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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He sighed heavily. He turned to look out at the water for a while before standing up once more. He slid off of the sill, hand resting over his stomach and he made his way into the lavish kitchen. He pushed himself up onto the chair and looked at the man moving through the kitchen. "I'm not happy." He admitted, arms crossing and resting on the table, leaning forward to rest his chin on top of his arms. "I know my parents mean well ... but I want them here. They're the main reason I'm not running out there and drowning myself so ... Why aren't they here? Uncle Tomias and Uncle Nikkos own the school, they would give them time off, but ... instead they leave me with a total stranger? You could rape me and they wouldn't know!"
"They aren't here because they are concerned about your brother's education, as well as your well being," he answered, giving the teen a soft little smile. "And, really, would you talk so honestly and openly if they were here, listening to every word that you said?" The water wasn't near boiling yet and so Jupiter sat down next to Sebastian. "What do you want?" he asked after a moment of contemplation. "For yourself, I mean."
Sebastian sighed heavily and buried his face into his arms as the bright red took over his cheeks. "I just want to be loved." he admitted, eyes welling with tears. "I know ... I know my parents and family do, but that's not what I mean. When Danny was with me, I instantly felt loved and his love for me and it was great to feel that and ... I want that again." he whispered, biting his bottom lip and he kept his eyes closed before he nuzzled his arms a little more, too scared to look at the man.
Ah. Well, he knew that, but it was a breakthrough for Sebastian to say such a thing outloud. "But you do not love yourself," he offered softly, resting a supportive hand at the small of the teen's back. "How shall someone else love you if you don't even love you?" Already he cared for the teen in his charge, but it wasn't time yet. He gave a soft pat to Sebastian's back and then got up to add the pasta to the now boiling water. "Why is it that you don't love yourself?"
Sebastian lifted his head, resting his chin on his crossed arms and silently watching the man walking around the kitchen. He shrugged his shoulders. "Because I don't. I don't care enough to. It's pointless.' he stated, clamming right back up and he buried his face into his arms. His eyes slipped closed and he tightened his arms and took in a few deep breaths.
"What is pointless about love?" he asked, leaning against the counter now, across from Sebastian. "You yearn for it, yes?" Yep. Definitely not time. It was very clear that Sebastian had a long way to go. He needed to be independent and self sufficient before anything else. "Once you truly and completely love yourself, then I will guarantee that you will find the one who you are supposed to be with." He wondered if that would catch the teen's attention.
He stared up at him and his eyes closed a moment later. "I did love myself. we've been through this. I lost the love of my life, why should I love myself just to get my heart broken? I don't want to go through the whole dating crap. Date, like him, break my heart. Date. Like him, Love him, smash my heart. I'll just turn into a whore." He bit his bottom lip, though he really would never do that, he just felt like saying it. The very idea made him want ot vomit. He really was about only being with teh one he loves.
Apparently not. Jupiter shook his head and let it go for the moment, moving to get plates ready. "You will love yourself," he predicted, giving Sebastian a little knowing smile. It may take a little while, but the teen had a strong support system. He couldn't go on hating himself forever. Lunch was served up and Jupiter took the seat next to the other male once more. "Tell me about him."
Sebastian took a hold of the plate, twirling his fork within it all and keeping himself preoccupied while he silently went into talking about his lost love. His eyes sad at parts while others, he just lit up completely. His eyes sparkled when he spoke about certain things that they would do together or that he did, and soon enough, the teen was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He said his simple 'good night' to the man before stumbling his way to the bathroom.

In the morning, he showered. He was pretty sure he vaguely heard something about 'wait for me' by the man, but he did not care. He just wanted to shower and well, he was better. He was here for emotional more than physical. He yawned softly, stepping out of the shower wit ha towel loosely around his hips. He yawned once more as he made his way toward the kitchen, groggily moving about and opening the refrigerator, thinking about what he should get. eggs, French toast ... something.
He let the teen walk away, knowing that this must be exhausting for him. Jupiter was a little worried about the male and tried to help him, but apparently wasn't fast enough. Still, it was good to see that Sebastian was being self sufficient. Jupiter moved to take his own shower, allowing the boy some freedom to help himself a little bit. He needed the self confidence.
Later on, Sebastian had changed into his swimtrunks and took up a towel, making his way to the beach. It was not long after that the man dove into the waves and his eyes closed for a while, face into the waters and his eyes slowly opened, ignoring the stinging of salt to look at all the different fish that were there. Lucky for him, he could hold his breath for quite a while, so he would be able to watch the fish for a good while.
Coming downstairs, Jupiter called out for the apparently missing boy. Well, he couldn't really go too far, now could h-- The man looked out the window and saw what he'd feared the most. How would he explain that he took a shower and while he was doing so, their son drowned himself?! The brunette sprinted out into the water, ignoring the weight of his now soaked jeans and easily lifted the boy from the water, hoping beyond hope that he would be okay.
Sebastian went wide-eyed when he was suddenly ripped from the water, coughing from the pure shock of suddenly being pulled away. He wiggled and smacked the man before he realized who it was. He stared at him, green brows furrowed at the man. "What are you doing?" he asked, his eyes staring at him and not too sure what to think about the man and his actions. Why did he suddenly get him? Why did he interrupt what he had been doing? He was not happy right now.
