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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic kissed his love's cheek happily and then moved through the house, keeping himself busy while he wandered through the house to just do something while he waited.

When the two arrived, he beamed instantly, practically running to the door. He grinned, only to have his lips droop. Congratulations ... and what are they naming her. Her?! They were having a girl! Oh god. .. Too many emotions!

Gabriel sighed softly, Isaak happily clinging to his Mother's neck, nuzzling the gorgeous man. He truly looked more like Gabriel than anything. Beautiful amethyst eyes, the long silver locks, feminine features. Relic was pretty positive it was something in Gabriel's grandfather's genetics that his kids looked ... like him. "Sergei ... You may wish to say that when you are inside." He offered, leaning down to kiss his husband's head gently. "I do not believe they knew." He added, wrapping an arm around the redhead and holding him where he was.
Sergei blushed deeply. "Sorry," he apologized softly, stepping inside the home while Tanner closed the door behind them. Pregnant? Her? Name? The blond quickly made his way to the sofa to sit down before he passed out from shock. Pregnant?! He looked to Relic, eyes questioning. He didn't question whether or not Relic performed the spell, but questioned how in the world this could have happened.

It took the blond a minute to regain composure and act like a gracious host. He showed the two into the living room and brought drinks before moving to get Adamair. Both babies were placed into the play pen and Tanner then collapsed into the sofa once again.
Gabriel smiled gently, walking behind Sergei to the living room. He set Isaak onto his lap, at least until Adamair was there. He whispered a soft, "Remember, nice" to the boy before placing him in the pen as well. He set ito the couch, fingers lacing with his love's and he looked over at the two, ever so concerned for the two. "You did not know?"

Relic shook his head, nuzzling into Tanner and looking ever so pathetic. "No. I just ... got fat.' He mumbled, looking down at the bit of a bump in his stomach and sighing heavily. "I don't know how it happened! I did not perform the sp--" He stopped, eyes tilting up to the ceiling as he thought for a moment. "Oh..." He groaned, nuzzling into his love a bit. "It's a backlash, I believe. I read something about that ... Once the spell is performed, you can deactivate it or whatever, but it's basically like having a hysterctimy [totally spelt wrong] ... If I had those. So, basically, I would not be allowed to have kids again." He pouted, looking up at Tanner and sighing softly." I'm sorry, love. I just ... bipased that. I'm sorry."
Tanner groaned. He knew that it was too good to be true. He flopped his head onto Relic's shoulder and groaned. "So...we either chance it for the rest of our lives, or we decide to never have any more children?" he asked, fearing the answer. Either way, it wouldn't be a good one he was sure. At least Rune and Calder didn't have to worry-Rune didn't like to bottom and Calder preferred to!
Relic shrugged his shoulders a little. "I will speak with Murasaki. Maybe we can use the same spell that he uses with Jade, for next time." He leant over and kissed his love's cheek, settling back to his head against his shoulder and he looked over at the two in front of them, smiling happily. "So, how are you guys?" He asked, truly interested in what the two had been up to .Sure, he saw Gabriel in the halls, laughed at all the students swooning after him, but it was not the same.
Hearing voices, Remus dragged his twin and Pierce out to the living room. He was curious as to who was here, and why they hadn't heard the voices before. There were two men and a little boy that they didn't know and Remus cocked his head slightly to the side. "Hello."

Sergei looked up with the new visitors. He smiled as he saw that their auras were light. The twins were the same, and the man with the rabbit ears was nice as well. A soft purple, really. "Congratulations," he offered to the boy with the ears, smiling softly.
Relic and Gabriel both turned to look at the redhead. The difference being, Relic looked a bit paler than his nephew counterpart. He stared at the man, trying to decipher him before he knew just what the man meant. Same thing he meant when he saw him. Why else would he randomly congratulate them upon first meeting? Not 'hey congrats you get to bang twins' especially since that was completely unlike the boy, but ugh.

Gabriel sighed softly, turning toward him and resting his forehead against the side of Sergei's. "Sergei ... We just spoke about that." He whispered, kissing his lips softly and pulling back.

Pierce was ... beyond confused. He looked from the twins and then to his friend on the couch, chocolate pools pleading for some sort of explination as to what was going on. "Um ... Why ... Why am I being congratulated?" He asked, looking over at the redhead and he relaly, really was confused. He did not know the two on the co-- no. He knew Gabriel. He was a teacher. A very good one. He may have had him a while back ... but the man congratulating him? He did not know him, nor know the reason why he was supposed to be congratualted.
Remus was just as confused. Congratulations? Why congratulations? Did Gabriel know something about Pierce and he'd told his lover slash husband? If so, why hadn't he and Romulus been told? He looked from Pierce to the redhead to their parents, begging for answers just as much as Pierce was.

