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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Isiah giggled happily and cuddled up with his father giddily. He smiled and let the man clean him up, walking patiently with him to the dining room. He sat down, answering his questions happily. He squealed when the food was placed in front of him, legs swinging under the table as he watched his mother put the food down. "Спасибо, Matti!" He said, giggling as he thanked the male and then took the plate handed out to him.

The rest of the meal went by without a hitch, the three eating and teaching their lovely little boy some more things in Russian and some other things as well.

Once everyone was ready and Isiah's things were packed up - quite the few outfit changes just in case, some snacks, and multiple other things of course - it was to the car. The boy packed tightly into his carseat and then to his uncle's house it was. He got out of the car, walking to the backseat where the white-haired boy was happily giggling when his Matti opened the door.

Smiling, Gabriel scooped him out of the seat and rested the boy on his hip, the bag on the other shoulder. He bumped the door with a hip and then looked over at Sergei smiing even more. "Ready?"
He nodded, a little nervous. But this was what he wanted. There was no doubt about that. Sergei took the bag from Gabriel and followed him inside, smiling as Adamair came up to greet them, almost as bubbly as Isiah was. "Hello," he greeted the little boy who, thankfully, had Tanner's aura. Still, he was slowly getting used to Relic, and realizing that Rune wasn't as bad as his aura suggested...most of the time.
Gabriel smiled. Adamair was so very adorable! He did look like a blond Relic, though. From the pictures he had seen of the male when he was younger, yes, they definitely looked very similar. There were bits of Tanner in there too, which was a good thing. The blond hair was his and, considering his love not freaking out or anything, it was obvious the aura was similar, if not the same.

Following the boy inside, he followed through the halls and into the sewing room where, apparently, his mother had been. He smiled at Relic, waving gently.

Relic perked up, grinning as he spotted the two. "Hey!" He giggled and then turned to Adamair, smiling a bit more. "Why don't you and Isiah go play with Daddy, hm?" He offered, looking to Gabriel and then stealing his little nephew, kissing the boy's cheek as he rested him beside the blond boy. "He's in the kitchen and I'm sure that he would love some assitants." He grinned, watching the three walk off and already, his boy was yelling for his daddy.
He watched as the two boys tore off through the house, smiling. Sergei set the bag down in a corner to keep out out of the way and then leaned into Gabriel's side, suddenly a bit shy about why they were there. The Russian knew that his shyness didn't make sense but he couldn't really help it. He nuzzled into the man's chest a bit. He tried to get the shyness to go away and pointed towards the garment that Relic was currently working on. "What is that are you making?"
Relic perked up, grinning as he did so. He giggled and then held up the beginnings of a new baby blanket. He rested the ducky-filled fabrics against his chest, the blanket going from his collarbones to the end of his large belly. "Baby blanket. There's another one in there, after all." He laughed softly and then set the fabric onto the table before he pully out two chairs for the two, taking a stool for himself and sitting with a relieved sigh. Yep. Definitely on his feet too long. "Come, sit." He added, patting the chairs and then resting his hand on his belly. Yep. Definitely in there.

Gabriel nodded, kissing his love's forehead while he moved to the chair, sitting down with the redhead beside him. "Thank you, Uncle Relic ..."

He giggled and shook his head. "I'm actually surprised you have not called sooner!" He admitted and then stood up, with a bit of a groan, and then walked over to one of the back desks where the papers were. He pulled them out and then made his way back over to the two, a hand resting on his lower back, holding out the papers to them. "Here you go. It's all on there." He then turned to Sergei, smiling once more. "If you want to ask how it was, I can get Tanner for you."
He smiled at the man and thanked him softly. "Yes," he admitted. "I will go talk to Tanner." He pecked a kiss to Gabriel's cheek and went in search of the blond. Sergei needed the confirmation of what exactly Tanner had felt, and if he felt different now than from before. Would it hurt? Would he know something was different?
Relic smiled, nodding once more. He watched the boy walk off, waving to him happily before he moved over to Gabriel and hugged him, "Congratulations" He stated, hugging him tightly and then giggling once more. The male happily went babbling into things that he had been doing, the baby kicking, pretty much anything that went through his mind.

In the midst of his babbling, he stopped instantly when he heard a loud "DADDY" coming from the stairs. He waddled his way out of the room, seeing Romulus rushing toward him. "DADDY! PIerce ... I don't know ! I think his water broke ... but .. but I don't know!" He already was going quite pale and pacing back and forth.

