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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

That...he noticed. Alex sat back and looked at Adamair with a raised eyebrow. "I was afraid that you'd hurt yourself...and I'm glad that you didn't... I... Um..." He was highly confused. Addy was always the first to want to be near each other and now...he didn't? He brushed it off to having been shaken by the fall. "Um. Are you ready? We had a date tonight..."
Adamair stared at him, a brow lifted in question. A date? "We did? Were we going to go with the triplets? I know they've been wanting to get out and about." He stated, trying to think about just what they needed to do. He scooted away from him a little bit more, not really comfortable with him so close to him. "And I'm surprised you didn't just take a picture and laugh at me." he added with a shrug of his shoulders.
Now he was confused. "The triplets? No... We were going to go to dinner and then study together." Laugh at him? Alex sat down on his rear end and really studied his cousin. "Addy why would I do that? You're my best friend; my boyfriend... I... I love you. I'd never try to hurt you..."
Boyfriend? Adamair snorted with a shake of his head. "Nice try, Lex. You know I'm still dating Trent ... No matter how much you do not like him." He shook his head once more with a laugh. His eyes looked to the man and he arched a brow. "When did you dye your hair? I miss the purple." he pouted a little and then shrugged. He glanced to the time and gasped softly. "Oh! I have to call him, thanks! We have a date tonight." He giggled and pushed his form up from the ground, brushing off his form a little more. "Do I look okay? Should I change into my pink skirt?"
Confused just didn't cover it. Trent? They had broken up almost a year ago! And his hair and... The teen groaned softly and pushed himself up, too. He didn't bother answering Addy's question, and instead ran out of the room in search of his uncle. "UNCLE RELIIIIIIIIICCC!!!" He was beginning to panic now, and Alex didn't know how to cope. Hopefully his uncle would.
Relic quickly found the yelling boy, scared his little baby boy was harmed, but that definitely was not the face he had met up with. He took a hold of the boy's shoulders, keeping him from freaking out anymore. "Alex... Calm down. What's the matter?"
Calm down? Yeah that was easy to say! But still, he took a few deep breaths before attempting to speak. "Addy! When... When I got here he was on the floor passed out but then he woke up and now he thinks that he's still dating Trent and that we're not and that he has a date with Trent and we don't and... And... WELL ISN'T THAT BAD ENOUGH?!"
Relic listened to the boy and he let out a heavy sigh. "Fuck." he whispered, gripping his chin and trying to calm him down once more. "Alex ... Calm down. Deep breaths. .. breathe." He took in a few breaths, hoping he would follow suit. He then continued. "He probably has ab it of amnesia from hitting his head. Hopefully, his body will repair it. Just .. relax, please. It should be repairable. Give him a few days, we'll have Jupiter look at him ... and just keep him away from Trent?"
He took a few more deep breaths before shaking his head. "No, you don't understand, Uncle Relic! Trent... Trent will take advantage of it; of Addy! Adamair wouldn't ever be able to forgive himself when he gets his memory back. Please! You have to do something! Ground him or bring him to the hospital or... Or... Or something! Please!"
Relic arched a brow and gave a little shake of his head. "Okay. Okay." He whispered, leaning forward to peck his forehead before he walked past him toward his son's bedroom where he was bustling about to get everything ready. "Adamair." he began, getting the blond's attention. "I do not want you to go anywhere. Not until a doctor has a look at you. You took a hard fall." He stated, knowing that 'don't go anywhere near Trent' did not work. It had not a year or so ago, so how would it work now?

Adamair lifted his head up, turning to look at the man and he just stared at him for a moment. "Eh? but ..."

"No. No buts. You're to stay in your room until you're looked at."
Alex breathed a true sigh of relief when his uncle agreed to help him. At least that would prevent Trent from finding out and taking advantage for tonight. Now if only he could convince Jupiter to delay seeing Adamair for a day or two... The teen plotted as he moved to go back upstairs, stopping in the middle of the staircase, and growing sad with the thought that his boyfriend wouldn't want him to comfort him, let alone see him. He sighed and turned back around to go back to his own home, sad and plotting to keep Addy away from Trent for as long as possible.
Adamair growled when his mother left, glaring at his back. "That's bogus! I'm perfectly fine!" He yelled after the man, fuming and growling a little bit more. He hissed a bit, waiting to hear his parents go downstairs before he quickly changed and sneaked his way out. He did not want to deal with them, and they could not keep him from Trent!

He easily hopped down the side of the building and then ran his way out and away, rushing toward the man's house. He smiled when he arrived at his house, standing at the front door and he grinned even more. Hopping his way to the door, he knocked, waiting for the man to open up and he beamed when he saw the gorgeous blond. "Trent!" he chimed, leaning up to press his lips to his and purring a bit more. "Missed you." he whispered, nipping his bottom lip softly.

