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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune groaned at the man's words, lip still poking out at the man in front of him. "My children don't like me." He stated and he sighed heavily, turning on his heel and taking the two pink-haired boys to the other room. "All right. Nap-time for pink little boys." He stated, turning to look at the two and hearing the groan and instantly cling to his neck. Yep. He was definitely going to have a hard time putting them to bed. He moved into their rooms, setting them onto their separate beds, kissing each of their foreheads and then taking up Severus to put him in his bed as well. No sooner had he turned off the light than the three passed out with their nap.

Sighing, he left the room, pushing his fingers through his hair and groaning a little bit. He wanted a nap.
Laughing a little, Calder moved over to Rune as he exited the triplets bedroom and wrapped his arms around his waist. "I've been thinking," the blond started, leaning up to kiss along the man's jaw a little bit. "Our family is growing... And the triplets will need their own rooms soon... And the twins will eventually, too..." What he was getting at was, maybe, going house hunting for a place of their own that had a little more room than the wing of the house they were currently in. "Maybe we can offer this to Bohdi and Trevor-Relic and Tomias can keep an eye on them that way."
Rune listened to the man's words, looking down at him and arching a brow in question. He wanted them to ... move. As in ... away from his brother? he blinked a few times, staring at the man in front of him. He knew he was serious. he knew his question was valid. But ... He was still so very unsure of it all. He chewed his bottom lip, staring at the man and thinking quite a bit more. Trevor and Bohdi would have their house. This wing of the bigger house. Then Him, Calder, Ella, Jade, the triplets, and then the little bunny babies would move to a different, bigger, house. That was away from Relic.

He bit his lip even more, really unsure. "We can ... look." he agreed, figuring that that was at least a start. If he did not find anything, then he did not find anything and they would remain where they were.
Feeling the concern of his husband, Calder paused for a minute before realizing what it was. "Not far, Rune. Less than a mile. I like that our kids have built in playmates in Dawn and the other babies. And we could never take Lily and Sirius far without hurting Pierce and the Twins." The blond leaned up and kissed his love, head coming to rest on the man's chest after their lips parted.
Rune nodded a little bit, still not thoroughly excited, but maybe if they found the right house, he would be. He looked down at him with a little smile to his lips. "As long as it's big and has a nice backyard for the boys ... Sure." he said softly, leaning down and kissing his lips once more. "Did you have something in mind already, or was this spur of the moment?" He asked, grinning in his bit of amusement. He would not be surprised if the man actually already had a few houses picked out that he had seen up for sale. That would be so very cute of him.
Calder really wanted to tell him that it'd been spur of the moment, but he knew that Rune would know better. The blond looked up with the widest eyes he could manage. "Well... There is this one house that was just put on the market..." The blond smiled at the man before leaning up to steal a kiss. "And it's perfect for us! A huge yard and it's really big... And only on the next block so Relic would be close!"
Rune arched a brow and listened to the other before he shook his head a bit. His husband was utterly adorable. He lent down and pressed a kiss to his lips. "We'll go look at it. Tomorrow ... We can put Vik and Trevor on babysitting duty." he kissed him again and sighed softly, pulling back, he rested his forehead against his, arms wrapping around his form. "a bigger house ... would be nice. The boys will all need rooms of their owns, and Lily definitely needs her own to get away from them. So ... Yea. We'll look."
He smiled and nuzzled into his husband's chest. He knew that so long as Relic wasn't very far away Rune wouldn't protest too much. Calder looked up. "You're going to trust Viktor again?" he asked, surprised. Both knew that the hair and telekinesis wasn't Viktor's fault but Rune wasn't always King of Common Sense, either. "You're getting to be a big softie," the blond teased.
Rune chuckled darkly at the man's words, shaking his head. "On the contrary." He whispered, kissing the other's lips softly and then pulling back to look down at him a bit more. "It's because of their new powers that I want him to babysit. Hair is one thing .. Severus on the other hand." he chuckled, a dangerous smirk coming to his lips as he did so. "Ah ... especially in the young stage. That shall be fun." He grinned and took a hold of the man's hand, leading up off and toward their bedroom. His hand had just reached the doorknob when he heard the twins crying. He whimpered softly, releasing him to go to the room beside theirs and see just what the problem was.
The next day came quickly. It was easier to drop Ella off at school today, especially knowing where they were going to go afterward. Calder was excited to show Rune the home he'd found while out walking with their five youngest. It was a beautiful home, and it was one that would give them more than enough space for their ever expanding (or so it seemed) family. The blond slipped his hand into his husband's as they approached the house to wait for the relater.
Rune looked at the house, eyes travelling along the building and he moved around. He looked at everything and then made his way back to his love. He kissed his lips softly. "It is nice.' he agreed, turning back to the building and he really could see their family growing up in here. The little boys playing in the fields and Lily and Ella going around picking flowers. Damn. He liked it already. He sighed heavily, pouting a little and resting his head against his husband's, eyes still to the front door. "It's ... really ... nice."
Even without the tour, the blond knew that he'd pretty much won. The woman handed them her card and he promised to call her within a day or so with their final answer. "Look at it this way," he told Rune after she'd driven off. You can scare the hell out of the neighbors so they move and Relic can buy the house next door!" He didn't doubt that Rune would do such a thing, and it'd be rather amusing to watch, really.
Rune nodded a bit, listening to his words. He understood it. He did love the area and the neighbors were far enough away that he would not have to kill anyone. Nor traumatize. He looked at the houses beside them, nodding a little to his words. He then glanced down to his love, taking his wrist and leading him back to the house. He fiddled with the handle a bit before the knob turned and he moved into the gorgeous house, closing the door and then slamming him into the door a moment later. He smirked, pressing his lips to his and grinding into him with a few nips to his neck.

