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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"I know," he answered, laughing while stealing a bite of the cookie. "Because if you didn't love me, I wouldn't bake for you." Calder studied his husband, going over their entire relationship from start to present and smiling. "I'm really glad that you walked in on me and Val that day," he said, hand moving up to run through Rune's hair. "I was so mad at you for hurting Tanner like that but... God I loved you." He'd just resigned himself to the fact that Rune didn't "do" exclusive relationships.

Severus let go of Lily's hand as they started to walk, respecting her wishes of wanting to just take hold of his t-shirt. "I...told Draco to tell Mama," he confessed softly, mainly because he knew that Rune would say something to her. "And Papa... so you wouldn't have to tell them what happened again."
Rune chuckled softly, nodding a little bit more to his words. "Mhm. See? Isn't it a good thing when I fuck Relic." He laughed and pressed another kiss to his lips. His eyes slipped closed and his arms wrapped around the other man, kissing along his neck and he pulled back again to look down at him, smiling a little more. "I do adore you." He whispered, knowing that he would know it already, but he just adored him so much, he felt the need to say it.

Lily turned to look at the man, her eyes wide as she listened to him. He told their parents? She took in a deep breath and shook her head a little bit. "That... Um, that is okay." He said softly, shaking his head a little bit more. Yes. That will be okay. She was positive that her Mama already freaked out or... "Oh Gosh ... Mama hurt someone, didn't he?" She asked, whimpering and rested her head against the other's arm. Yep, definitely happened.
"I love you. More than you love chocolate, even." Calder smiled and kissed his husband with a bit of passion behind it. He wanted to just lay like this for hours and hours, but knew that they wouldn't be able to. They had dinner to cook and a heart broken daughter to attend to, though he was sure that Severus did a good job.

He sighed and wrapped an arm around her waist protectively. "Yeah, honey... I'm pretty sure he did." Severus couldn't say for sure, but he was hoping that he had, anyway. The guy had deserved it if it had happened. "He deserved it, Ily," he answered. "Honest he did."
Rune smirked. "Good, 'cuz I love you almost as much as I love chocolate." He stated, kissing him and then hopping up from the bed and taking a hold of his hand. "Feed me." He stated, not even giving him an option. He took his hand, tugging him up and then off the bed, making his way toward the door.

Lily gave a shaky little nod to his words. "y-yea..." She whispered, resting against her brother a little bit more, eyes closed, knowing he would not let her hit anything. "But ... Mama's so violent. It's not good for him.' She shook her head, needing to stop thinking about that at the moment. She lifted her eyes to her brother, smiling softly. "Thank you, Sevvy." She said, tilting her head back once more to look up at the tall male. "I do feel better. Not one-hundred percent but um ... better."
A few days passed. Lily was looking better, though Severus was feeling awful. More and more lately there had been feelings building towards his sister that...he shouldn't be having. Oh, he knew that Mama and Uncle Relic had those feelings for each other, and he knew that Lucius and Draco did too. But they were twins... Identical twins. This... This was something different. He was worried.