Blushing again, Sergei looked up to Gabriel. "But they must know!" he argued quietly in Russian. "For who would not?" He didn't understand how a male would not know that he was pregnant! He was frustrated, not understanding this bit of culture at all. Well. He'd created the mess, right? The redhead stood and moved over to the trio. "I am Sergei," he greeted warmly. "I see...glows..."

Tanner turned. "Auras," he offered. "Sergei sees auras." Sergei nodded.

"You are blue. Happy and fun." Turning to Pierce. "You are lav...Lav... Mmm. Purple. Calm and cool. Your belly is... Well there is both blue and pink..."
Gabriel sighed softly. "I did not know" he kindly reminded him before watching him go toward the three. At least he seemed to like them more than the twins. It was refreshing. There were few people that Sergei seemed comfortable around. Valerius was one, he obviously was one, their son ... A select other few. Most of those from his Grandmother were on the 'stay away' list purely because of personality.

Pierce stared at the male, his fingers lacing with the nearest twin's - Romulus - as he listened to the male. Auras? Okay, that made sense ... So why was he telling him congratulations. Purple ... pink and blue belly? He still was so very confused. He looked down at his stomach, a hand coming to rest on his shirt, trying to think a bit. What was he talking about?

Romulus liked Sergei! He seemed very kind and sweet but really ... He was very confusing. Even more so when he spoke about blues and pinks. He turned to Remus, trying to see if his twin knew any of what the man was speaking about.

Relic shook his head, looking over at Pierce and the twins, putting aside the father in him wanting to scream about protected sex and everything of that sort, ask them why the freshly-turned eighteen year olds knocked up the twenty-something bunny. Instead, he chose to clear up some more things. "You're pregnant, Pierce." He said simplistically, looking him over and shaking his head once more. "You're having a boy and a girl it seems."
"Mor.." Sergei stopped himself as quickly as he could. There were at least five different blotches of pink and blue. But if he didn't know he was pregnant then he obviously didn't know that information, either. "Sorry," he offered to the newly blabbed information, and then he moved to sit down next to Gabriel. He really had made a mess of things today, hadn't he?

Remus stared wide-eyed at their daddy. "Preg...nant?" He whimpered a little and stared at the other two males who were holding hands. "No no no but we were careful!" He whipped around to their parents. "Honest we were!"
Relic shook his head a bit. "Yea, well, so were we." He shook his head a little and then stood up from the couch. He walked over to the two boys, wrapping his arms around their shoulders, pulling htem into a hug and kissing their temples softly before he pulled back. "Relax. You're not in trouble. These things ... happen." He shrugged and then turned to Pierce, giggling happily. "We get to be pregnant together! Isn't that lovely?!"

Pierce was ... shocked. well, no, he knew he could get pregnant. He just had not been expecting it. He did not feel any different and he really did not know what to do. He looked at Relic, blinking a few times. "You're pregnant too?" He asked, scooting closer to the twins for a bit of comfort from the two.

He nodded. "Yea. Apparently ... The spell thing doesn't wear off or something. no matter! We're having a lovely little girl! It will be so much fun!" he giggled and then turned to their guests, smiling cheerfullly. "So! Now that you've given my boys a heart attack, want some tea?"
Remus soaked in the comfort from Relic before moving to Pierce and wrapping his arms around his waist. How on earth had this happened? After the scare a year or so ago, they'd been so very careful with protection and the like. He didn't understand. With a soft whimper, the teen pressed his face into Pierce's neck and kissed him there a little, taking and giving comfort at the same time.
Romulus looked over at his brother and then up at Pierce, nuzzling into him a little bit. He was not unhappy, merely ... shocked. Really, they had taken many, many precautions but how could they not have worked?! He whimpered softly and took his brother and then Pierce's hands, beginning to lead them away toward their room. He gave a gentle bow to Sergei and Gabriel. "Nice meeting you." He said simply before continuing toward the room, knowing that they needed to be alone and think this whole thing through a bit.
Calder had popped over to speak to Tanner about a class he wanted to link into one of his friend's. The news for them was wonderful. For him... The blond was greatly worried. He and Rune had begun to switch positions in bed a tad more often... And that meant after the triplets had been born, too. With a groan, he made a mad dash to the store to pick up a pregnancy test, and then rushed home. Oh... Rune was going to kill him.

