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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He shook his head, moving over to the man and wrapping his arms around his waist loosely. "She's miserable, Rune. Public schools in Greece are very good... I just... I can't stand to see her like this. And you can't tell me that it doesn't break your heart, too!" The blond sighed and leaned forward, his forehead resting against his lover's chest. "I don't want her to leave, either. I'd keep her here with us forever if we could! But what would you have done?" Calder looked up at the other man once more. "If you were her age and we were together then?"

In the last ten years, they'd acquired a plane of their own, though the kids had no idea. "It's not like Greece is a ten hour flight, either..."
Rune groaned. "I hate it when you're logical." he mumbled, biting the top of his head before he rested his head on top of his. He remained quiet, thinking a bit. He did not want his little baby girl to go off all on her own and where would she live? Public school did not have housing, and he doubted that Dawn's school would let her stay there. He thought for a bit, trying to find a solution and he bit the man a few more times in his thinking state.

"Where is she going to stay? I don't know anyone in Greece that she could live with ... And both girls are too young to get an apartment, so even that's out of the option."
That was true. Calder thought for a minute, really wracking through his brain. Bohdi's family was in Greece, but he didn't know where, and he wasn't comfortable asking them to take in their daughter. "Raphael and Caden," he answered. Caden had mentioned wanting to go somewhere that wasn't too far from Tanner, but that wasn't in Italy. Maybe a fresh start in Greece would appeal to him. "We'll pay the rent or whatever for the two years that Ella's there. It'll give them time to save a bit more..."
Rune looked down at the blond, listening to him and he nodded. "You're a genius." he stated, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly and then pulling back once more, smiling softly to the other. "Raphael can have his scary moments to keep her on her toes and behaving." He chuckled and kissed his love again before he took in a deep breath, looking down at him. "Should we ask them first, then tell Ella? Just in case Greece does not sound appealing...?"
"Not yet," he smiled, leaning up to kiss him softly. "She does't know we're talking. We'll ask Raphael and Caden and worry about telling Ella...later." The blond pressed a soft line of kisses down his husband's neck. "In the mean time..." He nipped at the flesh. "The kids are all...occupied." Calder grinned at his lover, pressing his hips forward playfully.
Rune arched a brow, looking down at him and smirking deviously with his words. "Oh, I so love it when you say that." He whispered, leaning toward him and locking the door behind them, just to make sure, and then flicking the lights off. Ah yes, the wonders of being able to hide away in their bedroom. They really did need to give Lavi a raise. That boy was a miracle worker! Well, he was not so much a 'boy' anymore, but he was still male, and younger than them. Though, the thought was flitting as he easily pounced his love into the bed.
The next few days were better with Ella. She was occupied with trying to find schools, which made her not so depressed which made her eat. It didn't take her long to find one that she liked, and that would accept her midsemester. She had sought Calder out to talk to him about it, and he encouraged her to talk to Rune. She agreed, but only if he was there with her. And so it was only ten days later that the three of them were sitting in a local cafe for lunch and to talk.
Rune patiently sat beside his love in the cafe, a cup of hot chocolate in front of him with a simple little sandwich. Ella was across from them, fidgeting with the bottom of her shirt as she stared over at her two parents, chewing her bottom lip nervously as she did so. She really did not know how to start off, but knew that she wanted to. She wanted to hopefully get a 'yes' from her Mama. That was the problem right now. She knew her Papa would end up agreeing, but her Mama was the problem.

"Um ... I found a nice school, Mama. It's within five minutes of Dawn's school and has very good reviews of the teachers and the programs and they are willing to accept me in the middle of the year, so ... so I could go ... soon."

Rune's dark brow lifted in question, staring at the girl and then glancing to his husband before once more back to their daughter. "That's wonderful, Ella." he stated, arms crossing on top of the table and he leaned toward her a bit. "And ... where exactly would you stay?" he asked, eyes narrowing at the teen as he saw her face just completely drop.

The teen paled a bit. She had not thought about that. She really, really did not. "Um... I would ... with ... um ..." Her eyes welled with tears again and her bottom lip began to wobble. "I ... I do not know! I .... I didn't think about that!" She cried, whimpering as she looked from one parent to the other, trying to think of something.
Calder was very interested in how this would all play out. He knew that Ella was very determined to go, but she had no idea that Rune was already willing to allow it. And he most certainly wasn't going to ruin his fun. Besides that, when Rune told her that everything was taken care of, it would allow Ella to see her Mama as an ally; to see that he wanted her to be happy. As a teenage girl, she needed to see that.

Still, his heart broke for her when she began to cry. "Well... Maybe we should put it off for the semester until you can figure something out," he suggested softly.
Ella went wide-eyed with her Papa's suggestion, her head lifting to stare at the man and she shook her head "NO!" She protested, shaking her head once more. "I ... I will think of something! I um ... will get a job and save up or ... Maybe there's a boarding family or um ... um..." Her head was going through anything that would allow her to go there.

