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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian was easily taken over, pinned the mattress beneath him. "But not for very long," he whispered hotly. "Because in two days time you will be whining that you want to spend the night with me." Jupiter pecked the male's lips a few times, nipping at the bottom lip here and there. "I told you that I would give you anything you asked for. I only ask you for one thing: Do not make me disrespect your parents wishes, or home." The god nuzzled the teen's cheek a little bit.
Sebastian growled when the man pinned him to the mattress, eyes staring up at him lustfully. He bucked up and against him, grinding into him and not really accepting his words. "I don't care." he whispered, grinding him all the more and kissing him passionately once more, his want so very obvious behind his lips as he did so. He took a hold of his hips, gripping him strongly and refusing to let go. "Aldith is at your place ... we can't go there. Just ... Just this once.' he kissed him again, now quite the bit of desperation was behind the action, just wanting the relief he sought.
He gave in...for a minute. His soulmate's hands simply felt too good to stop him. That is, until he heard Relic's voice in his head and saw his eyes and heard the 'no you cannot stay here anymore'. Jupiter pushed himself up and off of the bed completely, shaking his head. "No, Sebastian. No we can't..."
Sebastian whimpered when he moved off his form to tell him 'no', not even to go get something fun to play with. He bit his bottom lip, quite hard actually -- so much so he wound up piercing the flesh. He tossed aside the covers and stormed off to the bathroom, hissing an annoyed "Fine" as he passed the man. The bedroom door was slammed behind him, followed a few moments later by the bathroom door as well. The teen was not happy right now. Not at all. He turned on the cool water, threw off any garments he wore, and then hopped under the spray, door closed beside him and he just sat down beneath it, trying to not give into himself, hoping that the cool would calm him.
He sighed and collapsed onto the bed. He felt bad-really he did! But...they just couldn't. Jupiter curled onto his own side of the bed and tried to relax a little bit, though he really couldn't. Maybe it would have been better if he'd just gone home. But he'd missed Sebastian and wanted to spend the night with him! He questioned, not for the first time, what he did to deserve to have to deal with teenage hormones from his soulmate.
Tomias, ever so sneakily, sneaked into Sebastian's room. He had heard the little fit loud and clear -- Sebastian was quite loud mentally when he was pissed off - and so he decided to give the other a little ... helpful advice. He walked over to the male in the bed, glancing behind him and he leaned toward the male on the mattress. "You know ... My part of the house, technically, is not Relic's roof." he whispered, giving a simple little wink and he straightened up once more. "We have quite a few spare rooms." He added in a little sing song voice and then disappeared from the room with an ever-so-cheery "Reeeliiiic" passing his lips to go bother his little brother.
Looking up, Jupiter raised an eyebrow to his 'visitor'. Though he was quite thankful for the advice. Nodding, the brunette climbed from the bed and moved into the bathroom. He reached into the shower and turned the water off before handing Sebastian a towel. "Get dressed." With that, the god moved back into the bedroom to follow his own advice, pulling on his pants and shirt that had been discarded on teh floor when he first entered the room.
Sebastian was about to yell at the man for interrupting him, but the command was far too confusing for him to process his annoyance in time to yell. He blinked a few times, staring at him and slowly pulling the towel around his waist, blushing faintly at his arousal that was still there. ugh. He groaned and made his way, quickly, back to his room. He moved inside, staring at the man and he narrowed his eyes a little more. "What the hell? Where are you going? Where are we going? I told you I did not want to go to your house..."
"Good thing, because that's not where we're going." That was all that Jupiter said while he pulled his shoes on and waited for Sebastian to follow suit. He wasn't really sure how they were going to bypass Relic and Tanner without lying to them but...well he would take care of that when they were questioned as they left the house.
"Jupiter..." he began, annoyance clear within his tone and he let out quite the growl. "I'm NOT getting dressed. And I'm not going out in ... this state." he blushed horribly at the latter statement, walking over to his bed and sitting down on the edge, arms crossed over his lower torso and he did not really want to leave at the moment. He did not know what he was doing, and he wanted to know why they needed shoes!
"If you don't get dressed, you'll be in that 'state' for much longer than if you do." He stuck his tongue out at the male and continued to get dressed before standing and leaning against the door. He liked getting the teen all flustered like this. "And if you don't hurry up, your uncle won't be able to keep your parents distracted, either."
Still, Sebastian was not happy. WHY did he refuse to tell him what the hell he was doing? AND WHICH UNCLE?! He growled, standing up and pulling on his pajama pants, just for the sake of it, and walked to the man. he took a hold of the front of his shirt, yanking him down to his height. "Jupiter. If you don't tell me where the fuck we are going, I will throw you out the window." he hissed, not happy at the moment. he was sexually frustrated and thits man babbling in riddles was going to be killed.
