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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Lily looked up at bother her parents, turning an even deeper red as she buried her face into her brother's arm even more. She could not look at them. Bad enough she could just hear the disappointment. She wrapped her arms tightly around her brother and gripped him tightly.

Rune took in quite the many breather so that he got a hold of himself, eyes closed and he waited for the man to come back before his attention returned to the girl. "Why? I know how but ... why? you broke up with ..." He took in another deep breath and rubbed his temples a bit more. "Why would you do that? You're such a smart girl ..."

She whimpered pathetically, fearing that question and she curled up closer to the man beside her. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her head against his, slowly turning to look at the men in front of her, blushing even more. "It um ... I sort of ... I had um..." She took in another deep breath, trying to think about how to tell them. "I didn't mind at first! I ... didn't want to lose him and ... and I said okay at first but ... but then I did not want to and ... and he did not listen!"

Rune froze. His baby was raped? Oooh ... That was not going to work at all. He released his love, kissed his lips and then looked in front of him at the two at the table. "I'll be back later." he stated, turning and already on quite the mission to kill someone.
He had to shake his head. Had he heard that right? Raped? Calder's head was spinning as Rune left, obviously to murder the bastard, and the blond was left to once more be the strong one. He sat down next to his daughter. "Why didn't you tell us, Lily?"

Severus' heart broke. He hadn't known that part. The teen wrapped his arms tightly around his sister and hugged her, trying hard not to cry with the thought that someone had hurt her. Oh how he wished he had the stomach to go with his Mama!
Lily whimpered, feeling even worse than she had just thinking she was pregnant. She curled up against Severus, her arms wrapped around his neck and she nuzzled into his neck pathetically. She really felt broken right now. "Be... Because I knew how Mama would react! And ... and ... I was embarrassed and ... I'm sorry!" She let out another cry and buried her face back into her brother's neck. Yep. She was not happy right now.
"Why were you embarrassed, Ily?" he asked softly, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. They'd never kept anything from each other, and this was just another stab to his already wounded heart. "You never keep things from me." Severus looked to Calder for help, but knew the look he would get before he even got it. Calder was helpless, just like he was.

"You should have told us, Lily. We could have helped you... There are precautions we could have taken to prevent pregnancy..."
Lily whimpered, her hands coming up to cover her ears as she curled up against Severus even more. "I WAS SCARED! I ... I didn't want you to know. I ... I didn't want Severus to know.." she whispered, her tear-stained eyes peering up pathetically at the man beside her. "I didn't ... didn't want you to think any less of me, Sevvy and ... and I just ... I was scared and and I did not know what to do and I didn't think that would happen." Her ears tightened around her head and she buried her face into her lap with a few pathetic, "I'm sorry!"s passing her lips.
"We wouldn't have thought any less of you, Lily," Calder assured, resting a hand on her back and rubbing softly. "It's not your fault, honey." But the blond didn't know what else to do or say. There wasn't much that would make his daughter feel any better. Severus seemed to sense that, too.

"Papa, can I just take her to lie down?" Calder sighed sadly and nodded. He hated feeling so helpless when it came to his children. Severus stood and easily lifted his sister into his arms. He debated bringing her to his room, but Lucius and Draco could come back at anytime, and they didn't need to see her like this. They cared about her and loved her, but not like he did. Instead he brought her to her own room and got her settled on her bed. "I wouldn't have thought less of you, Ily."
Lily whimpered pathetically and turned and curled up into the other man once they were in her bedroom. His arms wrapped around him and she buried her face into the side of his neck. She scooted closer to him and sobbed softly into his form. "I ... I... know." She whispered and arms tightened around his form and she bit into her bottom lip. "I just ... I couldn't! and ... and now ... I had to and ... I'm so sorry!"
He hugged her, not sure what to feel at the moment. He felt sympathy for her. He felt anger and hurt and love and a thousand other different emotions, too. Severus was so confused, even more so than before he and his brothers had left on their trip. "I don't know how to help you, Ily," he whispered, hurting more because he had to say that. "What can I do?"
Rune was NOT happy. He found the man that dared to defile his daughter. He was not happy the more he watched the man. He dared to even DATE her, yet alone ... do what he had?! He glared at the man, growling from the moment he saw him. He walked up to the man in the bar. He took a grip at the back of his neck, yanking him away from everyone, ignoring any protests from him. He would just definitely have to break him quite a few bones. Ribs. Kneecaps. Then maybe let him die.

The man was pissed. He threw the other into the side of the building nearby, watching him collide with the brick and he smirked devilishly. "You hurt my Lily." He stated, walking up toward him and he took a hold of his neck, gripping him and then pressing him into the building once more. "You raped her. She could be pregnant. Do you know what this means for you?" He whispered, eyes narrowing all the more and he chuckled darkly as he did so. Oh, he was going to have fun. "The boy who broke up with her got the easy way out."