Relic took a hold of his arms, making him stop and take a few deep breaths. "Calm down, sweetie." He whispered, kissing his forehead and then he pointed toward the kitchen. "Go call Dr. Byrne. Even if his water did not break, he still needs to see him then." He stated, watching the boy running off to go and get the phone. Turning to Gabriel, he smiled. "Stay. I'll ... yea. Do what you want." He added, turning on his heel and then waddling back off down the hall and then up the stairs.
Remus was scared out of his wits. The twin knelt on the bed next to Pierce, holding a cool cloth to his head while holding his hand tightly. He didn't know what to do and was glad that Romulus had his head on straight and went for their fathers. The brunette also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Relic making his way towards the room slowly but surely.

Both Sergei and Tanner perked up as Romulus tore through the kitchen. The blond looked at him and worried instantly, moving over to his son and wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he dialed a number. Sergei simply watched on, unsure of what was going on. He knew that the little ones didn't need to be around the stress, though, and the red head quickly scooped them up and lead them out into the courtyard to play a bit on the swing set.
Relic walked over to the bed, resting a hand on top of Remus' head. "Relax, Remus." He said, seeing Pierce on the bed who also looked quite worried as well. He looked at the male on teh bed and shook his head a bit. "Your water broke, sweetie." He smiled and let out a little laugh. "Of course before the last blanket's ready." He added and clapped his hands together. "Ooh goodie! Babies! Babies!" He giggled happily, seeing Pierce looking a bit mortified. HE shook his head. "Rom's calling Byrne. He should be here within the hour to take care of you." He added and gave another little nod.

Romulus turned t his father, staring at him and he held up a single forefinger when the man on the other end picked up. "HIS WATER BROKE!" He yelled, not really being able to hold in his cool. "It broke! The bed's all icky and ... You have to come here!" There was some laughter on the end and then a short "ten minutes" before hte end went dead and ROmulus turned to look at his Dad. "Dad! His water broke! What... What should we do!? I don't know! I ... What should we do!?"
Taking the phone from Romulus, Tanner placed it on the counter and then hugged his son tightly. "You calm down, Romulus," he answered softly. "Daddy's upstairs, and the doctor will be here. Poke your head outside and ask Sergei to send the doctor up when he gets here. I'll get some ice for Pierce to chew on while we wait." He lingered in the hug for a few more seconds and pressed a kiss to the top of his son's head before letting go and moving to get the ice. He waited for Romulus before heading upstairs together.
ROmulus took in a deep breath, gripping the male tightly and nuzzling into him before relaxing once more. "Yes Dad." he whispered, holding onto him a bit more before relaxing. He nodded and pulled away, going off to the door to see Sergei. "Mister Marques..." He began, taking a step out into the air, finding that to be so much help as well. "Um. When Dr. Byrne gets here, please tell him to go upstairs. I ... I'll send Gabriel to you too."
The bedroom was a little like organized chaos. Remus wasn't moving from his spot, which would make it rather difficult for the doctor, Tanner was sitting on the very edge of the bed near Pierce's shoulders handing him some bits of ice and trying to reassure him. Relic... Well Relic was an energetic little thing, even while pregnant, and Tanner had lost track of his husband. The blond looked to his son. "Perhaps you should run over and get Uncle Rune and Uncle Calder. I think they'd like to be here for the birth."

Remus nodded and ran next door, though reluctant to leave at first.
Doctor Byrne got there within fifteen minutes, and once everyone other than the fathers were shooed to the hall, he went to work. It was a few hours later before the doctor had all eight neatly resting in separate basinets and he then went about washing every single once up, swaddling them into towels and he sighed heavily. "Phew." he said, looking down at the babies who, finally after all that crying, were asleep. He shook his head and turned to the three, smiling happily. "Congratulations. I will check in on you guys in a few days, if you need me sooner, I'm staying with Abby and cute little Tobi." He grnned and then hugged the three. "And you, sir Mommy, be careful of your stitches. Stay in bed as much as you can and ... peeing may be difficult, but it should be okay. Baths are a no-no for now. Sitting in the shower would be best. Just get a chiar." He hsurgged before heading to the hall. "If they'll have you, you're welcome."

