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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Pierce sat in the middle of the two boys, still quite nervous. They had seen the doctor the other day, and there were no problems with their children, still seven, still healthy. He was so very happy about it all too. He still had the issue of just what they were going to do with so many, but they all seemed to agree to at least ask the twins' Uncle Rune and Calder. The worst that could happen? They say 'no' and they rethink, possibly doing the private adoption or something of that sort.

Rune perked up when he saw his love in the doorway. He stood up from the chair he had been reading in, walking over to the man. He pressed his lips against his and smiled gently. "Hey beautiful.' He said gently, contenting himself just with being able t be with his love. He was getting better. He really was. A bit slowly, but still pretty well.
Calder really was grateful for his love. And he was happy that Rune was feeling better. Or starting to, at least. The blond wrapped his arms around his husband's waist and kissed him, pulling Rune close after. He whispered a soft 'love you' and nuzzled into the warmth of Rune's neck for a moment before pulling away to look at him.

"The twins and Pierce are here. They... want to talk to us..."
Rune looked down at his love with interest to his features. Those three? He stared at him for a while before he nodded. He pressed a kiss to the other's lips softly, pulling back a moment later. "Okay. Let's go see what they want." He stated, taking the other's hand, lacing his fingers while he led the way through the halls and to the living room where the three were. He gave them a simple smile, sitting on the couch beside the other.

"So, what is it?"

Pierce took in a deep breath when he saw the two come into the room. Oh, his nerves were running rampent now. He looked the two over a little bit more and then turned to the twins, looking from one to the other and not sure how to say it. Maybe one of them knew what to say.
Nodding, he followed the other into the living room, carefully blocking out the thoughts about what he knew. It wasn't that he thought Rune would read his mind without good reason, but he didn't know how to not broadcast that he knew something. The blond didn't want the other to think he'd been hiding something or conspiring against him.

Remus looked to Pierce with a little sigh. He looked so confused and worried. With a deep breath, he sat up a little bit, balancing on the edge of the sofa. "We-all three of us-would like to know if you would like to adopt two of our babies." When he said it that way, it sounded a bit crude he supposed but he didn't know how else either of them could say it.
Rune blinked a few times. That was it? He looked over at the trio sitting in front of them and then to Calder. He ... was being offereed their children? Sure, the idea was not a normal one, but neither was a man being pregnant, yet alone pregnant with seven children. He turned to the two, staring at them a moment more before he took in a deep breath. "Let me ... speak with Calder. Um ... Yes. Just sit tight." He said, standing up and he took a hold of his husband's hand, dragging him off and toward the kitchen.

He looked at the male, really torn. "What do you think?"
He could see the conflict in Rune. He reached up and kissed his love softly, hoping to get him to relax a bit. "I don't know what I think," he answered honestly. "On the one hand, the triplets are just one, and we have Ella to raise, too. But... I was getting used to the idea of having two more, and they can't care for seven... Relic and Tanner will have their hands full with Adamair and their new baby..." He was just as torn, he supposed.
"You're right." He stated, knowing that all that the other had said was what was going through his mind. Yes, the triplets were only one, but by the time the others are here, they should be closer to two. Closer to two was good and, really, he was getting far too used to the idea of havin a baby girl running around and another little baby boy.

He looked down at his love once more, staring at him with interest. "I ... I think we should. I mean, seven is a lot and the boys will be older by then. Ella is a precious little thing and ... I think we could manage it." He leant down to kiss his lips softly, pulling back again and looking him over a little more. "Okay?"
They would definitely manage. Money, though Calder didn't like to think of it, wasn't an issue. And there were six adults in the house, and three young men, who would shower every child that came through with abundant amounts of love. And they were much better equipped to raise multiple sets of multiples than the three who were sitting in their living room right at that moment.

