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Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

A shiver ran through him with the mention of spankings, and Viktor nodded softly in agreement. He buried his face into Devon's side to hide the bright blush upon his cheeks while listening to the question of permission. Using their best judgments seemed okay, and when there were questions they could both ask. After all, they could add to or take away from this list whenever it suited the both of them. Viktor nodded. "Yes, Master."
"Perfect, my pet.' He whispered before leaping onto the other, pinning him to the mattress loosely. He grinned and kissed along his neck, enjoying the action quite a bit. He pressed a soft kiss to where he had bit the man before. Lifting his head once more, he moved and pressed his lips to the man's, hands trailing along his form and then around his back, once more not wanting to seem like he was pushing him. No. He would adore to have sex with him, but he was not asking for it now. Merely, he wanted to kiss him. He was so very happy right now.
He moved easily with Devon. He wasn't ready for sex yet, but that didn't mean that he didn't enjoy the kissing; the foreplay. His arms looped around his Master's waist, holding their bodies close as they kissed. It was long minutes before their lips broke apart, Viktor breathing a bit harder than normal, cheeks flushed for an entirely different reason.

"Will you take me out tonight to get my collar?" Something fluttered inside him; excitement bubbling.
He pulled back, resting his nose in teh crook of his neck, trailing the tip of his nose along the lovely, pale flesh of the man's neck. Mm. He smelled so beautiful. He kissed the flesh gently and then stopped when he heard his words. His eyes fluttered open and he pulled his head up to look down at the male beneath him, eyes sparkling with his own excitement. "Oh yes." He agreed, quite giddy about getting him a collar.

He hopped off of the man, his arm slipping around his form and he pulled him up and against his form, kissing his lips once more. "Let's go!" He said, ignoring the growing discomfort between his legs. Ugh. The man truly tortured him, so, so very much.
Happy, Viktor followed Devon out of the house. He was oblivious to the fact that his Master was uncomfortable in anyway, and even more so that he was the cause of it. Viktor wasn't naive about sex, but he didn't pay much attention to anything having to do with it. He wasn't ready for it yet anyway, so what did it matter?

Lacing their fingers together as they entered a shop, he stayed close to Devon, feeling rather self conscious now that they were out in public and in this type of store. "No glitter," he reminded, burying his face into the other man's shoulder.
Devon rolled his eyes and turned to look down at the male beside him. "Mhm. What was that? Rhinestones on the collar?" He teased, leaning down to kiss his cheek softly. He shrugged and then continued to where there were quite the bit of collars on one of the racks. He fingerd through a few before pulling out a light pink, black, black studded, and a red [all leather] collars. He held them up and rested them against the man. "Want all four or just one? Or two ..." He really did not mind if he bought only one or all four that he really liked.
Viktor looked them over carefully. Reaching out, he chose the black one immediately-it was like a wardrobe staple, or something. The black studded was put back-so cliche! The pink and red... Well he really had no preference on and so he held onto them to purchase them. The teen reached forward to look through the collars, too, and drew out a white leather one. He held it up for Devon's approval.

"I like this one as well, Master?" He was finding it was much easier to be submissive to the other man this time around.
Devon looked at the collar choice and he nodded with a happy smile. "Don't like the cliche? I figured it'd give you some masculinity" He teased, laughing softly and he pressed another kiss to his temple. He was merely teaing. He did not mind that he put that one back, just figured it was pretty nice.

He shrugged his shoulders, wrapping his arm around the other and taking the four collars approved by his little pet, and led the way toward the check out. He set them down and rested his head atop his love's head. He hugged him tightly and he looked over at the cashier, smilig all the more. He pulled out the money, paying for them and then taking the bag. He turned back to Viktor, smiling cheerfully." Ready, my pet?"
Once more he buried his face into his Master's arm. He felt judged by the clerk, though he knew that many people bought much more suggestive items from the store. He was new to this and it would take a little while to get used to it, he suspected. Viktor was glad to leave, and nodded when asked if he was ready. He stopped in his tracks, though, when there was quite a large man in front of him as he turned. The stranger's hand came out to stroke along his face. Viktor pulled back as best he could. "What an adorable little whore..." He whimpered, clinging to Devon a bit more.
Devon glared at the man who dared to touch his boyfriend/pet. His hand reached forward and bent back the man's hand. "Don't you ever touch him. Don't you call him ... that wretched name. He is mine. You ... You don't even have the right to look at him! Take your dirty, disgusting self and get away." He hissed, his eyes flashing dangerously to the neon green they had been at the warehouse. He wrapped his arm around his pet's form, leaning to him and kissing where the man had dared to touch him.

He pushed the man in front of the door away and walked out, letting Viktor walk in front of him for risk of the man doing something else. Oh, he was not happy right now.
The possessiveness ran fiercely through Devon and that worked to calm him a bit as they left the presence of the horrible stranger. Viktor was never so glad to get inside of a car, or to return back to his home. He needed a distraction, though. The teen reached into the bag and pulled out the pink collar, handing it to Devon. He knew that Rune had told him that he didn't hate the other man any more, but what would his father say to his son wearing a pink collar; a garment showing submission to another? He couldn't help but grin at the possibilities.

"Please, Master?"
Devon started up the car, planing to go back to hte man's house when he heard the man's words beside him. He turned to look at him, staring at the collar and he grinned. He leant over, pressing a kiss to his lips and he pulled back to take the collar. He slid it aroudn the other's neck and pulled the collar to the tightest it would go, but still managing to get a good two fingers in there so he did not choke.