Rune was quickly over there, dubbing Viktor and Devon on triplet-duty before he did so. He paced outside the hall, his right thumbnail between his teeth and impatiently waiting for that annoying doctor to show up once more.

Relic, was smart. He went back to the sewing room and continued making the last baby blanket. Yep. He was happy. REally, relaly happy.
Calder tried desperately to get Rune to calm down, but it didn't work. It never worked. The blond sighed in relief, though, when the doctor stepped out and announced that they could go in. The blond held onto his husband's arm, holding him back. "Let Tanner and Relic in first." He leaned up and pecked a little kiss to his cheek, nuzzling him softly.

Tanner had gone to get Relic when they heard the crying, and when they were allowed in he pressed his way into the room and closed the door over softly. Smiling, he moved over to the bed where all three were cuddled together. He kissed each forehead and whispered a congratulations to them. "Have you thought of names?" he asked, wondering which genders the three would be keeping.
Rune relaxed just a bit. He turned and wrapped his arms around the other man's form, pulling him against his chest. "I want to see what they look like." He stated, whining a little ad kissing him quite a few times and then resting his chin on top of his head.

Relic squeaked, gathering up the finiahsed blankets, the eighth included, and then heading up the stairs happily. He kissed his brother's cheek before he was pulled into the room. He giggled softly, looking over the trio and he smiled a bit more. "Ooh. Pierce, you look so lovely." He said cheerfully, walking to him and pressing a kiss to his forehead before he kissed his sons cheeks, gigling as he bounced toward the babies, looking them over and grinning all the more. "Oh, they're beautiful."

Romulus kept his head against his love's shoulder, just relaxing with a little sigh. He looked over at the basinets, sighing once more. "I ... want to name one after our Mama." He stated, turnign to Remus and smiling gently. "Sapphire." He whispered, smiling and then looking at the two.

Pierce looked down at the brunette and smiled happily. "I like it.,"
Tanner nodded in agreement. Yes that was a very pretty name. He sat down on the bed, resting against the headboard simply to visit with the boys. "And how will the adoptions work?" he asked, not wanting to be insensitive. "What I mean is: Are you going to allow Uncle Rune and Uncle Calder, and Gabriel and Sergei to choose which babies they would each like to adopt, or do you wish to do the choosing?"

Remus couldn't fathom choosing. Knowing that four of them weren't really theirs was hard enough. He buried his face into Pierce's neck a little, clearly voting for letting the two couples choose first. How would they be able to choose after seeing them all?
Romulus turned to look at his love, figuring it was completely and utterly up to him. He really did not want to pick and choose, that soudned far too mean and ... oh he could not even think of doing that!

Pierce looked frmo one boy to the other and then turned to look at the two and then the babies. "I ... I think we will let them choose." He stated, getting a nod from his loves and he kissed them gently before relaxing against the headboard once more, sighing softly.

Relic smiled gently and nodded, walking over to the basinets and strolling along them, girnning. He could already guess which ones his brother would want. He knew him so very well. He would defintely have to see it.
The blond hugged all three tightly, knowing how difficult of a time they were having. "It will be okay," he promised with a little smile. "I think Rune's running a rut in our hallway. Think we should let him in?" Remus chuckled a little but nodded. Yes. The faster the better. They would have less time to get attached.
Romlus and Pierce both nodded. The faster, the better. Pierce was quite happy that all their children would be within a ten minute drive, and a two minute walk. That definitely made t all better. That and knowing who they were going to. Eight would have been madness. Especially with the new baby for Relic and Tanner? Yes, that would be horrible.

Relic giggled gently, walking to the three and kissing each of their foreheads and then walking to the door. He poked his head out, grinning at the two. "I won't be mean, so just come on in." He stated, grinning as he did so.

Rune narrowed his eyes at Relic, knowing he was going to be a prick and tell him to shove off or wait. He growled before shaking his head. He took in a deep breath and slowly made his way into the room. He pressed his forehead to the pregnant man's forehead, pushing him away. "You're lucky you're pregnant." He threatened, kissing his cheek and then looking over at the three in bed. Poor Pierce. He looked exhausted. He shook his head and then perked up at the bassinets.