Rune chuckled softly with a shake of his head. "Or, you can live with Raphael and Caden." He offered, grinning as he saw the look of confusion in her eyes as she stared at him. He shook his head a bit. "What? It's all taken care of ... So why are you just sitting there? Shouldn't you be packing, little miss?" He smirked, loving to see the wheels turning in her head.

She gasped and squealed, leaping up from her chair and practically leaping on the man, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she firmly kissed his cheek. "Oooh mama! THANK YOU! Thank you so so so so soooo much!" She gripped him tighter, kissing his cheek a few more times and nuzzling into him a bit more. "Thank you, mama." She whispered and then moved over to the blond, gripping him tightly. "You too, Papa. Thank you." She kissed his cheek and hugged him for a while before squealing and standing up. "Can I go home and pack!?"
Calder was about to play along a bit more when Rune put her out of her misery. He was happy to see her so very happy, and he hugged the girl tightly, smiling. "We love you, Ella." He watched her eyes light up at the thought of packing, though he was more sure that Dawn would be on the phone the minute she was out of the cafe. "Yes," he answered, knowing she'd be too excited to eat anything. "We'll bring your lunch home for you to eat." Their daughter bounced on the balls of her feet and squealed a little more, giving each man a peck on the cheek before bursting out the doors and towards home.
Rune watched her leave, slowly turning his attention back to his husband. He grinned, leaning toward the man and kissing his lips softly. "I so love seeing her happy." he admitted, head resting against his shoulder. He stared at the food and pouted a little bit. "Our little girl's growing up." he whined, tilting his head back to look up at the man. "Who gave her permission to do that? I didn't. I want the cute little girl that would always cling to me..." he said before he thought for a bit more. A devious smirk pulled to his lips and he chuckled at the thought, leaning over and nipping the blond's earlobe. "This means more us time, you know."
"Yeah. We have two ten year olds, and three eleven year olds at home. We'll have time to ourselves." He nodded, shaking his head. The blond kissed Rune's forehead and then leaned his cheek against his husband's head, sighing. "I think we should take a family trip to Avalon this weekend," he mentioned. They had taken the kids there a few times before for a couple of days, but with Ella going to Greece, this might be the last time they all could. "We'll call Trevor and Bohdi... Set up tents for the little ones to 'camp' so we'll have enough room for everyone..."
"OR!" He began, looking down at the man and smiling all the more. "We shove all the kids in tents and have the house to ourselves." he offered, smirking at the idea. He leaned down, kissing the side of the man's neck softly. "I so miss having you spread out on the kitchen counter." He teased in a soft whisper, breath caressing the side of the man's neck which he then pressed a kiss to afterward. Yes, he definitely missed covering him in food in the comfort of their own home. Last time he had ... it was when he found out he was pregnant. Ah how that changed everything.
He purred in response, leaning into his husband just a bit more. "Mmm... After Ella is settled in Greece, we'll take a trip ourselves to the island," he promised. It would be just a quick weekend trip, perhaps, but they could spend the entirety of both days naked and having sex. Yes...that sounded perfect.

"After they're all out of the house, can we take like... Five years and just live there?" he asked. Calder was being serious, but he wasn't sure how Rune would feel about being so far from Relic for so long.
Rune thought for a while. Five years on the island? Just the two of them? He wrapped his arms around his form, resting his chin on top of his shoulder while he thought for a bit. Yes, it was far away from Relic, but really ... They were not joined at the hip anymore. He shrugged a little, kissing the side of the man's neck. "Yes. I believe we could ..." he murmured, still thinking it over in his head. he had never been away from Relic for long, and never more than ten minutes away, so this would definitely be ... interesting. "If I wuss out after a month, can we go back?"
Yes? Calder looked down at his husband to make sure that he hadn't gone insane or something. He nodded, a bit dumbfounded, before leaning down to kiss his lover softly. "He'd only be an hour's plane ride," he offered. And it wasn't as if Calder was suggesting they cut off all ties of communication and no one visit them, or for them to not visit. But the idea of living the married with no kids life again was very tempting. Not that he didn't love their children-he did. He just missed the sex.
Rune nodded, looking up at the man and his eyes stayed with his, kissing him back softly. "Mhm. It does sound nice." he admitted, lifting his head to kiss him once more before standing up and taking a hold of the blond's hand. He helped him up from the chair he was in, paying for the meal, and then once more beginning to make his way toward their home. "but, I'm not wearing a speedo." he warned, turning to look at him with a grin to his lips. "Private island and no kids or not ... You'll be lucky to get me in swim trunks."
"Skinny dipping sounds good to me!" Calder agreed, though he knew that it wasn't what Rune had meant. He kept his arm around his husband's waist as they strolled along towards home, his head on Rune's shoulder. "It's not that I want them gone..." The more he thought about it, the more the blond felt bad about planning for when the kids were no longer at home. "I just... Miss you."
Even more years passed now. Ella was sent off, constantly sending letters, calling, even using the webcam to talk with them. Of course, they were home for the holidays and it was lovely. One benefit of the two being well .. "related" was that there was no battle of whose house for holidays! Now ... The boys were older. The triplets were menaces in their own rights. Severus causing chaos whenever he could. Draco and Lucius constantly got in trouble for changing their hairs to various colors during the days, or walking around with boobs ... or changing other parts. Really, they were much too like their parents.

