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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sebastian stared at the man and he narrowed his eyes even more. "Really? You don't think having me go to the wedding alone would not bring me back into wanting to kill myself? hm? 'cuz I know I already want to kill myself just thinking about it. you haven't seen my family! They have no shame. They're all over each other and Addy wears a skirt ... I don't think Alex will care to shove his hand up there when they get bored!" He pouted and huffed a few times before taking another bite of the ice cream, cheeks puffed out as he continued to eat it and try and calm down. "You're a useless doctor." He stated, narrowing his eyes at the man. Yes, he already had the thought of the man being his date, he thought of it when he was standing next to him ... but he refused to ask!
"You already said that you're not going to go," Jupiter noted, eating another cookie as he did so. "So no, I don't think that it will cause you to become suicidal again." He wasn't going to give in, either. Jupiter knew that the teen had the idea in his head, and he was going to take great joy in torturing him a little bit. Call it pay back for almost being raped in his sleep.
Sebastian puffed his cheeks out even more. "NO! I said I can't NOT go. Meaning, I'm going. No wonder I'm still suicidal! You suck at listening." he stated, taking the bag of cookies out of his hands and then dipping them into the ice cream, still hiding the tub, and now the cookies, from the man. He bit into the cookie and ice cream, eyes narrowed at the man.
He laughed a little more and then moved from the kitchen, patting the boy's leg. "Or I choose to hear what I want," he offered with a little wink. Jupiter made his way to the front door, wanting to lie on the beach a little bit. He was having fun! "Good luck finding a date!" he called back into the house. "I'm sure there are plenty of boys around who would love to go with you!"
That rat bastard! He knew exactly what he wanted, and was refusing to even suggest it! He narrowed his eyes a little more, growling under his breath as he fumed silently. He took in a deep breath before he hopped off the counter. Placing the ice cream back into the freezer, he turned and ran after the other man. He leaped at the man, attaching himself to his back and holding onto him tightly, sinking his teeth into the side of his neck and he groaned. "You're a jerk." he stated, gripping him and really resisting the urge to bite him harder and longer, but he stopped. "Will you be my date?"
Laughing all the more, Sebastian was easily placed in front of him rather than on his back. Jupiter smiled at the request and nodded. "Yes, I would be delighted. There. Now was that so hard?" The brunette stuck his tongue out at the teen and then continued on his way to the beach to sun himself. "Just let me know the details when I come inside!"
Sebastian growled. "You're a jerk, you know that?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and then taking a nearby shell and throwing it at the back of his head. "I HOPE YOU BURN!" He yelled at him before turning on his heel and walking back to the house. And yes, he was serious. He did not care if his date was beet red from too much sun, it would serve him right. Of course, with his luck, the bastard would just turn a golden brown and look hotter. Hotter? Um ... Well, he was just going to ignore that comment and he made his way inside and up to his room to take a nice warm bath.
Indeed when Jupiter returned to the house, he was a nice sun-kissed tan. He felt refreshed, even all sand covered, and moved through the house to the second bathroom to shower off the bits of dirt and then to get dressed. He moved downstairs then to make a nice fruit salad for his lunch. "Hungry?" he called out.
Sebastian wound up slipping under the water for a while, just thinking to himself. By the time he surfaced, he was a lovely red and far too overheated. He groaned, stepping out of the bath with a towel around his lower half. He scuffed his way down the stairs and slowly to where the man was in the kitchen. His cheeks were still flushed and his eyes a little glossy. He moved to the freezer, shoving his head inside to try and cool off.

His eyes glanced to the side, seeing the man sun-kissed and he groaned. "You suck." he mumbled, turning back into the freezer.
Jupiter only laughed and continued to slice fruit for himself. If that was the attitude that he was going to get from Sebastian then he could fix his own lunch! The doctor sat at the counter eating, watching as the teen in front of him melted everything that was in the freezer...including the ice cream. "Why such a bad mood?" he asked, still quite amused.
"Because I hate you." he mumbled, keeping his heated face into the freezer and slowly pulled back. He closed the door gently and then took out a bottle of water. His face was still very flushed from the heat while he made his way toward the table, sitting down with his lips around the bottle, sipping silently. He looked over at the man, groaning a bit more. "I don't like you." he stated, looking over his tanned flesh and then looking back to the bottle of water. "The wedding is pretty informal. Not like fancy, fancy ... but we can't show up in jeans. I'm sure Mom will drop off something though."
"You don't," he responded with a smile, but Jupiter moved right onto the subject of the wedding. "Or we can go shopping and surprise them with a visit..." They had been on the island for almost six weeks now. It would be good to incorporate Sebastian back into social situations. "Take them out to dinner?"
Sebastian listened to his words and he arched a brow with the suggestion. Go back? He was not sure about that. He knew his mother probably already had some ideas about what he should wear, but there was no harm in shopping. And, well, at the very least, taking them out to dinner would be nice. He thought for a short while more and then turned to the other, nodding to the suggestion. "Yea. That sounds ... Nice." He admitted, chewing his bottom lip as he thought a bit. "But um ... No shopping. or at least not for me."
No shopping? Nope, that wouldn't do. Jupiter shook his head. "Nope. We're going shopping," he decided, eating a strawberry as he did so. "Nothing has to be bought, but it will do you good to be in a social setting before the wedding, I think." It was a part of Sebastian's recovery, and that was that. "When is the wedding?"
He groaned. He did not want to shop! "But ... I hated shopping before this whole crap." He mumbled, head falling forward and colliding with the table with a little whimper. "And it's Sunday. I'll call the pilot and ask him to bring us back Friday ... All right?"
"Yes, well. You're going to endure it for a day to appease me." Jupiter smiled at the teen and continued eating, agreeing that leaving on Friday sounded like a plan.