Calder nodded, but while they were in a serious talk mode... "Lets reverse the spell," he suggested softly, nuzzling alone Rune's jaw. "We'll have five children under the age of seven by the time these babies are born. And if we ever want more children of our own after that... We can do the spell on me."
Rune looked down at the other, listening to him and he tilted his head to the side in interest. Reverse it? He kept his eyes to the other and leant down to press a kiss to his lips softly. "Okay." He whispered, straightening away from him and he rested his hands on the other's hips and kissed him once more, loving the contact far too much right now. "Yes. I agree." He whispered, kissing him again. "Once the kids are all grown up and out on their own, then we can think about it.' He kissed him and then pulled back. "I will ask Relic for the spell tomorrow."
"For a man who was so unreasonable as to attempt to turn down sex the first night we met, I think this is one of my better ideas that you've agreed to," he teased softly, laughing. The blond kissed his husband softly and then began to lead him out into the living room. He was sure that Pierce and Remus ad Romulus were having heart attacks already, he didn't want to add to their stress.

Leaning down, he kissed each male's forehead. "Both of us thank you for the offer-it's truly a selfless act, and I'm sure that your fathers will be proud of you for understanding your limits. And we would love to be able to adopt one of your little girls and one of your little boys."

Remus beamed with the mention of Relic and Tanner being proud of them. In the end, aside from being loved, that was all he and Romulus ever wanted from parental figures in their lives.
Rune stuck his tongue out at the man, following him silently into the other room. He pinched the other's butt cheek and then walked to the couch once more. He sat down, hands on his knees and his eyes to the three on the couch. They really were such a cute couple... Trio? Who knew anymore?

Romulus beamed. Their parents would be proud of them? Oh, he was so happy for that! He really, really was. He smiled warmly, hand moving to lace his fingers with the other man's, holding him happily.

Rune looked at the three and then to the large belly of the male in between the two, shaking his head a little. "Yes. We will love to adopt your babies." He nodded and then kised his love's cheek, resting his head against his shoulder and then looking over the trio once more.

Romulus grinned. They were going to adopt! They were going to adopt two of their babies! Oh, that was so good! So, so very good. The babies would be near them, but they would not be theirs. HE smiled and giggled happily. "Oooh Thank you! Thank you so much!"
Remus couldn't believe that they said yes! Their babies would be just across the courtyard from them and he knew that Rune and Calder would allow them to be full time uncles, or even surrogate dads. That excited him. It made him realize that they really were doing the right thing. Looking to the other two, Remus once again spoke up.

"We... We decided that three would be an okay number to raise ourselves... But that leaves two babies. Who... Um. Who-in the family!-could we ask to adopt them?"
Rune looked at the trio, seeing Romulus and Pierce nod in agreement. Family would be the best. He thought for quite a bit, going through everyone before he landed on the bearer of baby news -- Sergei and Gabriel. They were only twenty minutes away, so that would definitely be cloes for them to check up on. "What about Sergei and Gabe?" He offered, looking to Calder for confirmation and then once more back ot the three. "The redhead who told you that you were pregnant. They have little Isiah who looks exactly like Gabriel? Freaky ass genetics." HE shook his head, ignoring the fact that his sons arleady were beginning to look like him, and Relic and Tanner's son was looking like them as well.
"Lucius and Draco look like me... Hair and eye wise, anyway," Calder argued with a little raspberry blown at his husband. He turned to the other three and nodded, though. "Yes. Gabriel and Sergei are wonderful choices, and Sergei likes you all a lot." Remus nodded. He remembered the redhead, and he liked the man too... Until he blurted out about the pregnancy. Then he'd been too shocked to like anyone, really.

"Yes... Yes maybe we will talk to them?" he asked his twin and their very pregnant lover.
Rune turned to look at the two, narrowing his eyes as he did so. "Well ... They still look like me, featurewise. Adamair looks like a blond Relic. Oh god. . .He's going to be a cross-dresser.' He sighed, feelin bad for the fate of his nephew. He turned to look at the three once more.

