for someone else? "I don't know," he admitted sadly. "This sucks."
Lucius looked up at him and sighed heavily. He plopped his head back onto his arms with a little groan. "It's so annoying more than anything! I love Draco so much and, don't get me wrong, I'm sure that Bryan is nice and all, but I don't get it." He groaned again and slid over to the side. 'I think it's worse that ... he resembles me." He admitted with a bit of a pink to his cheeks. He remained silent for a while, lifting his head and straightening up to look over at the man. "Does he .. always dress like he does today?"
"And I don't?" he asked, slightly amused at the comment. The blond nodded to the question though. "Yes...that's about his usual outfit..." Sean knew that his answer wouldn't help Lucius feel better, and that it likely would make him feel worse, but he wasn't one to lie to anyone. "Sorry," he offered softly. He ordered when the waiter came to their table and then turned back to the other man. "Any suggestions?"
Lucius sighed heavily. "Yes, but you don't dress like I do." He said softly. Turning to look at the waiter, he remained silent for a moment before his eyes slipped closed. "Burger and a coke." He murmured and then turned back to look at the one in front of him. "It's fine." He said softly, elbows on the table, chin in his palms as he kept his gaze to him. "So ... Are you anything special? Like ... an elf or something?"
"We're wood nymphs?" he offered with a shrug. "We draw our powers from the earth and nature. I can understand plants and their needs... I talk to them." That information generally weirded people out but... Well he'd heard stories of Draco's family and so he figured that not much could weird Lucius out. "You morphe too?"
Lucius was actually ... interested. Talking to plants? That was neat. A little strange when one was merely human, but he could read minds, so who was he to talk? hell, he could turn into a plant if he wanted to! He nodded at his question. "Yes." He admitted, a little shrug soon coming to his shoulders. His eyes closed and he took in a deep breath before sighing once more. "It's more fun with Draco. When we were younger, we posed as our parents." He grinned, chewing his bottom lip a little. "It worked to get us out of classes ... until Mama came and spoiled our fun."
He snickered at that. He and Bryan could have had loads of fun with that power! Well they had fun with theirs, too. He had perfected the art of making people think that he was crazy and heard voices that were plants. It was a few years before their parents had figured it all out, and many counseling sessions. He said so. "I'm sure it was that quack who ratted us out." The blond pouted about that, too.
Lucius laughed lightly and shook his head a little bit. "Yea. I don't ... like psychiatrists.' He admitted, sighing once more, a little groan passing his lips. "Luckily, my parents don't care about that ... and see through it. Mama reads minds. We ... don't get away with anything." He groaned at his memories and his hand slid behind his neck, resting there while his eyes kept to the other. "It's annoying. Really, really annoying." He closed his eyes with another sigh. 'It just ... sucks. I don't have Draco. I don't have Severus ... I don't have anyone now. everyone else seems to be pairing up and it's not ... cool."
"Severus?" he questioned. Then the answer hit him. "Oh your other brother... I remember now." He nodded, running the stories over in his head. "I know what you mean..." He and Bryan only had each other and now... Well now he didn't have anyone because Draco had Bryan. The blond gave a little huff. "This. Sucks." Luckily, their food showed up just then and it gave them something else to focus on.
He nodded, looking up at his food and pulling it to him. He put some barbecue sauce onto the burger and then bit into it. He began to pick at his fries and thought for a little while. He ate for a while and when he was about half done, he set the burger down to look over at him, beginning to wipe off his fingers from the grease and sauce. "So ... We were supposed to have a blind date, weren't we?"
Looking up, Sean shrugged. "I think it was just a ploy to torture us, personally." Okay, so perhaps that wasn't quite what he thought. But it was how he felt when he saw the two together, flaunting their relationship to the two men in the whole world who would be hurt the most. "But dinner is counted as a date, right?" He wasn't sure what else they could do. "I'll even pay for it."
He sighed heavily. "They meant well." he admitted, chewing on the corner of his thumbnail and just trying to think a little bit more. His eyes kept closed for a short while before opening to look at the other. "You don't have to. We can go Dutch." He shrugged, not really caring one way or the other. He stared at the man for a bit more before his back straightened and he leaned in toward the other just a bit more. He really was not sure what to do. "How about ice cream? Or ... do you want to ditch me? I don't care either way, just don't have anyone else to do."