He grinned and pecked a little kiss to Sebastian's lips. "Have patience, dearest." With a little smirk he took a hold of his hand and lead him towards the front door. He held a finger up to his lips, signalling the teen to be quiet, and then across the courtyard to the middle part of the house.
Sebastian growled, following behind the other and he stared at the dirt that already was getting his feet messy as they moved to the main part of the house. He stopped at the door and turned to glare at the man. He was fuming right now. He was horny. His feet hurt and were wet and muddy. And ... apparently, the god was a dumbass. "You. Dumbass." he began, looking at the house in front of them. "They're connected." he groaned and pushed the door open, wiping his feet off on the mat and he moved into his uncles' side of the house, turning once more to the man. "I appreciate the thought, really I do, but right now ... you better act quickly before I throw a hissy-fit."
"Yes, but going that way would mean sneaking past your parents." He stuck his tongue out at the other male before leaning down and lifting Sebastian off the ground by wrapping his arms around the teen's waist. Jupiter kissed him deeply while stepping further into the house and beginning to walk blindly. "You'll need to direct me to an empty room," he muttered before attacking the male's neck.
Sebastian gasped softly, his eyes fluttering to the back of his head and he let out a soft little groan. "Fine... forgiven." he whispered softly, leaning into the man and he ground his hips against him once more. He led the other man through the house, making way to one of the spare rooms that no one ever used in the giant section. He scrambled to get the door open, wanting to be with Jupiter even more now. He really, really would have to thank his uncle after this.
Sebastian was tossed onto the bed once the door was opened and then closed and locked behind them. Jupiter followed, covering the teen's body with his own after discarding their clothes to the side of the bed. The god kissed his lover, arms wrapped tightly around him while his own hips now pressed back into the teen's own.
Oh how badly Sebastian had needed all that the god had given him. He felt millions of times better once their energies were completely spent on the other. He laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling while he panted up at the ceiling, trying to catch his breath. Groaning softly, he turned onto his side and nuzzled into the other's chest, kissing the flesh a moment later. "I'm better now.' he whispered, kissing along his flesh gently, just enjoying the moment right now.
Spent, Jupiter collapsed onto his own back next to Sebastian, panting while trying to clear the cobwebs. Looking down at the other, he chuckled and wrapped his arm around his waist, tugging him close to him. "Glad to hear that." The brunette, too, felt much better and even felt that he could go back into the other portion of the house and act as if they'd just gone for a little stroll, despite Sebastian's lack of shoes. "We'll need to go back," he said, not really looking forward to getting dressed.
He groaned. Damn. He turned and nuzzled into him a little bit more, whimpering pathetically as he did so. "But ..." he stopped and let out a soft little sigh. He glanced around, trying to see where his pants were and he grumbled a bit more. "Ugh." he mumbled, sliding over Jupiter's form and he leaned forward, taking up his pants from the side of the bed and pulling it back to him. He pulled the garment onto his hips and then flopped back onto the bed.
"No buts," he laughed, pulling on his own clothes. "Now we can go to bed and cuddle up for the night, because that was what I originally came over to do." Not that screwing Sebastian into the mattress was a bad substitute! Leaning up, he kissed the other male softly before standing and then helping Sebastian up, too. "Besides, your parents will wonder where we've gone off to, if they haven't already figured out that we've gone AWOL."
Groaning, he slid out of bed with a little bit of a wobble, taking Jupiter's hand and then began to make his way out of the bedroom. He laced their fingers together, yawning softly as he continued forward and toward the other side of the house, refusing to go outside once more. He turned and kissed Jupiter softly, resting his head against his shoulder, eyes closed and he remained quiet for a while before his eyes opened to look in front of them once more.
Wrapping his arm around Sebastian's waist, the brunette pressed a kiss to the top of his head before sitting back down on the edge of the bed again. "Be mine, Sebastian." The words had been on the tip of his tongue since they had started having sex, but he didn't want the teen to think that that was the only reason that he was saying them. "I don't want you to forget about Danny, I don't expect you to. But I want you... I want a title for you."
Sebastian stopped when he asked the question. He stared at him, chewing into his bottom lip and he groaned a little bit. He had to ask him? And look so cute? he blushed, leaning forward and resting their foreheads together, grumbling a little bit more. He sighed heavily. "I already am." he mumbled, nipping his bottom lip a little harshly before he pulled back to look down at him. "So, yes... I'll be yours. Your boyfriend. Your lover. Your soulmate. Whatever you want to call it."
Jupiter's heart leapt at the answer. He wrapped his arms around Sebastian's waist once more and kissed him deeply, putting all of his emotions behind the act. They stayed like that for several minutes before he pulled back just enough so that they could both get in a good, deep breath. The god lead the other back to his own side of the house trying as hard as he could to slip past Relic and Tanner without being noticed.
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