Pierce looked over at the two and then to the couple, thinking about it. He liked Sergei. EVen with the man scaring them, he seemed like a very, very sweetman. He nodded to the suggestion. "Yes. I like that." He then looked over at Romulus, the boy noding his agreement as well. He sighed softly. Already, he felt so much relief. Three would be a very moderate number for them to have, and if Sergei and Gabriel were willing to adopt two of their babies, then he would be very happy as well. Three was a very nice number.
"Be careful," Calder warned. "They could wind up with my morphing abilities and do more than cross dress." He stuck his tongue out at his husband once more before moving into the kitchen to make some lunch for the five of them, and the triplets. The babies were starting on very soft solids, and so he was hoping that some over done peas would quench their need to smoosh everything into their high chair trays today.

For the rest of them, he began to throw together some quesadillas, being sure there were lots of veggies in them for Pierce.
Rune rolled his eyes and then turned to look at the three once more. "Yes. We can ask them to come here, or you could o to them, it depends on what you want.' He offered, shrugging a bit more. It may be easier for them to come here since he was so, so, so very huge. But, whatever the boys thought was best.

Romulus looked at his brother and then their lover, thinking for a little bit. He did not want to make Pierce go anywhere, really. Merely walking over here, he was worried and nervous for the man. He looked over at his brother and then once more back to Pierce. "I think ... asking them to come here would be better." He stated, looked to Rune, trying to establish if he was right.

Pierce smiled warmly, kissing Romulus' temple gently. "I can go to them. I feel bad asking them to come here when we are going to ask them such a huge question."
Remus worried about Pierce going out in his condition but he supposed that their lover was right. They were asking something huge of them, and asking Sergei and Gabriel to come to them wouldn't be...polite. "We can ask Dad to take us, or ask to use the car..." That way they at least wouldn't have to walk all that way.
The three remained at the twins' uncles for lunch, thnaking them and then waddling his way back to the other side of the house. Pierce called Gabriel and Sergei, asking if sometime, when convenient for them, if they could stop by to speak with them a little bit. The couple agreed that, thankfully for their nerves, the next night, they were invited over for dinner.

Next evening came, and Relic gave the twins the keys to drive, warning them quite a few times to go slow for sake of the car, and the babies. He kissed each of the trio's heads and then shuffled them off to the car, with another warning of "drive careful!" He then turned to his own love, giggling and bouncing toward his huband, hand under his belly as he did so. He easily pressed a kiss to the man's lips, grinning as he did so. "Want to shower?" He asked, mischievous glint within his eyes.
Tanner was a nervous wreck. He knew that the twins were good drivers, but as a parent it was his job to worry about them despite that knowledge. His husband's distraction, though, drew a smile from him. The blond leaned over and kissed Relic softly, nodding. Adamair was down for the night already, which left them free for a quick shower together.

Nervous about the outcome, Remus took the wheel so that he had some outlet. It was a short ride to Sergei and Gabriel's house. In a way, he was excited. Even though the doctor told them that everything was okay, Sergei could tell them if all of the auras were shining brightly. He held a hand out for Romulus when they pulled into the drive way, and then for Pierce, keeping his hand to the small of their lover's back as they rang the doorbell and waited for it to be answered.
Pierce kept in the passenger's seat, his hand moving along his stomach absently and trying to keep a hold of himself. HE was nervous once more. He really, really was. He slowly struggled out of the car, closing the door behind him and he walked to the front door with his lovers. He stood there, hand on his stomach and groaning a little more. Yep. He really wanted to sit down... now.

The door opened and the little mini-image of Gabriel at the door, smiling shyly up at the two. "Guten Abend." He said, smiling a little bit more as he looked up at the three, staring at Pierce's belly. "Pretty!" He said happily, grinning to himself.

Gabriel was quickly behind the boy, scooping him up and onto his hip. He looked down at him and shook his head a little. "Isiah, what have we told you about answering the door?" He sighed softly and looked at the two, smiling gently. "Come in." He said, stepping to the side and letting them walk inside.

