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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sirius took in a deep breath, pressing closer to the man and he had not even realized how much of a relief it was that Lavi kissed him back. initiated a new kiss even! He leaned into him, his hands resting on the front of his chest, holding onto him tightly while his lips caressed his. He kissed him passionately, not even caring about the movie they came here for anymore. He just was far too happy to have Lavi, and have them kissing. His hands slid up his torso, arms wrapping around his shoulders and he pulled him tighter before eventually, he pulled away with a few panting breaths. "Lavi..." he whispered, not wanting to disturb any movie-viewers.
Pulling away to be able to breathe, Lavi nipped along Sirius' neck and jaw, holding the male to him tightly. He was glad that the theater was relatively empty-it made him feel less awkward. One hand moved up and stroked one of Sirius' ears, Lavi purring with all of the positive stimulation.
Sirius looked down at the man in front of him, groaning lightly and leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips once more. He gave him quite the many kisses before he pulled back, his cheeks a bright red as he stared at the kitty-eared man in front of him, shivering at the feel of the man's fingers along his ears. Oh, that was so very nice. He moved closer to him again, resting their foreheads together and he took in a few deep breaths to calm down a bit more.
He leaned up and gave a few more kisses before leaning in and nuzzling into the male's neck while hugging him close, still purring.

Really, he couldn't remember the movie as they left the theater. His head was still spinning, really. His fingers were laced with Sirius' as they walked, though Lavi wasn't really paying attention to where they were going. Had that really just happened? He wondered, too, if Rune and Calder would think that he betrayed their trust...
Sirius could hear his heart beating in his ears as they moved out of the theater. His fingers were laced with Lavi's and he did not want to leave the other at all. Though, his mind was racing. It was racing and he could not stand it anymore. He stopped abruptly, turning to look at Lavi with his brows knitted together. "Lavi ... What does this mean?" he asked, hand still holding his and he really just wanted to know. He wanted to hear the words come from the man's lips. He needed affirmative confirmation.
Confused, or more surprised as he hadn't been paying attention, Lavi stopped and looked at Sirius. He didn't have to think about the question at all, really. His heart knew what it wanted and the man let it speak. He tugged his bunny eared friend to his frame and kissed him very softly. "It means that you're mine."
Sirius gasped softly when he was pulled against his form, eyes closing and he wrapped his arms around the other's form, hugging him tightly and definitely feeling better with his words. He nuzzled him absently and then lifted his head to press a kiss to his lips. "Good." he whispered, gripping him tightly and then taking a step away to begin walking once more. "Um ... Ice cream or home?"
It was rather daunting to be in a new city. Kaito Izar moved through the streets looking quite lost...though he was lost so the look fit him. The white haired, kitty-eared male chewed at his bottom lip as he looked around, forgetting just where he was supposed to be staying. His parents had abandoned him long ago and since then, he'd been living wherever he could find a warm home. It lasted until the novelty of having a kitty-boy live with them wore off. And that never took very long anyway.

Kaito gave soft mewls as he walked, scared and uncertain.
Isiah was misplaced. He had wound up sleep walking on his way back home and well ... forgot where he was. Slowly, though, things were beginning to look familiar so he was feeling better about it. He adjusted the bookbag on top of his shoulder and then moved through a few alleyways, soon hearing something that easily caught his attention. A kitten?! A little kitty? Oooh, he wanted a kitty! He perked up instantly, beginning to walk toward the sound and stopping instantly when he saw the source of the sounds.

It was a cat ... but not the kind he was expecting. Slowly, the groggy male walked toward him, head cocked to the side. "Are you lost?"
Kaito instantly curled into the nearest wall. He'd been startled by the person next to him! His answer was half a spoken 'yes' and half a cried meow, with a little nod in there just in case the other male couldn't understand what he'd attempted to say in the first place. "I was supposed to go straight home but... I got lost." He supposed that it didn't matter now. He was late and whenever he was late before, the family who had "adopted" him simply forgot about him, so Kaito assumed he just didn't have a home to go to anymore.

" Just need to know which way to go for somewhere to...stay? But...well I don't have any money so maybe a shelter? Or..." He lushed profusely. "Excuse me" was whispered and he slinked off down the sidewalk.
He needed a place to stay? Well, that could easily be taken care of. He was about to suggest that he come home with him, but the little kitty left before he could do such a thing. He blinked a few times, eyes to the male before he walked after him, jogging briefly to catch up to him and beginning to walk backward, eyes to the white-haired boy all the while. "You could ... come home with me? I live a few blocks away."
He turned to the offer, mismatched eyes wide and hopeful. "I...I could?" The excitement went away immediately, though. He'd been burned one too many times and, so quickly after the last home he wasn't ready to have his hopes smashed again. "N-no thank you," Kaito whispered. "Maybe if I go" he gave a soft little cry "to a shelter a family will forever adopt me."
Isiah shook his head, turning the boy around to walk the way toward the direction of his house. "We will forever adopt you." He stated, looking down at him and nodding once more. "You will get along well with my little sisters ... Not that they are home, but they are part bunny." He stated, tugging at his silver locks before he continued toward his home. "Or, if you do not like us, you can at least get a nice meal and somewhere to stay for the night." He added, not really wanting to pressure the other into anything.
His ears perked up with the information. They would adopt him?! But... But of course everyone said that, and no one really meant it. Kaito reeled himself in quickly, but nodded to the invitation of a warm place to sleep and a nice meal, at least. "Th-thank you." He fell into step with the silver haired teen, reaching back and tugging his tail forward. Kaito stroked it as they walked.
Soon enough, the two arrived at the cute little cottage his parents owned, the man holding the door open for the kitten to go into first. He then made his way toward the kitchen, his fingers holding loosely onto the shirt of the kitten. He moved to the room and stood in the doorway, staring at his mother. "Mutti ... Can I keep him?"

