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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Mutti." He corrected, looking up at him while they walked to the infirmary. "He is my mother, if it is easier to remember, you may call him that." he offered for ease for the other man. He continued forward, arms draped over his lower torso before he stopped in front of the nurse's office. He knocked before slowly walking into the room. "I got beat up again." He told the man ever so nonchalantly. Yep, by now, he was used to it. Maybe just did not like him because of his parents and whatnot.
Again? Well that wasn't what Rylee had expected to hear. But he kept that to himself for the time being. Being sure that the teen was settled and being looked after, the redhead set off in search of Gabriel to inform him of what had happened, and his 'detention'. He supposed he would need to inform Nikkos and Tomias as well, Rylee not knowing that Rune likely already had.
Isiah was easily taken to the nurse, forced to sit on the bed thing and then his wounds were tended to.

Gabriel already knew about what happened - Rune telling him after beating the snot out of the kids and giving them one more shot to be perfect little angels before they would be removed from the school. The silver-haired man, moved through the halls before he spotted Rylee. Walking over to the man, he gave him a soft smile. "Isiah will be okay." He reassured, easily getting that he was upset about the whole thing to begin with.
He turned to walk with Gabriel. "Yes, I'm sure he will be." As they walked Rylee clued Gabriel in on his son's detention. Still, he was concerned with the boy not sleeping as a whole. "Is there a reason that Isiah is always so sleepy?" he asked. Rylee didn't want to be nosy, but also wanted to show that he cared.
Gabriel smiled warmly. He had had this question many times before and was not surprised. At one point, one of the teachers thought he was abusing him in some sort of way. He shook his head a little. "He needs more hours in the day." he told the other, turning to look at the redhead. "Isiah has his instruments, he has his school work, now he has Kaito that he has to make sure feels at home and loved. He takes very good care of his grandmother. He ... spreads himself thinly. There will come a point when he will crash. I try to make him rest, but it does not work. He is better than he was in the past. He used to have a lot of energy. Soon, he should juggle everything, I hope. To answer your question, it is merely that he does too much."
Nodding to the answer, Rylee moved up to the infirmary with Gabriel to check on his student. It looked like he was all patched up by the time that they got there, which put the redhead at ease greatly. He waited around for Isiah to get the all clear to go home before moving out into the hallway. "Remember your detention," he reminded gently with a little smile. "I'll ask your mother if you complied."
Gabriel wrapped his arm around the boy who was pretty much even in height with him, few inches shorter though. "He will. I will tell his Father your orders." he stated, smiling warmly and knowing how Sergei could be when his child was in this sort of state. "Thank you, Rylee. I will see you tomorrow." He gave a gentle bow of his head and then led the way down the hall and to his car.
The next morning, Rylee was anxious to see if Isiah had complied with his detention. What the boy didn't know was that if he didn't, the redhead would just give him another one, or maybe a pop quiz... He didn't know what he'd do, but he'd figure it out! He arrived to work early to set up his classroom, putting the desks together into groups for the project that he had planned.
The next morning, Isiah made his way through the halls. He was a little more awake than normal, but not by much. Just less like he would fall asleep when he blinked. Walking into Rylee's room, he slowly made his way to the man's desk. He stared down at him with a bit of interest to his features. "Why did you lie?" he asked, his arms loosely crossing over his lower torso and looking at him, waiting for his answer.
Looking up to greet Isiah, Rylee became highly confused with the question. There was no definition of what he'd lied about and so... Well how was he supposed to answer?! He cocked a head at the boy, giving him an odd and very confused look. "I lied?" he asked. "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, Isiah."
"Yesterday..." He began, his fingers wrapping a little more around the strap of his messenger bag to adjust it on his shoulder. "When I asked you why you cared ... you lied. You said that it was because I was your student, but you went from orange to magenta and then to green. You lied."
The answer confused Rylee even more. "I highly doubt that I am a horse from Oz," he answered, chuckling softly, returning to straightening his paperwork and lesson plans. "Did you server your detention last night?" he asked, looking up to allow Isiah to see that he was serious.