"Oh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the statement. "Sorry to disappoint but I don't fuck on first dates... However non-traditional they may be." Though, dinner and ice cream was rather tame for Sean, but Lucius didn't have to know that. "Ice cream, though, sounds like just the thing to drown our frustrations and hurt and sorrow in." He nodded and took another bite of his burger. "I'll get dinner if you get dessert?" he offered.
Lucius blinked a few times. What was he -- oooh. His wording. He groaned, "Freudian slip." he murmured, flopping forward so his head connected with his arms. He sighed and then pushed his form up to look over at him. "Yes. That works." he agreed, finishing off his soda and fries and he then stood up from the table. Clapping his hands together, he turned to look at the man that was there, looking him over a bit. At least he was nice to look at.
Finishing up his own dinner and laying out the money for the check and tip, Sean stood up and followed Lucius out of the diner. They strolled through the streets, in no rush to make it back to their brothers. "So give me the dirt on your brother. I have to have something to tease him about if he's going to make me feel this way."
Lucius turned to look at the man that spoke to him, staring at him for a while and he let out a soft little sigh. The dirt? He shrugged and thought for a little bit. "I don't know." He admitted, turning to look at the male once more. He continued forward and toward the ice cream parlor. He closed his eyes and thought for a bit. "He doesn't like spiders?"
"Pfft. That's boring. Embarrassing stories. Odd habits. That sort of thing!" The blond opened the door to the ice cream parlor and followed Lucius inside. "Like... when Bryan was nine-nine!-he went around without clothes for an entire week. He had to be sent home a few times because he didn't want to keep them on during school, either."
Lucius let out a little laugh at his words. He shook his head a little bit and then turned to look at the male with a warm smile to his lips. "Well ... when we were seven, we were at a circus - I don't know why - and Draco was called to the center ring. That lasted two seconds before he was screaming at the top of his lungs and freaking out because one of the clowns came up to him. He was so scared he wound up pissing and shitting himself. Mama ... was not happy."
Sean laughed too and then ordered a cone of mint chocolate chip ice cream with sprinkles. Once Lucius had his ice cream and they paid, they began to walk again. Sean found that he was enjoying himself a bit more than he'd thought he would. Both blonds exchanged stories about their brothers and their childhoods as they walked, laughing with each other.

"So when did your...relationship start?" he asked, wary of those around them and giving them too much information that they didn't need.
Lucius laughed lightly, getting chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream and then walking with the man. He was quite amused by the stories they shared. Really, it made this a little bit better. He turned to look at him with the question and he shrugged a little. Turning back to what was in front of him, he continued eating his cone for a short while. "We were ... fourteen? We were home alone and Severus was doing something with Lily ... and ..." he shook his head and then turned to the other. "You?"
"Younger," he answered softly. "Twelve maybe? It's only the two of us and our parents were never...interested. So we...experimented with our curiosities together." Sean shrugged a bit. "It just felt natural I guess." There was a little twinge of pain in his heart when he talked about their relationship but he tried really hard to push it away. What could he do? Draco and Bryan were dating and it didn't seem that they would stop dating any time soon.

"What about your other siblings?" he asked, trying to change the subject.
Lucius turned to look at him again, thinking for a little before he shrugged. "Sev ... Joined in after a while, on that note. The others? I love them, but they're all pairing up. Sirius has been swooning after Lavi since he first saw him. Trevor is married, Jade is married and now has a baby of his own." He shrugged a bit before he sighed. Really ... He was not happy. He liked being with Draco and did not want that to change. "Mama yelled at me for being so angry at Draco." He added and finished off his cone, trailing his tongue along his fingers while he walked, eventually keeping his forefinger between his lips to try and get the peanutbutter off.
He nodded. Sean liked stories of large families because of his small family. The blond had to admit that the image of Lucius sucking on his finger gave a little twinge to his stomach, but he pushed it away and ignored it as best he could. He wasn't Bryan and it was Bryan he wanted. "I know what you mean... About everyone pairing up? All of our friends are, too." He sighed a little and finished off his own ice cream.
He let out a short laugh, his finger falling from his lips and he turned to look at him again. "Yea. My cousins are all pairing up." He shook his head and clapped his hands together. "i'm going skinny dipping." he stated, turning on his heel and heading down a sidestreet to take a path to the nearby lake. He needed to do something, and he had nothing else he could do. If the other followed, great, if not, then he would just help calm himself in the nice cool water, ignoring everything around him. Yep. That would be the best.
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