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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune nodded, leaning down to nip at the man's lips. "Yes. The end of this school year, we can go. It gives Nikkos enough time to find replacements." he whispered, kissing him once more and grinning all the more. It would be nice to get away. Escape the chaos of the world and just being with him would be quite nice.
He nodded happily. Calder was excited about being able to get away for a while with Rune. Not that he didn't love their family or their kids, but the blond couldn't remember the last time that he and his husband had time to themselves. He missed being able to be spontaneous with Rune...especially when it came to sex.
Slowly peaking her way into her parents' bedroom, Lily looked over at the two on bed, glad that they were not doing anything other than talking. She took in a deep breath, straightening herself with a soft, "mama, papa" passing her lips. When her Mama gave her the nudge to come inside, she did. Slow as ever, she moved to the bed, standing beside it and fidgeting with the bottom of her shirt. "Mama ... Papa I ... wanted to tell you that ... Severus and I um ... well ... we're in love and dating and ... I did not like feeling like I was sneaking behind you two... so i ... am telling you."

Rune arched a brow at the redhead, sighing softly at her little blush. "Lily, we know. Not only does your Mama read minds, but a blind man could see the tension between you two. If we did not approve, you'd be in an all girls' boarding school, and he'd be in Australia with the twins and bunny-boy."
Calder listened, quite amused by their daughter's hesitance to spit out what everyone already knew. He smiled at the girl. "Everyone knew before you did, sweetheart," he assured with a little nod, and even a bit of a chuckle. "Your brother can't help but wear his heart on his sleeve."

Peeking his head in, Severus shook it. He reached forward and took a hold of Lily's wrist, tugging her out of the room. "I told you they knew, Ily," he laughed a little, waving good night to their parents.
Lily pouted as she was soon being tugged out of the room. She stared at her parents for a moment before turning to look at Severus, turning a light red. "Well ... I didn't know." She protested, pouting a little bit more and then burying her face into the side of the man's arm, resting her hand on his inner arm, holding onto him. "How was I supposed to know everyone already knew?" she murmured and held him a little tighter, just not wanting to deal with the world right now.
"Because I told you they did?" he teased softly, closing the door to their parent's bedroom and leading her back to her own. The teen kissed her cheek before stepping away. "I have to check on Draco, Ily..." He didn't want her to think that he was going to turn to his twin for anything physical but the poor thing was devastated and if it wasn't late at night he'd perhaps go after Lucius and beat him to a pulp, too.
Lily pouted when they stopped in front of her door. she stared up at him with a faint pink tinted to her cheeks. "Okay." She said softly, knowing her brother well enough, and knowing that he would have to do this. She lent up, kissing his cheek softly before she turned and disappeared into her bedroom.
Entering their bedroom, Severus gave a sad little sigh at the sight of his brother. The teen easily slipped into the bed and under the covers with the blond, wrapping him up tightly in his arms and hugging him close. He didn't say anything. What could he say that everyone else hadn't already? Instead, Severus kissed Draco's temple softly and held him, hoping to make him feel a little bit better.

Draco, too, felt that there was nothing to be said. Anytime he asked the questions, he got the same answers. He simply curled into his brother and took comfort from him, clinging to him tightly as if he was afraid to lose Severus, too.
Akito was confused. He went to bed alone. He knew that he had. He remembered curling up with his pillow and hugging it tightly while he fell asleep -- thinking about things to show James. Yet, when he woke up, he felt something. It first had started off just as a warmth and pressure on his chest, but soon it turned into movements. Strange, strange movements that he rarely even had from women. When his eyes finally opened, he found that there was a pale blond-haired boy on his torso and grinding into him. This ... was not what he wanted his wake up call to be.

Quickly, and without hurting the boy, he scooped him up and off his form, holding onto his shoulders while he quickly moved through the house. Luckily, he found Trevor in the kitchen and the Asian stopped a few feet away from him. "Trevor ... Who is this? do you know him? and ... why was he in my bed?"

Trevor blinked, turning to see one of his younger brothers being held by Akito, the blond pouting. He closed his eyes and let out a gentle sigh. "He is my younger brother." He clarified, lifting his eyes to the man once more. "Mama called to say he got in a fight with his brother ... and apparently he came here and found you." he stated, seeing the boy get all the more annoyed. "Sorry, Akito. He is hurting and you are attractive, so he tried to ... get intimate, I suppose."
Calder had let himself in and stopped short at the sight. It wasn't hard to figure out where Lucius has gone, and what he'd been up to. The blond said hello to Trevor and pecked his cheek before taking his younger son by the back of the neck and leading him toward the door. He was sick of seeing his children hurting, and they were going to fix it whether or not they liked it. "Dinner tomorrow night!" he called over his shoulder as Lucius was lead to the car and pushed inside of it.