"Mm ... How about we go find a room that will be ours ... and truly make it ours?"
Not surprised by Rune's actions, and rather turned on by them, Calder followed his lover's lead further into the house. It was a little difficult as the blond attached them together at the lips, and wasn't very easily persuaded to let go. He allowed himself to be manhandled, helping when he could or absolutely needed to (such as when they attempted to maneuver the staircase).
After all his frustrations and pent-up sexual energies were spent - which pretty much meant quite a few rounds - the raven haired male collapsed to the side of his blond lover, looking to the side of him at the male. A gentle smile to his lips, arms crossed on the floor and his chin resting on top of his arms. His eyes stayed with the man and he let out a heavy sigh. "How about you and I buy this house ... and the kids can stay in the other one?" He suggested, sadly, he was partially serious. He really would love to just stay here and be with only him, but he loved their kids so much too.
"Because you would miss them," he pointed out, scooting closer into Rune's side. Calder sighed happily as their bodies pressed together, his head fitting perfectly beneath his husband's chin. "And because if we want to be alone, we can always drop them off with one of your brothers for a week, or have Viktor and Trevor watch them, and fly off for a 'vacation' just for us." He was most certainly serious about that. Leaning up, the blond kissed his husband.

"But yes. I agree about buying the house."
Rune sighed heavily when he listened to his logic. Damn logic. Why did it have to make sense? he grumbled and kissed the other's shoulder a few times and then settled back onto the ground, nodding a bit. "Definitely buying the house." He thought for a while, staring at his love and then he perked up. "Think we should ... hire a nanny? While we have the boys, they have their own lives and Bohdi and Trevor ... we're giving the house to and so I figure there's no point in dragging them here with us. So ... Should we? Just someone to help with laundry and screaming babies ... especially considering Severus' new little trick."
While, in principle, Calder hated the idea of someone else raising their children... They had to go back to work, and Viktor and Devon had school... And that left Ella home after school with three little dev--boys, and the infant twins. That certainly didn't add up. "Yes... I guess we probably should... Maybe we can talk to Nikkos about a different position for me-one with an office. I want the kids to be with us more than a nanny." And that wouldn't happen if said nanny was with the kids from the time they left for work until the time they got home every weekday.
Rune listened to him, nodding in agreement. "Yea." he said, thinking a bit more. "Maybe even see if you can do your classes to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday" he offered, shrugging and just wanting to be with his love and their kids more. The nanny would just to be there for them to help relieve the stress and not make the kids turn into babysitters. He pushed himself up, pulling on his pants and shirt and then holding his hand out to Calder to help pull him up from the ground.
He nodded, open to any suggestions. "Well. I guess we'd better go tell 'em that we're moving, and call... What was her name?" Did it matter? They were buying the house! The blond was excited as he stood and dressed, wanting to get home and start packing, though it'd probably be close to a couple of weeks before they closed on the house. He supposed that they should start to interview nannies, too...
Rune happily made his way home with his love. Kissing him on the temple a few times, definitely happy about the whole situation. While yes, he would be farther away from his brother, he would easily deal with it. It was not like they spent a lot of time over there. He enjoyed having the luxury of just walking across the courtyard. A mile walk or so was not too bad, though.

He moved into their house, kissing his love's temple happily and then making his way through the halls. "So ... should we tell the kids today?"
Calder wanted to shout it from the rooftops, really. But he contained himself and nodded while moving through the house to gather the triplets and the babies. The blond sighed. The blonds were now rainbow haired. He hoisted the twins into his arms and rounded the toddlers up to follow him. "Why don't you go show Mama your new looks?" he suggested, smiling as the two toddled off, with Severus in tow never wanting to be left out.

"Viktor! Jade! Trevor!"
Rune chuckled softly. His love was so very adorable. He smiled happily to himself, eyes to the man while he bounced off to get their children. He then saw the three coming toward him and he went wide-eyed. His children ... had rainbow hair. Rainbow. He groaned, walking to them and scooping Draco onto his hip, shaking his head a bit. "Really? Well, at least it looks nice." He said, sighing once more. He kissed his cheek before wrapping an arm around both boys' small torsos, pulling them up and against his form, standing up from the ground and then heading over to the living room to sit down and wait for everyone to gather.
It didn't take long to assemble everyone, including Bohdi who had been upstairs with Trevor. Calder handed off Sirius to Jade while he sat with Lily in one hand and a bottle in the other. "We're moving," he announced once everyone was sitting. "Not far-just... We've outgrown this house." Calder explained their reasoning, burping their youngest daughter while Ella looked at them, a little hurt and confused.

"What's wrong, darling?" he asked, wanting to reassure her.

"I don't want to leave Dawn and Uncle Relic and Uncle Tanner and Uncle Tomias and Unc-"

"I know," he cut her off before she could begin naming the kids, too. "But really-you'll see Dawn at school, and we'll visit a lot, and she can even come and sleep over at our new house!"
Rune watched the male explain the situation and he nodded, turning to look at Ella with a simple smile. "You will see them as often as you do here, Ella. uncle Relic would love to visit, I'm sure. He'll still make you some gorgeous dresses." He nodded a little bit and then turned to look at the three boys in his lap who were currently changing their hair to neon green which got Severus to giggle. He shook his head a bit, sighing heavily. Yep. His children would cause problems in school.
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