THE TWINS were fabulous. Sirius grew into quite the cute, shy little boy. Always helping out Lavi and making sure he was okay. Sure, the man was not really truly needed, other than if Rune and Calder went out on a date, but he was still very welcome in their home.

Adamair ... took after his 'mother'. In looks - blond locks of course his father, but the rest of him was truly his mother - He wore dresses, something that Relic had squealed about when the boy came to him and said he liked something he had worn one day. Oh yes, definitely an interesting day for them all. Now, the boy even made his own outfits. Not as great as his mother, but pretty darn close.

Sebastian. Oh Sebastian. The boy who was supposed to be a girl. No one really knew just what the whole deal had been with that. Maybe Sergei guessed too soon and the baby switched genders, or something. He was a lovely little teen anyway. Adorable and a giant ball of energy ... with the power to manipulate metal. Always fun.
The years passing brought many changes and new personalities into their family. Alexander grew up to be much like his dad and while he found amusement in his poppy and looked exactly like him, he was just a much more serious person. He liked rules and boundaries, even as a little boy, and never wanted to test the ones that his parents had set. What good could come of it? Though Alex did like when Poppy snuck him around Dad's rules... Sometimes.

Draco was much like his Mama. He liked to have fun, and to hell with the rules. He was protective of his brothers and sister, and while he didn't have Rune's violent streak, he certainly had his temper...and Calder's mischievousness. He liked to morphe his facial features so that people wouldn't recognize him-he and Lucius had great fun with these tricks.

Severus was seen only with Lily most days and preferred it that way. He was quiet and studious, and his parents both wondered where on earth he got such traits from. But so long as he was happy...

And then there was Lavi who was more a part of the family than a nanny now. The kids were all to an age where they could take care of themselves for the weekend, and so the white haired, kitty eared male simply slipped into his role as an older brother, though much of his time was spent with Sirius. He was beginning to bond quite strongly with the male whose diapers he'd once changed...
Adamair was excited. While he never showed his excitement quite the same as his mother, taking a more calm and passive route like his father, he really was. He had created quite the gorgeous outfit upon his form. He moved through the halls and came up to his mother, smiling gently as he did a little twirl for the man who instantly perked up at the outfit. "Thank you, Mommy." he said, knowing what the man was thinking. He then looked around a bit and slowly looked back to his parent. "I am going to go get Lex and then see if he wants to see Uncle Rune and uncle Calder, kay?" He asked, smiling lightly, arms crossed behind him.

Relic laughed softly, nodding a bit and then leaning forward to kiss his forehead. "have fun. Home by midnight." He stated, watching the boy go off and to the other side of the house, looking for his cousin.
Curled up on the sofa, Alex had his nose stuck in a book, as per usual. It was a fiction novel based on real, historical events and the brunette liked to read them and then talk to Tomias about what the author had messed up on while writing it. He learned a lot from his poppy, and much like his father, Alexander liked to hear the stories about history-the real ones, not the ones he learned in school.

He was so engrossed in the novel that he hadn't heard Adamair approach the house, or his father when he called for him. The brunette only jumped out of his skin when Nikkos put a hand to his shoulder. Nikkos shook his head. "Addy's here to see you."

"Oh... Thanks Dad!" Closing the book after marking his place, Alexander skipped towards the front hall to greet him.
Adamair remained where he was, hands still linked behind his back and keeping silent, looking around the hall that he had been in numerous times. He had not wanted to be the one to wake up Alexander. He would have felt bad. He always looked so adorable when he slept, he did not want to lose that image, so, it was better to have his uncle Nikkos wake him up. It was not like the man minded.

Seeing the male enter his view, he smiled instantly, straightening his posture just a bit. He was a very tall boy. Six foot three, and still growing, and in dresses. He always got odd looks in the streets and everything else of that sort, but he never minded. he easily ignored them. Maybe since his mother never cared, but he just never found a reason to care that he got odd looks. "Hey." he said cheerfully, rocking back and forth on his feet and looking over at the male, itching for a compliment on his outfit.
Alexander had gained his poppy's mind reading skills through his birth mother, and knew what Adamair was searching for. He didn't give in. "Did you come by for today's homework? I have mine done so if you need my notes you can borrow them." The brunette, who was only shorter than his cousin by perhaps two inches, moved out into the sun of the courtyard, stretching his arms over his head and groaning. A vampire who loved sunlight. Whoda thunk?
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