Trent was utterly confused. He stared at the blond for a while. "Adamair?" he asked, about to question more when the man's hand was on his chest, lips back to his, and leading him off toward the couch, door slamming behind him andsoon enough, the blond was on top of him, grinding and all other thoughts left.
He watched Addy sneak out and his heart broke. Alexander knew where he was going, and for what and it killed him to know that who he was going to see would allow it to happen. He wanted to run after him, but knew that it would do no good. The teen curled up on his bed and cried, not knowing what else to do.
Adamair looked at the lovely male in front of him, smiling all the more. He pushed him onto the couch, leaping on top of him a moment later. He grinned and pressed a very passionate kiss to the other man's lips, eyes closed as he did so. He ground into the man with a soft little groan passing his lips. Mm. Definitely lovely. His eyes kept closed and his lips began to slip down his throat, trailing along the flesh and already, his hands began to pull up the bottom of his shirt.
It was just too painful to think about. He...he needed to save him! Alex got up and rushed out of the house, taking the keys from his father after being granted permission to use the car. He knew where Trent lived-he'd snuck Addy over there a few times simply because he looked so pathetically at him.

The brunette didn't bother with knocking. He burst into the house, heart cringing at the sight while his stomach threatened to revolt. "Addy! Please! Please stop!"
Adamair groaned when he stopped. His eyes closing as he took in a deep breath. What the hell? He lifted his head up, turning around to shoot a glare at the male behind him. "Alex ... What do you want?" he hissed, obviously not happy at the moment. He gripped the man beneath him tightly and he was not happy at the moment. The man beneath him glared at Alexander, even worse than Adamair was. He leaned up toward the male, biting into the blond's neck and getting a beautiful moan out of him, hoping that he would just ignore him and continue on.
"Addy please!" he tried again, wringing the bottom of his shirt as he tried to think of what to say. "Addy when have I ever lied to you! Don't you know that I wouldn't? Ever! Please! Please just come home with me. Your parents are going to worry when they find out you've snuck out!" Alex didn't want to have to lift the other male over his shoulder and carry him out of the house, but decided that he would do such a thing if that was what it was going to take.
"Addy ... Don't listen to him." Trent murmured into his neck.

Adamair blinked a few times, pulling back and pushing the other's face away, looking him over for a bit before he turned back to Alex. Why ... Why did this situation not seem right? He stared at his cousin for a while before looking back at the man. "Sorry Trent ... I'm going back with Lex." he stated, sliding off his form and adjusting his clothes a little bit. He was about to walk away when the man tugged him back, protesting and the blond narrowed his eyes. He lifted his hand, slapping the other away from him instantly. "Don't touch me. You know what? We're through just ... go away." he hissed, turning on his heel, he made his way out of hte house, arm wrapping around Alex's waist as he did so.
When he heard the words, Alexander breathed a great sigh of relief. He wanted to hug the other as they walked, but thought better of it. Just because he'd left with him didn't mean that he remembered. He wanted Adamair to remember, and wished for it to come true, but didn't know if it would or not.

They drove for a little while in silence before Alex spoke up. "You can... You can tell your mom and dad that you came to see me and I took you out so you don't get into trouble." His voice was very soft, not really sure what his boundaries were at the moment.
Adamair remained silent while he drove back, always one to steal his cousin's car, especially in times of annoyance. He made his way through town, not even heading back to the house. He continued onward before arriving at a diner, turning to look at the man. "When we get home, maybe. For now, I want food. You said something about a date, didn't you?" He turned to look at him, face back to the normal neutral it was around even the other. He slid out of the car, waiting for the man before he began to walk toward the diner.
Date...? Did that mean he remembered? Alex quickly scrambled out of the car and over to his cousin, catching his wrist to stop him from walking for a minute. "Why did you leave with me?" he asked, curious. "Do... Do you remember anything? From before you fell, I mean?" Alexander was scared that the amnesia would never go away.
Adamair stopped, turning to look at his cousin and arching a brow at the man. What was he talking about? He shook his head a little. "No. You never lie to me. Why would you? You're my best friend and I trust you." He stated, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek before he turned and made his way back to the diner. "Come on now, I'm hungry."
That wasn't everything that he'd wanted to hear, but it was a start. Alex followed his cousin into the diner and sat across from him in the booth that they were shown to. "I'm sorry I asked your mom to make you stay home tonight." It was a confession and apology all in one, and the brunette hoped that the other male wouldn't be too mad at him. "And that I thought about asking Jupiter to wait a couple days to come look at your head."
Adamair nodded a little, his right knee lifting to drape over his left and he stared at the brunette, brows furrowed at his words. "Who's Jupiter?" he asked, staring at the man for a while like he had three heads. Who was he talking about? He did not know a Jupiter.
He groaned and dropped his head onto the table in front of him once or twice before looking up again. "Jupiter is the doctor who took care of Sebastian when... Um... after Danny... Ohh! Why'd you have to lose your memory for a whole year!" He wasn't really angry just...frustrated.

"Danny died, Addy. In a car accident. And then Sebastian...well he tried to kill himself. He was a mess and Jupiter was his doctor in the hospital and now...well, they're sort of dating, but not officially or anything... Viktor and Devon got married. And Jade and Murasaki got engaged..." He felt like he was gossiping with a friend who'd moved away.
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