Friday came, and really the brunette was surprised at how...giddy he was. It wasn't as if he hadn't had a date before, but it was a little different now because it was with Sebastian. Not that Sebastian knew that it was anything different for him than a simply favor... But that was highly beside the point. The plane showed up in the early afternoon, and Jupiter was just setting his suitcase by the door as it pulled up. "Sebastian!"
Friday. Ugh. He did not want to shop! but, he had to admit, it would be nice to see his parents and whole family again. He made his way through the halls with his suitcase at his side. He was not sure if they would be coming back but, a small part of him, greatly wanted them to come back here. He held onto the case while he heard the other yell his name. "CLAM IT!" he yelled, walking out and glaring up at the man. "What kind of a doctor lets his patient who's recovering carry their own bag? I'm really questioning your 'diploma'." He stated and yes, he was purely teasing.

Moving to the plane, he slid into a chair, sighing heavily. Hands laying over his stomach and he groaned a bit. Yep. He was ready to go home, but he could also use another nap or something.
"The kind who knows that his patient physically recovered weeks ago," he retorted. Jupiter took his own luggage to the plane and took a seat that was facing Sebastian. "You're confused?" he asked, easily reading the few thoughts that were being broadcast. He couldn't quite catch what Sebastian was confused about, and so he asked, truly curious.
His eyes rolled a little and he curled up on his bed, gripping his form and he then turned to look at the man who was questioning him. "I want to go home, but I don't want to leave. I don't want to go back to that lonely house. Yes, there are ... more than enough people in there to keep anyone busy but ... It just seems so cold in my memory." He admitted, blushing horribly as he buried his face into his thighs once more. "I want to see them, I do. But ... Avalon is so great that I just don't want to leave and reach reality." He looked up at the other and groaned. "And don't start babbling about how I need to do this. I know I do. I know it will be better to get back into society and deal with what caused me to come into his situation, but it just does not make this less hard."
He nodded. "Perhaps we stayed at Avalon a little too long, then," he admitted. Jupiter had been enjoying his time with Sebastian and getting to know him. His decision to stay for so long had definitely been a bit selfish, too. "Well, you're right. This does need to happen in order to help you. But we'll talk about whether or not going back is in your best interest after the wedding on Sunday, hmm?"
Sebastian nodded a little to what he was saying. That sounded reasonable. Still, it did not mean he wanted to go back to where there were people and bad memories and couples and ... people who did not like him everywhere. He chewed his bottom lip and buried his face into his thighs a little bit more. "All right." He said, figuring he should speak instead of just nod. He took in a deep breath and then lifted his head to look at him once more. "Should we go home first? Drop off our things ... Or spring it completely on them that we want dinner? Well, that you're treating us to dinner." He smirked at the last comment, wondering if he would protest to the 'you treat'
"I think that going to drop off our bags will be springing it on them, don't you?" he asked with a little smile. Jupiter was quiet from that point on. If Sebastian wanted to talk, well he could. But the poor thing was nervous enough about where they were going. There was no need to make him more nervous. At least not yet. The doctor was hoping that once he saw his parents and brother, his patient's nerves would disappear...At least go away a little bit.
Soon enough, the plane landed and the two were hopping off then driving [well, driven by one of the random hired people he called] to his home. He stepped out and pulled a deep breath into his lungs, string at the large house and he chewed his bottom lip for a while. Yep. This was going to be ... something else. He pushed the thoughts aside and then slowly made his way into the house. He creaked the door open, resting his bag on the ground and taking a few steps inside. "I'm home?" he called out, looking around for his family.

There was a large squeal followed by many grunts - from Tanner more than likely considering Relic HAD been sitting on him - and then soon, the raven-haired man was rushing toward his son with another little squeal. He practically tackled the boy, holding him in his arms and swirling him about. "MY BABY! You're back." he kissed him many times over and over on the cheek, head, anywhere really. Yep. He missed him.
Tanner followed his husband, groaning a little bit. He'd pay Relic back... But those thoughts were thrown away when he saw Jupiter and Sebastian. The blond moved over and hugged both his husband and his son tightly.

Watching on for a moment, Jupiter finally set his own bag down and stepped back again, not wanting to interrupt anything between them. It was good for them to reconnect like this. It was good for Sebastian, specifically. Only after they had parted did the brunette speak. "I can't tell you that we won't return to Avalon, but for the weekend, he's yours. And I won't say no to taking you three to dinner, either."
Sebastian smiled, hugging his parents back and letting out a soft little sigh. His eyes slipped closed and he slowly pulled back, looking at the two and smiling even more before he turned to look at the man who was now speaking. He sighed softly, nodding a little bit. Home for the weekend. He could deal with that. Maybe it would not be too bad? He relaxed softly and looked up at his mother. "Mom... could I .. .stay in one of the guest rooms?"

Relic blinked a few times and then looked down at the boy, and let out a nervous little laugh. "Um ... Of course but ... We only have ... one spare.' he murmured, glancing to the doctor and then back to the teen beside him. "Your brother and I ... got carried away with out clothes and .. on the bright side, Viktor and Devon don't have to worry about clothes for the wedding party! Or ... their guests but uh ... we only have one ... extra room now."

Sebastian stared at his mother before sighing heavily with a nod. "Then ... I'll go put my things in my room." he smiled, kissing his parents' cheeks and then took up his suitcase, resting it against his back and then moving past the three to head to his room. His pace got progressively slower the closer he came to the room, his feet eventually at a dead stop a few feet away, just staring at the door.
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