The dark haired teen sought out his Mama, needing advice on the entire situation, and a little assurance.
Rune currently was sitting in the living room - well, one of them - with his right knee to his chest and a pad of paper on his thigh. His eyes kept to the page, a pen fiddling between his fingers as he thought about just what he was going to write down. Write the lyrics that were within his head to music that was also rolling around. Maybe he and Relic should make a come back -- Nah. That would not work. They both had families to worry about, so maybe in a few years. Few decades, once their families were out of their houses and they could make a new image for themselves. After their lives should have ended. yep. That would be nice.
A little nervous, Severus poked his head into the room first before stepping in fully. "Uh... Mama?" He was so tempted to run away, but the butterflies that formed in his stomach when he thought about Lily were unbearable. The teen had to get it off his chest, and there wasn't really any better person to talk to than his mama. Severus sat on the chair across from Rune, waiting to be acknowledged-he didn't want to interrupt a genius moment or something like that!
Rune perked up when he heard his name. His eyes lifting to look over at the boy entering the room. Something was up. He jotted down a few quick notes - literally, musical notes - and then set the paper aside, pencil resting on top. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he leaned toward the man. "What is it?" He asked, interest and concern both within his features. He was unsure of just what the man could be here for.
"Um..." Severus fiddled with the hem of his shirt, trying to find the words. "It's just... I don't know, really. I love Lily. A lot. But... Lately it's...different..." He didn't know how else to explain it. "And I just... I don't know. I don't know what to do." He looked up at the other man, obvious pleading and desperation in his eyes, wanting guidance.
Rune listened to his dilemma and sighed softly. That was definitely a problem. He knew that they were not related, but they were still siblings. Still had the same last name, the same parents. He remained silent for a while, trying to think of a solution for the man. He did not like him being so distraught. It broke his heart, truly. He shook his head a little bit, sighing softly. "That ... is definitely a bit of a problem, huh?" He looked over at the teen, seeing how flustered he looked and he glanced around them before his eyes went back to the other. "How about a walk."

He did not want to be home where they could be heard by the product of his love. He stood up and took a hold of his son, pulling him up and then wrapping an arm around his shoulders, leading the way out of the house and soon down the street, turning to look at him. "Now ... Tell me ... What exactly makes you think it's love? I'm assuming it's more than sibling-love." He added, wanting to hear what he felt.
A walk... Sounded nice, actually. He nodded and followed his Mama outside and down the block, strolling nicely with him. What made him think it was love? Severus pondered that for a moment, adding up the symptoms. "It's like... I get butterflies when I'm near her, even if it's just to comfort her when she's upset. And I like being with her-I'd rather be with Lily than almost anyone. We like all the same things and... And she's really pretty." Severus blushed with the last admission, dipping his head so that he was looking at the sidewalk now, hoping to avoid Rune's eyes.
Rune sighed softly. His poor boy was in love. He smiled lightly, looking at the boy beside him and he ruffled his raven locks just a bit. "You have it bad." he admitted, smiling and letting out a little laugh. His hip gently bumped into the teen's and he grinned a little more. "Your Papa and I will not look down on you for having feelings toward Lily. She is not related to you by blood so that does tend to make everything better. Though, even if she was, it was not like I could say much." he shook his head a little and then wrapped his arm around him a little bit more, tugging him to his form. "It is a matter of what Lily wants, and I know it's hard, but you may just have to keep it bottled up until you find a proper time... Or at least until she is healed."
"How will I know when's the right time?" he asked sighing in relief a little bit. He'd known that his parents wouldn't look down on him, or on them if anything came of it, but he still needed to hear that affirmation. "How did you tell Uncle Relic?" Perhaps he didn't want the answer to that last question... Severus shook his head. A little too late now!
Rune shook his head a little bit. "I stabbed the man he was trying to date and told him he was mine and no one else's." He nodded. Yep, that was pretty much what went on. "He was not happy. Neither was the guy, but well, that was beside the point." He shrugged and turned to look down at him. "I ... don't suggest you do that. Relic knows me and my issues ... and well, Lily is sweet and cares about people." he stated, nodding. Yep. That was true. Relic, while he was more sensitive toward people, still had not cared too much about the man's well being.

"As for the right time ... You just have to wait and see. Maybe it's just an awkward moment when your eyes meet and you see a spark, or just when you two are talking. It just depends on the whole thing." He stated and shrugged his shoulders once more, looking down at his son.
"I... I guess you're right, Mama." He didn't really like the answer. Severus would have much rathered a straight forward, definite answer, but he knew that that wasn't possible. Everyone's situation is different and he knew that.

