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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Formal? Oh. How he spoke. He shook his head a little. "My apologies, I cannot help but to speak this way." He stated, closing his eyes and then listening to the mention of his wounds and he nodded once before following behind him. He moved to the living room, sitting down when told to and he did as the doctor said. He reached forward, beginning to roll up the bottom of his pants, having it rest at his knee. He stared at the wound for a little while and then relaxed away just a tad. His back was straight and his golden eyes to his pale legs that had quite the many more scars along the pale flesh. Nothing that was just a streak here or there either. No. They were all patterns or designs or some were created into vines and anything else. His whole body was covered with scars similar to those, which was why he never wore anything to show from the neck down.
He examined the wounds, disinfecting them as carefully as he could. He didn't want to cause the man any more pain than he'd already been through. Standing, Jupiter looked at him. "Are there any others? Open, I mean." He saw the myriad of scars that decorated Aldith's legs, but there was nothing that could be done about those. Jupiter's primary concern now was open wounds.
Aldith thought for a moment before he slowly stood up and tugged the bottom of his shirt up to reveal the intricate rose design that was still in the process of healing up. His golden eyes moved to the wound, traveling along the bloody surface and then looking back at Jupiter. "I believe this is the only one that has not healed." He stated, voice as apathetic as ever.
Jupiter shook his head but went to disinfecting that wound as well before turning to both Relic and Sebastian for help in healing both wounds. The god felt bad for him and wondered how in the hell he'd gotten into that situation in the first place. Well that was another question for another day, really.

"Do you have powers?" he asked, curious to see where the man would fit in within the community that he was stepping into. "How old are you, as well?"
Aldith watched the two heal up the wounds, scars forming upon his skin and he stared at them before slowly returning his clothes to the way that they had been. His eyes lifted to the god questioning him. He thought for a few moments and then slowly turned his attention back to the man completely. "I ... cannot remember." He admitted, staring at him with a bit of a blank look. "I have lost track of the specific year ... but before Astrolabe took me, I had just celebrated my four hundred and eighth birthday ... So, I believe, I am closer to .. seven hundred now." He thought for a short while more, trying to think about how many years had gone by, but truly, it was all a blur for the man.
"It's all right," he assured, moving to sit down and motioning for Aldith to do the same as he pleased. "Would you like to attend school? Work? Nothing?" He had the feeling that the man was not used to making his own decisions. But there were certain things that he was not willing to decide for Aldith.
School? He blinked a few times, slowly sitting down and he thought for a short while. That definitely would be interesting, but no. He had gone through many years of school already. He shook his head. Golden eyes lifted to the god once more. "I would not like do nothing. I wish for something, but I do not believe work would be best for me. I do not know what my job would be. I do wish to be useful to you, though."

Relic stared at him for a while and tilted his head to the side in interest. "Why not work with us? You could be a teacher at our school." He offered, just wanting the other to feel a little more at ease about this whole thing. That and, hey, they were always looking for people!

"Teach?" he thought on that, golden eyes keeping to the man that spoke before once more turning to Jupiter. "I would not mind teaching. Would that be all right with you? I believe I would do well in teaching others about art. I do so love that topic."
Looking over, Jupiter raised an eyebrow. "You're free to do whatever you wish," he answered. "Except destroy my house, or harm any of the Reeds or their family." He thought for a second to see if there was anything else he would not tolerate, but that was really it. The brunette nodded. "You're not a child, nor are you a slave or a pet or a bitch. I will not treat you as any of them." He smiled at the man, hoping to help ease him a little bit.
Aldith nodded a little to his words, turning back to Relic. "I would like to teach art, if that is okay." He commented, eyes to the male silently.

Relic smiled and giggled. "I'll go bother Nikkos right now." He stated, pushing his form up from the chair, clapping his hands together before he was bouncing off through the house "Niiiiikkooooos!" he called out, searching for the man married to his eldest sibling.
Murasaki was...nervous. He wanted to tell everyone of their engagement but telling Jade's parents was...scary. Especially telling Rune. He kept trying to tell himself that they'd waited fifteen years before doing such a thing, and that Jade was twenty five now-no longer a child by any stretch of the imagination. But still, he was their baby who had been emotionally wounded and whom they were over protective of. It could turn out rather ugly.
Jade giggled at Murasaki, shaking his head a little as he turned and pressed a kiss to his love's lips. "Relaax." he whispered, knowing how nervous the other man was. He kissed him once more and nuzzled into his temple, smiling a little bit more in his amusement. He laced their fingers while he moved to the living room his parents were in, smiling all the more. "Mama ... Papa ..."

"Are you pregnant?" Rune said, far too paranoid that that was the case to not ask. The man barely came up to them in this manner, so his paranoia was justified.

The blond blinked a few times with a soft, "eh?" before he continued into the room a bit more. "No. I'm not pregnant... I'm engaged."
Pregnant?! Murasaki's heart about stopped with the question before he remembered the spell they'd used and had yet to take off. Jade could not get pregnant. Not yet, anyway. They had discussed it many times, and each time it came out the same answer: Neither of them were ready for a child and both thought it would be best if they waited until they got married. And it hadn't been the right time for that, either, until recently.