It was not long before the man had done just what he wanted. Smashed his kneecaps to bits, his ribs were all broken, bleeding internally, and oh his face was just precious. He chuckled as he stared at the man. "The cherry on the cake?" he whispered, reached down and into the other's pants, gripping his boybits firmly and his grip only tightened. "Want to test my strength?" He saw that look of utter terror and could only grin all the wider. He took no strength at all before ripping the boy to bits, hearing him cry out in pain and he let the man drop. Taking out the box of matches from his pocket, he took one out, dropped the box on him then set him on fire - with a little spell to help make everything burn to the bone.

With that, he turned on his heel and made his way back home. He, once more, disappeared into his bathroom, showering up in hot water and then he hopped on out. A towel wrapped around his hips and he then made his way out to go find his love.
Calder knew what the other had done, but tried not to think about it. Really, what was the point? It was done and over with. The blond found his lover and wrapped his arms around his waist, head buried into his chest. He Strength? Something that would help him to not fall to pieces. They both had to be strong for Lily, and right now Calder didn't feel like he could be that strong. "What're we gonna do?" he asked, nuzzling into Rune's neck a bit.
Rune slowly turned around to his love, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and he pulled him tightly against his chest. He pressed a kiss to his lips and he sighed softly. "If she is pregnant then ... we will just feel happy that she is not thirteen -- What is wrong with our parenting that our children have pregnancy scares when they're young?" He sighed heavily, leaning down and resting his forehead against his and he whimpered a little bit. "I don't want her to have that scum's child. It will just be ... horrible for her." He sighed heavily, kissing his love softly before he looked past his lover and then once more back to the man.
He nodded, still holding onto his husband's waist. "I don't know how to feel," he whispered, nuzzling closer.

Severus hugged Lily to him, rocking her softly back and forth. It was all that he could think of to do, really. What else could he say or do for her? All that was left was to be there for her when she went to the doctor, and when she found out what their Mama had done.
Walking up to the Reed household, quite the gorgeous man strolled up leisurely to the door. He stopped in front of the house for a while, knocking on the door nonchalantly. His golden eyes stayed to the door, eyes traveling along the building. Yes. Definitely nice. Very, very nice for himself, now wasn't it?

Making his way to the door, Adamair opened it and looked down at the white-haired man that was in front of him. Eyes traveled along his form. Mm. Definitely delicious. He remained quiet for a while, staring at him a bit more. "Who are you?"

His golden eyes kept up to the man's and did not speak for a few short moments before he spoke. "Aldith. I am here to speak with Sebastian Reed. You are not him. Is he here?"

"MOM!" The man yelled, turning to look into the room once more, waiting impatiently for his mother to arrive.
It wasn't often that Adamair yelled for either of them. Tanner was worried, and curious. He moved through the house, running into Jupiter on the way. "Any ideas?" he asked. The god shrugged-he was going for something to eat. His name wasn't "mom". But as they were passing the door he caught thoughts pertaining to Sebastian and immediately Jupiter's interest was piqued. He moved with Tanner to the door.

"Can I help you?" Tanner asked, pushing Adamair behind him.
Adamair moved behind his father, taking a step back, but not leaving. He wanted to know why the man was here. Badly wanted to know why he was here.

Aldith looked up at the man, eyes closing with thought before his eyes lifted once more to the blond in front of him. "I am here for Sebastian Reed. You ... three are not him. My message pertains to him. I cannot tell anyone who is not Sebastian Reed."

Relic made his way to the door, seeing the man and arching a brow. Quite the crowd has formed, hasn't it? He turned to Adamair, narrowing his eyes just a bit. "Go to your room. Go to Alex's room. Somewhere." he said, shooing his child off and then watched him leave before once more turned to the man. "Um ... Hi?"

Slowly, Sebastian made his way down the stairs and toward the door. He had heard his name numerous times and was curious about just why he was being mentioned. He stood beside Jupiter, looking at the man with interest. "Who ... are you? And why do you need me?" Yep. He was just as lost as the others.

The man perked up when the green-haired teen entered his vision. "Sebastian." He said softly and then held out an envelope. "Your presence has been requested. His lord requests you to attend his ball. He has many things to speak to you about."
Both Jupiter and Tanner raised eyebrows at the man. Ball? Who was throwing a ball? The blond shook his head while Jupiter stepped forward, not really liking where this was going at all. "I think that Sebastian will have to pass on the invitation, but thank you ever so kindly for thinking of him and send his regards to...Well whoever has invited him." Smiling, the brunette pushed the door to shut, shuddering a little with the feeling that he got from the man at the door. Physical beauty he had, sure, but he lacked everything else and that made him quite creepy.
"Jupiter!" Sebastian went wide eyed and pulled the door open once more, looking at the man that the door had just been shut on. "I am sorry, sir. Um ... What exactly his this all about?"

