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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

They had a good day together and Severus tried to avoid Lily as best he could without making her suspicious. It was still too painful, but thankfully he had the cover of their birthday-of course he'd want to spend it with his brothers! She seemed to understand and he was really grateful for that.

When Lucius mentioned a trip, he was intrigued and took the card to read it. Anywhere they wanted for two weeks? Really this couldn't have come at a better time for him. It would allow him space from his sister and for him to clear his head. Severus was very excited. Looking over, he could see the wheels turning in Draco's head, too. They both got up to hug and thank their parents, already exchanging ideas between the three of them of where they wanted to go. Avalon would probably be their last stop, and Severus really wanted to go to Barcelona.

He looked to his parents. "Can we have three weeks?" he asked. Not that he wasn't grateful for what they'd been given! Just... "A week in each place we each pick?" Calder looked to Rune to see what he thought.
Rune looked over the three, knowing that it would probably be better for Severus and the two. He looked at Calder a while before once more back to their children. "Yea yea ... Take three." he said, giving in easily for the three. Yep. He was definitely a softy. He did not mind it too much. While, yes, it was more than what they had given them, he just wanted his children to be happy. Besides, he knew Lily had another boyfriend so maybe Severus could use the trip to sort out his feelings and everything else of that sort.
Once more, Severus thanked their parents with a hug. He wasn't sure where they would start and where they would end, but did it really matter? He had a full three weeks with only his brothers. What more could he ask for?

The cake was, as always, delicious. Everything went perfectly and Severus didn't feel his heart twinge towards Lily once. It was good for him, and he was glad that his body gave him a break on his birthday. Only when they got back into their room later that night did the subject of their trip come up. Severus and Draco made themselves comfortable on Lucius' bed, waiting for their brother to join them.

"Where are we going?" Draco asked, resting his head on Severus' lap. "Sevvy wants to see Barcelona. I... Haven't decided yet, though."
Lucius came back from their bookshelves, taking up the atlas that was there. He moved onto the bed with his brothers, resting his long legs over Draco's torso and resting his back against the wall. The book lay in his lap and he filed through the different pages, thinking silently. "Hm... We can go to Greece. have dinner with Ella and then we can go elsewhere for the week." he offered, looking to his brothers for confirmation of any sort.
Both Draco and Severus looked over the map. The blond pointed out Jamaica. "I want to go somewhere warm, and sunny." Avalon was nice, but it wasn't exotic-they'd been there before. Looking to Lucius, they waited. They had both picked their destinations and so now it was up to their brother to choose the last place.
He stuck his tongue out at his brothers before pressing a single digit on Holland. "There. We can play with the windmills and boys." He chuckled and then looked at his brothers. "Or Germany. Or Japan." HE whined, pouting as he flopped his head against Severus' shoulder." I can't deciiiiide." he stated, nuzzling into his brother and he pouted while tilting his head back to look up at him. "Where should we go?"
Severus laughed. "Why don't we... Start in Barcelona, go to Jamaica, and then to see Ella... That way you have a full two weeks and a day to decide!" Draco nodded in agreement to that. It sounded like a good least it did to him. The blond took the atlas and studied it a bit more, looking over the names of the places that they could go to. It was endless, really. "We can go to Amsterdam and visit all the brothels..." He was kidding, of course, but still the trip would likely be a fun one if they ever did decide to do such a thing.
Lucius laughed, kissing his brother's shoulder and then resting his chin on his shoulder, looking up at him with a warm smile pulling at his lips. "I like the sound of that" He whispered, kissing his brother's neck gently and he grinned a little more. "We can find a sexy boy for you to claim in each place." He offered, grinning a little more and adding a simple, "Or girl. Whichever."
Smiling at the suggestion, Severus leaned over to kiss Lucius' lips softly and he nuzzled along his cheek a little bit. "I think I'll stick with you two..." His fingers carded through Draco's silky hair as he leaned into Lucius, his head resting on his shoulder. He liked being with his brothers like this. It calmed him greatly.

They finished out the week in school, and on Friday afternoon Calder was driving them to the airport, the trio having put their suitcases in the car that morning. It was almost a relief to get onto the plane for Severus, and he sank down into his seat as they taxied towards the runway.
Lucius was happy when they moved onto the plane, his arms stretching above his head and he groaned while walking toward his brother already sitting down. He looked him over, smiling a little more. He slid onto his lap, curling up and resting his head on his shoulder, nuzzling him absently. "Wanna join the mile-high club?" he smirked, knowing that that may not be an option considering their pilot knew both their parents and grandparents - not that they really met them yet, but that was beside the point.
Looking forward, Severus very easily closed the door to the cockpit and smiled at Lucius. His arms wrapped around the male's waist as he leaned up and kissed his brother with a bit of passion. Really, he didn't care what the pilots saw or didn't see-their relationship together was no secret from their parents, or their family, so what did it matter?