"Too tight?"
His throat was sensitive, and with the question the teen requested for the collar to be loosened by one hole. When the fit was just perfect, he slipped from the car and entwined himself into his Master's side, arms wrapped perfectly around Devon's waist. His head rested to the man's chest and a happy, goofy smile was plastered to his face. The leather felt heavy on his neck. Viktor was fully aware of its presence and he loved it.

They walked in as everyone was sitting for dinner. Starved, he rushed forward, pulling Devon's hand to follow him to the table.
"Ack!" he gave a little yelp as he was pulled after the other man and toward the dinner table. "Yo, garbage disposal. .. Relax" He sighed heavily and shook her head while walking toward the table.

Rune perked up, looking over at the two and he stared at the collar. His right eye twitched and he took in a deep breath to control his annoyance. He cursed a few times and took a big bite out of the biscuits for dinner, just annoyed at the two righ now. Yea, he proved he cared about him, but ... they were back to ... that?! Ugh. "You hurt him again and I'm snapping you." He hissed, taking another bite.
A few days passed after that, and they seemed to fall into a rather nice routine. School, a few hours together, then he'd go home to eat and finish homework and whatever else needed to be done. He'd spent the previous night and was now getting ready to leave for classes. It was Friday and he was looking forward to being able to spend much more time with him in the coming days.

The day went quickly, and Viktor met Devon outside of his last class. "I'll meet you downstairs," he mentioned with a peck to his cheek. "I have to go meet Jake for some notes." With that, he dashed off to meet his classmate.
Devon was so giddy through the few days. Everything was wonderful! He got to smooch with him quite a bit, go back to his dorm sexually frustrated and, pretty much repeated the process the next day.

However, the one thing that Viktor did was to not ask. He did not mind if he went off to get notes from so and so, or hang out with whomever. He did not care. He just wanted permission to be asked, especially with him meeting up with someone. He stared at him as he left, grumbling.

He growled, turning on his heel and moving off toward his dorm to sit and wait for the other. He sent the man a text telling him to meet him in his dorm. Yes, they were supposed to meet downstairs then go off for something, but he needed to swat that little ass of his to get him to remember to ask. He would not lose control this time. He would give him a swat or two. No excessive force, but definitely a little spank
In his dorm? Viktor was highly confused but shrugged as he waved to his classmate and jogged off with the notes he needed in hand. Weren't they supposed to go for ice cream to celebrate the weekend? More confused than when he first got the text, Viktor arrived at the other man's dorm room. He knocked gently before stepping inside. "You okay?" he asked, leaning down to peck a kiss to Devon's cheek.
Devon looked up at the man. His arms lifted to wrap around his form, pulling him to his form and he leant up to kiss the front of his neck. "Viktor, my pet ... I adore you greatly and we have been doing so very good but ... What did you forget to do all of five minutes ago?" He questioned, looking up at hte male and he was really glad for the few minutes it took him to get here. He calmed himself down, remembered their rules, and knew that he needed to speak to him. Tell him what he did wrong, and ask him, discuss, what they beleived the proper punishment was. Yes. See? Thinking was a good thing!
The teen settled himself onto the bed next to the other male, his legs draped over Devon's. Forget? He looked at the other man, head cocked and forehead scrunched in question. He hadn't forgotten anything had he? He needed the notes from Jake was all. He knew that they had plans, and Viktor certainly wasn't going to dismiss those plans...he was quite looking forward to them. "I don't know," he answered softly, still trying to analyze what it was Devon could be talking about.
He sighed lightly, his arms resting on top of hte other's legs, his hand traveling from knee to ankle and back again. He really wanted to show the other he still cared about him, and that he was not going to hurt him or anything of that sort. He turned to look at him once more. "You did not ask. I know I said you need to ask less, but when going to another man ... I really do want you to ask. I get worried, especially since I don't know the guy." He sighed softly, his arms crossing and resting on top of his arms, staring at the other.
Ask? He di--...oh. No. He told Devon that he was running to get notes. Viktor's head hung a little, chin resting against his Master's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Master," he whispered, his apology sincere. "I was just in such a rush to get the notes so that I could spend time with you again!"
He nodded to his words and he kne wthat he had not done it intentionally, of course he did not. He looked at him and his eyes traveled along his form before once more back to his eyes. "All right. What do you think the proper punishment is?" He asked, leaving it completely and utterly up to him. He would let him decide just what they should do.
He whimpered slightly, but knew that it was deserved. He also knew that because Devon was following the other rules they'd set up, he wouldn't be hurt. Still... No one liked to be punished. "I... I don't know?" Well, that was a cop out, really. They'd only ever discussed one form of punishment. "Wha-What do you thing, Master?"
The man looked over at him and he shook his head a bit. "Six swats." He stated, thinking over them. Yes. That would be pretty fair, wouldn't it? His rear would be a bit raw, but not too tender to sit. Especiaily since he was not planning on beating him, just connecting his hand to his rump with a hint of force behind it.
Six? For a first offense? He whimpered a little again and scooted closer to Devon, despite the thought that most would be moving away. "Three?" he offered softly, looking up into the man's eyes with his best doe-look. "I didn't mean to. And it's my first time! And I'll try really hard to not do it again, Master... I promise."
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