They walked for a while, not really talking after that but Severus spent a lot of the time thinking. Not that there was much to think about. His mama was right-he just had to wait for the right moment and he couldn't plan the right moment. The teen sighed a little, but kissed his mama's cheek before entering the house again. "Thank you, Mama."
Rune walked to the house once more, looking to the boy that was kissing his cheek. He smiled lightly and nodded a bit. "You're welcome. sorry I was not more help." he said, ruffling his hair before pushing him off and toward his bedroom or wherever he wanted to go really. He did not care, just figured that he would want toe scape to somewhere. He then stretched his arms above his head, groaning while he made his way toward the kitchen, in search of his husband.
Severus moved for his bedroom, just needing a little quiet space to think. He knew that Draco was over at Uncle Relic's trying to coerce him into making him a new outfit, and really Severus could only assume that Lucius was with him. It would make their room the perfect place for him to sort out his feelings as best he could.

Pulling a hot pan out of the oven, Calder set it on racks to cool. The triplets' birthday was the next day and he wanted to make them an extra special cake. They were turning eighteen, after all!
Rune made his way to the man in the kitchen, smiling as he did so. Once the hot pan was set down, he moved in, wrapping his arms around his form, pulling him against his form and kissing the side of his neck softly. His eyes slipped closed and he nuzzled into his neck a little bit. "Severus likes Lily.' he mumbled, knowing the man would get what he meant, and if not, then it was easily there within his mind to find.
Smiling, Calder leaned into his husband, tilting his head to allow full access to his sensitive neck. "It took you ten years to figure that out?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at Rune. It was plainly obvious when they were children, even if neither of them had known what it was. He shook his head and nuzzled along the side of his lover's cheek and jaw. "We need to go shopping for their presents..." They would be having cake the next night and so that left very little time to plan and buy gifts. "What are we going to get them?"
Rune groaned. He had seen it there, he just did not really think it would continue on as it had. Then again, he had loved Relic in that manner for so long. At his question, he shrugged his shoulders, murmuring a small, "condoms" and then straightening with a bit of a shrug to his shoulders. He looked around a bit, staring up at the ceiling before he turned his attention to the man beside him. "We could get them cars. Or ... a trip." he shrugged, not really sure what to get their little boys.
He laughed. "You just don't want them using your cars anymore." Calder shook his head. "How about...the plane?" he suggested. "Ours...Let them decide where they want to go and tell them to be back in...two or three weeks." Really, the blond didn't know what to give their sons for their birthday. This way, it was their gift to them but the triplets got to choose where they wanted to go.
Rune listened to him, already beginning to sway back and forth with him, nodding a few times to what he was saying. Hm. That was pretty smart. He quite liked it. He kissed the side of his neck gently and then looked down at what he was making. "Yes. I like that. Besides, we get more us time.. So long as Sirius doesn't spend all his time with Lavi and well... Really as long as Lily feels better and whatnot." He murmured, kissing the side of his neck and bucking up and into him with a little chuckle.
"We'll just...kick them out..." He was only kidding of course. The blond laughed a little bit and leaned further into Rune, humming a bit. "Don't eat the cake, okay?" he teased. Rune had self control... Though that was mainly because Calder kept him fully stocked with his own, personal supply of sweets and chocolates.

Passing Lily's room, Severus bit his bottom lip. He knocked, not waiting for an answer before poking his head inside the room. "Ily?"
Lily perked up, her earbuds resting in her ears and her homework in front of her. She never listened to her music loudly, so she was easily able to hear the other. She pulled them from her ears, turning to see Severus and she smiled instantly. "Sevvy!" She giggled, standing up and closing everything, placing them onto her desk before she took a few steps to the man in her doorway, smiling all the more. "What's up?"
His stomach went aflutter with her smile and he chickened out. Severus shook his head a little bit. "Just checking up on you," he answered softly, lying through his teeth. He forced a little smile and leaned forward to peck her cheek. "Okay?" She seemed much better, and that made his own heart flutter a little bit. He liked when his little sister was happy.
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