Isiah nodded to his question. "Yes. I went home, greeted Vatti and Kaito, ate a bit for dinner, and then went to sleep." He informed him and then shook his head once more. "No. You are not the horse from Oz. But... you still lied. Your aura went green when you said that it was because I am your student. Green means jealousy and lies. The shade you were meant lies. Why did you lie?"
Ah an aura reader. Just his luck. "Very good," he commented on the going to bed part. As for the lying... Well couldn't they avoid that whole...mess? Hmm well it seemed not. Rylee looked up at the clock to judged if he had time to stall. Still ten minutes. Damn. Looking back at Isiah the redhead held his hands up in submission. "Okay. Okay. I lied. I lied because I didn't want you to know the truth."
Isiah stared at him and he closed his eyes. "I know that much." he stated, his hands tugged at the bag a little bit more. He then turned his attention back to the man. "If you do not wish to tell me, that is fine. I only will not trust you." He was not kidding either. He did not enjoy when people hid things from him. He had too many things in his past that got him to not like those who lied to him.
"I don't want to admit it to myself and you expect me to admit it to you?" he asked, shaking his head a bit. What was he supposed to say?
Isiah stared at him for a while, seeing that his words were true and he gave a gentle bow. "I will ... not protest." He stated, straightening on more and adjusting his bag a little more. "I will see you in class, Mr. Seoras. Do not worry, I still trust you. Your words are true." He turned on his heel, leaving the room at just that. If the man would not tell it to himself, he could not make him tell him. That would be cruel and unreasonable/
He sighed a little, though he wasn't sure if it was out of relief or stress. What could he say, though? It was inappropriate to have the feelings and thoughts that he was having, though the redhead supposed that it could be worse. Isiah could be a young teenager, rather than a teenager who was legally an adult. That was something, at least. He was glad when the bell rang to signal the students to start making their way towards their classes-it was a welcome distraction.
Isiah made his way through the halls for his classes. He soon arrived at Mr. Seoras' class, heading inside and over to his chair. He sat down with a gentle yawn. His eyes kept closed for a few moments before he forced himself awake and took out his notebook, beginning to 'take notes' which, well, was true. Thing being, it was musical notes that were swimming through his head, but at least they kept him awake enough to look like he was paying attention.
Rylee assigned the project and then floated around the room, answering questions from students here and there. He liked this part of teaching-the interactive side attracted him more than the lecturing side. When he came to Isiah's desk, the redhead only shook his head and reached forward to tap his forefinger against the paper. "This isn't exactly what I assigned, Isiah..."
Isiah looked at the finger upon his paper, staring at it and then slowly tilting his head back to look up at him. "But I am awake." he stated and then turned back to his notebook. He knew that he should be doing the assigned project, but he had gotten so engrossed in his notes that he had not even realized there was an assignment. He took the papers and slid them into a folder before he took up the paper with the work on it. He stared at it for a while before slowly beginning to start on that.
With a little sigh, Rylee paused by Isiah's desk for a moment longer. "Is it because you're bored?" he asked, truly interested in why the silver haired teen wasn't paying attention in his class. "Me? The way I teach? Something different entirely?" The redhead waited for a response until another student needed help. He moved to answer the question and then returned to Isiah's desk.
Isiah blinked a few times. Bored? He parted his lips to respond, but the man wandered off to another question. When he came back, the boy shook his head. "I am not bored. It is not your teaching style. The music comes to me and I cannot deny it." He admitted with a simple nod of his head. It was true. He had nothing against his teaching or he was not bored, he just preferred to do his music over his schoolwork.
It was a couple of weeks that had passed, and slowly Rylee began to come to terms with the fact that he had the serious case of the hotts for a student. The redhead sighed with that and let his head fall forward onto his desk. Really, it wasn't the worst thing. He'd had a relationship with a student while he taught at Atlantis... But Nikkos was the administrator then, not the headmaster, and now Tomias was the administrator and he had it out for him. Ugh. The bell rang for class to begin as he pondered over just how to handle the emotions.
Isiah made his way into the classroom with a soft little yawn. He sat down at his normal desk, staring at his notebook for a while and, as was normal, he wound up falling asleep once more. He was not any better with not falling asleep. He tried. He really did. He just was not awake enough. Even going to bed sooner, he slept in classes. It did not matter and well, he became accustomed to detention a minimum of every other day.
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