He walked over to them and his eyes instantly sparkled and a small squeal passed his lips. Yes, a squeal. A girlish little one and he instantly melted. "THEYRE SO CUTE!" He chimed before he went wide-eyed and clapped his hand over his lips, clearing his throat a bit. "Erm ... Excess.. hormones.. Yeah. the ... hormones. oh just shut up." He rolled his eyes before looking at the little bunnies once more. They were utterly adorable! They're little ears poking out just barely on top of their heads ... IT WAS SO CUUUUTE!
Shaking his head, Calder followed Rune in. He moved over to the bed, though, and kissed each boy's cheek, and then Tanner's lips softly. "Relic will heal the incision, I'm sure." He smiled at the poor exhausted man before the squeak made him laugh. The blond moved over to his husband and he wrapped an arm around his waist, resting his head on his chest. They were all so adorable. He smiled at them, reaching out to tickle a foot.
Rune smiled gently over at the three on the bed. "You guys did a lovely job." he smiled a little more and then looked down at the babies. He instantly spotted the red-haired girl and gasped. "The odd ball out." He teased, walking over to the little girl and looking over at her. "She's so tiiiiny." He commented, reaching forward to delicately trail a finger along her cheek. Aww! SO CUTE! He smiled and then tickled her a little bit, getting her eyes to open and grinning at the beautiful emerald eyes that peered up at him. "aww.' he said softly, turning to look at Tanner and smiling all the more.
Tanner saw the look and smiled, looking over to the three to see if they noticed. Remus, at least, was rather clueless. The blond shook his head and nudged at the three of them. It was obvious what Rune was thinking, and it was likely that the man didn't want to be insensitive and rude by saying that he wanted to adopt that particular baby. Especially so soon after birth. Remus looked up, and after a moment realized why he'd been poked.

The twin looked to his loves, eyes questioning.
Romulus saw Rune and he smiled warmly. He gently slid away from Pierce and walked over to where Rune was. He stood beside him, looking at hte little girl and his heart ... melted. Hek new this was definitely for the better, but oh how much he wanted to keep every single one, but he knew it was not possible. He took in a deeep breath, calming himeslf and pushing away the bit of tears that wished to flow. He turned to Rune, smiling gently. "Don't ... worry about being rude or ... or insensitive, Uncle Rune. It's like a bandaid." He stated, looking to the two on the bed then once more back to the tall male beside him. "Better to get it done fast."

Rune smiled gently at the boy, wrapping his arms around his form and holding him to his chest, hugging him tightly. "Even if I name her Fluffy?" He teased, getting a wide-eyed look from the twin and he laughed, shaking his head. "Don't worry. I'm not." He reassured, just wanting to ease the tension a bit. He kissed the top of his head and hugged him once more. He released Romulus, scooping up the little redhaired girl and holding her against his chest, smiling warmly.
Remus was torn, really. His instincts told him to go to his twin-he always had. But Pierce was unable to move and the brunette felt like he would be abandoning him if he left. After a few more seconds of debate, he snuggled down further into the bunny eared man's side and nuzzled him softly, offering comfort and closeness and love.

Smiling, Calder kissed Romulus' cheek once more and then turned to the baby who Rune had dubbed as theirs. She was a cute little thing, and the blond found it rather ironic that his husband was drawn to a girl, when he'd worried so desperately that he would have one when they found out he was pregnant. He said so to the other man, laughing at him a bit.
Rune looked over at Calder, sticking his tongue out at him with the comment. "Hush." He said simply and then looked down at hte little girl. "Look how cute she is." He adde,d pouting a bit more and he then turned his attention once more to the little girl there. He really did love the cute little thing.

Pierce wrapped his arm tightly around the other's form, pulling him tightly to his form and kissing him a few times before he relaxed. He rested his head against his shoulder, eyes closed and he could not watch. He knew this was the best. Rune and Calder would be great parents for their children, but it still hurt to watch.

Romulus nodded and then slowly crawled back into bed with the other two. At least until he realized the sheets were dirty. He stared down at them for a bit and then looked over at Relic.

Relic smiled. "I'll heal Pierce and then you thre-- seven, can go into the room next door. Just for tonight. We'll make a nice big baby room and then knock down a few walls for you guys so that it's a bier room. "He walked to the three on bed, kissing their heads again and slowly sitting n the edge. Yep. His back hurt. He turned to Calder, smiling lightly. "Would you get the other one already? They're part bunny, just pretend your picking out bunnies!" He laughed and looked over at the horrified face of Romulus. "You know you were thinking the same thing."

Pierce laughed before he stopped and shook his head, smiling gently.
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