Jupiter went wide eyed when Sebastian spoke and was, apparently, okay. He then took a second to actually look at the teen. He was in swim trunks, which suggested that suicide wasn't in his agenda today. The brunette set the other down in the water, willing his heart to stop racing so badly. "I... I thought that you'd drowned yourself."
he thought he was trying to kill himself? Hadn't he told him he did not want to .. and why was he breathless? And ... in jeans? He freaked out that badly ... over him? He stared at him, slowly managing to get to his wobbly legs and his eyes stared at the man. "You ... cared?" He whispered, mind slowly processing everything. He knew it was pathetic, but he could have sworn that the man was only caring about him for duty. His mouth moved for a while before he buried his face into the other's chest, fingers gripping his shirt tightly while he sobbed into the fabric, babbling on about how no one at school even cared about him until he met Danny, how he was always the outcast and he had been positive the only one other than his family who cared would ever be Danny.
He didn't belie-- Before Jupiter could finish the thought, the teen was collapsed into him and crying. It took the brunette a full second to react, but only because he'd been shocked. His arms wrapped around the male's shoulders and he very slowly began to lead him from the water, letting the male get out everything he needed to say. Only once he seemed to be done did Jupiter speak again. "Of course I care," he assured the male softly, easily wrapping a towel around his shoulders and hugging the teen more tightly to him. "Surely that must have been obvious by me being here?" he asked, gently lifting Sebastian's head up for their eyes to meet.
Sebastian lifted his tear-stained eyes to the other at his words and he shook his head with his 'obvious' statement. "No! Money ... money is a big motivator." He whispered and he groaned, flopping his head against the other's chest once more, just feeling far too exhausted right now. "Any ... any time I had a friend, it was because of my parents' money. Because I have a big house, because I had the best toy... or whatever else, no one ever wanted to be friends with me and ... I thought Danny was the same way, but he ... he would just sit and talk with me in the library, or walk me home and buy me an ice cream cone and he ... he truly loved me and cared about me for me not money."
He could understand that... Jupiter nodded and carded his fingers through Sebastian's soaked hair. "Well, you don't need to worry about that with me," he assured, a little tease in his voice. "I'm a very good doctor. I don't need your money, and I truly want for you to get better."
He nodded, blushing horribly and he shook his head a little. He pushed him away just a bit, chewing his bottom lip a little bit more. "Thank you." he whispered and then looked down at his drenched and sandy body. He groaned, walking over to where his towel was and he then pulled it around his waist, his trunks falling past his knees a moment later. He scooped them up and into his hand, turning to look at the other man. ""I ... think Uncle Calder left me chocolate covered strawberries." he stated, chewing the corner of his bottom lip. "Um ... want to get some?"
He let go and allowed the male to moved and get changed. It was obvious that the male was getting a little uncomfortable. With the suggestion of strawberries, he nodded. "After I change," he agreed, moving upstairs to change into dry clothes. He then returned to the kitchen in search of the treats that Sebastian was looking for. He found them and set them out on the coffee table, along with something to drink.
Sebastian nodded and made his way back up the stairs to put on some pants and a simple tee shirt. He ruffled his hair a little and then walked to the kitchen, seeing the strawberries and smiling gently. He smiled and walked over to the man, taking up a strawberry and biting into the fruit happily. His eyes closed and he looked up at the doctor once more with a bit of interest. "What's your favorite food?"
His favorite food? The man sat back on the sofa, not taking a strawberry for himself...yet. "I would have to cream. Any sort, really, so long as it doesn't have nuts in it." Rocky Road, pistachio and the like were never his favorites, and never would be, either. Jupiter sipped the water he'd poured for himself. "I can see why you like it here. Did Danny come here often with your family?"
He tilted his heaad to the side. Ice cream? He thought for a moment, biting into the rest of the strawberry and soon standing up to make his way toward the kitchen once more. He tossed the stem into the garbage and then took out a bottle of water before pulling out a clear plastic tub that held chocolate ice cream - homemade - inside. He took that, two spoons and some napkins, then walked back to the man on the couch, holding the tub out to him. "Homemade by Uncle Calder.' he stated, smiling lightly and taking another strawberry, nodding with a faint blush to the question. "Mhm. Our first kiss was on the beach." He admitted, blushing even more as he stared at the berry in his hands, trailing his finger along the cool chocolate absently.
Oooh, chocolate! Jupiter tore into the tub and began to spoon the contents into his mouth, giving soft "mmmm"s of appreciation. "Your Uncle Calder is my new best friend," he declared, only half joking. They sat eating for a few moments in silence before the brunette spoke again. "You look much healthier since we've gotten here. Do you feel closer to him while you're here?"
Sebastian looked over at him, blushing faintly and he nodded a bit more. "mhm." he admitted, blushing a little more as he finished off the berry, resting it on the table and he then rested his hands onto his knees, looking over at him with a gentle smile to his lips. "I do ... We had a lot of fun here and ... It'ts nice." he let out a soft sigh and then looked down at his food, taking another berry and eating it silently. "I ... really am happy. Not completely, I suppose ... but better."
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