"You're going to apologize to your brother, you're going to talk to your brother, and if you don't I'm going to have your Mama hurt you terribly. And by your brother, I mean Draco."
Lucius went wide-eyed when his papa came into view "NO!" he yelled, grabbing onto anything and everything on the way out. He actually wound up knocking over a few tables on the way before he was shoved into the car. "NO!" he said once more, arms crossing over his torso and gripping his form tightly. "He doesn't deserve an apology! I don't want to see that ... that... TRAITOR!"
Pulling into their driveway, the blond reached over and gave his son a swift smack to the back of his head. "Get over yourself!" he boomed. It wasn't often that Calder got mad, but he was on the verge of rage at that moment. "He is your brother! Your twin brother at that! You're going to apologize to him and make up because you love each other!"
Lucius yelped when he was hit, his hands coming up to protect the back of his skull once more. He glared at his Papa, not happy right now. He let out a growl, storming out of the car, slamming the door behind him and then storming off into the house - followed by a lot more of doors slamming behind him. He was pissed. He was really, really pissed off right now. He did not want to see him! he did not want to see his brother at all
Calder was quick to follow into the house and seek out Rune. He was frustrated and angry and he needed to calm down. Though, the first words out of his mouth when he found his husband was a request to please kill Lucius. With a little whimper, he buried his head into the man's neck and wrapped his arms tightly around the man's waist.
Rune arched a brow, looking at his husband when he came to him. Kill Lucius? He stared at him, looking at the top of his blond locks and just staring for a while. "Um ... I carried that heavy ass for nine months, so I'm sorry but, we're not killing him. We can beat him." He offered, kissing the other's head softly and sighing heavily. "He's angry. Frustrated. Betrayed ... You probably should have given him more cooling off time." he whispered and then pressed a kiss to his head again.
He shook his head. "No," he answered. "No it's not fair to Draco. Lucius can be mad and hurt and betrayed all he wants but he has no right to make Draco feel like he's done something wrong; to hurt him like he is." The blond sighed and nipped at his husband's neck lightly a few times.
Rune sighed heavily, eyes closing as he rested his head on top of his husband's. "Yea, yea." he murmured, just letting it go. He did not care right now. It was his children's problem. While he hated to see them so broken and hurt, he knew that there was not much interference they could do without too horrible of repercussions. He nuzzled into the man, kissing his head once more. "Everything will work out."
Calder knew that Rune was right, but it didn't mean that he liked the answer at all. He whimpered a little to get his point across before cuddling further into his husband. "How long did it take you to apologize for being an ass when Relic got his first lover?" he asked, curious to know how long they were going to be stuck like this.
"Six months." He admitted and gave a little shrug of his shoulders. "And that was after trying to set his lover on fire, trying to kidnap Relic, and then finally moving to Alaska for a while." he stated and shrugged once more. "The fact that Lucius is only upset and well, hasn't tried to harm anyone, that already is a good sign."
Calder whimpered with the answer. He'd hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as he thought it was. "Can't we just tie them up until they cooperate?" he whined a little, looking up at his husband and giving him pathetic puppy eyes and a bit of a pout to boot. "Isn't that what parents are for?"
Rune sighed heavily, kissing his love's lips and then sliding over his form. "Fine." He whispered, kissing him once more and then sliding off of him and the bed. He made his way through the house, finding Lucius easily and just swooping him over his shoulder and then walking to go find the other one. He found him brooding in his bed, literally kicking Severus out off the room.

Turning back to the two, he threw - literally - Lucius onto the bed and crossed his arms over his lower torso as he glared at the two. "Listen. This is how the next few months will go if you don't make up with each other. Draco will be in a depression. His relationship with whatshisface will crumble and then he'll be even more broken because why? Lucius won't want to come back since he would feel guilty. Then it will be another month or so before Lucius finally comes back sobbing about how wrong he was and that he loves you and could never hate you and ... whatever. Draco will be pissed at him for a while and then take him back, just happy that he doesn't hate him anymore. You will be closer than ever and probably defile your room with too many bodily fluids ..."

Taking in a deep breath, he whacked both boys upside their heads. "MAKE UP ALREADY! I can't fucking stand it. Grow up. BOTH of you." Whacking Lucius one last time, he narrowed his eyes. "You ever tell him you hate him again, and I'll rip your throat out. Keep that in mind." He hissed and glanced over at Draco. "And you ... TELL your brother you're thinking of having a boyfriend, or someone asked you out next time." He grumbled and then turned, leaving the room with a slam of the door behind him, heading back to his bedroom.
Severus squeaked when he was kicked from the room. But he saw Lucius swung over their Mama's shoulder and knew that things would begin to be taken care of so he went back to Lily's room and curled up with her, glad that his brothers would be working everything out between them.

Whimpering, Draco looked up at Rune and then to Lucius. He gave a little bow of his head with the instruction to tell Lucius next time. But this was what he'd been afraid of! That Lucius would get so mad and upset and angry and then he'd hate him! The blond sunk back into his bed when their Mama left and looked at his twin rather pathetically. "Do you really hate me?"
Lucius absently rubbed at the back of his head, grumbling a bit. God his Mama could be so ... so mean! He pouted and then slowly turned to look at Draco with a grumble. "no." he stated, whacking the other's chest a little bit. "I don't want to share you. I don't want some. .. Bryan guy to take you. You're my brother. Mine.," he protested, wrapping his arms around the blond and pulling him into his form, kissing his cheek softly. "But ... It's .... fine." He said, teeth gritted just slightly. "I'll get over it. I want you happy."
Happy beyond words, Draco clung to Lucius and buried his face into the other male's chest. "Bryan...he's special, Lucius. But you? You're my brother! I love you." He leaned up and kissed the other blond's lips, nipping the bottom one softly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I was afraid'd act like you did."
Lucius kissed him back, nuzzling him a moment later. He grumbled a bit, eyes closing as he let out a heavy sigh. "I still love you. I love you a lot. And ... it's worse not telling me. I feel like you betrayed me' He whispered, kissing him once more and then pulling back to rest his forehead against his. "So ... how do you know him?"
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