Smiling, Draco moved behind Lucius and began to lift his shirt off. His brothers weren't going to have all the fun! Leaning forward, he pecked little kisses to the other blond's neck, nipping little bites here and there, too.
Lucius giggled softly, his eyes to the male while he locked the door. he then settled back onto his lap and curled up a little bit more. He kissed along his neck, nipping the flesh gently here and there and then kissing him back passionately. He parted so that the man could pull off his shirt. His hands slid over the other man's form, slipping beneath his shirt and pulling that up, tossing it aside so that his lips could move to his neck, his hand trailing behind him to grip the front of Draco's pants, yanking him against his form.
The three had a blast, and were all ready for naps by the time they landed in Spain. Their fathers had given them each a credit card (and Severus and Draco at least were afraid to ask what the limit on each of them were) and so they'd packed lightly-one suitcase each. Checking into the hotel was no problem, and by the time they had done so, Severus had gotten his second wind and was ready to go and explore.
Lucius groaned as he tossed his suitcase onto the bed and then turned to look at his brothers, smiling to the two of them. "Let's have some fun!" he chimed, bouncing on the balls of his feet and then walking over to Severus, wrapping his arm around his elbow and then taking a hold of Draco's hand. "Where do you want to go first?" he asked, tilting his head back to look up at Severus, considering that it was his choice for them to be here, so that would be the only thing that made sense -- To have him choose.
"Sagrada Familia..." Might as well start at the most famous places and work their way "down", right? Severus moved out of the room, leading his brothers, and out into the streets. They got lost a few times, though it wasn't difficult to find their way back. They had picked up quite a bit of Italian, and Spanish was similar in many ways. It was nearly dinner by the time Draco whined about food. Severus rolled his eyes and called him a Sissy Lala before steering them towards a street with quite a few restaurants on it.
Lucius giggled and moved to leap onto his brother's back, arms around his shoulders and legs around the blond's waist. He kissed his neck softly before he rested his chin on Draco's shoulder. "Let's eat!" he said, bouncing a bit on the man's back. He easily made his hair turn into a lovely ruby-red, just wanting a bit of a change for now. It seemed appropriate for the moment. He kissed his brother once more before looking around. "Where should we go?"
The week went quickly. They went sight seeing, they ate, they walked around to see nothing in particular, they shopped, and they had sex. Mind blowing sex. It was the perfect vacation for Severus, and he even had two more weeks of it to look forward to.

It was their last night in Spain and they wanted to have a good time. And a good time to them was fucking with people. Draco especially loved to do so with Lucius, since they were the two identical ones. He walked beside his twin, his arm wrapped around the male's waist while he nipped at the man's neck and ear and jaw, enjoying the peoples' stares.
Lucius giggled softly with every nip and kiss his brother gave to his neck. He turned and buried his nose into the crook of his neck, nuzzling along the flesh and kissing him softly every so often. His hand moved to slip between Draco's pants and flesh, giving him a firm squeeze before looking at all the strange looks they were getting. He then looked over at Severus, taking his hand and yanking him against his form, kissing his neck softly and nipping the flesh ever so gently.
Smiling, Severus moved when he was tugged and he kissed his brother happily. That drew even more stares, and he grinned at the two of them. Yep. This was definitely their definition of fun. They continued doing such things-and worse- for attention and their own pleasure before they grew bored. No one cute was bold enough to join in, and everyone else just gave the same reaction. BORING! With one final kiss to both men, Severus began to lead them all back towards the hotel, stopping for ice cream on the way.
soon enough, the three were in Jamaica and boy did they stand out! Two little blond white boys and their brother ... Yep. Definitely stood out, but that was only initially. Once they got closer to their hotel room, they fit in more. More with the tourists. He kissed each brother's cheek before he bounced over and to the front desk. He giggled happily, checked in and took their key before he moved to his siblings. He wrapped an arm around Draco's arm and then led the way toward their hotel room.
The years didn't really change much between him and Devon. Their relationship was strong and loving, and while they had reevaluated and revisited the option of changing the nature of their relationship, they liked being Master and pet. Viktor was incredibly happy with their relationship, no matter what Rune might think. Though, Viktor had a feeling that his father had gotten over the nature of their relationship in the past ten years.

He moved through the yard to a large tree in the backyard. It had become a favorite spot of his to read as of late, especially in the warm weather.
Devon was happy. He adored his little pet beyond words, and was so very in love with him. He actually had quite the gorgeous ring hiding in his back pocket at the moment, planning to 'pop the question' to his pet. He figured ten years was more than enough time to wait to get engaged. He saw the other sitting under the tree and grinned. Running up behind him, he tackled the other to the ground, firmly kissing his lips while he straddled his hips.

Pulling the box out from his pocket, he held it for the other to see, opening it so that he could see it. "Marry me?"
Viktor gave a soft little yelp as he hit the ground. He knew who it was-only one person would ever tackle him from behind like that-and he smiled as he kissed his Master, moving to wrap his arms around the man's waist. He was cut off, though, when Devon reached behind him and Viktor was at a complete loss for words with the box...the question...the ring...

"Wh--what?" He sat up, as if that would make the box and ring and question pop out of existence (not that he wanted it to!). When it didn't, he couldn't help himself. The tears began to flow and the words got stuck in his throat. All the man could do was nod and lean forward to kiss his...well, his fiance.
Devon moved to sit on the ground between the man's knees, waiting for his answer a little impatiently. Eyes to his and he grinned when he began to cry and nod. He pressed his lips into his, kissing him passionately while sliding the ring onto his finger. He then wrapped his arms around his form, pulling him tighter, dropping the box without a care. "Yay!" He said, chuckling and then kissing him once more.
Viktor sat with his arms around Devon's waist, nuzzling into his neck and chest, pressing little kisses as he did so. And he thought he was happy three hours ago? "I love you." Really, he was just at a loss for words and beyond happy. Viktor wanted to shout from the rooftops. Instead, though, he stood and helped Devon up, too, then dragged him towards the house. He needed to tell...someone.
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