Aldith was quite offended at the door being smashed in his face. What was that going to do? He looked up at him when the door opened once more, seeing the boy in front of him again. "thank you, Mr. Reed. My lord, Astrolabe, he is having a ball for all the suitors." Her stated and then easily got the vibe from the god and he continued. "Non-sexual suitors. He has a program for talented artists, such as yourself. He has seen your work. He is very pleased with what you have created, and he wishes for you, and a guest of your choice, to come and partake in the event. Everything is in the envelope I handed you." He closed his eyes once more and remained quiet for the moment.
He sighed and turned back to the door that was now being re-opened. He wasn't happy. Jupiter wanted Sebastian to come upstairs with him and continue to watch the movie that they'd been watching, not pay attention to some...bitch. But with the non-answer answers, the god was getting quite frustrated. He wanted to know what this...thing was attempting to get Sebastian into, and why. And he did not like the word 'suitor'. Nope, not at all.
Aldith turned his eyes back to the frustrated god, golden hues keeping to his eyes. "god Jupiter, please ... do not get upset with my lord. His means are nothing impure with your soulmate. He wishes for a chance for your mate to explore his talents. You may go with him. Anything to keep you safe." He did not want the men in front of him to be concerned for the young boy.

Sebastian took a hold of Jupiter's hand, lacing their fingers and he then turned his eyes back to the man in front of them. "Thank you ... I will think about it." He smiled gently, taking the god and turning, dragging his love off with the envelope in his hand. He walked away, stopping and turning to look at the man with his eyes a little narrowed. "Don't be rude! You're a god, it doesn't mean you have to be an asshole!"
Jupiter pouted at the teen. "He was inviting you to a ball for someone to be your suitor. I had every right to be rude to him." Still, he had to admit that the last words that had come from his mouth had helped to soothe his nerves. At least he would be able to go with Sebastian (if he decided to go) and keep him safe. He didn't trust... Well he didn't know who he didn't trust. He didn't trust whoever that envelope had come from. "Besides. He was too cryptic for my liking."
Sebastian sighed softly. He moved up the stairs and into his bedroom. He moved, sitting down and beginning to open up the envelope. He took out the gold-scripted letter, reading it over and taking in what the contents and everything was about. "It's for an artist's scholarship. The ball is merely to meet and greet the other prospective students and then meet this Astrolabe man is the dean of the school." He handed the paper out to the man in his bedroom. "I ... We can have uncle Rune or Mom look him up, look into him to be sure that he is not some fraud or creeper .. and you would be there with me and ... Oh Jupiter ... No one has ever ... cared about my artwork like this. It ... It could be so life-changing!"
Reading the letter, Jupiter was still skeptical. But the excitement in Sebastian's voice cut through that, He reached out and pulled the male up and into a tight hug. "I would feel better if they looked into this," he admitted. "And if it doesn't work out, for whatever reason-because I don't know if it will or if it won't-we'll find another way for you to pursue your art." He kissed the top of the male's head, nuzzling into the hair a little bit as he did so.
He blushed faintly, burying his face into his neck, nuzzling him absently here and there. "I ... I never thought I wanted to pursue art ... Actually, I never really thought anyone saw my art." he laughed softly, blushing horribly and he kept his face buried into the other's form, arms tightly wrapped around his waist. "If ... If this does not work out then um ... I would like to study it very much. I mean... not until I'm out of high school! I just ... um ... you know." He groaned once more and kissed his neck softly.
Jupiter laughed. "Of course I know, Sebastian." He'd tried very hard not to read the male's thoughts most of the time. The brunette didn't like invading Sebastian's privacy. But when he was stuck for words as he was, then sometimes he took a little liberty just to help him understand. "We'll take it one step at a time, hmm?" He pressed a kiss to the top of his head and then pulled away a little. "I think it's time for another night at my own house." He wasn't very happy about it, but he'd spent the last three nights with him and he had a feeling that Relic was getting a little antsy to get him out for a few nights.
"Without me, I take it." he murmured, looking up at him and then pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He set back onto his feet, chewing into his bottom lip a little bit, keeping his eyes up to him. "Okay. I will ... speak with Mom and Daddy tonight. Thank you." he kissed him once more and then took his hand, beginning to lead him down the stairs and to the door, standing in front of it and staring at the man once more. He moved up to kiss his lips again, enjoying the feeling far too much.
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