Calder looked up, scared for the answer to Rune's question. But he heard the 'no' and sighed in relief, almost missing the rest of the sentence. Engaged! The blond wrapped his arms around their son and hugged him tightly in congratulations.
Jade giggled and held his Papa, nuzzling into him absently, smiling a little bit more. He was glad at least his Papa was happy. the true problem was the man past him.

Rune stared at the two, a brow lifted in question and he sighed softly. They had waited more than long enough, now hadn't they? he stood up and walked over to Murasaki, eyes keeping to him for a while before he sighed heavily. "I'm too exhausted to scare you. Congratulations." he said, wrapping his arms around Murasaki for a brief hug before he held onto his son, hugging him to his form and kissing the top of his head." If he ever does anything to annoy you, let me know and I'll kick his ass."
That...went better than expected. Murasaki was a little off guard by the hug from Rune, and then the one from Calder, but it could have been much, much worse. He smiled and thanked them for their congratulations. They chatted for a little while before leaving, Murasaki suggesting that they go and see Trevor and Bohdi. Really he wondered how his fiancee had waited so long to tell his brother.
Jade smiled warmly and nuzzled into his love's arm just a bit while they strolled down the sidewalk. "Trev ... already knows." He admitted, a faint blush to his cheeks as he looked up at him. "I couldn't resist telling him. He just ... He's my brother." He pouted pathetically, nuzzling into his love softly and then kissing the side of his neck lightly. "So ... After we get married and after our honeymoon ... Can we get a house together?"
He laughed, almost expecting it. "No," he answered. "You must always live with your parents while I must always live at Prometheus." Mura rolled his eyes at Jade and kissed the top of his head. "I was thinking that...perhaps we can start looking soon." He was quite looking forward to living with Jade full time, and he hoped that his lover would feel the same way. "What do you think?"
Jade stuck his tongue out at the man before he nuzzled into his shoulder a little more, nodding happily "Yes. I think we should start ... after we officially tell Trevor, but I will settle for tomorrow.' he stated, tilting his head back to look up at the purple-haired man. He leant over and kissed along his neck, nipping the flesh gently. He bumped his hip against his softly, lacing their fingers and he grinned even more. He loved hte feel of the ring on his finger.
A few days passed. Jupiter hadn't spent a lot of time at the Reed household as he was attempting to get Aldith settled in. But he missed Sebastian, and so leaving the blond on his own for the first time since coming back with them, the god made his way over to the house. Tanner let him in and the brunette made his way upstairs to Sebastian's room, knocking on the door softly.
Sebastian perked up with the knock. Who knocked on his door? he stood up from his bed, walking over to the door and opening it up, staring at the man in front of hi. a smile instantly lit up his features and he lent up to kiss his lips softly. "Hello." He whispered softly, his hands sliding down the front of his chest to take a hold of the beltloops of his pants.
Grinning, he returned the kiss and wound his arms around the teen's shoulders. "Hi, Gorgeous." Jupiter gave another kiss as they moved into the bedroom and shut the door behind them. Both knew that nothing sexual was going to happen, but the air of privacy was always nice. The brunette moved them to the bed and made himself comfortable before tugging Sebastian down with him. "I've missed you."
Sebastian smiled and moved to straddle the other's lap. His knees moved to either side of his form and he lent over to kiss along his neck gently "Mhm." he murmured, eyes closed and he nuzzled into his neck happily. His hips ground into his playfully, grinning as he did so. He laughed softly and pulled away to look down at him once more, smiling happily. "How's Aldith?" he asked before leaning forward and kissing his lips once more. "I've missed you so much."
"He's settling in quite well."

Jupiter held Sebastian's hips tightly so that he couldn't tease quite so much, growling at him to behave. Leaning up, the brunette pecked a little kiss to the teen's lips before settling down into the bed and looking up at him for a few moments. "What do you wish for us, Sebastian?" he asked, not knowing how else to word it, but needing an answer nonetheless.
Sebastian pouted. He did not really want to stop that much. He looked down at him and bit into his bottom lip while he toyed with the bottom of his shirt. "I ... don't know." he admitted, groaning and falling forward to bury his face into the crook of his neck. Nuzzling into his flesh absently and his eyes kept closed while he thought. "You're definitely a good fun." He teased with a little laugh, just trying to make this whole thing less awkward. "But I don't know what I want. I enjoy my time with you. I really, really do. . . but I don't know..."
Nodding a bit, his hands moved to rub over Sebastian's back. Jupiter thought a little more, not saying anything as he did so. There were a few options that he could take and while one of them he wanted to ask more than the others, he supposed that the others were a bit more important...for now. "What is it that has you confused?" he asked, truly curious.
He thought for a short while, nuzzling his neck absently and keeping his eyes closed. "That I feel like making anything official with you will mean forgetting Danny." he admitted, cheeks turning red even more as he gripped the front of the god's shirt tightly. "I know it's illogical but ... it's how I feel."
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