Gabriel lifted his eyes from the sauce he was stirring, about to question if his son got lost again when the words hit his ears. Turning to the boy, he went wide-eyed. "Isiah! You cannot say that about him! he is not a kitten ..." He sighed softly, shaking his head as he turned to the boy beside his son. "I am sorry for him. He means well... I am sure he did not mean to treat you like an actual kitten."
The home looked nice...cozy. He followed his new friend into the house and allowed himself to be lead into the kitchen. What sort of word was 'mutti"? Well, no matter. He wouldn't have to use it and he was sure he'd catch on sooner or later. The harsh tone, though, had Kaito curling away in fear, ears pressed tight to the sides of his head. "N-no... It is all right... He-he didn't ask before agreeing so I will... I will just go..." The kitty-eared teen turned to go back through the door, disappointed but not hurt. At least that was an improvement.
Gabriel blinked a few times. "No no." He said simply, resting the spoon down onto the counter and walking back to hte boy. "You are welcome in our home. I just thought I brought my son up better than to act like you are a possession." he stated, giving the boy a look, which was pretty pointless considering, already, the boy was sleeping as he stood where he was. He sighed softly, pressing his forefinger to his head and pushing him back a little to wake him up. Once more, he turned to the little kitten. "Please, sit. Dinner will be ready soon. Do you not have anywhere else to go?"
Stopping when he was offered dinner, he couldn't help the happy swish of his tail. He was hungry.

Kaito turned around and shook his head, eyes to the floor. "My last family...well I was late again...and whenever I'm late, they always just forget about me and find a real kitty to adopt." He shrugged a little and stayed where he was, tail once more in his hands and being stroked to help soothe his embarrassment.
Gabriel nodded to his words. "You are welcome here for as long as you wish. You will have to share a room with Isiah, though. Our girls' room is still ... filled with their things." he sighed softly, shaking his head. Even when they were an ocean away, they still took over the house. He then looked at the other's body type a little, trying to think about whose clothes would fit him. Pushing aside the thought of the girls' clothes whose clothes would fit, he was sure he had some of Isiah's old clothes to give him, for now.

Isiah yawned softly, turning to look at his Mutti, rubbing his eyes a little bit as he did so. "Mutti ... Can we adopt him? He doesn't have anywhere else to go."

He looked over at the boy and shook his head a little. "That will have to be discussed with your father and then you two. If ... I am sorry, what is your name?"
"Kaito," he answered softly, unable to wrap his head around the offer of staying there. Of course, everyone said he could stay and then they got bored or sick of him and turned him out. That would probably happen here, too, but it was a nice gesture all the same. "Thank you for the offers, too."
He nodded. "Lovely to meet you, Kaito." he stated and then looked over at his son. "Isiah, go get your father, please." He kissed his temple before shooing him off to get the redhead. "Kaito, would you mind helping me in the kitchen?" He asked, beginning to walk toward the kitchen. He really wanted to make the boy feel at home. He would not mind adopting another boy. That would be very nice. The house seemed so empty without the girls here and the poor thing looked like he needed a good home.
He was good at helping! Kaito instantly felt a little better as he followed the older, silver haired male into the kitchen and began to set the table and perform whatever tasks that were asked of him. Being part cat was helpful sometimes. It allowed him to be graceful, rather than awkward and clumsy like a fourteen year old boy should be.

Looking up when Isiah poked his head in, Sergei smiled. "Sleepy again, Isiah?"
Gabriel smiled and nodded, giving him the task of stirring the sauce and beans on the stove while he went about cutting the meat for them. "So, Kaito ... How old are you?" He asked, glancing to the boy and then once more back to preparing the rest of the meal. Everything was put on a platter, the sauce poured over the meat and then all was placed on the table, after he and Kaito set the table of course. He rested his hands upon the back of hte chair, waiting for the rest of his family to come.

Isiah nodded. "Yes, father" He said and let out another little yawn. "Mother says dinner is ready." He informed his father, straightening a little bit and rubbing at his eyes, trying to keep himself a little bit more awake.
"Fourteen," he answered, happy to have a task to focus him. Kaito was less shy when he had something to focus his mind on. "Well. Close to it?" He shrugged, using his free hand to once more stroke his tail. He couldn't remember how old he was, because there hadn't been anyone around to remind him, and he hadn't had anyone to teach him to count. He had made his best guess when he did learn.

Sergei followed his son to the table, raising an eyebrow at the kitty eared male. "We have guest. Hello!" he greeted, still very childlike in some ways.
close to it? He looked over at the male and smiled, giving a small nod. "We will have to get you a birthday cake." he commented, figuring that that was more so 'close to my birthday' sort of thing. He then turned to look at his husband that entered, smiling cheerfully to the redhead. His heart still fluttered every time he saw his love. "Yes. This is Kaito. He will be staying with us. Isiah wishes to adopt him ... but I feel we should let Kaito have the final say in that." He stated, walking toward his love and kissing his cheek. "He helped with dinner."

Isiah yawned softly, sitting on one of the chairs, eyes closing once more and he slowly turned his attention to the food in front of him. It really did look delicious.
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