Isiah looked a bit lost, looking at his Muter. "Muter ... He is purple and ... his belly blue and pink .. .and purple!" He pouted a little and then nuzzled into his Muter's shoulder.

He sighed and shook his head. "It is okay." He whispered, kissing the boy's forehead and then looking to the three while they came inside. "Right this way.' He said, closing the door behind the last and then walking toward the living room. He held onto his son, sitting on the chair, resting the boy on his lap and watching the other three.
Remus found the little boy charming, and he smiled at him even as Gabriel spoke to them. He heard the 'come in' loud and clear, though, and he did so, helping Pierce to a chair. The twin smiled at their host and the little boy, standing behind his pregnant love with his hands resting on his shoulders. "Developed Sergei's gift, I see." It was a compliment, and the twin smiled as he said it. In a way, Remus was a little jealous.

Sergei heard the voices and descended down the stairs. He greeted the twins and Pierce and, reading the concern in Remus' face he smiled. "Bright," he confirmed. "All eight." Moving over, he lifted his son up, tossing him into the air a short distance. "I think it is time for you to see Grandmother, yes?" He'd arranged for his mother to take care of Isiah for them tonight so that they could have a nice dinner, and talk to the three about whatever it was they wanted to talk about. The Russian simply assumed they wanted to be sure that their babies really were healthy.
Romulus sat down on the edge of the couch nearest the chair Pierce was in. He dragged the ottomin over and moved ot beneath his feet so he could rest them. He could already see the flesh swelling and that was not a good thing. It would hurt him or make him uncomfortable, and keeping his feet uip would make him better. He had just been about to ask Pierce of he wanted a pillow when he heard Sergei's words. Bright, good. Eight? "Eight?" He squeaked back, turning to look at Sergei and his eyes went wide. That was .. a whole other being inside.

Pierce paled. There was another one?! Another? At .. At least they were bright. He looked down at his belly once more, eyes wide and his hand moved along the large bump. "We .. we are having eight?" He questioned in a whisper, staring at the small movement of his belly. Wow. just.. Wow.

Isiah grinned and nodded. "Grand-muttie!" He chimed, giggling softly and he pressed a kiss to his Father's cheek. He then looked over at the three and nodded. "Yes! EIGHT!" He agreed, giggling once more. "Many blues and purples!"
Sergei blushed a little. "The doctor? He told you not?" That was a bit disturbing. If Pierce was so far along and he could see eight auras then a doctor surely could have? "I... I was not knowing. When I said before that was seven... It was early. One... Em... Duplicated?"

Scrunching his forehead a little, Remus caught on. "Split. An egg split into twins." Sergei nodded.

"Yes. That is what I said." He smiled at Isiah and excused himself to bring the bubbly boy to his mother's house in their backyard.
Romulus shook his head, chewing his bottom lip a little bit as he did so. "Doctor Byrne .. He is um, special. He did not tell Uncle Rune he had three until he gave birth." He admitted, feeling bad that Sergei obviously felt bad. He smiled gently. "It is okay. Thank you for telling us."

Pierce nodded, looking at the man and he smiled gently. "It's okay." He commented and then turned to look up at Remus, smiling warmly. "Heh. Another one." he whispered, smiling a little bit more.

Gabriel blew a kiss to his baby boy before he stood up when he heard the beeping on the stove. "He means well." He stated, patting Romulus on the head ently while he walked past him toward the kitchen. He turned off the oven, taking out the chicken and going back to preparing everything. Once it was, he slowly made his way back out to the living room, looking over the boys and smiling a little more. "Do you wish to eat here or in the living room? If you are comfortable here, Pierce, we can stay."

The blond went wide-eyed, shaking his head as he did so." No! No ... Um ... I can get up. I am fine. Please... The table is fine. Thank you."
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