He made his way through the house to find his husband.
Rune knew Relic was pregnant, but did not think much about it. The man was a freak, enjoyed being pregnant, so what was the big issue? He probably did the spell again and just forgot about it or whatever. He had just stolen the last piece of chocolate from his hidden stash - thatl ittle brat got smarter to where he was hiding stuff - when he heard his love's footsteps. He made his way to the man, biting into the chocolate and staring at him with a brow lifted in question ."What's your issue?"
Sighing, Calder handed over the test. "It wasn't a freak accident." The blond was sure to keep a relatively safe distance from his husband, unsure of how he would react. "The spell can be 'turned on' and once it has been it's on until you do...something else to 'turn it off'...And we never did that."
Rune listened to the man and he arched a brow, staring at him. What was he ... talking about? He glared at him a moment after, finally registering just what the man meant. "No! There ... is no fucking way I am pregnant again! WIth my luck, It'll be four ... or five. NO!" He shook his head and then stormed past the man, arms crossed tightly over his chest as he popped another pieceo f chocolate into his mind. "AND you're never being on top ... EVER again."
Calder winced. He'd expected some sort of reaction, though what he got was a bit better than what he'd thought he'd get. Still, the blond pressed the box into Rune's hands. "Make sure. Then we'll talk. Once it's undone, it can't be redone...ever. And then we'll talk to Murasaki." Someone had to be rational, right? Sighing, Calder leaned up and pressed a kiss to his husband's cheek.
Rune stared at the box and groaned. "Son of a bitch." He grumbled, taking it and then turning on his heel to storm off to the bathroom. He peed on the stick and then plopped on top of the closed toilet seat. He stared at the stick, quite unsure of what the answer would be. He was not ... happy at the moment. Yes, he adored their triplets dearly, but he did not want to go through that all again. He groaned, leaning forward to rest his head against the corner of the counter, eyes closed and he stared up at the stick, impatiently waiting now.

Once the two minutes were up, he lifted his head and looked at the results, eye twitching instantly as he did so. He glared at the stick before he threw it into the trashcan, cursing under his breath as he stood from the toilet and stormed his way out of the bathroom, doors slamming behind him while he walked off toward ... anywhere really. He was pissed. Not excited or anyhting and well, pissed was strong. He was just very... very anoyed.
Calder didn't need a verbal answer. He groaned, leaning forward to bang his head against the kitchen counter in frustration. At least Rune had volunteered to get pregnant the first time! This time... Well it wasn't either of their faults, really, but they definitely should have been more careful. Calder only stopped banging his head when Viktor asked him what was wrong.

"Rune's pregnant."

The teen's eyes lit up. "Oh... Oh that's fabulous!" He was overjoyed with the knowledge that he would have something to mercilessly tease his father about for the coming nine months.
Rune had just stepped into the kitchen when he heard Viktor's words. He reached forward, wrapping his hand around the other's neck and pulling him closer to his form. He glared at the brat and he really was NOT in a cheerful place right now. "Listen you little pipsqueak. You make this harder for me, and I'll smash your head int othe pavement. Yea. Try seeing how that feels when it's healing. Your brain healing back up and pushing fragments of your skull out of the soft tissue. It's NOT a nice sensation." He growled once more, releasing him and then walking over to Calder, kissing his cheek gently. "I'm going to go kill my brother. I'll be back."
He only shook his head at his husband, reaching out and catching hold of his wrist. "It won't do any good," he promised, tugging Rune back. "He didn't do this, and Pierce is pregnant too... It's just a mess." He sighed and pushed a plate of chocolate that he'd stashed away in one of his favorite hiding places to Rune, hoping to bribe him to stay put. "Besides, killing Relic would kill the innocent baby. Kill him after the baby's born." By then, Rune would have calmed down anyway.
Rune groaned and took the plate, plopping onto the ground and he stared at the plate for a little before his head lifted to look up at Calder, looking completely and utterly pathetic. "What if it's a girl this time? I don't think I could handle another one! I already have weapons bought for any boy that comes near Ella ..." He sighed heavily, he really had so many fears about this whole thing. What if it was a girl? What if the triplets turn out to be horrible, and then this one did as well? What if they hated him like VIktor did? He did not want to create some freak of nature, or some evil hell-spawn. He did not even stop his thoughts or emotions from being read by the two in the kitchen. He was all sorts of ... emotions.
He'd been about to say something when the thoughts came through. Calder sighed and sat down next to his husband, resting his head on Rune's shoulder. "Then... We'll let Relic raise her like a proper little girl?" he teased softly. With another little sigh, the blond picked a piece of chocolate off of the plate. "We just have to deal with it, Rune... And the triplets and this new baby won't hate you. You're a wonderful father. Honest." He kissed his love's cheek softly and held up a piece of chocolate for him.
Rune turned to look at his love, pouting pathetically and growling under his breath. "Why? I hate my parents." He mumbled and leant over to nuzzle into him, after taking the piece of chocolate frmo his fingers. He really felt so very ,.. confused and broken and ugh. He did not know anymore. He just did not like this. Besides, apparently his brother and Pierce were all pregnant. That was just ... weird. He grumbled, nuzzling into his love a bit more and really feeling like he was going to break down any moment.
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